Reading all of a stuct or nothing from a pipe/socket in linux? - c++

I've got a subprocess that I've popened that outputs fixed-sized structs containing some status information. My plan is to have a separate thread that reads from the stdout of that process to pull in the data as it comes.
I've got to check a flag periodically to make sure the program is still running so I can shut down cleanly, so I have to set the pipe to non-blocking and just have to run a loop piecing together the status message.
Is there a canonical way I can tell Linux "either read this entire amount or nothing before a timeout", that way I'll be able to check my flag, but I don't have to handle the boilerplate of reading the structure piece meal?
Alternatively, is there a way to push data back into a pipe? I could try to read the whole thing, and if it times out before it's all ready, push what I have back in and try again in a bit.
I've also written my popen (so I can grab stdin and stdout, so I'm totally OK using a socket rather than a pipe if that helps).

Here's what I ended up doing for anyone that's curious. I just wrote a class that wraps up the file descriptor and message size and gives me the "all-or-none" behavior I want.
struct aonreader {
aonreader(int fd, ssize_t size) {
fd_ = fd;
size_ = size_;
nread_ = 0;
nremain_ = size_;
ssize_t read(void *dst) {
ssize_t ngot = read(fd, (char*)dst + nread_, nremain_);
if (ngot < 0) {
if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
return -1; // error
} else {
nread_ += ngot;
nremain_ -= ngot;
// if we read a whole struct
if (nremain_ == 0) {
nread_ = 0;
nremain_ = size_;
return size_;
return 0;
int fd_;
ssize_t size_;
ssize_t nread_;
ssize_t nremain_;
Which can then be used something like this:
thing_you_want thing;
aonreader buffer(fd, sizeof(thing_you_want));
while (running) {
size_t ngot =;
if (ngot == sizeof(thing_you_want)) {
<handle thing>
} else if (ngot < 0) {
<error, handle errno>
<otherwise loop and check running flag>


Sockets - keeping a socket open after data transfer

I have written simple server/client programs, in which the client sends some hardcoded data in small chunks to the server program, which is waiting for the data so that it can print it to the terminal. In the client, I'm calling send() in a loop while there is more data to send, and on the server, I'm doing the same with read(), that is, while the number of bytes returned is > 0, I continue to read.
This example works perfectly if I specifically call close() on the client's socket after I've finished sending, but if I don't, the server won't actually exit the read() loop until I close the client and break the connection. On the server side, I'm using:
while((bytesRead = read(socket, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
Shouldn't bytesRead be 0 when all the data has been received? And if so, why will it not exit this loop until I close the socket? In my final application, it will be beneficial to keep the socket open between requests, but all of the sample code and information I can find calls close() immediately after sending data, which is not what I want.
What am I missing?
When the other end of the socket is connected to some other network system halfway around the world, the only way that the receiving socket knows "when all the data has been received" is precisely when the other side of the socket is closed. That's what tells the other side of the socket that "all the data has been received".
All that a socket knows about is that it's connected to some other socket endpoint. That's it. End of story. The socket has no special knowledge of the inner workings of the program that has the other side of the socket connection. Nor should it know. That happens to be the responsibility of the program that has the socket open, and not the socket itself.
If your program, on the receiving side, has knowledge -- by the virtue of knowing what data it is expected to receive -- that it has now received everything that it needs to receive, then it can close its end of the socket, and move on to the next task at hand.
You will have to incorporate in your program's logic, a way to determine, in some form or fashion, that all the data has been transmitted. The exact nature of that is going to be up to you to define. Perhaps, before sending all the data on the socket, your sending program will send in advance, on the same socket, the number of bytes that will be in the data to follow. Then, your receiving program reads the number of bytes first, followed by the data itself, and then knows that it has received everything, and can move on.
That's one simplistic approach. The exact details is up to you. Alternatively, you can also implement a timeout: set a timer and if any data is not received in some prescribed period of time, assume that there is no more.
You can set a flag on the recv call to prevent blocking.
One way to detect this easily is to wrap the recv call:
enum class read_result
// note: numerically in increasing order of severity
template<std::size_t BufferLength>
read_result read(int socket_fd, char (&buffer)[BufferLength], int& bytes_read)
auto result = recv(socket_fd, buffer, BufferLength, MSG_DONTWAIT);
if (result > 0)
return read_result::ok;
else if (result == 0)
return read_result::end_of_file;
else {
auto err = errno;
if (err == EAGAIN or err == EWOULDBLOCK) {
return read_result::would_block;
else {
return read_result ::error;
One use case might be:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cerrno>
#include <iostream>
enum class read_result
// note: numerically in increasing order of severity
template<std::size_t BufferLength>
read_result read(int socket_fd, char (&buffer)[BufferLength], int& bytes_read)
auto result = recv(socket_fd, buffer, BufferLength, MSG_DONTWAIT);
if (result > 0)
return read_result::ok;
else if (result == 0)
return read_result::end_of_file;
else {
auto err = errno;
if (err == EAGAIN or err == EWOULDBLOCK) {
return read_result::would_block;
else {
return read_result ::error;
struct keep_reading
keep_reading& operator=(read_result result)
result_ = result;
const operator bool() const {
return result_ < read_result::end_of_file;
auto get_result() const -> read_result { return result_; }
read_result result_ = read_result::ok;
int main()
int socket; // = open my socket and wait for it to be connected etc
char buffer [1024];
int bytes_read = 0;
keep_reading should_keep_reading;
while(keep_reading = read(socket, buffer, bytes_read))
if (should_keep_reading.get_result() != read_result::would_block) {
// read things here
else {
// idle processing here
std::cout << "reason for stopping: " << should_keep_reading.get_result() << std::endl;

c++ Protocol buffer sending over network [duplicate]

I'm trying to read / write multiple Protocol Buffers messages from files, in both C++ and Java. Google suggests writing length prefixes before the messages, but there's no way to do that by default (that I could see).
However, the Java API in version 2.1.0 received a set of "Delimited" I/O functions which apparently do that job:
Are there C++ equivalents? And if not, what's the wire format for the size prefixes the Java API attaches, so I can parse those messages in C++?
These now exist in google/protobuf/util/delimited_message_util.h as of v3.3.0.
I'm a bit late to the party here, but the below implementations include some optimizations missing from the other answers and will not fail after 64MB of input (though it still enforces the 64MB limit on each individual message, just not on the whole stream).
(I am the author of the C++ and Java protobuf libraries, but I no longer work for Google. Sorry that this code never made it into the official lib. This is what it would look like if it had.)
bool writeDelimitedTo(
const google::protobuf::MessageLite& message,
google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* rawOutput) {
// We create a new coded stream for each message. Don't worry, this is fast.
google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream output(rawOutput);
// Write the size.
const int size = message.ByteSize();
uint8_t* buffer = output.GetDirectBufferForNBytesAndAdvance(size);
if (buffer != NULL) {
// Optimization: The message fits in one buffer, so use the faster
// direct-to-array serialization path.
} else {
// Slightly-slower path when the message is multiple buffers.
if (output.HadError()) return false;
return true;
bool readDelimitedFrom(
google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyInputStream* rawInput,
google::protobuf::MessageLite* message) {
// We create a new coded stream for each message. Don't worry, this is fast,
// and it makes sure the 64MB total size limit is imposed per-message rather
// than on the whole stream. (See the CodedInputStream interface for more
// info on this limit.)
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream input(rawInput);
// Read the size.
uint32_t size;
if (!input.ReadVarint32(&size)) return false;
// Tell the stream not to read beyond that size.
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream::Limit limit =
// Parse the message.
if (!message->MergeFromCodedStream(&input)) return false;
if (!input.ConsumedEntireMessage()) return false;
// Release the limit.
return true;
Okay, so I haven't been able to find top-level C++ functions implementing what I need, but some spelunking through the Java API reference turned up the following, inside the MessageLite interface:
void writeDelimitedTo(OutputStream output)
/* Like writeTo(OutputStream), but writes the size of
the message as a varint before writing the data. */
So the Java size prefix is a (Protocol Buffers) varint!
Armed with that information, I went digging through the C++ API and found the CodedStream header, which has these:
bool CodedInputStream::ReadVarint32(uint32 * value)
void CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint32(uint32 value)
Using those, I should be able to roll my own C++ functions that do the job.
They should really add this to the main Message API though; it's missing functionality considering Java has it, and so does Marc Gravell's excellent protobuf-net C# port (via SerializeWithLengthPrefix and DeserializeWithLengthPrefix).
I solved the same problem using CodedOutputStream/ArrayOutputStream to write the message (with the size) and CodedInputStream/ArrayInputStream to read the message (with the size).
For example, the following pseudo-code writes the message size following by the message:
const unsigned bufLength = 256;
unsigned char buffer[bufLength];
Message protoMessage;
google::protobuf::io::ArrayOutputStream arrayOutput(buffer, bufLength);
google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream codedOutput(&arrayOutput);
When writing you should also check that your buffer is large enough to fit the message (including the size). And when reading, you should check that your buffer contains a whole message (including the size).
It definitely would be handy if they added convenience methods to C++ API similar to those provided by the Java API.
IsteamInputStream is very fragile to eofs and other errors that easily occurs when used together with std::istream. After this the protobuf streams are permamently damaged and any already used buffer data is destroyed. There are proper support for reading from traditional streams in protobuf.
Implement google::protobuf::io::CopyingInputStream and use that together with CopyingInputStreamAdapter. Do the same for the output variants.
In practice a parsing call ends up in google::protobuf::io::CopyingInputStream::Read(void* buffer, int size) where a buffer is given. The only thing left to do is read into it somehow.
Here's an example for use with Asio synchronized streams (SyncReadStream/SyncWriteStream):
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.h>
using namespace google::protobuf::io;
template <typename SyncReadStream>
class AsioInputStream : public CopyingInputStream {
AsioInputStream(SyncReadStream& sock);
int Read(void* buffer, int size);
SyncReadStream& m_Socket;
template <typename SyncReadStream>
AsioInputStream<SyncReadStream>::AsioInputStream(SyncReadStream& sock) :
m_Socket(sock) {}
template <typename SyncReadStream>
AsioInputStream<SyncReadStream>::Read(void* buffer, int size)
std::size_t bytes_read;
boost::system::error_code ec;
bytes_read = m_Socket.read_some(boost::asio::buffer(buffer, size), ec);
if(!ec) {
return bytes_read;
} else if (ec == boost::asio::error::eof) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
template <typename SyncWriteStream>
class AsioOutputStream : public CopyingOutputStream {
AsioOutputStream(SyncWriteStream& sock);
bool Write(const void* buffer, int size);
SyncWriteStream& m_Socket;
template <typename SyncWriteStream>
AsioOutputStream<SyncWriteStream>::AsioOutputStream(SyncWriteStream& sock) :
m_Socket(sock) {}
template <typename SyncWriteStream>
AsioOutputStream<SyncWriteStream>::Write(const void* buffer, int size)
boost::system::error_code ec;
m_Socket.write_some(boost::asio::buffer(buffer, size), ec);
return !ec;
AsioInputStream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> ais(m_Socket); // Where m_Socket is a instance of boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket
CopyingInputStreamAdaptor cis_adp(&ais);
CodedInputStream cis(&cis_adp);
Message protoMessage;
uint32_t msg_size;
/* Read message size */
if(!cis.ReadVarint32(&msg_size)) {
// Handle error
/* Make sure not to read beyond limit of message */
CodedInputStream::Limit msg_limit = cis.PushLimit(msg_size);
if(!msg.ParseFromCodedStream(&cis)) {
// Handle error
/* Remove limit */
Here you go:
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
#include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h>
using namespace google::protobuf::io;
class FASWriter
std::ofstream mFs;
OstreamOutputStream *_OstreamOutputStream;
CodedOutputStream *_CodedOutputStream;
FASWriter(const std::string &file) : mFs(file,std::ios::out | std::ios::binary)
_OstreamOutputStream = new OstreamOutputStream(&mFs);
_CodedOutputStream = new CodedOutputStream(_OstreamOutputStream);
inline void operator()(const ::google::protobuf::Message &msg)
if ( !msg.SerializeToCodedStream(_CodedOutputStream) )
std::cout << "SerializeToCodedStream error " << std::endl;
delete _CodedOutputStream;
delete _OstreamOutputStream;
class FASReader
std::ifstream mFs;
IstreamInputStream *_IstreamInputStream;
CodedInputStream *_CodedInputStream;
FASReader(const std::string &file), mFs(file,std::ios::in | std::ios::binary)
_IstreamInputStream = new IstreamInputStream(&mFs);
_CodedInputStream = new CodedInputStream(_IstreamInputStream);
template<class T>
bool ReadNext()
T msg;
unsigned __int32 size;
bool ret;
if ( ret = _CodedInputStream->ReadVarint32(&size) )
CodedInputStream::Limit msgLimit = _CodedInputStream->PushLimit(size);
if ( ret = msg.ParseFromCodedStream(_CodedInputStream) )
std::cout << mFeed << " FASReader ReadNext: " << msg.DebugString() << std::endl;
return ret;
delete _CodedInputStream;
delete _IstreamInputStream;
I ran into the same issue in both C++ and Python.
For the C++ version, I used a mix of the code Kenton Varda posted on this thread and the code from the pull request he sent to the protobuf team (because the version posted here doesn't handle EOF while the one he sent to github does).
#include <google/protobuf/message_lite.h>
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h>
#include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h>
bool writeDelimitedTo(const google::protobuf::MessageLite& message,
google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* rawOutput)
// We create a new coded stream for each message. Don't worry, this is fast.
google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream output(rawOutput);
// Write the size.
const int size = message.ByteSize();
uint8_t* buffer = output.GetDirectBufferForNBytesAndAdvance(size);
if (buffer != NULL)
// Optimization: The message fits in one buffer, so use the faster
// direct-to-array serialization path.
// Slightly-slower path when the message is multiple buffers.
if (output.HadError())
return false;
return true;
bool readDelimitedFrom(google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyInputStream* rawInput, google::protobuf::MessageLite* message, bool* clean_eof)
// We create a new coded stream for each message. Don't worry, this is fast,
// and it makes sure the 64MB total size limit is imposed per-message rather
// than on the whole stream. (See the CodedInputStream interface for more
// info on this limit.)
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream input(rawInput);
const int start = input.CurrentPosition();
if (clean_eof)
*clean_eof = false;
// Read the size.
uint32_t size;
if (!input.ReadVarint32(&size))
if (clean_eof)
*clean_eof = input.CurrentPosition() == start;
return false;
// Tell the stream not to read beyond that size.
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream::Limit limit = input.PushLimit(size);
// Parse the message.
if (!message->MergeFromCodedStream(&input)) return false;
if (!input.ConsumedEntireMessage()) return false;
// Release the limit.
return true;
And here is my python2 implementation:
from google.protobuf.internal import encoder
from google.protobuf.internal import decoder
#I had to implement this because the tools in google.protobuf.internal.decoder
#read from a buffer, not from a file-like objcet
def readRawVarint32(stream):
mask = 0x80 # (1 << 7)
raw_varint32 = []
while 1:
b =
if b == "":
if not (ord(b) & mask):
#we found a byte starting with a 0, which means it's the last byte of this varint
return raw_varint32
def writeDelimitedTo(message, stream):
message_str = message.SerializeToString()
delimiter = encoder._VarintBytes(len(message_str))
stream.write(delimiter + message_str)
def readDelimitedFrom(MessageType, stream):
raw_varint32 = readRawVarint32(stream)
message = None
if raw_varint32:
size, _ = decoder._DecodeVarint32(raw_varint32, 0)
data =
if len(data) < size:
raise Exception("Unexpected end of file")
message = MessageType()
return message
#In place version that takes an already built protobuf object
#In my tests, this is around 20% faster than the other version
#of readDelimitedFrom()
def readDelimitedFrom_inplace(message, stream):
raw_varint32 = readRawVarint32(stream)
if raw_varint32:
size, _ = decoder._DecodeVarint32(raw_varint32, 0)
data =
if len(data) < size:
raise Exception("Unexpected end of file")
return message
return None
It might not be the best looking code and I'm sure it can be refactored a fair bit, but at least that should show you one way to do it.
Now the big problem: It's SLOW.
Even when using the C++ implementation of python-protobuf, it's one order of magnitude slower than in pure C++. I have a benchmark where I read 10M protobuf messages of ~30 bytes each from a file. It takes ~0.9s in C++, and 35s in python.
One way to make it a bit faster would be to re-implement the varint decoder to make it read from a file and decode in one go, instead of reading from a file and then decoding as this code currently does. (profiling shows that a significant amount of time is spent in the varint encoder/decoder). But needless to say that alone is not enough to close the gap between the python version and the C++ version.
Any idea to make it faster is very welcome :)
Just for completeness, I post here an up-to-date version that works with the master version of protobuf and Python3
For the C++ version it is sufficient to use the utils in delimited_message_utils.h, here a MWE
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
#include <google/protobuf/util/delimited_message_util.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
template <typename T>
bool writeManyToFile(std::deque<T> messages, std::string filename) {
int outfd = open(filename.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
google::protobuf::io::FileOutputStream fout(outfd);
bool success;
for (auto msg: messages) {
success = google::protobuf::util::SerializeDelimitedToZeroCopyStream(
msg, &fout);
if (! success) {
std::cout << "Writing Failed" << std::endl;
return success;
template <typename T>
std::deque<T> readManyFromFile(std::string filename) {
int infd = open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
google::protobuf::io::FileInputStream fin(infd);
bool keep = true;
bool clean_eof = true;
std::deque<T> out;
while (keep) {
T msg;
keep = google::protobuf::util::ParseDelimitedFromZeroCopyStream(
&msg, &fin, nullptr);
if (keep)
return out;
For the Python3 version, building on #fireboot 's answer, the only thing thing that needed modification is the decoding of raw_varint32
def getSize(raw_varint32):
result = 0
shift = 0
b = six.indexbytes(raw_varint32, 0)
result |= ((ord(b) & 0x7f) << shift)
return result
def readDelimitedFrom(MessageType, stream):
raw_varint32 = readRawVarint32(stream)
message = None
if raw_varint32:
size = getSize(raw_varint32)
data =
if len(data) < size:
raise Exception("Unexpected end of file")
message = MessageType()
return message
Was also looking for a solution for this. Here's the core of our solution, assuming some java code wrote many MyRecord messages with writeDelimitedTo into a file. Open the file and loop, doing:
if(someCodedInputStream->ReadVarint32(&bytes)) {
CodedInputStream::Limit msgLimit = someCodedInputStream->PushLimit(bytes);
if(myRecord->ParseFromCodedStream(someCodedInputStream)) {
//do your stuff with the parsed MyRecord instance
} else {
//handle parse error
} else {
//maybe end of file
Hope it helps.
Working with an objective-c version of protocol-buffers, I ran into this exact issue. On sending from the iOS client to a Java based server that uses parseDelimitedFrom, which expects the length as the first byte, I needed to call writeRawByte to the CodedOutputStream first. Posting here to hopegully help others that run into this issue. While working through this issue, one would think that Google proto-bufs would come with a simply flag which does this for you...
Request* request = [rBuild build];
[self sendMessage:request];
- (void) sendMessage:(Request *) request {
//** get length
NSData* n = [request data];
uint8_t len = [n length];
PBCodedOutputStream* os = [PBCodedOutputStream streamWithOutputStream:outputStream];
//** prepend it to message, such that Request.parseDelimitedFrom(in) can parse it properly
[os writeRawByte:len];
[request writeToCodedOutputStream:os];
[os flush];
Since I'm not allowed to write this as a comment to Kenton Varda's answer above; I believe there is a bug in the code he posted (as well as in other answers which have been provided). The following code:
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream input(rawInput);
// Read the size.
uint32_t size;
if (!input.ReadVarint32(&size)) return false;
// Tell the stream not to read beyond that size.
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream::Limit limit =
sets an incorrect limit because it does not take into account the size of the varint32 which has already been read from input. This can result in data loss/corruption as additional bytes are read from the stream which may be part of the next message. The usual way of handling this correctly is to delete the CodedInputStream used to read the size and create a new one for reading the payload:
uint32_t size;
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream input(rawInput);
// Read the size.
if (!input.ReadVarint32(&size)) return false;
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream input(rawInput);
// Tell the stream not to read beyond that size.
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream::Limit limit =
You can use getline for reading a string from a stream, using the specified delimiter:
istream& getline ( istream& is, string& str, char delim );
(defined in the header)

Reading on serial port returns what i just wrote

I just started a project where i'm struggling since days now about serial ports. I wrote a static library that can handle all the serial routine and give an interface with "readLine()" and "writeLine()" functions.
Everything works flawlessly on the write and read (which are threaded by the way) except if the slave does not anwser after he gets the data, then, the data is sent back to me, and i read it.
I open my fd with O_NDELAY and configure my read system call as Non blocking with fcntl.
here are the two threaded loops that work perfectly beside that.
void *Serial_Port::readLoop(void *param)
Serial_Port *sp = static_cast<Serial_Port*>(param);
std::string *line = NULL;
char buffer[128];
while (1)
line = new std::string();
while ((line->find("\r\n")) == std::string::npos)
bzero(buffer, 128);
if (read(sp->getDescriptor(), buffer, 127) > 0)
*line += buffer;
sp->getRStack()->push(line->substr(0, line->find("\r\n")));
delete (line);
return (param);
void *Serial_Port::writeLoop(void *param)
Serial_Port *sp = static_cast<Serial_Port*>(param);
std::string *line;
while (1)
line = NULL;
if (!sp->getWStack()->empty())
line = new std::string(sp->getWStack()->front());
if (line != NULL)
write(sp->getDescriptor(), line->c_str(), line->length());
// fsync(sp->getDescriptor());
return (param);
I tried to flush the file descriptor, but i can't manage to receive any data after doing that. How can I get rid of that duplicate, needless data?
After multiple tests and behavior analysis, I discovered it was the "Pulsar3" (the device i was using on serial) that kept giving me back what i sent as "Acknowledge". Nice to know!

asl logger change filter setting during program runtime (or any other configuration)

I'd like to change ASL logger filter setting from an external utility.
However, I wish to do it with little performence degradation as possible.
currently I do so by creating a special file to hold the logger level parameter,
and change it by the following command
echo LOGGER_LEVEL > /etc/syslog_MODULE.conf
in the application that uses the logger, there's a special thread that mmap the file into virtual memory space, and check every interval if new logger level should be committed.
this is the mapping section :
const char * mmap_config()
int fd;
char *data;
struct stat sbuf;
if ((fd = open("/tmp/conf", O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
if (stat("/tmp/conf", &sbuf) == -1) {
data = (char *)mmap((caddr_t)0, sbuf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
if (data == (caddr_t)(-1)) {
return data;
and this is the loop that look for changes in logger level :
int main() {
const char* x = mmap_config();
while (1) {
int y = atoi(x);
asl_set_filter(log_asl_client, ASL_FILTER_MASK_UPTO(y));
perhaps there's a simpler way to do so with smaller performance foot-print ?

Capturing stdout from a system() command optimally [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I execute a command and get the output of the command within C++ using POSIX?
(12 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I'm trying to start an external application through system() - for example, system("ls"). I would like to capture its output as it happens so I can send it to another function for further processing. What's the best way to do that in C/C++?
From the popen manual:
#include <stdio.h>
FILE *popen(const char *command, const char *type);
int pclose(FILE *stream);
Try the popen() function. It executes a command, like system(), but directs the output into a new file. A pointer to the stream is returned.
FILE *lsofFile_p = popen("lsof", "r");
if (!lsofFile_p)
return -1;
char buffer[1024];
char *line_p = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), lsofFile_p);
EDIT: misread question as wanting to pass output to another program, not another function. popen() is almost certainly what you want.
System gives you full access to the shell. If you want to continue using it, you can
redirect it's output to a temporary file, by system("ls > tempfile.txt"), but choosing a secure temporary file is a pain. Or, you can even redirect it through another program: system("ls | otherprogram");
Some may recommend the popen() command. This is what you want if you can process the output yourself:
FILE *output = popen("ls", "r");
which will give you a FILE pointer you can read from with the command's output on it.
You can also use the pipe() call to create a connection in combination with fork() to create new processes, dup2() to change the standard input and output of them, exec() to run the new programs, and wait() in the main program to wait for them. This is just setting up the pipeline much like the shell would. See the pipe() man page for details and an example.
The functions popen() and such don't redirect stderr and such; I wrote popen3() for that purpose.
Here's a bowdlerised version of my popen3():
int popen3(int fd[3],const char **const cmd) {
int i, e;
int p[3][2];
pid_t pid;
// set all the FDs to invalid
for(i=0; i<3; i++)
p[i][0] = p[i][1] = -1;
// create the pipes
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
goto error;
// and fork
pid = fork();
if(-1 == pid)
goto error;
// in the parent?
if(pid) {
// parent
// success
return 0;
} else {
// child
// here we try and run it
// if we are there, then we failed to launch our program
perror("Could not launch");
fprintf(stderr," \"%s\"\n",*cmd);
// preserve original error
e = errno;
for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
errno = e;
return -1;
The most efficient way is to use stdout file descriptor directly, bypassing FILE stream:
pid_t popen2(const char *command, int * infp, int * outfp)
int p_stdin[2], p_stdout[2];
pid_t pid;
if (pipe(p_stdin) == -1)
return -1;
if (pipe(p_stdout) == -1) {
return -1;
pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) {
return pid;
} else if (pid == 0) {
dup2(p_stdin[0], 0);
dup2(p_stdout[1], 1);
dup2(::open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY), 2);
/// Close all other descriptors for the safety sake.
for (int i = 3; i < 4096; ++i) {
execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", command, NULL);
if (infp == NULL) {
} else {
*infp = p_stdin[1];
if (outfp == NULL) {
} else {
*outfp = p_stdout[0];
return pid;
To read output from child use popen2() like this:
int child_stdout = -1;
pid_t child_pid = popen2("ls", 0, &child_stdout);
if (!child_pid) {
char buff[128];
ssize_t bytes_read = read(child_stdout, buff, sizeof(buff));
To both write and read:
int child_stdin = -1;
int child_stdout = -1;
pid_t child_pid = popen2("grep 123", &child_stdin, &child_stdout);
if (!child_pid) {
const char text = "1\n2\n123\n3";
ssize_t bytes_written = write(child_stdin, text, sizeof(text) - 1);
char buff[128];
ssize_t bytes_read = read(child_stdout, buff, sizeof(buff));
The functions popen() and pclose() could be what you're looking for.
Take a look at the glibc manual for an example.
In Windows, instead of using system(), use CreateProcess, redirect the output to a pipe and connect to the pipe.
I'm guessing this is also possible in some POSIX way?
Actually, I just checked, and:
popen is problematic, because the process is forked. So if you need to wait for the shell command to execute, then you're in danger of missing it. In my case, my program closed even before the pipe got to do it's work.
I ended up using system call with tar command on linux. The return value from system was the result of tar.
So: if you need the return value, then not no only is there no need to use popen, it probably won't do what you want.
In this page: capture_the_output_of_a_child_process_in_c describes the limitations of using popen vs. using fork/exec/dup2/STDOUT_FILENO approach.
I'm having problems capturing tshark output with popen.
And I'm guessing that this limitation might be my problem:
It returns a stdio stream as opposed to a raw file descriptor, which
is unsuitable for handling the output asynchronously.
I'll come back to this answer if I have a solution with the other approach.
I'm not entirely certain that its possible in standard C, as two different processes don't typically share memory space. The simplest way I can think of to do it would be to have the second program redirect its output to a text file (programname > textfile.txt) and then read that text file back in for processing. However, that may not be the best way.