Violation of Law of Demeter in Interactors/Use Cases/Application Services - unit-testing

Lately I have been looking through a bunch of ideas for software architecture. What I see is that a lot of them converge into having Use Cases/Interactors (Clean Architecture) or Application Services (DDD) as an entry point to our applications.
I really like the idea, but something has been bothering me.
Both ways the user injects the repository, which you use to fetch the domain entities and perform an action on it. Like this:
class Interactor
def initialize(repository)
#repository = repository
def call(entity_id)
entity = #repository.find(entity_id)
If I want to test this in isolation, I need to return a mock from #repository.find, which already is a mock. That is not good and tells me that I am violating the Law of Demeter (which is the case).
Also, this is too procedural, which bothers me.
Is there a better way to do this?

That is not good and tells me that I am violating the Law of Demeter (which is the case).
How so?
The Law of Demeter is summarized and paraphrased in a variety of ways, but for simplicity let's just look at the small list on Wikipedia:
Each unit should have only limited knowledge about other units: only units "closely" related to the current unit.
Each unit should only talk to its friends; don't talk to strangers.
Only talk to your immediate friends.
So in what way does the code shown violate this law? Interactor has knowledge of exactly two things, a particular repository and a particular entity. Its knowledge of the repository is a technical concern, and it uses that interaction to get an instance of an entity. And its knowledge of the entity is a business concern, and it uses that interaction to perform a business operation.
On any domain graph or chart or whiteboard drawing, Interactor would be expected to have a direct connection to both of these units. And indeed it does. It doesn't reach into those units to have knowledge of their neighbors, it just has knowledge of its own neighbors and interacts only with them.
So... What exactly is the problem?
As a purely technical concern you may be able to inject the entity directly instead of injecting the repository. There isn't enough information about the system represented in the question to really list any pros and cons there. But that's not a question of the Law of Demeter, that's just an implementation concern of dependency management.
Unit testing requires that you create two mocks, sure. But this unit interacts with two units. So that's a given, really.


Worker / Integrator Classes Distinction

In this article by Jakub Holý on writing maintainable and evolvable tests, the author shares his experience of a course lectured by Kent Beck and that when designing a part of the system Kent would divide the classes into workers (containing logic and fully unit-tested) and integrators (very little logic, tested by integration tests).
Reading this I remembered an article by John Sonmez that expressed the very same idea:
What I mean by this is that our goal should be to refactor or write our code in such a way that logic is grouped into classes that only depend on primitive types and data classes, not other classes that contain logic.
This of course is not fully achievable, because something will have to tie all of these logic containing classes together. We we need these tie-together classes, but if we can make their job to simply execute commands and tie other classes together, we can feel pretty confident in not unit testing them, and we make our job a whole lot easier.
This sounds like very reasonable advice to me, but I could not find any other resources on the idea, partly because I have no idea what to search for.
Does this idea / pattern have a name?
EDIT Just found another great article by Steven Sanderson that describes the same idea. He speaks of Algorithms and Coordinators which are terms that I like a lot.
This is pretty much what "Ports & Adapters" (also known as the Hexagonal Architecture) is about.
It structures you business code into "Domain" which contains your use case independent business logic (domain entities) and "Application" which contains your use case specific business logic (application services).
In addition you have "Adapters" which implement the technical code, like integration with other services, databases, frameworks, etc.
"Ports" are the abstract declarations that adapters implement (i.e. The interface for a repository is a port, the implementation of that interface is the adapter)
The application services are, what other approaches call "Coordinator", "Interactors", or "Control Objects" (not to be confused with "Controllers").
The "Domain Entities" are what other approaches call "Algorithms" or, well, "Entities".
Kent Becks "Workers" are a combination of "Application" and "Domain", while his "Integrators" are "Adapters" in P&A speak.
(don't confuse domain entities with database entities)

Is that normal Unit testing takes all the behavior out of my classes?

I'm starting a new project and I want to use unit testing.
So I wrote my services classes which are implementing interface and waiting for interface in their parameters so I can easily mock these classes.
My question: there is absolutely no code in my business class! (like Customer)
Is it normal? is it normal even without unit test ? what kind of code would you put in a class like "Customer"?
No, it doesn't sound normal to me - unless you are at the very beginning of your project and Customer is as yet just a skeleton, and you know it will get more functionality over time.
Otherwise it may be a sign of a design issue, such as an anemic domain model.
It is not the unit tests' fault. Unit tests don't in any way enforce one to create dumb classes without real functionality.
I don't know if normal is the right word here, I'd rather say that the situation you have found yourself in is very common.
I see this happen most often with people starting in on Domain Driven Design and also when people use design patterns such as MVVM - all the logic falls into services and controllers and managers (which are themself a smell IMO), and the core domain model becomes a very anaemic set of DTOs.
What I would suggest is returning to your object modelling and looking at your services and seeing where you have removed logic from your Customer object which is actually a core concern of the customer. That is - what does the customer object do? Some of this will belong in external services, but there will also be key processes which are the domain of the customer.
When you design clearly, there might be the case, where some classes are just aggregates of Data. This is part of the MVC Pattern, where the models should not contain much logic. However if you do have absolutely no code in your classes there is something seriously wrong.
To me it sounds, like you are trying some kind of dependency injection, but you are not only injecting the dependencies, but rather everything. This is taking the pattern to far, so it might be becoming it's own anti-pattern.

Common information model for SOA systems

We are looking at the possibility of implementing a Common Information Model for data across several systems in a SOA architecture.
Many of these services will be consumed by a composite UI, we therefore see a benefit in having common data types.
What we are wondering is if this is a feasible approach, or if we should just map to common types in the client?
This question is framed pretty broadly, so my answer is going to remain pretty broad as well.
The key consideration here would seem to be location independence - though you're working with several applications, they're all going to share certain sorts of data (though not, as far as I can see from your question, actual data). An obvious use case for this is authentication and authorization data.
If you have determined that the common data is truly cooked enough to isolate in the fashion you're describing then I think it makes perfect sense to layer it off into a service. I think the perfect example of this is Windows Identity Framework. It takes something that we as architects have always treated as data and turns it into a service.
What you lose with the location independence is a little bit of efficiency that you would otherwise have in making batches calls to the same server, though SOA applications lose this efficiency early in their design, in my experience. But the efficiency you gain from "patternizing" a section of your apps generally outweighs that enormously.
Having a common information model doesn't imply common data types or common classes. Simply defining the relationships between, for instance, Customer, Order, OrderItem and Product goes a great distance toward common business logic and the ability to have different services and applications be able to interoperate in an SOA environment.
You might consider having an actual common model in some modeling language. From this, concrete data types and classes could be generated for particular circumstances. One might use UML for this, but I personally prefer to use NORMA, an Object-Role Modeling tool. It works at the conceptual level, so creates models that are independent of the data store technology.
NORMA runs as an add-in to Visual Studio Standard edition or above, but out of the box generates artifacts for several databases, as well as LINQ to SQL classes and even PHP web services, all from the same model. It is extensible so that you can generate your own artifacts from the model. And of course, the model is represented as XML, so you can do whatever you like with it.

Why is design-by-contract not so popular compared to test-driven development?

You may think this question is like this question asked on StackOverflow earlier. But I am trying to look at things differently.
In TDD, we write tests that include different conditions, criteria, verification code. If a class passes all these tests we are good to go. It is a way of making sure that the class actually does what it's supposed to do and nothing else.
If you follow Bertrand Meyers' book Object Oriented Software Construction word by word, the class itself has internal and external contracts, so that it only does what its supposed to do and nothing else. No external tests required because the to code to ensure contract is followed is the part of the class.
Quick example to make things clear
Create test to ensure that in all cases a value ranges from (0-100)
Create a class containing a method that passes the test.
Create a class, create a contract for that member var to range from (0-100), set contract for contract breach, define a method.
I personally like the DBC approach.
Is there a reason why pure DBC is not so popular? Is it the languages or tools or being Agile or is it just me who likes to have code responsible for itself?
If you think I am not thinking right, I would be more than willing to learn.
The main problem with DBC is that in the vast majority of cases, either the contract cannot be formally specified (at least not conveniently), or it cannot be checked with current static analysis tool. Until we get past this point for mainstream languages (not Eiffel), DBC will not give the kind of assurance that people need.
In TDD, tests are written by a human being based on the current natural-text specifications of the method that are (hopefully) well-documented. Thus, a human interprets correctness by writing the test and gets some assurance based on that interpretation.
If you read Sun's guide for writing JavaDocs, it says that the documentation should essentially lay out a contract sufficient to write a test plan. Hence, design by contract is not necessarily mutually exclusive with TDD.
TDD and DbC are two different strategies. DbC permits fail-fast at runtime while TDD act "at compile time" (to be exact it add a new step right after the compilation to run the unit tests).
That's a big advantage of TDD over DbC : it allows to get earlier feedback. When you write code the TDD way, you get the code and its unit-tests at the same time, you can verify it "works" according to what you thought it should, which you encoded in the test. With DbC, you get code with embedded tests, but you still have to exercise it. IMO,this certainly is one reason that Dbc is not so popular.
Other advantages : TDD creates an automatic test suite that allow detecting (read preventing) regressions and make Refactoring safe, so that you can grow your design incrementally. DbC does not offer this possibility.
Now, using DbC to fail-fast can be very helpful, especially when your code interfaced other components or has to rely on external sources, in which case testing the contract can save you hours.
First of all, I am an Eiffel software engineer, so I can speak to the matter from experience.
The premise of TDD vs DbC is incorrect
The two technologies are not at odds with each other, but complementary to each other. The complement has to do with the placement of assertions and purpose.
The purpose of TDD has both components and scope. The basic components of TDD are boolean assertions and object feature (e.g. method) execution. The steps are simple:
Create an object.
Execute some code in a feature.
Make assertions about the state of the data on the object.
Assertions that fail, fail the test. Passing all assertions is the goal.
Like TDD, the contracts of Design-by-Contract have purpose, scope, and components. While TDD is limited to unit-test-time, contracts can live through the entire SDLC (Software Development Life-cycle)! Within the scope of TDD, execution of object methods (features), will execute the contracts. In an Eiffel Studio Auto-test (TDD) setup, one creates an object, makes the call (just like TDD in other languages), but here is where likeness ends.
In Eiffel Studio with Auto-test and Eiffel code with contracts, the purpose changes somewhat. We want to test the Client-Supplier relationship. Our TDD code is pretending to be a Client of our Supplier method on its object. We create our objects and call the methods based on this purpose, and not just simplistic "TDD-ish method testing". Because the calls to our methods (features) have contracts, those contracts will execute as a part of our TDD-ish code in Auto-test. Because this is true, contract assertions (tests) that we place in our code do NOT have to appear in our TDD test code. Our job (as a programmer) is to simply ensure: A) The code + contracts are executed along all N-paths, and B) The code + contracts are executed using all reasonable data types and ranges.
There is perhaps more to write about the TDD-DbC complement relationship, but I won't be boorish with you on the matter. Suffice it to say that TDD and DbC are NOT at odds with other—not by a long shot!
The power of the contracts of DbC beyond where TDD can reach
Now, we can turn our attention to the power of the contracts of Design-by-Contract beyond where TDD can reach!
Contracts live in the code. They are not external to it, but internal. The most powerful bit (beyond their client-supplier contract relationship basis) about contracts is that the compiler is designed to know about them! They are NOT a bolt-on addition to Eiffel! Thus, they participate in every aspect of inheritance (both traditional vertical is-a inheritance and in lateral or horizontal Generics). Moreover, they reach to a place that TDD cannot reach—inside the method (feature).
While TDD can mimic pre-conditions and post-conditions with some ease, TDD cannot reach inside the code and perform loop-invariant contracts, nor can it do periodic spot-check "check" contracts along a block of code as it is executing. This is a powerful logical and qualitative paradigm, and a reality about how design-by-contract works.
Moreover, TDD cannot do class invariants but in the faintest of ways. I have tried my hardest to get my Auto-test code (which is really just Eiffel Studios version of applied-TDD) to do class invariant mimicry. It is not possible. To understand why you would have to know the in's-and-out's of how Eiffel class invariants work. So, for the moment, you will simply have to either take my word for it (or not) that TDD is incapable of this task, that DbC handles so easily, well, and elegantly!
The reach of DbC does not end with the above notions
We noted above that TDD lives at unit-test-time. Contracts, because they are applied in code under the supervision and control of the compiler, apply anywhere that the code can be executed:
Workbench: you, as a programmer, are using the code to see it work (e.g. before TDD-time or in conjunction with TDD-time).
Unit-test: your continuous integration testing, unit-testing, TDD, etc.
Alpha-test: your initial test users will trip over contracts as they run the executable
Beta-test: a wider audience of users will also trip over contracts.
Production: the final executable (or production system) can have continual testing applied through contracts (TDD cannot).
In each of the situations above, one will find that one has control over just which contracts run and from what sources! You can selectively and fine-grainly turn on and off various forms of contracts and control with extreme precision where and when they are applied by the compiler!
And if all of this was not enough, contracts (by design) can do something that no TDD assertion can ever do: tell you where in the call-stack and which client-supplier relationship is broken, and why (which also immediately suggests how to fix it). Why is this true?
TDD assertions are designed to tell you about the results of a code-run (execution) after the fact. TDD assertion can only see as far as the current state of the method under examination. What TDD assertions cannot do from their position on the outside of the code-base is to tell you precisely which call failed and why! You see—your initial TDD call to some method will trigger that method. Many times, that method will call another, and another, and another—sometimes, as the call-stack winds up and down and hither and yon, there is a breakage: Something writes data wrong, does not write it at all, or writes it when it ought not.
TDD is like the police showing up to the crime scene after the murder has already happened. All they have left is forensic clues that they hope will lead them to a suspect and a conviction. But what if we could be there as the crime was taking place? That is the difference between the placement of TDD assertions and contract assertions. Contracts are there to catch the crime in progress and they point directly at the offender as it is committing the offense!
Let's recap.
TDD is not at odds with DbC.
It is a complement and a cooperative set of technologies, but with different functions and purposes, as well as tools to work with them.
Contract reach further and reveal more about your code when it breaks.
TDD is one form of catalyst for contracts to be executed.
At the end of the day: I want both! After reading all of this (if you survived), I hope you do as well.
Design-by-contract and test-driven development are not mutually exclusive.
Bertrand Meyer's book Object Oriented Software Construction, 2nd Edition doesn't say that you never make mistakes. Indeed, if you look at the chapter "When the contract is broken", it discusses what happens when a function fails to accomplish what its contract states.
The simple fact that you use the DbC technique doesn't make your code correct. Design-by-contract establishes well-defined rules for your code and its users, in the form of contracts. It's helpful, but you can always mess things up anyway, only that you'll probably notice earlier.
Test-driven development will check, from the outside world, black box style, that the public interface of your class behaves correctly.
I think it is best to use both methods in conjunction rather than just one or the other.
It has always seemed to me that fully enforcing a contract within the class and its methods themselves can be impractical.
For example, if a function says it will hash a string by some method and return the hashed string as output, how does the function enforce that the string was hashed correctly? Hash it again and see if they match? Seems silly. Reverse the hash to see if you get the original? Not possible. Rather, you need a set of test cases to ensure that the function behaves correctly.
On the other hand, if your particular implementation requires that your input data be of a certain size, then establishing a contract and enforcing it in your code seems like the best approach.
In my mind TDD is more "inductive". You start with examples (test cases) and your code embodies the general solution to those examples.
DBC seems more "deductive", after gathering requirements you determine object behavior and contracts. You then code the specific implementation of those contracts.
Writing contracts is somewhat difficult, more so than tests that are concrete examples of behavior, this may be part of the reason TDD is more popular than DBC.
I see no reason why both cannot co-exist. It is wonderful to look at a method and know at a glance exactly what the contract is. It is also wonderful to know that I can run my unit tests and know that nothing was broken with my last change. The two techniques are not mutually exclusive. Why design by contract is not more popular is a mystery.
I've used both in the past and found DBC-style less "intrusive". The driver for DBC may be regular application running. For Unit Tests you have to take care of setup because you expect (validate) some responses. For DBC you don't have to. Rules are written in data-independent manner, so no need to setup and mocking around.
More on my experiences with DBC/Python:
I see Design By Contract as a specification for success/failure in ALL cases, whereas Test Driven Development targets ONE specific case. If the TDD case succeeds, then it is assumed a function is doing it's job, but it doesn't take into account other cases that could cause it to fail.
Design By Contract on the other hand doesn't necessary guarantee the desired answer, only that the answer is "correct." For example, if a function returns is supposed to return a non-null string, the only thing you can assume in the ENSURE is that it will not be null.
But maybe it doesn't not return the string that was expected. There is no way for a contract to be able to determine that, only a Test can show that it was performing according to the specification.
So the two are complementary.

How do I know when to use state based testing versus mock testing?

Which scenarios, areas of an application/system, etc. are best suited for 'classic' state based testing versus using mock objects?
I'm going to tackle it from a TDD/BDD perspective, where the tests are driving the designs.
First off it depends what style of design you buy into, because remember this is about design first. As Martin Fowler discusses in this excellent article Mocks Aren't Stubs there are two school of thoughts and they do produce different types of designs.
If you want to buy into the mockist approach then I highly suggest you start by looking at the mockobjects site and their article Mock Roles, Not Objects. They also have a book coming out.
The truth is even if you do believe that the mock-first style of design is not for you, or that you don't want to do it right through your application (e.g. not when testing your domain/service layer) then you will still want to use test doubles. xUnit Test Patterns explains the different types of test doubles and their purposes.
Personally I never mock domain classes, so never mocking entities/value objects. However I've been trying out the mock objects style approach a lot recently, it does change my designs a bit and I find the working style comfortable. Working in this style in an MVC app I'll probably start with an automated acceptance test, then I'll write a controller test that mocks out any non-domain objects (e.g. repositories/services), then I'll move down to testing those repositories/services again mocking out their dependencies. I stop when I reach a class with no troublesome dependencies such as a domain entities/value object. I could go on and test against specific role interfaces which are then implemented by my domain classes, which is what the mockobjects guys would recommend, but I don't currently see a lot of value in that approach.
Obviously it is worth adding that design for test is important here, but remember that although 90% of IoC/mocking/DIP examples show interface-implementation pairs (ICustomerRepository/CustomerRepository) there is a lot of value in instead looking for role interfaces.
You should be using mocks for dependencies. I don't think that its an either-or; Usually you will create mocks for dependencies, set expectations (whether it is calls or state) on them, then run the unit under test. Then you would check its state, and verify the expectations on the mocks, afterwards.
Using mock objects doesnt mean you're not doing state based testing.
When using services, whether my own or third party, I design to interfaces as a matter of course, so I tend to focus on the interactions there. This encourages me to design minimal interfaces.
I check state on anything focusing on value objects, just as simple calculations, lookups, and the like.
The next time you find yourself designing something that typically follows Model/View/Controller-or-Presenter, I highly recommend trying the Presenter First approach (Google it) using interfaces for the Model and View. This will give you a great feel for how to use stubs/mocks effectively.
Its a matter of style.. Mockist vs Classic TDDers.
Personally.. I'd go testing real classes as far as possible. Tone down on Mocks as much as possible; only to decouple things like IO (filesystems, DB Connections, network), Third party components, etc. things that are slow/difficult to get under test.
As an experienced TDD'er, this is a question that I'm frequently asked by other developers. For me, it's a mistake to get sucked into a Mockist vs. Classicist debate, as such a discussion is misleading. State-based and behaviuour-based unit testing are two different tools in your toolbox, and there's no reason why they should be mutually exclusive.
State-based unit testing is suitable when you want to query the internal properties of an object after talking to its external interface. If one or more of its collaborators involve potentially expensive calls to other objects, then by all means stub those calls and simply disregard collaborators.
Behaviour-based unit testing is a good idea when you want to consider the "how" of a unit test and focus upon discoving relationships between objects, as opposed to the traditional "what" questions of a state-based unit test. If you wish to assert that collaborators are used in a certain way and/or sequential order, use mocks - stubs that provide assertions.
I suggest you focus upon standard unit testing practices - exercise as little production code as possible, and have one assertion per test. This will force you to think "what exactly is it that I want to exercise and assert in this test?", and the answer to that question will help you choose the correct unit testing tools.