Compiling STXXL on visual studio 2015 - c++

I am trying to use STXXL map in my c++ code in visual studio 2015.
I followed the instruction on'
and when I try to build the project in visual studio I get this message:
"<"hash_map">" is deprecated and will be REMOVED. Please use . You can define _SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning."
I tried to add _SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to the preproseccor definitions but it did not help.
It lookes like the problem comes from the file hash_map in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include" directory.
Does anyone know what the problem is?


Folder "Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0" Is Missing

I'm trying to add pthread library to Visual Studio 2017 (I'm using Windows 10 OS). I'm using the following guide from another post tat I saw, but I can't find the "Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0" folder in "C:\Program Files x86". I have Visual Studio 2017 and It's working. I've checked and I've installed the Visual Studio C++. What else should I install? Is there any other way to include pthread library by just adding it to the project and including the path to the library in the linker or something similar?
Thank you
Since visual studio 2017 visual studio is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\<version>\<edition> by default e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community. There are other changes to the internal layout of files within the visual studio directory too. Your guide seems to only provide libraries for Visual Studio 2010 and 2012, these won't work in 2017, you should try to find an updated guide (or just use std::thread instead of pthreads).
Installing these files inside the visual studio directory isn't the right approach anyway, install them to a directory of your choice and update your project settings to point to that directory. The lazy approach in the guide is likely to cause problems in the long run.

Open a vdproj file with VS Community 2017?

I retrieved a C++ VS project from 2011 and it has a Install-win32.vdproj I guess it has to be the file I need to open in order to build the project.
Unfortunately Visual Studio 2017 seems not to recognize this kind of file. Is there any ways to interpret it or convert it?
For VS2017, use the Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects. Download link is below. Be sure to close Visual Studio before running the installer:

LNK1104 cannot open file '...lib.obj'

I'm trying to update Visual Studio 2012 C++ projects so that I can compile them in Visual Studio 2015 (Update 3). I've gotten it narrowed down to just one error in one project that I'm completely stumped on:
LNK1104 cannot open file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\lib.obj'
I've installed all the C++ language options (they don't get installed by default) and even uninstalled and reinstalled Visual Studio.
That file doesn't exist in that directory, and it also doesn't exist in the Visual Studio 2012 directory either.
Anyone have any ideas on how to solve this?
The problem might be that you added something like "$(VC_LibraryPath_x86)xxxx.lib" to the Linker input additional dependencies. This goes wrong, resulting in the error. It should just be "xxxx.lib".
Check your path. If that's correct then make sure you've written xxx.lib rather than xxx

VS 2010 C++ cannot load msobj100.dll in Release mode

I have a fairly simple C++ project in Visual C++ 2010 Express on Windows 7. I have no problems compiling in Debug mode for Win32, but when I switch to Release mode for Win32 I get the following compiler error:
LINK : fatal error LNK1296: unable to load msobj100.dll
I know this question has been asked here, but I couldn't get a fix from that solution. I did a search for that file, and it is only located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE. Within SysWOW64 and Win32, there are files called 'msobjs.dll', but that's it. Any ideas?
Try to install the Windows SDK to your computer. These Files Should be distributed.Along with it.
See here.
Copy the missing dll file from
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\Bin.
VC\Bin is the runtime path.
This problem also bothered me for a long time, and I had to run Release mode in another machine...
and I find the solution just now.

Visual Studio 2012 Platform Toolset set Incorrectly

I have a C++ project that I created in VS 2010 and I'm now running it in 2012, but I still want to use the 2010 compiler. All my other projects in the same solution are fine but for some reason this one NMake file going to Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0 for the MSBuild.exe instead of Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 like it is supposed to. Does Anyone know how to change this?
Normally I would just open the vcxproj and go to the platformtool set and change it from 11 to 10 but my NMake file won't allow that.
I think the problem is here -
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\BIN\CL.exe /c...
it should be
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\BIN\CL.exe /c...
But I can't figure out what I need to change to fix that.
I am also getting this error which I am just assuming is caused by this problem.
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(38,5): error MSB3073: The command "call build_qt.bat win32" exited with code 1.
I'm sure there is an easy way to do this, but I really can't figure this out.
Any suggestions?
I'm not sure if this helps your issue, but in order to fix my issue as described in this blog post:
I modified my .pri/.pro file to include these values
win32 {
LIBS *= -L"%ProgramFiles(x86)%/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/7.1A/Lib"
INCLUDEPATH += "%ProgramFiles(x86)%/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/7.1A/Include"
I also recompiled Qt 5.0 using those flags, just to be safe (although I don't think it was needed.