SVM - AMD VM extensions = 0 (1) - virtualbox

I get error while installing Android OS on Virtualbox-5.0_5.0.14-105127:
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!
Virtualbox->Settings->System->Acceleration->Default (all enabled)
Host OS - Linux Mint 17.3
motherboard - FM2A85X-ITX
CPU - A10-5800K
In log:
SVM - AMD VM extensions = 0 (1)
Tried different versions of Virtualbox.
Performed, but without success:
sudo killall VBoxSVC
At the same time on the same machine with Windows 7, but in Virtualbox 4.2.x it's ok.
How to overcome the problem?


Nsys Does not show the CUDA kernels profiling output

My system is V100 with the following information:
| NVIDIA-SMI 450.80.02 Driver Version: 450.80.02 CUDA Version: 11.6 |
NVIDIA Nsight Systems version 2021.5.2.53-28d0e6e
sudo sh -c “echo 2 >/proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid”
/bin/bash: /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid: Read-only file system
Note that perf_event_paranoid is 3.
That’s my command prefix:
nsys profile --capture-range=cudaProfilerApi --trace-fork-before-exec true --force-overwrite true -s cpu --cudabacktrace=all --stats=true -t cuda,nvtx,osrt,cudnn,cublas -o Baseline -w true
That's when I check nsys status:
nsys status -e
Timestamp counter supported: No
Sampling Environment Check
Linux Kernel Paranoid Level = -1: OK
Linux Distribution = Ubuntu
Linux Kernel Version = 5.0.0-1032-azure: OK
Linux perf_event_open syscall available: OK
Sampling trigger event available: OK
Intel(c) Last Branch Record support: Not Available
Sampling Environment: OK
That's the output from the Nsight viewer: (No Kernel data)
Profile Output
That's the diagnostics view:
Diagnostics View
I tried CUDA Version 11.0 and that only made Nsight produce profiles with my device driver. Other Cuda versions were not getting me the NSight Profiles.
Please check the following post for more details:

Android x86 (Android 6.0) is locked at the android animation after booting (VirtualBox)

So, using VirtualBox, I wanted to install Android x86 9.0 on my virtual machine. Following this guide, I've succesfully made it. However, after booting from the GRUB, it stays on the android animation thing. Having a weak ram, I hoped it was because 9.0 needed more power my PC was able to give. So I did it with Android x86 6.0. I made the same installation and all, then when it showed the android animation, I let my PC ran all over the night (during 10 hours so). When I powered on my monitor, it was locked on the same screen. I'm now stuck on this screen, and I don't know what to do to finally start my Android 6.0.
I've already made some searches, but all I could find was some answers to display errors, which I have not (I guess).
Here is my PC details :
MMm----::-://////////////oymNMd+` Kernel: i686 Linux 5.4.0-73-generic
MMd /++ -sNMd: Uptime: 23h 30m
MMNso/` dMM `.::-. .-::.` .hMN: Packages: 3656
ddddMMh dMM :hNMNMNhNMNMNh: `NMm Shell: bash 4.4.20
NMm dMM .NMN/-+MMM+-/NMN` dMM Resolution: 1440x900
NMm dMM -MMm `MMM dMM. dMM WM: Metacity
NMm dMM .mmd `mmm yMM. dMM GTK Theme: Mint-Y-Dark-Grey [GTK2]
NMm dMM` ..` ... ydm. dMM Icon Theme: Mint-Y-Dark-Grey
hMM- +MMd/-------...-:sdds dMM Font: Ubuntu 10
-NMm- :hNMNNNmdddddddddy/` dMM CPU: Intel Pentium D 3.00GHz # 2x 2.992GHz
-dMNs-``-::::-------.`` dMM GPU: ATI RC410
`/dMNmy+/:-------------:/yMMM RAM: 1317MiB / 1753MiB
Here is my virtual machine details (this is in French): see picture
Thanks for your help :)
hello use vmware workstation for run androidx86

C++ gRPC TCP error Protocol not available

I successfully compiled the grpc example helloworld, but when I run the following error appears(then the server starts anyway):
E0625 21080] check for SO_REUSEPORT:
"description":"Protocol not available",
"file_line":201,"os_error":"Protocol not available",
E0625 21080] setsockopt(TCP_USER_TIMEOUT) Protocol not available
Server listening on
So the server does compile and run, but unfortunately it does not communicate with the client.
It's worth to mention that I am using WSL for windows:
me#com: $ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster
I have not found anything related to this in google. What might be the problem and how can I move towards a solution?

X710 (i40e) NIC DPDK bind Error in centos 7.3

When I use to bind a port of Network port of X710. I get error:
Error: bind failed for 0000:20.00.0 - Cannot bind to driver uio_pci_generic.
Error: unbind failed for 0000:20:00.0 - Cannot open /sys/bus/pci/drivers//unbind
The command was run by root user. Linux version is: 3.10.0-693.21.1.el7.x86_64. It is run in CentOS 7.3.
Same haredware, same command run in CentOS 7 (Linux: 3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64), the bind work well.
In addition, CentOS 7.3 with Intel X520 work well with dpdk.
Something else: before bind command from dpdp, in CentOS 7, ifconfig cannot view i40e port. but in CentOS 7.3, it can see the ports.
Looks like Linux Kernel problem, but when I upgrade kernel to 4.16 (mainline) or 4.4 (longterm), I get ERST: cannot request mem error. Anything else I can try?
you should bind with igb_uio , generic is not supported for this type of intel controller.

Gentoo VirtualBox guest fails to boot without hardware virtualization

I have a Gentoo VM which I have created by installing from the latest (20131224) minimal x86 ISO and stage 3 tarball, using genkernel as the kernel. I created a Vagrant box after updating all the packages on the VM and installing a few extras such as vim and virtualbox-guest-additions.
My Vagrantfile is as follows:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "gentoo-x86"
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
vb.gui = true
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 1024]
#vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--hwvirtex", "off"]
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", 1]
As it stands, the box boots fine when running vagrant up. However, if I uncomment the line for disabling the --hwvirtex parameter, the following errors show in the VM console:
INIT: version 2.88 booting
INFO: rcu_sched detected stalls on CPUs/tasks: {} (detected by 0, t=2102, jiffies, g=4595, c=4594, q=10)
INFO: Stall ended before state dump start
The two INFO lines repeat indefinitely (with increasing t= values, which I guess might stand for 'time') until I run vagrant halt followed by vagrant destroy. I've tried this on two different hosts (one Ubuntu, one Windows 7) and get the same error message.
I suspect this a Gentoo problem because there are three major components (Gentoo, VirtualBox, Vagrant) and I can be reasonably confident in ruling out two of them as follows:
If I run the VM directly from VirtualBox with VT-X disabled, I get the same error message as I do when using the box in Vagrant with hwvirtex switched off - probably not a Vagrant issue.
If I use the precise32 box (supplied by the Vagrant maintainers), it works with hwvirtex on or off (there's a noticeable performance penalty when it's switched off, but I'd expect that) - probably not a VirtualBox issue.
I'm disabling VT-X in VirtualBox/Vagrant only (my CPU supports it and it is enabled in the BIOS).
My CPU (from /proc/cpuinfo) is: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU # 3.30GHz. The machine has 8GB of RAM installed and the host OS is Ubuntu 13.10.
Output from uname -a in the VM is:
Linux vagrant-gentoo-x86 3.10.25-gentoo #1 SMP Fri Jan 10 14:58:12 GMT 2014 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU # 3.30GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
I need to use this box on another machine with an older CPU (Intel E4600), which doesn't support VT-X, so leaving hardware virtualization on is not an option.
Are there any other things I could try in order to fix this?
Of course, sod's law dictates that after spending an hour writing up that question, I come across the answer via another source...
The problem seems to be a combination of the kernel which Gentoo uses (3.10 - hence why Precise doesn't have problems) and support for guests in general when hardware virtualization is disabled. The relevant VirtualBox bug for anyone who is experiencing similar problems is:
Unfortunately the main response so far is that 'fixing bugs for hosts which don't support VT-x/AMD-V have lower priority'.