Gentoo VirtualBox guest fails to boot without hardware virtualization - virtualbox

I have a Gentoo VM which I have created by installing from the latest (20131224) minimal x86 ISO and stage 3 tarball, using genkernel as the kernel. I created a Vagrant box after updating all the packages on the VM and installing a few extras such as vim and virtualbox-guest-additions.
My Vagrantfile is as follows:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "gentoo-x86"
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
vb.gui = true
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 1024]
#vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--hwvirtex", "off"]
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", 1]
As it stands, the box boots fine when running vagrant up. However, if I uncomment the line for disabling the --hwvirtex parameter, the following errors show in the VM console:
INIT: version 2.88 booting
INFO: rcu_sched detected stalls on CPUs/tasks: {} (detected by 0, t=2102, jiffies, g=4595, c=4594, q=10)
INFO: Stall ended before state dump start
The two INFO lines repeat indefinitely (with increasing t= values, which I guess might stand for 'time') until I run vagrant halt followed by vagrant destroy. I've tried this on two different hosts (one Ubuntu, one Windows 7) and get the same error message.
I suspect this a Gentoo problem because there are three major components (Gentoo, VirtualBox, Vagrant) and I can be reasonably confident in ruling out two of them as follows:
If I run the VM directly from VirtualBox with VT-X disabled, I get the same error message as I do when using the box in Vagrant with hwvirtex switched off - probably not a Vagrant issue.
If I use the precise32 box (supplied by the Vagrant maintainers), it works with hwvirtex on or off (there's a noticeable performance penalty when it's switched off, but I'd expect that) - probably not a VirtualBox issue.
I'm disabling VT-X in VirtualBox/Vagrant only (my CPU supports it and it is enabled in the BIOS).
My CPU (from /proc/cpuinfo) is: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU # 3.30GHz. The machine has 8GB of RAM installed and the host OS is Ubuntu 13.10.
Output from uname -a in the VM is:
Linux vagrant-gentoo-x86 3.10.25-gentoo #1 SMP Fri Jan 10 14:58:12 GMT 2014 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU # 3.30GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
I need to use this box on another machine with an older CPU (Intel E4600), which doesn't support VT-X, so leaving hardware virtualization on is not an option.
Are there any other things I could try in order to fix this?

Of course, sod's law dictates that after spending an hour writing up that question, I come across the answer via another source...
The problem seems to be a combination of the kernel which Gentoo uses (3.10 - hence why Precise doesn't have problems) and support for guests in general when hardware virtualization is disabled. The relevant VirtualBox bug for anyone who is experiencing similar problems is:
Unfortunately the main response so far is that 'fixing bugs for hosts which don't support VT-x/AMD-V have lower priority'.


reason 7 - target needs reset -- unreliable debugging setup

I am having trouble getting a reliable debugging setup.
I have seen other threads in some forums across the net with a similar title, but the circumstances seem different.
Linux (Xubuntu) 64bit
Eclipse CDT, Neon 4.6.0
"GDB Hardware Debugging" plugin from eclipse "install new software", configured to reset & delay 3sec, halt; load symbols (all checkboxes, no custom commands)
arm-none-eabi-gcc 4.8.3 tool chain
OpenOCD, recently downloaded, running in an own console, configured for my exact MCU with script provided by them & the st-link
STM32L476RG MCU with hard float, which is used.
ST-Link V2 debugger (stand-alone)
Now, there is a sequence with which I am, after some struggle every time, able to connect with the debugger, but stepping and reading variables doesn't work so clearly reliable that I'd trust what I see for a second.
But to even get to that point where the call stack would not be full of obvious nonsense entries and only very few of them, is tiring.
Flash the device with the firmware. This usually works without trouble.
Start openocd.
Start debugging in Eclipse.
OpenOcd shows connection, then says: "undefined debug reason 7 - target needs reset"
I regardless press the "resume" button in Eclipse to make the program run past the bogus top stack frame it shows.
Press "suspend" (still bogus in callstack), then "terminate".
Ctrl+C out of OpenOcd.
Manually (hardware) reset the stm32 MCU.
Restart OpenOcd.
Start debugging in Eclipse again.
OpenOCD output:
GNU ARM Eclipse 64-bits Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0-dev-00287-g85cec24-dirty (2016-01-10-10:31)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Info : auto-selecting first available session transport "hla_swd". To override use 'transport select '.
Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD
adapter speed: 500 kHz
adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
none separate
none separate
Info : Unable to match requested speed 500 kHz, using 480 kHz
Info : Unable to match requested speed 500 kHz, using 480 kHz
Info : clock speed 480 kHz
Info : STLINK v2 JTAG v24 API v2 SWIM v4 VID 0x0483 PID 0x3748
Info : using stlink api v2
Info : Target voltage: 3.192646
Info : stm32l4x.cpu: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
Info : accepting 'gdb' connection on tcp/3333
Info : device id = 0x10076415
Info : flash size = 1024kbytes
undefined debug reason 7 - target needs reset
Now with some luck, I finally have a somewhat working debugger connection, for a while.
But this may as well need some repetitions.
Why the "press resume" in between when it's clear the connection is bad? Not sure, this seemed to increase the likelihood that in the next iteration I'll have the connection, a lot.
A maybe relevant note:
The MCU has an LCD connected to it and from that I can see when it resets.
For some reason, starting debugging in Eclipse will apparently not reset the device, although the reset checkbox is checked in the debug config.
If I open a telnet connection to OpenOCD in a terminal, and do "reset" there, the device does reset.
What could be causes for the odd behavior of my setup?
What OpenOCD client you're using? I made a mistake using the host gdb and I got this error. And after I modified my debugger path to the location of my arm-none-eabi-gdb in "Debug Configuration" of your eclipse the problem disappeared.
From your post you only mentioned you used arm-none-eabi-gcc toolchain, so don't know if you set your gdb to arm-none-eabi-gdb in "Debug Configurations", which is separate from project toolchain settings.
Another version of OpenOCD helped me. Met a similar issue with OpenOCD 0.10.0 from Initially it worked then the issue appeared. Removed it and installed the build from

SVM - AMD VM extensions = 0 (1)

I get error while installing Android OS on Virtualbox-5.0_5.0.14-105127:
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!
Virtualbox->Settings->System->Acceleration->Default (all enabled)
Host OS - Linux Mint 17.3
motherboard - FM2A85X-ITX
CPU - A10-5800K
In log:
SVM - AMD VM extensions = 0 (1)
Tried different versions of Virtualbox.
Performed, but without success:
sudo killall VBoxSVC
At the same time on the same machine with Windows 7, but in Virtualbox 4.2.x it's ok.
How to overcome the problem?

Ubuntu, libftdi priviliges, seg fault when non-root user run program

I am trying to write simple program, that uses libftdi, and I have come across a strange problem.
When running the program as non-root it looks like this:
Naruszenie ochrony pamięci (zrzut pamięci)
And in Dmesg the last line I see is:
[ 3320.467864] BoxDriver[4205]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f05c2821f7a sp 00007ffd9c6c9c00 error 4 in[7f05c2820000+7000]
I am using Ubuntu:
Linux AdamsPC 3.19.0-30-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 2 22:08:41 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
And FTDI device:
Bus 001 Device 011: ID 0403:6010 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT2232C Dual USB-UART/FIFO IC
The program runs fine, when it is running as a root:
sudo ./BoxDriver
OK, started
I have also tried to debug the source code (in eclipse ang gcc, no seg fault occurred), and the problem is with:
ftdi_usb_open(ftc, 0x0403, 0x6010)
It always returns -8, that stands for : "get product description failed"
I have searched for any answer, most are about adding user to dialout group, or adding rule to udev, but none of answers I have founded worked.
Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks
There is a few different ways to fix this but generally it sounds like your user account does not have permission to interface with the USB device. You could add the user to the appropriate group I believe for ubuntu that is dialout so.
sudo usermod -a -G dialout user
Alternatively if multiple accounts need to use it but they all should have permissions you could change the filesystem it's mounted to to have full permissions.
sudo chmod 777 /media/drive_name

Querying the Power Status of a Linux Machine Programmatically

On a Windows(R) machine the following function can be used for querying the system power status of the machine:
BOOL WINAPI GetSystemPowerStatus(LPSYSTEM_POWER_STATUS lpSystemPowerStatus);
Is there something similar for a Linux machine?
On most linux systems a daemon named acpid runs all the time monitoring for ACPI events and normally logs info to /var/log/acpid or /var/log/messages. There is a manpage for it at acpid stores current ACPI info in /proc/acpi although that's being relocated to /sys somewhere and /sys/power/state holds the current power state seen by catting it (cat /sys/power/state). More info about ACPI is at JCM mentioned a command line tool for ACPI status monitoring named AcpiTool available at I built that on CentOS and it works fine. Just follow the instructions in its INSTALL file to install it -- it requires a C++ compiler, which is commonly on linux or if not install one using yum or apt.
dmidecode can do many kinds of queries for low level issues including system power supply and controls, see
In collaboration with RedHat developed and provides DeviceKit-power pre RH7 which is called UPower starting with RH7. It consists of a daemon and command line tool. A manpage for it is at The --dump option of the command line tool provides some useful info but rarely up to date. Maybe restarting the daemon would cause an update. Here is an example of the output from a CentOS 6 host:
ca:17: devkit-power --dump
Device: /org/freedesktop/DeviceKit/Power/devices/line_power_ACAD
native-path: /sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/ACPI0003:00/power_supply/ACAD
power supply: yes
updated: Tue Dec 23 20:28:27 2014 (866 seconds ago)
has history: no
has statistics: no
online: yes
daemon-version: 014
can-suspend: no
can-hibernate yes
on-battery: no
on-low-battery: no
lid-is-closed: no
lid-is-present: no
Most major PC vendors such as Dell and HP provide their own apps for power management and monitoring and I've found it is best to use them because they know how to query custom probes designed into the HW and print full diagnostics for their support team.
On My Ubuntu system I found this Information in /sys/class/power_suply/ADP1/online .
For example I used it in a script in an If statement with the following code:
if (( CPUBenutzung > 11 )) || ! (( $(cat /sys/class/power_suply/ADP1/online) )); then Stopmining ; fi
for me this worked fine and stopped the mining process allways when there was no power connected or I did use for some other reason all 12 threads of my notebook.

Compiling on Vortex86: "Illegal instruction"

I'm using an embedded PC which has a Vortex86-SG CPU, Ubuntu 10.04 w/ kernel Unfortunately we can't compile a new kernel, cause we don't have any source code, not even drivers or patches.
I have to run a small project written in C++ with OpenFrameworks. The framework compiles right each script in of_v0071_linux_release/scripts/linux/ubuntu/install_*.sh.
I noticed that in order to compile against Vortex86/Ubuntu 10.04, the following options must be added in every config.make file:
USER_CFLAGS = -march=i486
In effects, it compiles without errors, but the generated binary doesn't start at all:
root#jb:~/openframeworks/of_v0071_linux_release/apps/myApps/emptyExample/bin# ./emptyExample
Illegal instruction
root#jb:~/openframeworks/of_v0071_linux_release/apps/myApps/emptyExample/bin# echo $?
Strace last lines:
munmap(0xb77c3000, 4096) = 0
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [PIPE], NULL, 8) = 0
--- SIGILL (Illegal instruction) # 0 (0) ---
+++ killed by SIGILL +++
Illegal instruction
Any idea to solve this problem?
I know I am a bit late on this but I recently had my own issues trying to compile the kernel for the vortex86dx. I finally was able to build the kernel as well. Use these steps at your own risk as I am not a Linux guru and some settings you may have to change to your own preference/hardware:
Download and use a Linux distribution that runs on a similar kernel version that you plan on compiling. Since I will be compiling Linux, I downloaded and installed Debian 6 on virtual box with adequate ram and processor allocations. You could potentially compile on the Vortex86DX itself, but that would likely take forever.
Made sure I hade decencies: #apt-get install ncurses-dev kernel-package
Download kernel from (I grabbed Linux- Extract files from package.
Grab Config file from dmp ftp site: Please note vxmx user name. Copy the config file to freshly extracted Linux source folder.
Grab Patch and at Please note vxdx user name. Copy to kernel source folder.
Patch Kernel: #patch -p1 < patchfilename
configure kernel with #make menuconfig
Load Alternate Configuration File
Enable generic x86 support
Enable Math Emulation
I disabled generic IDE support because I will using legacy mode(selectable in bios)
Under Device Drivers -> Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) -> Make sure RDC R6040 Fast Ethernet Adapter Support is selected
USB support -> Select Support for Host-side USB, EHCI HCD (USB 2.0) support, OHCI HCD support
safe config as .config
check serial ports: edit .config manually make sure CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_NR_UARTS = 4 (or more if you have additional), CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RUNTIME_UARTS = 4(or more if you have additional). If you are to use more that 4 serial ports make use config_serail_8250_MANY_PORTs is set.
compile kernel headers and source: #make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image kernel_source kernel_headers modules_image