PathFileExists returns false when executing application through RemoteApp - c++

My executable built in C++/WinAPI will check for a file placed in the same folder and I use PathFileExists for that. When I run it on a normal computer it finds the file but when I publish the executable on RemoteApp and I run it from Web Access the file is not found. What would I be missing?
// This is the file I want to find (located in the same directory as the EXE)
wstring myfile = L"myfile.conf";
BOOL abspath = FALSE;
// Trying to get the absolute path first
DWORD nBufferLength = MAX_PATH;
wchar_t szCurrentDirectory[MAX_PATH + 1];
if (GetCurrentDirectory(nBufferLength, szCurrentDirectory) == 0) {
szCurrentDirectory[MAX_PATH + 1] = '\0';
} else {
abspath = true;
if (abspath) {
// Create the absolute path to the file
myfile = L'\\' + myfile;
myfile = szCurrentDirectory + myfile ;
MessageBox(hWnd, ConvertToUNC(myfile).c_str(), L"Absolute Path", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
} else {
// Get the UNC path
myfile = ConvertToUNC(myfile);
MessageBox(hWnd, myfile.c_str(), L"UNC Path", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
// Try to find file
int retval = PathFileExists(myfile.c_str());
if (retval == 1) {
// Do something
} else {
// File not found
The ConvertToUNC function is copied from here.
What I see is that, although the executable lies somewhere else, the absolute path is considered to be C:\Windows. I really don't know what is causing this. The server is Windows 2012 R2 and, like I said, applications are run through RemoteApp Web Access. The returned UNC path is just the name of the file (no volume or folder)


How to get all file path from C:/ drive?

I'm trying to retrieve all files from the root (C:/) in C++
First of all, I retrieve all logical drives in the computer, then I use the std::filesystem library (specifically the recursive_directory_iterator function in order to loop in directories)
char szLogicalDrives[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
DWORD dwResult = GetLogicalDriveStrings(dwSize, szLogicalDrives);
if (dwResult > 0 && dwResult <= MAX_PATH)
char* szSingleDrive = szLogicalDrives;
while (*szSingleDrive)
szSingleDrive[strlen(szSingleDrive) - 1] = 0;
for (fs::directory_entry p : std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(szSingleDrive))
string filePath = p.path().string();
// Vérification du type de l'objet
if (fs::is_regular_file(p.path()))
cout << filePath << endl;
// get the next drive
szSingleDrive += strlen(szSingleDrive) + 1;
However, the output I get is the path of my project.
Eg : C:x64\Debug\myProject.exe
Desired output : C:\Users, C:\Windows, C:\Program Files...
In order to resolve the issue I had to launch VS 2019 in admin (or launch the .exe in admin) + disable Windows Defender.
To avoid UAC exception, I also added skip_permission_denied in filesystem option.
However, my program still encounter "Sharing Violation error"

How to use chdir to change a directory?

I am currently working on creating my own linux shell. I can "ls" in my directory and much more. However,
When I try and "cd" into a sub directory, it never actually changes. The code gets ran but does not actually change my directory.
On my linux filesystem I have the directory
To get the current directory, I am using...
void execute(string command, char *
const * args, char * path) {
int pid = -5;
int child = -5;
int status;
pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
if (command.substr(command.length() - 2).compare("cd") == 0) {
const char * currentPath;
if ((currentPath = getenv("HOME")) == NULL) {
currentPath = getpwuid(getuid()) -> pw_dir;
cout << (string(currentPath) + "/" + string(args[1])).c_str() << endl;
int dir = chdir((string(currentPath) + "/" + string(args[1])).c_str());
} else {
char * pathArgs = strtok(path, ":");
while (pathArgs != NULL) {
try {
execv((string(pathArgs) + "/" + command).c_str(), args);
} catch (...) {
pathArgs = strtok(NULL, ":");
} else {
waitpid(-1, & status, 0);
The first if inside the child process is if they are going to "cd" into a directory. The else is for other commands such as "ls".
The cout prints out /home/testing/testingForShell but when I call "ls" again, it never went inside the directory to show bar.txt. Let me know if I have provided enough information. I am very confident I am using chdir wrong, but that might not be the case. NOTE: I am trying to change the directory in the script running, not the actual linux terminal that I started my script from.
Changing working directory in a forked process will work fine... in that forked process.
But it doesn't do anything to the parent. So the next command that is executed is in the same working directory as before.

FindNextFile Faild with Space Character

I wrote a simple code to do some operation on every file in every folder (subfolders).
It's perfectly works until the path comes with 'SPACE
' character program crashs and INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE has been called. This is function:
int dirListFiles(char* startDir)
char path[MAX_PATH];
sprintf(path, "%s\\*", startDir);
std::string fileName;
std::string s_path = startDir;
std::string fullPath;
fprintf(stdout, "In Directory \"%s\"\n\n", startDir);
if ((hFind = FindFirstFileA(path, &wfd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
printf("FindFirstFIle failed on path = \"%s\"\n", path);
BOOL cont = TRUE;
while (cont == TRUE)
if ((strncmp(".", wfd.cFileName, 1) != 0) && (strncmp("..", wfd.cFileName, 2) != 0))
if (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
sprintf(path, "%s\\%s", startDir, wfd.cFileName);
fileName = wfd.cFileName;
fullPath = s_path + "\\" + fileName;
std::string fileExt = PathFindExtension(fullPath.c_str());
if (fileExt == ".cpp")
... Some operation on file
cont = FindNextFile(hFind, &wfd);
For example, If FindNextFile wants to Open Program Files (x86) which has space between file name cause error and program exit. What Can I do for supporting spaces? What Is Problem?
Space is legal character in directory and file names.
First I propose to modify slightly your code:
if ((hFind = FindFirstFileA(path, &wfd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
printf("FindFirstFIle failed on path = \"%s\". Error %d\n", path, GetLastError());
return 0; // I think you shouldn't abort on error, just skip this dir.
Now check error codes reported by your program.
For some paths I have got error #5 (access denied). Examples:
c:\Program Files (x86)\Google\CrashReports\*
c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Clean Store\*
Got two cases with code #123 (Invalid name) for path names unmanageable by FindFirstFileA. To correct this behavior it would be better to use wide version of function FindFirstFileW. See both answers for c++ folder only search. For new Windows applications you should use wide version of API, converting with MultiByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte if needed.
You have also logic error. Code skips all directories and files starting with dot.

How to handle Symbolic Links and Junction while deleting or coping a folder tree

I had task to copy and delete a huge folder using win32 api (C++), I am using the Code Guru recurisive directory deletion code, which works well, but there arises certain question.
Million thanks to Lerooooy Jenkins for pointing it.
The link to CodeGuru for recursive deletes doesn't correctly handle
symbolic links/junctions. Given that a reparse point could point
anywhere (even network drives), you need to be careful when deleting
recursively and only delete the symbolic link/junction and not what it
points at. The correct way to handle this situation is to detect
reparse points (via GetFileAttributes()) and NOT traverse it as a
So my question is how to actually handle Symbolic Links and Junction while deleting or coping a folder tree.
For the shake of question here is the source code of CodeGuru Directory Deletion
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
int DeleteDirectory(const std::string &refcstrRootDirectory,
bool bDeleteSubdirectories = true)
bool bSubdirectory = false; // Flag, indicating whether
// subdirectories have been found
HANDLE hFile; // Handle to directory
std::string strFilePath; // Filepath
std::string strPattern; // Pattern
WIN32_FIND_DATA FileInformation; // File information
strPattern = refcstrRootDirectory + "\\*.*";
hFile = ::FindFirstFile(strPattern.c_str(), &FileInformation);
if(FileInformation.cFileName[0] != '.')
strFilePath = refcstrRootDirectory + "\\" + FileInformation.cFileName;
if(FileInformation.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
// Delete subdirectory
int iRC = DeleteDirectory(strFilePath, bDeleteSubdirectories);
return iRC;
bSubdirectory = true;
// Set file attributes
return ::GetLastError();
// Delete file
if(::DeleteFile(strFilePath.c_str()) == FALSE)
return ::GetLastError();
} while(::FindNextFile(hFile, &FileInformation) == TRUE);
// Close handle
DWORD dwError = ::GetLastError();
if(dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
return dwError;
// Set directory attributes
return ::GetLastError();
// Delete directory
if(::RemoveDirectory(refcstrRootDirectory.c_str()) == FALSE)
return ::GetLastError();
return 0;
int main()
int iRC = 0;
std::string strDirectoryToDelete = "c:\\mydir";
// Delete 'c:\mydir' without deleting the subdirectories
iRC = DeleteDirectory(strDirectoryToDelete, false);
std::cout << "Error " << iRC << std::endl;
return -1;
// Delete 'c:\mydir' and its subdirectories
iRC = DeleteDirectory(strDirectoryToDelete);
std::cout << "Error " << iRC << std::endl;
return -1;
// Wait for keystroke
return 0;
Use DeleteFile to delete file symbolic links.
Use RemoveDirectory to delete directory symbolic links and junctions.
In other words, you treat them just like any other file or directory except that you don't recurse into directories that have the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT attribute.
The simplest way to achieve your goal, and the recommended way to do it, is to get the system to do the work.
If you need to support XP then you use SHFileOperation with the FO_DELETE flag.
Otherwise, for Vista and later, use IFileOperation.
These APIs handle all the details for you, and use the same code paths as does the shell. You can even show the standard shell progress UI if you desire.

Why am I having problems recursively deleting directories?

I've written an application that uses the WIN32 api to create a temporarily directory hierarchy. Now, when wanting to delete the directories when shutting down the application I'm running into some problems.
So lets say I have a directory hierarchy: C:\temp\directory\subdirectory\
I'm using this recursive function:
bool Dir::deleteDirectory(std::string& directoryname, int flags)
if( != '\\') directoryname += '\\';
if ((flags & CONTENTS) == CONTENTS)
HANDLE dhandle;
directoryname += "\\*";
dhandle = FindFirstFileA(directoryname.c_str(), &fdata);
// Loop through all the files in the main directory and delete files & make a list of directories
if(FindNextFileA(dhandle, &fdata))
std::string filename = fdata.cFileName;
if("..") != 0)
std::string filelocation = directoryname.substr(0, directoryname.size()-2) + StringManip::reverseSlashes(filename);
// If we've encountered a directory then recall this function for that specific folder.
if(!isDirectory(filelocation)) DeleteFileA(filename.c_str());
else deleteDirectory(filelocation, DIRECTORY_AND_CONTENTS);
} else if(GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) break;
directoryname = directoryname.substr(0, directoryname.size()-2);
if ((flags & DIRECTORY) == DIRECTORY)
HANDLE DirectoryHandle;
DirectoryHandle = CreateFileA(directoryname.c_str(),
bool DeletionResult = (RemoveDirectoryA(directoryname.c_str()) != 0)?true:false;
return DeletionResult;
return true;
This function iterates over the directory contents of the temp directory; and for each directory in the temp directory it keeps recalling itself until it's at the lowest directory; subdirectory in the example.
There are also 3 flags defined
enum DirectoryDeletion
When using this function, it only removes the lowest subdirectory and I can't remove the ones higher in hierarchy because it says that the directory is not empty. When I go and look to the directory 'subdirectory' is only removed after the application ends. However, when I try to encapsulate this in a non recursive simple main application I have no problems at all with deleting the directories.
There's a Windows API, SHFileOperation, that will do a recursive folder delete for you.
LONG DeleteDirectoryAndAllSubfolders(LPCWSTR wzDirectory)
WCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH+1]; // +1 for the double null terminate
StringCchCopy(szDir, MAX_PATH, wzDirectory);
int len = lstrlenW(szDir);
szDir[len+1] = 0; // double null terminate for SHFileOperation
// delete the folder and everything inside
fos.wFunc = FO_DELETE;
fos.pFrom = szDir;
fos.fFlags = FOF_NO_UI;
return SHFileOperation( &fos );
You're not closing dhandle from all those FindFirstFile calls, so each directory has a reference to it when you try to delete it.
And, why do you need to create DirectoryHandle? It's not needed, and will probably also block the directory deletion.
When your app closes, those handles are forced close, and (I guess) the last attempted delete then succeeds.
SHFileOperations works great on Windows 7. In fact in the IFileOperation documentation says
IFileOperation can only be applied in a single-threaded apartment (STA) situation. It cannot be used for a multithreaded apartment (MTA) situation. For MTA, you still must use SHFileOperation.
However my issue with SHFileOperations is it doesn't seem to support paths longer than 260 characters, and does not support \?\ prefix for long filenames.
This is a real pain....but a recursive function is still needed if you want ability to handle paths longer than 260 characters (Which NTFS supports - but not Windows Explorer, command prompt commands etc)
Well, I found several bugs in this code.. here is what I found
bool Dir::deleteDirectory(std::string& directoryname, int flags)
if( != '\\') directoryname += '\\';
if ((flags & CONTENTS) == CONTENTS)
HANDLE dhandle;
//BUG 1: Adding a extra \ to the directory name..
directoryname += "*";
dhandle = FindFirstFileA(directoryname.c_str(), &fdata);
//BUG 2: Not checking for invalid file handle return from FindFirstFileA
if( dhandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
// Loop through all the files in the main directory and delete files & make a list of directories
if(FindNextFileA(dhandle, &fdata))
std::string filename = fdata.cFileName;
if("..") != 0)
//BUG 3: caused by BUG 1 - Removing too many characters from string.. removing 1 instead of 2
std::string filelocation = directoryname.substr(0, directoryname.size()-1) + filename;
// If we've encountered a directory then recall this function for that specific folder.
//BUG 4: not really a bug, but spurious function call - we know its a directory from FindData already, use it.
if( (fdata.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0)
deleteDirectory(filelocation, DIRECTORY_AND_CONTENTS);
} else if(GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) break;
directoryname = directoryname.substr(0, directoryname.size()-2);
//BUG 5: Not closing the FileFind with FindClose - OS keeps handles to directory open. MAIN BUG
FindClose( dhandle );
if ((flags & DIRECTORY) == DIRECTORY)
HANDLE DirectoryHandle;
DirectoryHandle = CreateFileA(directoryname.c_str(),
//BUG 6: Not checking CreateFileA for invalid handle return.
if( DirectoryHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
bool DeletionResult = (RemoveDirectoryA(directoryname.c_str()) != 0)?true:false;
return DeletionResult;
return true;
return true;
Try calling FindClose to close handle returned by FindFileFileA.
I don't see a FindClose for your dhandle. An open handle means that the directory is still in use.
MSDN says: "When the search handle is no longer needed, close it by using the FindClose function, not CloseHandle."
(CloseHandle appears to be correct for your DirectoryHandle further down, but not for the dhandle used in the Find loop.)
The main issue has already been answered, but here's something I noticed. Your main while loop seems a bit fragile to me...
if(FindNextFileA(dhandle, &fdata))
} else if(GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) break;
This ends if FindNextFile ends because there are no more files in the directory. But what if it ever ends for some other reason? If something abnormal happens, it seems you could end up with an infinite loop.
I'd think if FindNextFile fails for any reason, then you'll want to stop the loop and start returning through the recursive calls. So I'd suggest simply removing the GetLastError test and just making it "else break;"
Actually, after a moment's thought I would probably just reduce it to:
while(FindNextFileA(dhandle, &fdata))