Installing zlib outside of the normal directory - ocaml

I'm trying to install a package which depends on camlzip (an OCaml package provided my opam). This package depends on zlib, I know this because I tried before and ran into the same error seen here.
The issue is that when I install zlib to $PKG_DIR/sw by running ./configure --prefix=$PKG_DIR/sw I get the same error suggesting that zlib isn't installed. (I have of course add $PKG_DIR/sw to the PATH)
I'm a bit new to Linux, and I'm probably missing an environment variable but I have no idea what. Any help is appreciated.


Installing sharpSAT on macOS Mojave - "'gmpxx.h' file not found"

By following and installing from sharpSAT, one's suppose to run the script followed by make command. When running make, I get
'gmpxx.h' file not found error. I did find a lot regarding error 'gmp.h' not found, eg. at here, here and here, but these are when installing some other package with either pip or brew.
I've also tried including usr/local/include (gmpxx.h is located at usr/local/indluce/gmpxx.h) to path variable in .bash_profile as suggested here, but with no good results.
Any suggestions?
Your system is having trouble locating the GNU multiprecision libraries. This answer assumes you used brew install gmp to install the multiprecision library.
In sharpSAT's CMakeLists.txt, change the line:
where X.Y.Z is your version of gmp. To determine which version of gmp you have installed (and in turn where homebrew installed gmp), call:
locate gmp
You may need to build your location database which can take some time.
You should double check that your system no longer has /opt/local/include.

How to install Rasa Stack in Windows 10?

Maybe someone else asked the same question too. But this question is difficult. I tried everything. The place I am stuck is with installing dependencies. Some of the dependencies are old and not easily available. But I managed to install them.
The problems lies here.. There are dependencies that need to get the build from their source code. I already installed Visual C++ Build and MSMPI. Also installed HDF5 for H5PY but it doesn't let me build old versions of H5PY. So, I tried installing the latest version of H5PY but still, I am stuck at errors like file not found. Some of the files which the build process cannot find are "h5py/h5f.pyx", "mpi_c", "mpi.h". Solving error for one missing file leads to other and so on..
On trying hard to solve such errors and installing one or the other package to do the same task, I am tired up.. Something I found, at last, was that "mpi_c" file was replaced with some other file in newer versions of MPI4PY. But my dependencies depend on older version. I tried installing an older version of MPI4PY but HDF5 won't let me install that giving other errors. At last, I quit the task with my whole day wasted after this.
So can someone here please provide a step by step guideline for installing Rasa Stack on Windows Machine?
Windows 10 with Python 3.7.. Let me know if I need to downgrade python as well.. It was my first time building some project from source with python on windows. Thanks...
Please try the below steps to install Rasa:
Install Conda
Create a virtual environment:
conda create -n myenv python=3.5
Activate the virtual environment
conda activate myenv
pip install rasa_nlu rasa_core

libconfig++8 1.3.2-2 installed but cannot be seen

I need a library in this case libconfig++8 1.3.2-2 and I found a .deb who install it
But I can not see it in the package manager and when I try to install another package (.deb) which depends on it, an error appears and it claims for that version of libconfig "error dependence is not satisfiable"
Thanks in advance.

Unable to import lib tiff after installing Anaconda on Mac OS X 10.9.2

I have developed some software using Python under Windows 7.
I have given it to a colleague to run on a Mac (OS X 10.9.2). I have never used a Mac and am having trouble helping them to get started. I have downloaded and installed Anaconda 1.9.2 on the Mac. According to the continuum documentation, libtiff is included, but when I run my python file using the Spyder IDE I get the following error when it tries to import libtiff:
ImportError: No module named libtiff.
Following one of the answers on Stack Ooverflow, I tried:
conda install libtiff
This runs and returns:
All requested packages already installed.
However on Windows 7 I can see a libtiff folder under \python27\lib\site-packages. On the Mac there is no libtiff folder under /lib/python2.7/site-packages.
Can anyone tell me what I am missing?
This question is answered here:
Installing Python modules with Anaconda or Canopy
If pip install libtiff does not work, you can download the source for PyLibTiff as directed at and run with whichever interpreter you would like for PyLibTiff to be installed to.
Also, you do not have to have the the C libraries that Anaconda installs installed for PyLibTiff to work if you have libtiff libraries installed elsewhere.
Unclear on this. But what you can do to begin with is to type echo $PATH from the terminal and see what paths are set. Unclear on how Anaconda interacts with the system, but a good hunch is that if the library file is not in a path then that would cause this.
Also, looking at this thread on Google Groups it seems that Anaconda installs it’s own libraries that might need to be symbolically linked into the main /usr/local/lib directory. The user Denis Engemann—who made the post—posts this bash script in the last response in the thread:
for lib in ~/anaconda/lib/*;
ln -s $lib /usr/local/lib/$(basename $lib);
I would recommend checking those two directories first before linking to make sure all is as expected.

Ocaml Opam install camlbz2

Error while installing camlbz2
%opam install camlbz2
. checking bzlib.h usability... no
. checking bzlib.h presence... no
. checking for bzlib.h... no
awk: line 1: regular expression compile failed (syntax error ^* or ^+)
configure: error: not found 'opam install camlbz2' failed.
I can not find anything for opam to install something like "libbz2" or whatever, any suggestions?
OPAM only deals (currently) with OCaml source packages.
Here, your problem comes from the ./configure script of the OCaml package detecting that a system package is missing, not an OCaml package (you can see that it has searched for files with a .h extension, i.e. a C include file).
To fix your problem, you need to install this system package. As Ontologiae said, the missing package is related to the libbz2 library, and include files are usually provided in development packages, so you should probably try to install libbz2-dev using the system installer of your OS. This package is not in OCaml, so there is no risk of messing up with OPAM installation.
Note that, since you use opam config -env to set your OCaml environment, even if you install OCaml packages with your system installer, there should be no bad interaction with packages installed in your homedir by OPAM.
You need to install the libbz2 C library. So, check your package system and install it.
In Debian, it's the package "libbz2-dev" (so sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev)