I have an issue where by the do loop creates my reports however the title page where the macro is listed doesn't reflect the correct naming convention each time.
It works for each of the bookmarks in PDF as well as the proc report itself. However the titles don't reflect correctly.
%macro PDF_T2(year=, age= );
proc sql noprint;
select distinct region, bh_type
into :region1 - :region14, :bh_type1 - :bh_type14
from table2_IP
/*%put ®ion1 ®ion2;*/
/*%put &bh_type1 &bh_type2;*/
ods escapechar '^';
ods pdf file="C:\PDFS\Table2.pdf" pdftoc=2 style=Custom;
options orientation=landscape missing=' '
leftmargin=.25in rightmargin=.25in ;
ods proclabel " Inpatient Analysis By Plan ";
%do i=1 %to 4;
TITLE "^{style [JUST= C ]Table 2. Inpatient Utilization By Plan,}";
TITLE2 "^{style [JUST= C ]&®ion&i. }" ;
Title3 "^{style [JUST= C ]Adult (21 to 64)}";
Title4 "^{style [JUST= C ]&&bh_type&i. Analysis}" ;
PROC REPORT DATA = Table2_IP contents="&&bh_type&i. Table: Inpatient`enter code here`
I would try making sure that you are using %local macro variables. If you have global macro variables floating around that could cause some surprising results.
I would also turn on MPRINT and look at the log to see what code is being generated. It will show the TITLE statements that the macro is generating.
Titles do not clear themselves, but every time your TITLE statement executes it will clear any existing titles.
I modified your code a bit to work on sashelp.prdsale, and it seems fine:
%macro titletest(dummy);
%local i region1 region2;
proc sql noprint;
select distinct region
into :region1 - :region2
from sashelp.prdsale
%put region1=®ion1 region2=®ion2;
%do i=1 %to 2;
title1 "Results for &®ion&i";
proc print data=sashelp.prdsale;
where region="&®ion&i";
options mprint;
I'm doing a crash course on SAS macros and I'm stuck at one exercise. I have to create a macro, that will create a proc contents tables for every data set, that contains a keyword. I know how to do that using call execute, but I need this using proc sql and %do loop.
My attempt:
%macro contents(data=&syslast);
proc contents data=&data;
title "&data";
%mend contents;
%macro ContentsAll(keyword);
select libname||'.'||memname
into :dsn1-
from sashelp.vstabvw
where upcase(memname) like %upcase("%quote(%)&&keyword%")
%do i=1 %to &sqlobs;
%mend ContentsAll;
options mlogic mprint;
options nomlogic nomprint;
I know there is some issue with a select statement, but I have no idea how to fix it. And where statement has an unprotected variable (my attempts at fixing it just break the where clause alltogether.
First of all, good job. It's so good that I'm almost sorry you're only missing the Proc SQL Statement :-)
%macro contents(data=&syslast);
proc contents data=&data;
title "&data";
%mend contents;
%macro ContentsAll(keyword);
proc sql noprint;
select libname||'.'||memname
into :dsn1-
from sashelp.vstabvw
where upcase(memname) like %upcase("%quote(%)&&keyword%")
%do i=1 %to &sqlobs;
%mend ContentsAll;
options mlogic mprint;
options nomlogic nomprint;
There is no need to create all of those macro variables. Just keep the list of names in actual data. You can use CALL EXECUTE() to generate the code you want to run for each member in the list.
Note that the variables LIBNAME and MEMNAME will already be in uppercase when pulled from the DICTIONARY.MEMBERS metadata that the view SASHELP.VSTABVW uses. But the user passing in a value for the KEYWORD parameter might not have entered uppercase letters.
%macro ContentsAll(keyword);
data _null_;
set sashelp.vstabvw ;
where memname contains "%qupcase(&keyword)" ;
call execute(cats('%nrstr(%contents)(data=',libname,'.',memname,')'));
%mend ContentsAll;
I'm trying to test different covariance structures inside macro with Proc Mixed.
%macro cov(type);
proc mixed data=tmp order=data;
class sub trt visit;
model var = trt visit trt*visit / S cl;
repeated visit /subject=sub type=&type.;
Some of the covariance structures I need to fit in model causes errors and I'm trying to find a way to execute this proc mixed statement only, if it doesn't cause error with value of &type.
I have been working with %sysfunc and but haven't been able to resolve this yet.
%IF %SYSFUNC(EXIST(min_var_&type.)) %THEN %DO;
data help_&type.;
set min_var_&type.;
This produces these datasets correctly, but still log errors exists in log for those macro variables that can not be fitted.
You can redirect the log to a file like that :
filename logfile "\\SERVER\LOG\mylog.log";
proc printto log=logfile new;
And then when your PROC MIXED is finished, you can filter on the log file for the string "ERROR" :
/*come back to normal log*/
proc printto;
/*check the log file*/
LABEL ROWS = 'Messages from LOG';
LINE = _N_;
You will have all the ERROR and (or WARNING if needed) in a dataset.
Then you have to check if the table is empty.
If YES, you can continue your script.
You can do it via this method
proc sql;
select * from checklog;
%put n=&sqlobs;
If sqlobs is greater than 0, then you have errors.
You can check the sqlobs via a macro function like this :
%macro checklog;
proc sql;
select * from checklog;
%if (&sqlobs>0) %then ...
%else ...
%mend checklog;
I am trying to do a simple thing - write a PROC REPORT procedure within a DATA sentence. My main idea is - if the condition in data step is true - lets execute PROC REPORT, if it is false - do not execute PROC REPORT. Any ideas? Code runs without errors for now, but I see that condition in IF statement is not applied and PROC REPORT is ececute despite the fact that condition is not fulfilled.
Thank you in Advance.
%let DATO = 13062016;
PROC IMPORT OUT= WORK.auto1 DATAFILE= "C:\Users\BC1554\Desktop\andel.xlsx"
data want;
set WORK.auto1;
DATA tbl2;
SET want;
if (rownum => 1 and rownum <=6 ) then output work.tbl2 ;
ods LISTING close;
ODS RTF FILE="C:\Users\BC1554\Desktop\Statistik_andel_&DATO..rtf";
title "Statistics from monthly run of DK shares of housing companies (andelsboliger)";
data Tbl21 ;
set work.Tbl2;
where (DKANDEL='Daekning_pct_24052016' or DKANDEL='Daekning_pct_18042016') ;
difference = dif(Andel);
difference1 = dif(Total);
data Tbl211 ;
set work.Tbl21;
where (DKANDEL='Daekning_pct_18042016') ;
data Tbl2111 ;
set work.Tbl211;
where (DKANDEL='Daekning_pct_18042016') ;
if abs(difference) > 10 and abs (difference1) > 107 then ;
proc report data= work.Tbl2 spanrows;
columns DKANDEL Andel Total Ukendt ;
title2 "-";
title3 "We REPORT numbers on p.4-5".;
title4 "-";
title5 "The models coverage";
title6 "Run date &DATO.";
footnote1 "Assets without currency code not included";
define DKANDEL / order;
define Andel / order;
define Total / order;
define Ukendt / order;
define DKANDEL/ display;
define Andel / display;
Compute DKANDEL;
call define (_col_,"style","style={background=orange}");
Compute Andel;
call define (_col_,"style","style={background=red}");
run; title; footnote1;
ODS RTF close;
To conditionally execute code you need to use a macro so that you can use macro logic like %IF to conditionally generate the code.
But for your simple problem you can use a macro variable to modify the RUN; statement on your PROC REPORT step. Create a macro variable and set it to the value CANCEL when you don't want the step to run.
%let cancel=CANCEL;
if abs(difference) > 10 and abs (difference1) > 107 then call symputx('cancel','');
proc report ... ;
run &cancel ;
Simple example. Produce report if anyone is aged 13.
%let cancel=CANCEL;
data _null_;
set sashelp.class ;
if age=13 then call symputx('cancel',' ');
proc report data=sashelp.class ;
run &cancel;
Tom's answer is a good one, and probably what I'd do. But, an alternative that is more exactly what you suggested in the question seems also appropriate.
The way you execute a PROC REPORT in a data step (or execute any non-data-step code in a data step) is with call execute. You can use call execute to execute a macro, or just a string of code; up to you how you want to handle it. I would make it a macro, because that makes development much easier (you can write the macro just like regular code, and you can test it independently).
Here's a simple example that is analogous to what Tom put in his answer.
%macro print_report(data=);
proc report data=&data.;
%mend print_report;
data _null_;
set sashelp.class ;
if age=13 then do;
call execute('%print_report(data=sashelp.class)');
stop; *prevent it from donig this more than once;
I am new to SAS and am having some issues exporting data. I have written a macro to generate some summary tables based on a certain ID. The macro creates two tables for each ID identified in a particular proc sql query. I can write out the last two tables but it overwrites all tables. I was wondering if there is a way to generate one sheet, containing the two summary tables, for each ID identified in my query. Below is the code I have to date for exporting data:
%macro output(x);
ods tagsets.excelxp file="W:\user\test.xls" options(sheet_interval='none');
proc print data=prov_&x;
proc print data=prov_revcd_&x;
ods tagsets.excelxp close;
/*Run a loop for each IDcode. Each code will enter the document generation loop*/
%macro loopit(mylist);
%let else=;
%let n = %sysfunc(countw(&mylist)); /*let n=number of codes in the list*/
%do I=1 %to &n;
%let val = %scan(&mylist,&I); /*Let val= the ith code in the list*/
%do j=1 %to &n;
%let val = %scan(&mylist,&j); /*Let val= the jth code in the list*/
/*Run the macro loop to generate the required tables*/
/*Run the macro loop over the list of significant procedure code values*/
Any help for correcting this issue would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I would rewrite %output like so.
%macro output(x);
ods tagsets.excelxp options(sheet_interval='none' sheet_name="&x");
proc print data=prov_&x;
proc print data=prov_revcd_&x;
Then as Reeza suggests put the original ods tagsets.excelxp file= ... and close outside the whole macro.
ods tagsets.excelxp file="c:\temp\test.xlsx";
ods tagsets.excelxp close;
If you use PROC EXPORT, that does allow apending to a workbook without this step (and no ODS at al).
%macro output(x);
proc export data=prov_&x outfile="c:\temp\test.xlsx" dbms=excel replace;
However, this only allows one dataset per sheet - so either you append them together first as a single dataset, or you use 2 sheets in this solution.
Move the ods tagsets.excelxp file= and ods tagsets.excelxp close to outside of the macro otherwise you're recreating the file each time.
You may want to explicitly name the sheets as well.
I have a program in SAS 9.3 (please refer below) that I need to do in SAS Data Integration Studio:
%macro sqlloop;
Proc SQL;
Select distinct(DATE) into :raw_date from RAW;
%DO k= %sysevalf("&raw_date"d) %TO %eval(%sysfunc(today())-1);
select BRANCH_CD, RC_NAME, &k.
from RAW;
To do this in SAS Data Integration Studio, I did the step and the code inside the "User Written" below:
RAW ------> User Written -----> Table Loader -----> Consolidated
%let output= &_output;
%let MySYSLast= &SYSLast;
%macro sqlloop;
Proc SQL;
Select distinct(DATE) into :raw_date from &MySYSLast;
%DO k= %sysevalf("&raw_date"d) %TO %eval(%sysfunc(today())-1);
insert into &output (BRANCH_CD, RC_NAME, DATE)
select BRANCH_CD, RC_NAME, &k.
from &MySYSLast;
However, I am receiving an error in running this in SAS DI. May I know how to do this properly in SAS DI?
Why do you require a user written transformation to insert data into existing table when we have load technique -> append to existing available. why to use user written & loader transformation for doing the same work.
For what so-ever reason you are using a User written code, which should be avoided in the first place in SAS DI studio, you can re-arrange your code as below to work,
* Remove the 2 %LET statements as DI studio generates code for it already;
%macro sqlloop;
proc sql noprint;
/* change the &MYSYSLAST to &_INPUT, this is the first input you connected to the transform */
select distinct(date) into :raw_date from &_INPUT. ;
%do k= %sysevalf("&raw_date"d) %to %eval(%sysfunc(today())-1);
proc sql noprint;
/* Change the &OUTPUT to &_OUTPUT as that is the standard output for the UW Transform in SAS DI */
insert into &_OUTPUT. (branch_cd, rc_name, date)
select branch_cd, rc_name, &k.
from &_INPUT. ; /* Change &mysyslast to &_INPUT
%mend sqlloop;
NOTE: You can generate code in UW transform by setting code generation mode to "User written Body"
or if you dont want the code to be generated then you can use "All User Written from dropdown