ML integration with WSO2 Data Analytics Server - wso2

I tried in ML 1.1.0 create a new dataset from DAS, but the response is empty, for some reason the table/events in DAS not show in ML. I reviewed this documentation ( but any result. I tested api /api/configs/das/tables and response is empty []

According to your question, it is not clear which DAS version you are testing with WSO2 ML.
Assuming you are using WSO2 DAS 3.0.0:
I tested this scenario using the embedded database (i.e. H2) which comes with WSO2 products. Also, please note that uploading data from DAS server works irrespective of the database system which configures with DAS and ML.
So in order to help you to debug your issue, I would like to highlight following points.
Did you properly configure all three databases, namely:
WSO2_ANALYTICS_FS_DB, WSO2_ANALYTICS_EVENT_STORE_DB and WSO2_ANALYTICS_PROCESSED_DATA_STORE_DB. Please note that data sources in both ML and DAS should be pointed to the same database. For instance, data source WSO2_ANALYTICS_FS_DB in both ML and DAS should be correctly pointed to the same database.
Next, start both servers ( If you are running both servers on the same machine you have to offset ports in one of the servers).
Now go to your DAS server and create a test table.
Next, if you go to "Create Dataset" page, you will be able to see the newly created data table.
However, if you are using WSO2 DAS 3.0.1:
Presently, create dataset using DAS tables feature is not working with DAS 3.0.1. We have created a public JIRA [1] for this issues and once this is fixed we will notify you.


WSO2 API Analytics: From where the data gets into WSO2AM_STATS_DB

I am fairly new with WSO2 products and currently checking on the ApiM and Analytics products.
I am able to configure the WSO2 APIM and Analytics products successfully with SQL database and now able to get the stats as well.
In further exploring, I want to know from where the data gets inserted into various tables inside WSO2AM_STATS_DB.
If its through events, then can some one please throw light on the same.
Yes it is though a collection of Siddhi Apps running in APIM Analytics which is based on Stream Processor. You can find corresponding siddhi apps under /wso2/worker/deployment/siddhi-files. Below are the files
These are written using Siddhi and here is the link to siddhi query guide if you need to understand.

How to configure WSO2 DAS server to get realtime stats from WSO2 API Manager?

I have configured WSO2 DAS server to receive statistics from WSO2 API manager. I want see realtime statistics. Is there any way to configure it, So that I will get realtime stats & test?
In [1] you can find an example CAR file that has a usecase of showing an alert in the DAS backend console which has used with CEP realtime execution engine. You may refer it and modify it for your requirements with APIM stats visualization.

How to write analyzed data from wso2 DAS to custom database for API manager

In my case i'm using wso2 api manager and Data analytic server. I need to show the analyzed data on the api manager publisher or subscriber accounts which are analyzed by the DAS. I rifer reference source
In the DAS side I can see the results perfectly. But can't see the statistics from the API manager side.
Only I can see "Data Publishing Enabled, Generate some traffic" message.
Not getting any error too.
please guide me how can I resolve this.
[Edited]I got this exception after following the steps mentioned in the #Prabudda Sri Rahal 's answer.
So how can I resolve this issue.
Need to add file to DAS as a carbon application. Then it creates all the necessary streams, event receivers. But it doesn't create event publishers to publish these data to our custom database. For that need to create event publishers manually to write on the database tables by mapping correct stream attributes with the database column names.
Refered: enter link description here
Maybe you should add the as described in
this blog.

WSO2 DAS with MongoDB

Is it possible to setup MongoDB as the analytic datasource in WSO2 DAS? I saw DAS support cassandra , HBase in analytics-datasources.xml script.
We have done a PR to support MongoDB in DAS. It is already included in the master branch, you can take a look at these PRs:
And here:
Best regards,
Out of the box, WSO2 Data Analytics Server (DAS) does not support MongoDB. However, we have written DAS in such a way that, it is easy to setup other databases such as MongoDB as your analytics data source.
The procedure is pretty simple and you just need to implement AnalyticsRecordStore interface. It is well documented and I hope you can easily understand it. Additionally, I would like to point out
CassandraAnalyticsRecordStore which is the Cassandra implementation of the AnalyticsRecordStore interface.
P.S. If you manage to implement the AnalyticsRecordStore interface for MongoDB, you are more than welcome to send a Pull Request to carbon-analytics repository.

Is WSO2 DAS the new name or successor product for WSO2 BAM?

We are evaluating the WSO2 API Manager 1.8.0 (WSO2 AM) together with the WSO2 Business Activity Monitor 2.5.0 (WSO2 BAM). From our support partner Yenlo we got the WSO2 recommendation to use WSO2 BAM 3.0 for new installation, because the changes from BAM 2.5.0 to BAM 3.0.0 are massive.
BAM 3.0 is not released yet (see the release plan in JIRA). But milestone 4 should be available.
But the only thing I can find is milestone 3 of BAM and milestone 4 of DAS (Data Analytics Server) as announced in this email. Also the change log of DAS points to JIRA issues from BAM.
Is DAS the new name for BAM?
Is DAS the new name for BAM?
Yes, with exsisting BAM features + all features of WSO2 CEP are also included additionally in WSO2 DAS.
Some of the content of current BAM also applicable to DAS such as Collect & Store any Type of Business Events, High Performance Data Capture Framework, Pre-Built Data Agents for all WSO2 Products, etc. But since DAS is a complete revamp of old BAM, there are core changes such as analytics engine is now based on spark, and pluggable storage architecture and not cassandra centric (DAS 3.0 will be having RDBMS and hbase connectors).
DAS also includes all WSO2 CEP features, therefore users can do both real time and batch based analysis. Basically it's kind of analytics platform.
The old BAM is mainly focused on batch analysis.
More information can be found in WSO2 DAS Documentation. Also DAS would be in the future include Machine Learning Features as well, and it is an another name for whole analytics platform
Keep in mind as far as I know DAS is not completely backward compatible with BAM. So if you start new from WSO2 AM 1.10.0, best way is to use DAS Version 3, not BAM.