Qt 5.x embedded debugging - deploy stripped binary? - c++

I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that when remote debugging with gdb and gdbserver, the binary running on the target under gdbserver doesn't need the debug information in the binary, but the host, running gdb, does.
Our application binary with debugging symbols is about 112 megs (!). If I run strip, the binary is only 6.7 megs, which would be much faster to deploy to our target.
Is it possible to have Qt Creator strip the binary before deploying it? Will we still be able to debug?

To strip symbols, you can have Qt Creator run a final build step after qmake and make, which calls the 'strip' command on the binary in your app bundle. For example: -
strip -u -r ./MyApplication/Contents/MacOS/MyApplication
In order to debug, you'd need a separate .dsym file to be generated during the build, which contains the symbols. If this resides on the host, the debugger should automatically pick this up; it does with lldb, though with gdb, you may need to manually load the symbol file.
how to enable that extra build step
Select projects from the right-side tool bar
Ensure you're on the Build and Run tab (GraphicsScene is just the name of the project)
Under Build Steps, you'll see two steps, qMake and Make. Select add build step for a custom process step
Fill in the relevant fields you may need to correct for the paths, rather than just copy these:
When the build has finished, the strip command will run. If you've any errors, it's likely a problem with the path to either the strip command or the path to your app bundle's executable.
Note that if you need the full path to strip, it resides in /usr/bin/strip.
As for the symbol file, I believe you can use the addsymbolfilecommand with the argument to the path to the dsym file. However, gdb has since been deprecated and you should really be using lldb now, which automatically finds the dsym file, once it has been indexed by Spotlight.

You can strip the debug symbols like this:
Add a line to your make file, this will remove all debug symbols from it:
cd $(MY_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH); strip --strip-debug $(MY_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH)/bin/mybinary -o $(MY_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH)/bin/mybinary
If you want to remove all symbols from it you could use something like:
cd $(MY_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH); strip --strip-all $(MY_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH)/bin/mybinary -o $(MY_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH)/bin/mybinary
Stripping all symbols will help reduce the size of the binary significantly


Compile and execute cpp in xcode, and add additional execution instructions, Such as iconv command

Sorry, I'm new to Xcode and not very familiar with it, I use Xcode (command line tool project with external build system) to compile cpp files and automatically execute cpp unix executable files. After the program is compiled (command+R), I set the settings as shown in the screenshot below to automatically execute. Is there any way for me to execute also add additional commands?
Such as iconv.
The following line is what I ultimately want to execute.
./myFile argument1 | iconv -f big5
But my Xcode looks like it's executing only
./myFile argument1
really thanks
On the same place where you setup the build scheme, you can also add a post-build script.
Go to the left of the panel, and expand Build
Select Post-actions
Near the bottom center, click on + -> New Run Script Action
Add script like you would run them in terminal
Note the current directory will not be where the project is built
You can use ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR} macro for the build directory
Note, you want to make sure to select your current project at the Provide build settings from so it can import the correct path macros like TARGET_BUILD_DIR
A screenshot of adding a post-build script:
*Older versions of Xcode might have different GUI, but the idea should be about the same.
Sidenote, ⌘R is really for running the program within Xcode, consider using ⌘B.

LLDB - setting source code path

According to the official guideline of lldb, the ability to view source code during debug session (using the command source list) is done by setting new pathname for source files.
i.e. if i compiled my project in /tmp on one computer and deployed it on another computer where the source code reside in /Users/Src/ , i should type settings set target.source-map /tmp /Users/Src from running lldb in the deployment machine.
However, what happens if i got the executable from someone else, and don't know the build directory. and maybe the source-code is organized differently from where is was built (but the file contents is the same).
my questions are :
Does lldb know how to search for matching source file recursively in the supplied path ?
How can I get the original pathname form the mach-o executable ?
here's the formal description of the command :
Remap source file pathnames for the debug session. If your source files are no longer located in the same location as when the program was built --- maybe the program was built on a different computer --- you need to tell the debugger how to find the sources at their local file path instead of the build system's file path.
If you know a function name in the code in question, do:
(lldb) image lookup -vn <FunctionName> <BinaryImageNameContainingFunction>
and look for the CompileUnit entry. The path given there is the path lldb got from the debug information.

How to set the library suffix on CMake for SOCI?

I am trying to build SOCI on Windows with a different library suffix using the CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX option, but the script seems to ignore it.
Here is the command I run in a batch file:
-G "NMake Makefiles"^
The documentation does not say anything about the CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX option, but the core/CMakeLists.txt script uses it to define the SOCI_LIB_SUFFIX option, which is reported on the screen when cmake is run. However, its value is always ".dll" instead of "-vc140-x64-mt.dll", so it must be overwritten somewhere I don't know.
Any idea why is this happening and how fix it?

Can't find program entry point in a C++ project

I have a C++ project in Ubuntu 12.04. To run the project the make file requires the following files:
1-All the .cpp files
2-All the .h files
3-Three shared libraries.
The project is fully functionall and performs according to the specifications. All the required .cpp files and .h files are available. The problem is that there is no main() function in any of the source files and the program entry point resides in one of the three shared libraries. My job is to find out the program execution pipeline and without having any main file I am not able to do that. I can't run the project in any IDE (i.e: eclipse) because there is no main function available.
Question: Can you please tell me how to find the program entry point?
P.S: I will be glad to provide any kind of information or material you may need to solve my problem.
Edit: The CMakeLists.txt file available here.
Edit 2: The build.sh file available here.
To find enty point look into each shared object with:
nm $library | egrep "T main$"
Library with main() will output something like
090d8ab0 T main
Very usefull way to visualize execution tree is to run:
valgrind --tool=callgrind ./my_executable -arg -arg ....
(you can abort execution early with Ctrl+C)
This will output callgrind.<pid> file. To visualize it run kcachegrind callgrind.<pid>.
You will need valgrind:
sudo apt-get install valgrind
and kcachegrind
sudo apt-get install kcachegrind
Build it with the debug option -g and step into the program with a debugger like gdb (or cgdb or ddd). You'll need any appropriate debug libraries libraries though.
Short of that, play with the code a bit. Try putting printf or cout statements that print internal variables in any functions that look important, and see what the program status is and how frequently they get called. If main is hidden in a library, there's probably another function somewhere that behaves like main for the purposes of the API provided by whatever library has the real main.
What's the API documentation for your libraries? (is this a school project?). It sounds odd to have a hidden main and not say anything about it.
In case you use a build system (CMake, SCons, ...) it is highly possible that the build system is also generating some files, and one of them might be containing the main() method. We use this methodology when we generate the main function in order to instantiate classes for libraries that were specifically selected in CMake-gui.
And again, it is possible that the build system deletes the generated files due to some obscure policy the original developers thought of but didn't tell you. So search through your build system files, see what is actually happening there.
So, after seeing you CMakeLists.txt:
check ${DIR_EXT}/covis/src/ci.cpp where DIR_EXT is SET( DIR_EXT "../ext/" CACHE PATH "Folder holding external libraries" )
See what's in there and let us know :)
After seeing build.sh (execute steps in order):
and add the same -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to the other cmake command too.
This will build your library and executable in debug mode.
Now, in one of the c++ source files you have access to and you are sure will be called (the earlier the function will be calle the better), add:
asm("int $0x03");
This will create a breakpoint in your application.
(If you do not want to use this, see below).
Build your application.
Run it via a debugger in terminal:
gdb ./myapplication <ENTER>
(this will give you a gdb prompt)
(if you did not add the asm breakpoint from above, type in the gdb prompt: break filename.cpp:linenumber or break methodname to add a gdb breakpoint).
run <ENTER>
Now your application should stop in your function when it is executed.
You are still in the gdb prompt, so type:
bt <ENTER>
This will print out the backtrace of your application. Somewhere you should see a main function, together with filename and linenumber.
However, that setnames.sh looks interesting, see if it does not do anything funny :)

Why the code doesn't break at the breakpoint in code blocks

I followed the instruction from this video to run the code line by line:
However, after I pressed F8, it just ran without going to the breakpoint(I couldn't see the yellow triangle). In addition, I also tried "attach to process", and it was the same.
Did I miss anything?(btw, there are multiple files in my project, but I guess that won't be the problem, right? cuz I could do this easily in VS studio. Perhaps, I am not that familiar with codeblocks)
Thanks for help!
If you are interested, this is the debugger log:
Building to ensure sources are up-to-date
Selecting target:
Adding source dir: C:\Users\liuca_000\Documents\Lattice_Boltzmann_code\lattice_boltzmann\
Adding source dir: C:\Users\liuca_000\Documents\Lattice_Boltzmann_code\lattice_boltzmann\
Adding file: C:\Users\liuca_000\Documents\Lattice_Boltzmann_code\lattice_boltzmann\bin\Release\lattice_boltzmann.exe
Changing directory to: C:/Users/liuca_000/Documents/Lattice_Boltzmann_code/lattice_boltzmann/.
Set variable: PATH=.;C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW;C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\System32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Python27;C:\Python27\DLLs;C:\Python27\Scripts;C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\vtk;C:\Python27\gnuplot\binary;C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\osgeo;C:\Program Files (x86)\pythonxy\SciTE-3.3.2-3;C:\Program Files (x86)\pythonxy\console;C:\MinGW32-xy\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\pythonxy\swig;C:\Program Files (x86)\pythonxy\gettext\bin;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012b\runtime\win64;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012b\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Users\liuca_000\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.9\miktex\bin\x64;.;\
Starting debugger: C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MINGW\bin\gdb.exe -nx -fullname -quiet -args C:/Users/liuca_000/Documents/Lattice_Boltzmann_code/lattice_boltzmann/bin/Release/lattice_boltzmann.exe
Registered new type: wxString
Registered new type: STL String
Registered new type: STL Vector
Setting breakpoints
Reading symbols from C:\Users\liuca_000\Documents\Lattice_Boltzmann_code\lattice_boltzmann\bin\Release\lattice_boltzmann.exe...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Debugger name and version: GNU gdb (GDB) 7.5
Child process PID: 16672
[Inferior 1 (process 16672) exited normally]
Debugger finished with status 0
Even if you have had marked -g compiler option the problem may be spaces in path to the project file. Moving to place with no spaces in path solved the problem in my case.
See that: http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=Debugging_with_Code::Blocks#Path_with_spaces
I think this part of your log says why:
(no debugging symbols found)
build a debug version of your code - no optimisation, debug symbols included or built and try again.
Spent quite a while working through this today trying:
"Make sure using "debug" instead of "release"
"No spaces in directory names"
"-g ticked, -s unticked"
"download a nightly"
None worked until, I figured I had been making a very novice mistake unfamiliar with the IDE and to debug so it stops at the break points you have to run with the red arrow not the green one. So anyone as silly as me hopefully this helps! xD
You seem to have found a solution that is the wrong solution and likely
to have adverse consequences. (Apologies if I am mistaken)
Your were unable to set breakpoints because your build contained no debugging
information (as you now know); and the build contained no debugging information
because you were trying to debug a Release build and not a Debug build.
You can see this in the build log:
Adding file: C:\Users\liuca_000\Documents\Lattice_Boltzmann_code\lattice_boltzmann\bin\Release\lattice_boltzmann.exe
and also:
Reading symbols from C:\Users\liuca_000\Documents\Lattice_Boltzmann_code\lattice_boltzmann\bin\Release\lattice_boltzmann.exe...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
The executable generated by a Release build will be <project_dir>\bin\Release (as it is), and the executable
from a Debug build will be in <project_dir>\bin\Debug
It appears that you have "solved" the problem by going to Build Options -> Compiler flags and ticking
the checkbox Produce debugging symbols.
But if you go back there and look at the tree control at the left of the window I expect you
will see:
with Release selected. That means you have now configured your Release build
to contain debugging information. You don't want that because:-
Although you will now get debugging symbols in the executable and the debugger will be able to use them, the Release build is still configured with high optimisation by default (as it should be) and you are very likely to find that the behaviour of the debugger is at times strangely puzzling, because the optimized object code doesn't always properly match up with the source code.
Your Release executable will be vastly inflated in size by the debugging information.
What you should have done is simply to ensure that the build you tried to debug was
a Debug build. To do that:
Navigate from the top menu bar Build -> Select Target
Uncheck Release. Check Debug
Then Rebuild the project (i.e. clean and build) and you will be able to debug it
properly. Code::Blocks default options for a Debug build are perfectly fine.
Don't forget to go back and remove the -g option from the Release configuration.