Django query Unicode Issues - django

EDIT #2:
{'sql': 'SELECT "strains_terpene"."id", "strains_terpene"."name",
"strains_terpene"."short_desc", "strains_terpene"."long_desc",
"strains_terpene"."aroma", "strains_terpene"."flavor",
"strains_terpene"."effects" FROM "strains_terpene" WHERE
"strains_terpene"."name" = \'\xce±-Humulene\'', 'time': '0.000'}
Upon closer look it appears that django may be properly escaping the single quotes in the end. Had to take a different angle to see this by using this:
from django.db import connections
So now the question remains, why even though python3, django, and postgres are all set to utf-8 is the unicode being encoded to local in the query?
Original Question:
Here is the runtime error:
strains.models.DoesNotExist: Terpene matching query does not exist.
Here is the str(Terpene.objects.filter(name='β-Caryophyllene').query):
SELECT "strains_terpene"."id", "strains_terpene"."name", "strains_terpene"."short_desc", "strains_terpene"."long_desc", "strains_terpene"."aroma", "strains_terpene"."flavor", "strains_terpene"."effects"
FROM "strains_terpene"
WHERE "strains_terpene"."name" = ß-Caryophyllene
Here is how postgres likes to see the query for it to work:
select * from strains_terpene where name = 'β-Caryophyllene'
Am i missing something here? Why is Django not wrapping my condition in single quotes?
PostgresDB is encoded with utf-8
Python 3 strings are unicode
I notice the query attribute is also converting the β to ß...
I thought this could be a conversion issue considering im using windows cmd for the python shell.
So i did a:
with open('log2.txt','w',encoding='utf-8') as f:
print(Terpene.objects.filter(name='β-Caryophyllene').query, file=f)
And here are the results even when output directly to utf-8 plain text.
SELECT "strains_terpene"."id", "strains_terpene"."name", "strains_terpene"."short_desc", "strains_terpene"."long_desc", "strains_terpene"."aroma", "strains_terpene"."flavor", "strains_terpene"."effects"
FROM "strains_terpene"
WHERE "strains_terpene"."name" = ß-Caryophyllene
So now I am confused on 2 fronts. Why does django choose to ommit the single quotes for the where condition and why is the lowercase beta being converted to an uppercase?
Here is the section of actual code.
Importing mass results via CSV.
The results dict stores the mapping between columns and Terpene Names
The first log.txt is for verifying the contents of results
The second log1.txt is to verify the key before using it as the lookup condition
The finally log2.txt verifies sql being sent to the database
First the Code Snippet:
results = {
u'α-Pinene': row[7],
u'β-Pinene': row[8],
u'Terpinolene': row[9],
u'Geraniol': row[10],
u'α-Terpinene': row[11],
u'γ-Terpinene': row[12],
u'Camphene': row[13],
u'Linalool': row[14],
u'd-Limonene': row[15],
u'Citral': row[16],
u'Myrcene': row[17],
u'α-Terpineol': row[18],
u'Citronellol': row[19],
u'dl-Menthol': row[20],
u'1-Borneol': row[21],
u'2-Piperidone': row[22],
u'β-Caryophyllene': row[23],
u'α-Humulene': row[24],
u'Caryophyllene Oxide': row[25],
with open("log.txt", "w") as text_file:
print(results.keys(), file=text_file)
for r, v in results.items():
if '<' not in v:
value = float(v.replace("%", ""))
with open("log1.txt", "w") as text2:
print(r, file=text2)
with open("log2.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as text3:
print(Terpene.objects.filter(name=r).query, file=text3)
And log.txt -- results.keys():
dict_keys(['dl-Menthol', 'Geraniol', 'Camphene', '1-Borneol', 'Linalool',
'α-Humulene', 'Caryophyllene Oxide', 'β-Caryophyllene', 'Citronellol',
'α-Pinene', '2-Piperidone', 'β-Pinene', 'd-Limonene', 'γ-Terpinene',
'Terpinolene', 'α-Terpineol', 'Myrcene', 'α-Terpinene', 'Citral'])
log1.txt -- α-Humulene
Lastly the sql being generated -- log2.txt:
SELECT "strains_terpene"."id", "strains_terpene"."name", "strains_terpene"."short_desc", "strains_terpene"."long_desc", "strains_terpene"."aroma", "strains_terpene"."flavor", "strains_terpene"."effects"
FROM "strains_terpene"
WHERE "strains_terpene"."name" = α-Humulene
Note the unicode being lost at the last moment when the sql is generated.


Unparsable MOF Query When Trying to Register Event

Update 2
I accepted an answer and asked a different question elsewhere, where I am still trying to get to the bottom of this.
I don't think that one-lining this query is the answer, as I am still not getting the required results (and multi-lining queries is allowed in .mof, as shown in the URLs in comments to the answer ...
I rewrote the query as a one-liner as suggested, but still got the same error! As it was still talking about lines 11-19 I knew there must be another issue. After saving a new file with the change, I reran mofcomp and it appears to have loaded, but the event which I have subscribed to simply does not work.
I really feel that there is not enough documentation on this topic and it is hard to work out how I am meant to debug this - any help on this would be much appreciated, even if this means using a different more appropriate method.
I have the following .mof file, which I would like to use to register an event on my system :
#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\subscription")
instance of __EventFilter as $EventFilter
Name = "Event Filter Instance Name";
Query = "Select * from __InstanceCreationEvent within 1 "
"where targetInstance isa \"Cim_DirectoryContainsFile\" "
"and targetInstance.GroupComponent = \"Win32_Directory.Name=\"c:\\\\test\"\"";
QueryLanguage = "WQL";
EventNamespace = "Root\\Cimv2";
instance of ActiveScriptEventConsumer as $Consumer
Name = "TestConsumer";
ScriptingEngine = "VBScript";
ScriptText =
"Set objFSO = CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\")\n"
"Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(\"c:\\test\\Log.txt\", 8, True)\n"
"objFile.WriteLine Time & \" \" & \" File Created\"\n"
// Specify any other relevant properties.
instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding
Filter = $EventFilter;
Consumer = $Consumer;
But whenever I run the command mfcomp myfile.mof I am getting this error:
Parsing MOF file: myfile.mof
MOF file has been successfully parsed
Storing data in the repository...
An error occurred while processing item 1 defined on lines 11 - 19 in file myfile.mof:
Error Number: 0x80041058, Facility: WMI
Description: Unparsable query.
Compiler returned error 0x80041058
This error appears to be caused by incorrect syntax in the query, but I don't understand where I have gone wrong with this - is anyone able to advise?
There are no string concatenation or line continuation characters being used in building "Query". To keep it simple, you could put the entire query on one line.

OTRS Bug parsing zeroes on email

I have just setup my first installation of OTRS and I was setting up my first filtering when I found a 'possible' bug:
When the regex matches a zero (as in '0') and I try to assign it to a DynamicField (type text) using '[***]' I get an empty value (maybe it believes it's NULL??)
The actual regex works:
Node users: (.*?)\,
And what I'm parsing on the body:If I have a '1' it works fine
"...3.250. Node users: 1, Backend use..."
Filter: 'variable name 4' Set param 'X-OTRS-DynamicField-variable4' to '1'
If I have a '0' OTRS doesn't see a value
"...3.250. Node users: 0, Backend use..."
Filter: 'variable name 4' Set param 'X-OTRS-DynamicField-variable4' to ''
Any ideas? I'm no perl expert, but it looks like it's both successfully matching and unsuccessfully inserting in DB.
Without seeing some code, I'm left with guessing. My guess would be there's some logic:
if ( $variable ) { # do something };
Which means when the variable is present, but 0 it's evaluating as false when it shouldn't be. This can be easily fixed by tracking down the offending line and changing it to:
if ( defined $variable ) { #do something };

R: Countrycode package not supporting regex as the origin

I have a list of countries that i need to convert into standardized format (iso3c). Some have long names, others have 2 or 3 digit codes, and others do not display the whole country name like "Africa" instead of "South Africa". Ive done some research and come up to use countrycode package in R. However, when i tried to use "regex" R doesnt seem to recognize it. Im getting the error below:
> countrycode(data,"regex","iso3c", warn = TRUE)
Error in countrycode(data, "regex", "iso3c", :
Origin code not supported
Any other option I need to do?
You can view the README for the countrycode package here, or you can pull up the help file in R by entering this into your R console ?countrycode::countrycode.
"regex" is not a valid 'origin' value (2nd argument in the countrycode() function). You must use one of "cowc", "cown", "eurostat", "fao", "fips105", "imf", "ioc", "iso2c", "iso3c", "iso3n", "p4_ccode", "p4_scode", "un", "wb", "wb_api2c", "wb_api3c", "wvs", "", "" (using latest version 0.19).
If you use either of the following 'origin' values, regex matching will be performed automatically: "" or ""
If you're using a custom dictionary with the new (as of version 0.19) custom_dict argument, you must set the origin_regex argument to TRUE for regex matching to occur.
In your example, this should do what you want:
countrycode(data, origin = "", destination = "iso3c", warn = TRUE)

Pgocaml customizing sql queries

I am trying to write a query that simply drops a table.
let drop_table dbh table_name =
let query = String.concat " " ["drop table"; table_name] in
PGSQL(dbh) query
I am receiving the following error from the query
File "", line 37, characters 10-11:
Parse error: STRING _ expected after ")" (in [expr])
File "", line 1:
Error: Preprocessor error
Why am I getting this error? It appears that this function is valid Ocaml syntax.
Thanks guys!
You cannot construct query when using PG'OCaml's syntax extension. You must provide a literal string. This is the tradeoff for getting PG'Ocaml's compile time query validation. If query could be any OCaml expression, PG'OCaml wouldn't know how to validate it at compile time.
Personally, I've stopped using the syntax extension completely. My feeling is it doesn't scale to large projects. Instead I call prepare and execute directly. For example, this function will create a new database connection (assuming the connection parameters are previously defined), run the given query, and close the connection:
let exec query =
let db = PGOCaml.connect ~host ~user ~database ~port ~password ()
PGOCaml.prepare db ~query ();
let ans = PGOCaml.execute db ~params:[] () in
PGOCaml.close db;
Of course, this isn't a robust implementation and shouldn't be used in production code. It doesn't handle errors and isn't asynchronous.

Django: Localization Issue

In my application, I have a dictionary of phrases that are used throughout of the application. This same dictionary is used to create PDFs and Excel Spreadsheets.
The dictionary looks like so:
'fiscal_year': _('Fiscal Year'),
'region': _('Region / Focal Area'),
'prepared_by': _('Preparer Name'),
'review_cycle':_('Review Period'),
... snip ...
In the code to produce the PDF, I have:
fy = dashboard_v.fiscal_year
fy_label = GLOBAL_MRD_VOCAB['fiscal_year']
rg = dashboard_v.dashboard.region
rg_label = GLOBAL_MRD_VOCAB['region']
rc = dashboard_v.review_cycle
rc_label = GLOBAL_MRD_VOCAB['review_cycle']
pb = dashboard_v.prepared_by
pb_label = GLOBAL_MRD_VOCAB['prepared_by']
Now, when the PDF is produced, in the PDF, I don't see these labels but rather, I see:
<django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x10106fdd0>
Can somebody help me with this? How do I get the properly translated labels?
"Lazy translation"
The result of a ugettext_lazy() call can be used wherever you would use a unicode string (an object with type unicode) in Python. If you try to use it where a bytestring (a str object) is expected, things will not work as expected, since a ugettext_lazy() object doesn't know how to convert itself to a bytestring. You can't use a unicode string inside a bytestring, either, so this is consistent with normal Python behavior.
If you ever see output that looks like "hello <django.utils.functional...>", you have tried to insert the result of ugettext_lazy() into a bytestring. That's a bug in your code.
Either pass it to unicode() to get the unicode from it, or don't use lazy translation.