I have a program in SAS 9.3 (please refer below) that I need to do in SAS Data Integration Studio:
%macro sqlloop;
Proc SQL;
Select distinct(DATE) into :raw_date from RAW;
%DO k= %sysevalf("&raw_date"d) %TO %eval(%sysfunc(today())-1);
select BRANCH_CD, RC_NAME, &k.
from RAW;
To do this in SAS Data Integration Studio, I did the step and the code inside the "User Written" below:
RAW ------> User Written -----> Table Loader -----> Consolidated
%let output= &_output;
%let MySYSLast= &SYSLast;
%macro sqlloop;
Proc SQL;
Select distinct(DATE) into :raw_date from &MySYSLast;
%DO k= %sysevalf("&raw_date"d) %TO %eval(%sysfunc(today())-1);
insert into &output (BRANCH_CD, RC_NAME, DATE)
select BRANCH_CD, RC_NAME, &k.
from &MySYSLast;
However, I am receiving an error in running this in SAS DI. May I know how to do this properly in SAS DI?
Why do you require a user written transformation to insert data into existing table when we have load technique -> append to existing available. why to use user written & loader transformation for doing the same work.
For what so-ever reason you are using a User written code, which should be avoided in the first place in SAS DI studio, you can re-arrange your code as below to work,
* Remove the 2 %LET statements as DI studio generates code for it already;
%macro sqlloop;
proc sql noprint;
/* change the &MYSYSLAST to &_INPUT, this is the first input you connected to the transform */
select distinct(date) into :raw_date from &_INPUT. ;
%do k= %sysevalf("&raw_date"d) %to %eval(%sysfunc(today())-1);
proc sql noprint;
/* Change the &OUTPUT to &_OUTPUT as that is the standard output for the UW Transform in SAS DI */
insert into &_OUTPUT. (branch_cd, rc_name, date)
select branch_cd, rc_name, &k.
from &_INPUT. ; /* Change &mysyslast to &_INPUT
%mend sqlloop;
NOTE: You can generate code in UW transform by setting code generation mode to "User written Body"
or if you dont want the code to be generated then you can use "All User Written from dropdown
I'm doing a crash course on SAS macros and I'm stuck at one exercise. I have to create a macro, that will create a proc contents tables for every data set, that contains a keyword. I know how to do that using call execute, but I need this using proc sql and %do loop.
My attempt:
%macro contents(data=&syslast);
proc contents data=&data;
title "&data";
%mend contents;
%macro ContentsAll(keyword);
select libname||'.'||memname
into :dsn1-
from sashelp.vstabvw
where upcase(memname) like %upcase("%quote(%)&&keyword%")
%do i=1 %to &sqlobs;
%mend ContentsAll;
options mlogic mprint;
options nomlogic nomprint;
I know there is some issue with a select statement, but I have no idea how to fix it. And where statement has an unprotected variable (my attempts at fixing it just break the where clause alltogether.
First of all, good job. It's so good that I'm almost sorry you're only missing the Proc SQL Statement :-)
%macro contents(data=&syslast);
proc contents data=&data;
title "&data";
%mend contents;
%macro ContentsAll(keyword);
proc sql noprint;
select libname||'.'||memname
into :dsn1-
from sashelp.vstabvw
where upcase(memname) like %upcase("%quote(%)&&keyword%")
%do i=1 %to &sqlobs;
%mend ContentsAll;
options mlogic mprint;
options nomlogic nomprint;
There is no need to create all of those macro variables. Just keep the list of names in actual data. You can use CALL EXECUTE() to generate the code you want to run for each member in the list.
Note that the variables LIBNAME and MEMNAME will already be in uppercase when pulled from the DICTIONARY.MEMBERS metadata that the view SASHELP.VSTABVW uses. But the user passing in a value for the KEYWORD parameter might not have entered uppercase letters.
%macro ContentsAll(keyword);
data _null_;
set sashelp.vstabvw ;
where memname contains "%qupcase(&keyword)" ;
call execute(cats('%nrstr(%contents)(data=',libname,'.',memname,')'));
%mend ContentsAll;
I'm trying to test different covariance structures inside macro with Proc Mixed.
%macro cov(type);
proc mixed data=tmp order=data;
class sub trt visit;
model var = trt visit trt*visit / S cl;
repeated visit /subject=sub type=&type.;
Some of the covariance structures I need to fit in model causes errors and I'm trying to find a way to execute this proc mixed statement only, if it doesn't cause error with value of &type.
I have been working with %sysfunc and but haven't been able to resolve this yet.
%IF %SYSFUNC(EXIST(min_var_&type.)) %THEN %DO;
data help_&type.;
set min_var_&type.;
This produces these datasets correctly, but still log errors exists in log for those macro variables that can not be fitted.
You can redirect the log to a file like that :
filename logfile "\\SERVER\LOG\mylog.log";
proc printto log=logfile new;
And then when your PROC MIXED is finished, you can filter on the log file for the string "ERROR" :
/*come back to normal log*/
proc printto;
/*check the log file*/
LABEL ROWS = 'Messages from LOG';
LINE = _N_;
You will have all the ERROR and (or WARNING if needed) in a dataset.
Then you have to check if the table is empty.
If YES, you can continue your script.
You can do it via this method
proc sql;
select * from checklog;
%put n=&sqlobs;
If sqlobs is greater than 0, then you have errors.
You can check the sqlobs via a macro function like this :
%macro checklog;
proc sql;
select * from checklog;
%if (&sqlobs>0) %then ...
%else ...
%mend checklog;
I have an issue where by the do loop creates my reports however the title page where the macro is listed doesn't reflect the correct naming convention each time.
It works for each of the bookmarks in PDF as well as the proc report itself. However the titles don't reflect correctly.
%macro PDF_T2(year=, age= );
proc sql noprint;
select distinct region, bh_type
into :region1 - :region14, :bh_type1 - :bh_type14
from table2_IP
/*%put ®ion1 ®ion2;*/
/*%put &bh_type1 &bh_type2;*/
ods escapechar '^';
ods pdf file="C:\PDFS\Table2.pdf" pdftoc=2 style=Custom;
options orientation=landscape missing=' '
leftmargin=.25in rightmargin=.25in ;
ods proclabel " Inpatient Analysis By Plan ";
%do i=1 %to 4;
TITLE "^{style [JUST= C ]Table 2. Inpatient Utilization By Plan,}";
TITLE2 "^{style [JUST= C ]&®ion&i. }" ;
Title3 "^{style [JUST= C ]Adult (21 to 64)}";
Title4 "^{style [JUST= C ]&&bh_type&i. Analysis}" ;
PROC REPORT DATA = Table2_IP contents="&&bh_type&i. Table: Inpatient`enter code here`
I would try making sure that you are using %local macro variables. If you have global macro variables floating around that could cause some surprising results.
I would also turn on MPRINT and look at the log to see what code is being generated. It will show the TITLE statements that the macro is generating.
Titles do not clear themselves, but every time your TITLE statement executes it will clear any existing titles.
I modified your code a bit to work on sashelp.prdsale, and it seems fine:
%macro titletest(dummy);
%local i region1 region2;
proc sql noprint;
select distinct region
into :region1 - :region2
from sashelp.prdsale
%put region1=®ion1 region2=®ion2;
%do i=1 %to 2;
title1 "Results for &®ion&i";
proc print data=sashelp.prdsale;
where region="&®ion&i";
options mprint;
I have multiple tables in a library call snap1:
cust1, cust2, cust3, etc
I want to generate a loop that gets the records' count of the same column in each of these tables and then insert the results into a different table.
My desired output is:
Table Count
cust1 5,000
cust2 5,555
cust3 6,000
I'm trying this but its not working:
%macro sqlloop(data, byvar);
proc sql noprint;
select &byvar.into:_values SEPARATED by '_'
from %data.;
set &data;
select (%byvar);
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(count(_&_values.,_));
%let var = %sysfunc(scan(_&_values.,&i.));
output &var.;
%sqlloop(data=libsnap, byvar=membername);
First off, if you just want the number of observations, you can get that trivially from dictionary.tables or sashelp.vtable without any loops.
proc sql;
select memname, nlobs
from dictionary.tables
where libname='SNAP1';
This is fine to retrieve number of rows if you haven't done anything that would cause the number of logical observations to differ - usually a delete in proc sql.
Second, if you're interested in the number of valid responses, there are easier non-loopy ways too.
For example, given whatever query that you can write determining your table names, we can just put them all in a set statement and count in a simple data step.
%let varname=mycol; *the column you are counting;
%let libname=snap1;
proc sql;
select cats("&libname..",memname)
into :tables separated by ' '
from dictionary.tables
where libname=upcase("&libname.");
data counts;
set &tables. indsname=ds_name end=eof; *9.3 or later;
retain count dataset_name;
if _n_=1 then count=0;
if ds_name ne lag(ds_name) and _n_ ne 1 then do;
count = count + ifn(&varname.,1,1,0); *true, false, missing; *false is 0 only;
if eof then output;
keep count dataset_name;
Macros are rarely needed for this sort of thing, and macro loops like you're writing even less so.
If you did want to write a macro, the easier way to do it is:
Write code to do it once, for one dataset
Wrap that in a macro that takes a parameter (dataset name)
Create macro calls for that macro as needed
That way you don't have to deal with %scan and troubleshooting macro code that's hard to debug. You write something that works once, then just call it several times.
proc sql;
select cats('%mymacro(name=',"&libname..",memname,')')
into :macrocalls separated by ' '
from dictionary.tables
where libname=upcase("&libname.");
Assuming you have a macro, %mymacro, which does whatever counting you want for one dataset.
* Updated *
In the future, please post the log so we can see what is specifically not working. I can see some issues in your code, particularly where your macro variables are being declared, and a select statement that is not doing anything. Here is an alternative process to achieve your goal:
Step 1: Read all of the customer datasets in the snap1 library into a macro variable:
proc sql noprint;
select memname
into :total_cust separated by ' '
from sashelp.vmember
where upcase(memname) LIKE 'CUST%'
AND upcase(libname) = 'SNAP1';
Step 2: Count the total number of obs in each data set, output to permanent table:
%macro count_obs;
%do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&total_cust) );
%let dsname = %scan(&total_cust, &i);
%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&dsname) );
%let nobs=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,nobs) );
%let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid) );
data _total_obs;
length Member_Name $15.;
Member_Name = "&dsname";
Total_Obs = &nobs;
format Total_Obs comma8.;
proc append base=Total_Obs
proc datasets lib=work nolist;
delete _total_obs;
You will need to delete the permanent table Total_Obs if it already exists, but you can add code to handle that if you wish.
If you want to get the total number of non-missing observations for a particular column, do the same code as above, but delete the 3 %let statements below %let dsname = and replace the data step with:
data _total_obs;
length Member_Name $7.;
set snap1.&dsname end=eof;
retain Member_Name "&dsname";
if(NOT missing(var) ) then Total_Obs+1;
format Total_Obs comma8.;
(Update: Fixed %do loop in step 2)
I am working on SAS in UNIX env and I want to view only the column name of a dataset. I have tried proc contents and proc print but both of them list a lot of other irrevelant information that I do not want as it fills up my putty screen and the information ultimately is lost.
I also tried to get this thing frm the sas metadata but that is not working either.
I tried :
2? proc sql;
select *
from dictionary.tables
where libname='test' and memname='sweden_elig_file_jul';
NOTE: No rows were selected.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.27 seconds
cpu time 0.11 seconds
You're using the wrong dictionary table to get column names...
proc sql ;
select name
from dictionary.columns
where memname = 'mydata'
quit ;
proc contents data=mydata out=meta (keep=NAME) ;
run ;
proc print data=meta ; run ;
Here's one I've used before to get a list of columns with a little bit more information, you can add the keep option as in the previous answer. This just demonstrates how to create a connection to the metadata server, in case that is useful to anyone viewing this post.
libname fetchlib meta
library="libraryName" metaserver="metaDataServerAddress"
password="yourPassword" port=1234
repname="yourRepositoryName" user="yourUserName";
proc contents data=fetchlib.YouDataSetName
For a pure macro approach, try the following:
%macro mf_getvarlist(libds
,dlm=%str( )
/* declare local vars */
%local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm;
/* open dataset in macro */
%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));
%if &dsid %then %do;
%let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));
%if &nvars>0 %then %do;
/* add first dataset variable to global macro variable */
%let outvar=%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,1));
/* add remaining variables with supplied delimeter */
%do x=2 %to &nvars;
%let outvar=&outvar.&dlm%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x));
%let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));
%else %do;
%put unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);
%let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));
%put List of Variables=%mf_getvarlist(sashelp.class);
List of Variables=Name Sex Age Height Weight
source: https://github.com/sasjs/core/blob/main/base/mf_getvarlist.sas
proc sql;
select *
from dictionary.tables
where libname="TEST" and memname="SWEDEN_ELIG_FILE_JUL";