Why the code doesn't break at the breakpoint in code blocks - c++

I followed the instruction from this video to run the code line by line:
However, after I pressed F8, it just ran without going to the breakpoint(I couldn't see the yellow triangle). In addition, I also tried "attach to process", and it was the same.
Did I miss anything?(btw, there are multiple files in my project, but I guess that won't be the problem, right? cuz I could do this easily in VS studio. Perhaps, I am not that familiar with codeblocks)
Thanks for help!
If you are interested, this is the debugger log:
Building to ensure sources are up-to-date
Selecting target:
Adding source dir: C:\Users\liuca_000\Documents\Lattice_Boltzmann_code\lattice_boltzmann\
Adding source dir: C:\Users\liuca_000\Documents\Lattice_Boltzmann_code\lattice_boltzmann\
Adding file: C:\Users\liuca_000\Documents\Lattice_Boltzmann_code\lattice_boltzmann\bin\Release\lattice_boltzmann.exe
Changing directory to: C:/Users/liuca_000/Documents/Lattice_Boltzmann_code/lattice_boltzmann/.
Set variable: PATH=.;C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW;C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\System32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Python27;C:\Python27\DLLs;C:\Python27\Scripts;C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\vtk;C:\Python27\gnuplot\binary;C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\osgeo;C:\Program Files (x86)\pythonxy\SciTE-3.3.2-3;C:\Program Files (x86)\pythonxy\console;C:\MinGW32-xy\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\pythonxy\swig;C:\Program Files (x86)\pythonxy\gettext\bin;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012b\runtime\win64;C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012b\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Users\liuca_000\AppData\Roaming\MiKTeX\2.9\miktex\bin\x64;.;\
Starting debugger: C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MINGW\bin\gdb.exe -nx -fullname -quiet -args C:/Users/liuca_000/Documents/Lattice_Boltzmann_code/lattice_boltzmann/bin/Release/lattice_boltzmann.exe
Registered new type: wxString
Registered new type: STL String
Registered new type: STL Vector
Setting breakpoints
Reading symbols from C:\Users\liuca_000\Documents\Lattice_Boltzmann_code\lattice_boltzmann\bin\Release\lattice_boltzmann.exe...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Debugger name and version: GNU gdb (GDB) 7.5
Child process PID: 16672
[Inferior 1 (process 16672) exited normally]
Debugger finished with status 0

Even if you have had marked -g compiler option the problem may be spaces in path to the project file. Moving to place with no spaces in path solved the problem in my case.
See that: http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=Debugging_with_Code::Blocks#Path_with_spaces

I think this part of your log says why:
(no debugging symbols found)
build a debug version of your code - no optimisation, debug symbols included or built and try again.

Spent quite a while working through this today trying:
"Make sure using "debug" instead of "release"
"No spaces in directory names"
"-g ticked, -s unticked"
"download a nightly"
None worked until, I figured I had been making a very novice mistake unfamiliar with the IDE and to debug so it stops at the break points you have to run with the red arrow not the green one. So anyone as silly as me hopefully this helps! xD

You seem to have found a solution that is the wrong solution and likely
to have adverse consequences. (Apologies if I am mistaken)
Your were unable to set breakpoints because your build contained no debugging
information (as you now know); and the build contained no debugging information
because you were trying to debug a Release build and not a Debug build.
You can see this in the build log:
Adding file: C:\Users\liuca_000\Documents\Lattice_Boltzmann_code\lattice_boltzmann\bin\Release\lattice_boltzmann.exe
and also:
Reading symbols from C:\Users\liuca_000\Documents\Lattice_Boltzmann_code\lattice_boltzmann\bin\Release\lattice_boltzmann.exe...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
The executable generated by a Release build will be <project_dir>\bin\Release (as it is), and the executable
from a Debug build will be in <project_dir>\bin\Debug
It appears that you have "solved" the problem by going to Build Options -> Compiler flags and ticking
the checkbox Produce debugging symbols.
But if you go back there and look at the tree control at the left of the window I expect you
will see:
with Release selected. That means you have now configured your Release build
to contain debugging information. You don't want that because:-
Although you will now get debugging symbols in the executable and the debugger will be able to use them, the Release build is still configured with high optimisation by default (as it should be) and you are very likely to find that the behaviour of the debugger is at times strangely puzzling, because the optimized object code doesn't always properly match up with the source code.
Your Release executable will be vastly inflated in size by the debugging information.
What you should have done is simply to ensure that the build you tried to debug was
a Debug build. To do that:
Navigate from the top menu bar Build -> Select Target
Uncheck Release. Check Debug
Then Rebuild the project (i.e. clean and build) and you will be able to debug it
properly. Code::Blocks default options for a Debug build are perfectly fine.
Don't forget to go back and remove the -g option from the Release configuration.


Qt 5.x embedded debugging - deploy stripped binary?

I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that when remote debugging with gdb and gdbserver, the binary running on the target under gdbserver doesn't need the debug information in the binary, but the host, running gdb, does.
Our application binary with debugging symbols is about 112 megs (!). If I run strip, the binary is only 6.7 megs, which would be much faster to deploy to our target.
Is it possible to have Qt Creator strip the binary before deploying it? Will we still be able to debug?
To strip symbols, you can have Qt Creator run a final build step after qmake and make, which calls the 'strip' command on the binary in your app bundle. For example: -
strip -u -r ./MyApplication/Contents/MacOS/MyApplication
In order to debug, you'd need a separate .dsym file to be generated during the build, which contains the symbols. If this resides on the host, the debugger should automatically pick this up; it does with lldb, though with gdb, you may need to manually load the symbol file.
how to enable that extra build step
Select projects from the right-side tool bar
Ensure you're on the Build and Run tab (GraphicsScene is just the name of the project)
Under Build Steps, you'll see two steps, qMake and Make. Select add build step for a custom process step
Fill in the relevant fields you may need to correct for the paths, rather than just copy these:
When the build has finished, the strip command will run. If you've any errors, it's likely a problem with the path to either the strip command or the path to your app bundle's executable.
Note that if you need the full path to strip, it resides in /usr/bin/strip.
As for the symbol file, I believe you can use the addsymbolfilecommand with the argument to the path to the dsym file. However, gdb has since been deprecated and you should really be using lldb now, which automatically finds the dsym file, once it has been indexed by Spotlight.
You can strip the debug symbols like this:
Add a line to your make file, this will remove all debug symbols from it:
cd $(MY_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH); strip --strip-debug $(MY_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH)/bin/mybinary -o $(MY_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH)/bin/mybinary
If you want to remove all symbols from it you could use something like:
cd $(MY_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH); strip --strip-all $(MY_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH)/bin/mybinary -o $(MY_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH)/bin/mybinary
Stripping all symbols will help reduce the size of the binary significantly

"No Debugging Information", yet, it is right there

I've got a C++ project in MSVS 2013, which causes problems when debugging: whenever I run a debug session, a message box shows up, saying "No Debug Information -- Debugging information for 'xy.exe' cannot be found or does not match. Cannot find the PDB file. Do you want to continue debugging?" This is a common issue and the question was asked several times, however, none of the answers I found so far apply to my case.
Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ ->
Optimization -> Optimization is disabled
Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Debugging -> Generate Debug Info is turned on
Path and filename are correct; Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Debugging -> Generate Program Database File is "$(OutDir)$(TargetName).pdb" (Output File is "$(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt)", so there's no misconfiguration here either)
I tried deleting the file manually, restarting Visual Studio, cleaning and rebuilding. From the file timestamp I see it is indeed the PDB file just created, and both exe and pdb are built to the very same folder and are named correctly.
Someone suggested doublechecking the task manager and see if devenv.exe is still running in the background -- indeed, it was. I killed it, deleted PDB files, restarted, cleaned, rebuilt, no luck.
I switched the startup project to a different one and back, as a poster suggested [1]. No luck.
Somebody reported having this issue when the local PDB file of the main project has the same name as the final PDB file for the entire executable [2]. This is not the case here.
When I open the Modules Window [3], I see that for my exe, in the "Symbol Status" column, it says "Cannot find or open the PDB" file. When I try to right click -> Load Symbols, I see they are right there (e.g. xy.pdb for xy.exe). When I select them, a message box says "A maching symbol file was not found in this folder."
Interestingly, none of the projects in this solution work. Other projects, however, work withouth any problems. I tried to compare each and every setting in the project properties with the ones that work, but I cannot find any differences.
Any more ideas?
[1] https://stackoverflow.com/a/15378106/4508058
[2] https://stackoverflow.com/a/21640745/4508058
[3] https://stackoverflow.com/a/540599/4508058
Okay, a hint to future readers: now it is finally working. I noticed that the project shared it's intermediate directory with another project. However, just changing this, cleaning, rebuilding, even deleting the intermediate directory manually didn't help. But after some builds it finally worked, so it might have had something to do with it (?). So I don't have an absolute solution to the problem, but maybe it helps.
I sometimes still get the Linker error I mentioned in my comment above, though (LNK1209: program database 'D:\work-coding-\Projects\vrtheater\LoadingApp\bin\LoadingAppD.pdb') so there still might be something wrong...
The c++ compile also needs generate debug info /Zi. If that is also set, use windbg with !sym noisy to see where it is trying to load symbols.

Enable debug-tools for lldb

I'm having trouble using lldb to debug on MacOsX with clang++. I'm using a makefile to compile a projet in C++, and I don't know if the debug option has to be enabled in the compilation command.
Here is an extract of my makefile
FLAGS =-g -Wall -O0
clang++ $(FLAGS) $^ -o $#
When I try running lldb with this configuration of my makefile, it return an error :
Breakpoint 1: no locations (pending).
WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
I suppose I have to enable the debug tools on my makefile, but I haven't found how to do this on internet. I tried with the -g and the -ggdb options, without success.
However, when I try to set a breakpoint differently, it works (but setting a breakpoint on a specific fonction doesn't interest me...) :
breakpoint set -n fonction
Breakpoint 1: [...]
I didn't manage to find answers on internet, so I would be interested in having some help ! Thank you !
It looks like somewhere along the way the debug information is getting lost. One possibility is that your CFLAGS are getting reset before you get to building the .o files you care about, so the .o files don't have debug info. One easy way to check that is run
$ otool -l my_file.o | grep debug_info
sectname __debug_info
If you don't see that "sectname" output, then your .o file has no debug information.
Run your makefile and look at the build line for my_file.c and make sure there really is a -g option being passed. -ggdb doesn't actually do anything special for clang so -g is all you need...
If the .o file has debug information, then it must be getting lost when you build the final binary.
Mac OS X is a little funny in how it handles debug information. It doesn't write the debug information into the final image, but rather writes a "debug-map" into the executable, and leaves the debug info in the .o file. That debug-map gets stripped when you strip a binary, so if you strip your executable that will remove the link to the debug information. And of course, if you delete the .o files after building, that will also remove the debug information.
I finally installed gdb, and I managed to debug normally. But after reading your post, you make me realize I have maybe delete the .o when compiling. I didn't thought about it, as lldb was able to set break point in some cases (at a specific fonction) but not in other cases (at a specific line).
As I am using a makefile, I forgot to delete the auto delete of all the .o after compiling, and I think that may cause the issue. Now, if I let the .o, that works perfectly. But this is surprising me a lot, as my makefile was the same as my colleague and he was able to debug with gdb without any kind of problem.
Thanks a lot for all your informations.

How to generate MSVC solution with debugging information using scons?

I'm writing scons script for a c++ project that is intended to be cross-platform. In windows, the script generates msvc solution. The script snippet is as follows:
if build_type=='Release':
if os_architecture=='32bit':
In debug mode the solution file is supposed to contain debugging information. However when I debug code in debug mode, I get "cannot find debugging information or debugging information mismatch" warning. Cannot figure out why. There is one ".pdb" file generated.
The Zi parameter will tell VS to create a pdb's during the compile time phase, however, you still need to specify the link-time pdb generation (yeah, its quite redundant, but there is probably some reason for the ultra fine-grained control). If the PDB your seeing is named vc###.pdb (where ### is your vc compiler version) then that is the compile-time pdb for your obj files, -not- your debuggable link-time pdb for your actual dll.
Anywho, I added the following line to scons and now I have a debuggable proper .pdb:
# Produce one .PDB file per .OBJ when compiling, then merge them when linking.
# Doing this enables parallel builds to work properly (the -j parameter).
# See: http://www.scons.org/doc/HTML/scons-man.html section CCPDBFLAGS
env['CCPDBFLAGS'] = '/Zi /Fd${TARGET}.pdb'
Which I got from the following very very helpful sample SConscript

vtune - no symbols available

I have used vtune several times in the past, usually without too much trouble. Unfortunately the gaps between each use are often so long that I forget some aspects of how to use it each time. I know that the line number and symbols information needs to be stored somehow. I thought that all that was required was to compile your exe with "Program Database" (/Zi), but I have just done a sampling and found that vtune reports there are no symbols available.
Is there anything I missed?
There are two options for debugging (check $> cl /?):
/Zi enable debugging information
/ZI enable Edit and Continue debug info
Make sure that you have .pdb and manifest file (if generated).
It's not related but maybe turn off optimizations as well.
Like Bua mentioned, you definitely need to be compiling with debugging information enabled. If the pdb files are in the same directory as the exe that you're profiling, then it should be able to find them. If not, you can also try explicitly adding the path to the pdbs in config -> options -> directories. alt text http://software.intel.com/file/21331 Add an item with your symbols directory. You might also want to add a symbol server and symbol cache, because then you'll get symbols for all of Microsoft's public binaries. The image above shows how to add a symbol server with a symbol cache at c:\websymbols. Generally, the format for a "symbol server" is a string of the form:
an example:
of the form:
Hope this helps!
The problem has been solved: It turned out that it was a mistake in setting the working directory; "/Zi" appears to be all that is required after all. I don't need to switch off optimization.