How to make QCheckBox readonly, but not grayed-out - c++

Any good way to make a checkbox readonly, but also not grayed-out (hardly visible).
I have used setEnabled(bool) which works, but the checkbox then is grayed-out and hardly readable
I can react on a toggle signal and reset the state. But I would need a kind of flag to determine if the box is read-only and then reset the check state, means I need to create my own CheckBox class.
setCheckable does not work either, it does not allow me to set a checked state at all:
cb = this->ui->cb_RealWorld->isCheckable();
So the best thing I have is to use enable/disable and accept the grayed out style.
------- Edit -------
Following the stylesheet examples I was hoping I could set the style of a disabled checkbox like the one of an enabled. Failed so far to do so. More specific: Changing the icon like in the examples does not work for me, maybe because I am using Windows and the icons are not available under the path as in the examples.
PS: Related, but no answer here
Disabling a QCheckbox in a tricky way
Qt - How to disable QCheckBox while retaining checked state?

Following the below my code:

This is Devopia's solution as a function:
void SetReadOnly(QCheckBox* checkBox, bool readOnly)
checkBox->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, readOnly);
checkBox->setFocusPolicy(readOnly ? Qt::NoFocus : Qt::StrongFocus);

On Windows, remember to #include "windows.h" and set flags as follows:
this->ui->cb_RealWorld->setWindowFlags(this->ui->cb_RealWorld->windowFlags() | Qt::WindowTransparentForInput);

Inherit from QCheckBox and override nextCheckState method do the trick.
void ReadOnlyCheckBox::nextCheckState()


Call button click function from grandchild

I'm creating my first C++ wxWidgets application. I'm trying to create some kind of split button where the options are displayed in a grid. I have a custom button class which, when right-clicked on, opens a custom wxPopupTransientWindow that contains other buttons.
When I click on the buttons in the popup, I want to simulate a left click on the main button. I'm trying to achieve this through events, but I'm kinda confused.
void expandButton::mouseReleased(wxMouseEvent& evt)
if (pressed) {
pressed = false;
wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetGrandParent();
wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_BUTTON);
mBtn-> //make it process the event somehow?
wxPopupTransientWindow* popup = wxDynamicCast(this->GetParent(), wxPopupTransientWindow);
What is the best way to do this?
You should do mBtn->ProcessWindowEvent() which is a shorter synonym for mBtn->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent() already mentioned in the comments.
Note that, generally speaking, you're not supposed to create wxEVT_BUTTON events from your own code. In this particular case and with current (and all past) version(s) of wxWidgets it will work, but a cleaner, and guaranteed to also work with the future versions, solution would be define your own custom event and generate it instead.

Disable QTRadioButton click [duplicate]

Any good way to make a checkbox readonly, but also not grayed-out (hardly visible).
I have used setEnabled(bool) which works, but the checkbox then is grayed-out and hardly readable
I can react on a toggle signal and reset the state. But I would need a kind of flag to determine if the box is read-only and then reset the check state, means I need to create my own CheckBox class.
setCheckable does not work either, it does not allow me to set a checked state at all:
cb = this->ui->cb_RealWorld->isCheckable();
So the best thing I have is to use enable/disable and accept the grayed out style.
------- Edit -------
Following the stylesheet examples I was hoping I could set the style of a disabled checkbox like the one of an enabled. Failed so far to do so. More specific: Changing the icon like in the examples does not work for me, maybe because I am using Windows and the icons are not available under the path as in the examples.
PS: Related, but no answer here
Disabling a QCheckbox in a tricky way
Qt - How to disable QCheckBox while retaining checked state?
Following the below my code:
This is Devopia's solution as a function:
void SetReadOnly(QCheckBox* checkBox, bool readOnly)
checkBox->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, readOnly);
checkBox->setFocusPolicy(readOnly ? Qt::NoFocus : Qt::StrongFocus);
On Windows, remember to #include "windows.h" and set flags as follows:
this->ui->cb_RealWorld->setWindowFlags(this->ui->cb_RealWorld->windowFlags() | Qt::WindowTransparentForInput);
Inherit from QCheckBox and override nextCheckState method do the trick.
void ReadOnlyCheckBox::nextCheckState()

How can i disable or hide default cancel button in QFileDialog?

I'm trying to use QFileDialog as a widget, to use QFileDialog as a widget the final step for my is to disable the cancel button.
Have you an idea of how can i disable this button.
PS : I am using Qt 5.5.0
You should be able to access the various standard buttons via the QDialogButtonBox and, from there, do what you want with the Cancel button.
The following example code appears to works as expected...
QFileDialog fd;
* Find the QDialogButtonBox.
if (auto *button_box = fd.findChild<QDialogButtonBox *>()) {
* Now find the `Cancel' button...
if (auto *cancel_button = button_box->button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel)) {
* ...and remove it (or disable it if you prefer).
The QFileDialog Class doesn't seem to have any option for this.
However, you could make your own file browser using QTreeModel and QTreeView (It's not too difficult).
There is a tutorial on how to do just that here.
It would take a while to type out all the code (sorry, I'm a slow typer), but this tutorial should allow you to have the flexibility you need to do what you want to do.
I understand that this answer isn't exactly what you asked, but I hope it is a good alternative.
EDIT: Accidentally pasted wrong link for QFileDialog Class

MFC, Ribbons - CMFCRibbonButton with image: Always show the text

I've got an CMFCRibbonButton that displays a text and an icon. When I compact the ribbon, in the end only the small icon is shown.
Is there a way to tell the button not to get compacted into small icon state, but always show the text as well?
I tried pButton->SetCompactMode(FALSE); without success.
To be sure, CMFCRibbonButton::SetAlwaysLargeImage() is not what you are looking for? I ask, because when only an icon without text is displayed, it is usually the panel the button sits in that has collapsed. See CMFCRibbonPanel::IsCollapsed(). If you want to modify the behavior of the panel so that it won't collape, you could try to subclass CMFCRibbonPanel and play with overrides. The MFC Ribbon is not completely documented but my best bet is CMFCRibbonPanel::IsFixedSize():
class CMyPanel : public CMFCRibbonPanel
BOOL IsFixedSize() const { return TRUE; }
If this doesn't work you have to see yourself what happens in NotifyControlCommand or OnUpdateCmdUI when the panel collapses and modify the behavior as needed.

Set CSS in QPushButton's subclass's constructor

I'm creating my custom push button class by subclassing QPushButton. However for some reason setting that class's CSS in its constructor has no effect; I have to do it in for example paintEvent, then everything is fine. I could just have a global .qss file and set it for the entire application, but I want the class to manage its own styles. Why doesn't my approach work?
The code:
class CustomPushButton: public QPushButton
explicit CustomPushButton(QWidget *parent = 0);
~CustomPushButton() = default;
CustomPushButton::CustomPushButton(QWidget *parent)
: QPushButton(parent)
setStyleSheet("background-color: black;"); // this does not work
EDIT: For future readers, if you're having a similar issue (i.e. Qt seems to ignore your CSS you set in code), see if you haven't edited the object's styleSheet property in Qt Creator - scroll down in the properties list and make sure styleSheet is empty and NOT BOLD - that was the issue in my case. If it is bold, it means Qt is still using that empty field as the object's CSS, thereby overriding your styles. To clear it either hit the little arrow next to the field in Qt Creator or open up the .ui file and delete the <styleSheet> XML property.
Thanks to JMik for pointing me in the right direction.
The performance cost of setting a stylesheet is surprisingly high, especially if you're developing for an embedded system.
I'd suggest, like you said, using a global stylesheet and specify the class name, like this:
CustomPushButton { background-color: black; }
this way all CustomPushButton will have the same style, and the object will take less time to create.
As for the reason why it doesn't work in your case, I'd guess maybe your accidentally changing the stylesheet again after the creation of the CustomPushButton.
I tested your code on my side and it worked, so it probably has something to do with code your not showing