libconfig++8 1.3.2-2 installed but cannot be seen - c++

I need a library in this case libconfig++8 1.3.2-2 and I found a .deb who install it
But I can not see it in the package manager and when I try to install another package (.deb) which depends on it, an error appears and it claims for that version of libconfig "error dependence is not satisfiable"
Thanks in advance.


MinGW Installation Manager - Missing devpropdef.h file

I downloaded the MinGW Installation Manager and installed most of the packages available there in trying to find the 'devpropdef.h' file.
This file is needed by the openframeworks library and without it, I cannot compile the most basic project.
This file was listed by one of the contributors in this thread, but I don't know what happened to it.
Does anyone know which package it is in from the MinGW installation manager? Or how I can get my hands on it?
The build of GCC/MinGW-w64 has a very recent version of MinGW-w64 which contains devpropdef.h.

How to install Rasa Stack in Windows 10?

Maybe someone else asked the same question too. But this question is difficult. I tried everything. The place I am stuck is with installing dependencies. Some of the dependencies are old and not easily available. But I managed to install them.
The problems lies here.. There are dependencies that need to get the build from their source code. I already installed Visual C++ Build and MSMPI. Also installed HDF5 for H5PY but it doesn't let me build old versions of H5PY. So, I tried installing the latest version of H5PY but still, I am stuck at errors like file not found. Some of the files which the build process cannot find are "h5py/h5f.pyx", "mpi_c", "mpi.h". Solving error for one missing file leads to other and so on..
On trying hard to solve such errors and installing one or the other package to do the same task, I am tired up.. Something I found, at last, was that "mpi_c" file was replaced with some other file in newer versions of MPI4PY. But my dependencies depend on older version. I tried installing an older version of MPI4PY but HDF5 won't let me install that giving other errors. At last, I quit the task with my whole day wasted after this.
So can someone here please provide a step by step guideline for installing Rasa Stack on Windows Machine?
Windows 10 with Python 3.7.. Let me know if I need to downgrade python as well.. It was my first time building some project from source with python on windows. Thanks...
Please try the below steps to install Rasa:
Install Conda
Create a virtual environment:
conda create -n myenv python=3.5
Activate the virtual environment
conda activate myenv
pip install rasa_nlu rasa_core

Installing zlib outside of the normal directory

I'm trying to install a package which depends on camlzip (an OCaml package provided my opam). This package depends on zlib, I know this because I tried before and ran into the same error seen here.
The issue is that when I install zlib to $PKG_DIR/sw by running ./configure --prefix=$PKG_DIR/sw I get the same error suggesting that zlib isn't installed. (I have of course add $PKG_DIR/sw to the PATH)
I'm a bit new to Linux, and I'm probably missing an environment variable but I have no idea what. Any help is appreciated.

Can't find pocketsphinx gstreamer plugin

I tried to install pocketsphinx by
brew instal cmu-pocketsphinx
make install (followed instructions here:
the pocketsphinx_continuous works properly, but I can't find a executable pocketsphinx for
gst-inspect pocketsphinx
could anyone tell me where to find it, please?
Many many thanks
pocketsphinx install log:
You need to check if plugin is installed in
If plugin is there you need to export GST_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable to update gstreamer search path.
If plugin is not there you need to check build log for the information why plugin was not created or installed properly. Most likely you didn't have required development headers so plugin compilation was disabled.
I had the same problem under Raspbian Jessie. The problem was that when I compiled Pocketsphinx the libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev was missing, so no plugin could be compiled. I solved by installing the missing package then recompiling Pocketsphinx. Check this for more info
Hope it helps

Qt project release ubuntu - error while loading shared libraries:

I want to release my project written with Qt to a Ubuntu / Linux user. If they try to execute the build release version they get this error message, because they have not installed Qt:
error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Is there a way to add all the libraries such as to the folder where the executable is, just like under Windows with qt.conf, where you can specify the Plugins folder?
Try this
sudo apt-get install libqt5widgets5
One solution could be:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/dir/with/libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
But a proper solution would be to install QT libraries in system and/or package your app for Ubuntu (in your case).
I had recently updated the Android tools via the SDK manager when I saw this error.
Re-install the SDK tools to fix. That is what worked for my machine.
It may be simplest to package the project using Ubuntu's package management system. The Qt dependency will then be automatically installed by the package manager when your project is installed. That'd be the best way to go about it, as long as there is a version of Qt 5 available in Ubuntu's package repository. It'll save you a whole lot of grief.