Building a dynamically allocated array of class Objects - c++

First off, if this problem seems incredibly easy to you, I want to in advance apologize but I am only a beginner.
I have been stuck now for about a week with this problem and it is getting ridiculous since it shouldn't be that hard, even for a complete beginner like me.
I am writing a program which reads a bunch of information regarding receipts from a text file, like name, sum, date etc. and then prints it out to the screen. Simple enough, right? Well I started with using static arrays in my two classes Transaction and TransactionsList and it was working fine, I was printing the contents of the file to the screen just fine one line after the other.
Now I need to do this using dynamic arrays.
Each line in the text file contains a date, type, name, sum, number of friends and name of those friends which should be read an stored as a Transaction class object inside the dynamic array trans. This is what I am having trouble understanding no matter how much theory and googling I do on the subject. Where should I use an overloaded assigment operator, where a copy constructor and how do I call them properly? I have read up on these concepts but I can't use them in my program still. These are questions just flying around in my head right now.
I have changed the arrays friends and trans to be declared as pointers which I understand is correct. I then want to allocate memory for the arrays with "new", but here I am starting to get unsure just where I allocate with new, inside the contructors of their classes or inside the functions where they are needed?
I realize vectors is the answer to alot of these problems but I should tell you that I have not gotten into vectors yet, so I am trying to solve this problem without vectors. I realize this may be be a bit backwards, but I should be able to build my dynamically allocated array of objects and print it out without vectors I think. I have heard they are more practical but for now I have to understand this assignment without the concept of vectors.
I have read up on difference between shallow copies and deep copies as well and I get the theory, but I just can't implement it somehow. (I am probably retarded I know).
This is what I have got so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
class Transaction
string date;
string type;
string name;
double sum;
int nr_friends;
string *friends;
Transaction &operator = ( const Transaction &t );
string get_name();
int get_no_friends();
double get_sum();
bool readOneTrans( istream &is );
void writeOneTrans( ostream &os );
class TransactionsList
Transaction *trans;
int no_Trans;
void read( istream & is );
void print( ostream & os );
void add( Transaction & t );
int main()
ifstream inFile("test.txt");
Transaction t;
TransactionsList tl;
// t.readOneTrans(inFile); // reading just one line works fine (when uncommented)
// t.writeOneTrans(cout); // printing works too just fine
//; // here I want to read all contents of file
//tl.print(cout); // and here print out them to the screen
return 0;
date = "000000";
type = "transp";
name = "default";
sum = 0.0;
nr_friends = 0;
friends = NULL;
delete [] friends;
Transaction &Transaction::operator = ( const Transaction &t )
if ( this != &t )
delete[] friends;
date =;
type = t.type;
name =;
sum = t.sum;
nr_friends = t.nr_friends;
friends = new string[nr_friends];
for ( int i = 0; i < nr_friends; i++ )
friends[i] = t.friends[i];
return *this;
string Transaction::get_name()
return name;
double Transaction::get_sum()
return sum;
int Transaction::get_no_friends()
return nr_friends;
bool Transaction::readOneTrans( istream &is )
is >> date >> type >> name >> sum >> nr_friends;
friends = new string[nr_friends];
for (int i = 0; i < nr_friends; i++)
is >> friends[i];
return is;
return !is.eof();
void Transaction::writeOneTrans( ostream &os )
os << left << setw(10) << date <<
setw(10) << type << setw(10) << name
<< setw(10) << sum << setw(10)
<< nr_friends;
for (int i = 0; i < nr_friends; i++)
os << left << setw(8) << friends[i];
os << endl;
no_Trans = 1;
trans = new Transaction[no_Trans];
delete [] trans;
void TransactionsList::read( istream & is )
Transaction t;
while ( t.readOneTrans( is ))
add( t );
void TransactionsList::print( ostream & os )
Transaction t;
for (int i = 0; i < no_Trans; i++)
t = trans[i];
t.writeOneTrans( os );
if (os == cout)
os << "\nNumber of transactions: " << no_Trans << endl;
void TransactionsList::add( Transaction & t )
// each time I read a line from the file it is passed in as object t here
// here I want to add this object t to the dynamic array trans somehow
// and keep building the array with a new class object every time
// Probably by overloading assignment operator somehow but how?
trans[no_Trans] = t;
// i have no idea what to put here to make it work...
So as you can see, what I want to do is continually build up the dynamic array trans with different objects of the class Transaction, each instance representing a different line in the text file I am reading from so that I can print out all the lines in the file to the screen in the end.
The output lines should look like this:
011216 food John 300 2 Nathan Julia
To do this now dynamically, I realize I must copy the contents of object t that is passed in in the method "add" and add it to the array trans and somehow without losing the data of the earlier t:s which are representing the previous text lines. This was easy for me to do while the arrays where static ones, as I just assigned the next element in the array trans to be equal to the current object t (inside the add function). This is how my add function looked with static arrays:
void TransactionsList::add( Transaction & t )
trans[no_Trans] = t;
Obviously this doesn't work when you are working with dynamically allocated memory. I read some theory on this and I understand one cannot change the size of the array while it is running so the array actually has to be deleted and then allocated as a larger array and copy over the old contents using a deep copy, which doesn't just copy the memory address for the dynamic array but makes a new array with the olds content.
As you can see, I have read alot of theory but don't really understand it...
Can anyone help? I would be immensely thankful as I have not learned anything in a week and this is really killing me right now. I need to make progress now!

Some hints about the container:
Don't use using namespace std; (why?)
An unsigned integral size in c++ is usually represented as std::size_t from <cstddef>.
Get familiar with rule of three / rule of three/four/five.
A quite useful idiom that is usually applied to such classes is: 'Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII)'.
Bottom line:
When managing resources we usually need to have
a destructor
a copy constructor
a move constructor
a copy assignment operator
a move assignment operator
Resource aquisition should only happen in the constructor.
Functions such as add should not perform seperate resource acquisition but create a temporary of appropriate size and swap/move contents.

The issue of constructing a dynamically-allocated array is completely separate from the issue of constructing the objects themselves.
class TransactionList {
Transaction *trans;
size_t trans_size;
size_t no_Trans;
TransactionList(size_t initial_size)
: trans(new Transaction[initial_size]),
delete[] trans;
// ...
That's it. There's nothing different about your existing add() method. It still works exactly the same way, because of the fact that an array is really just a pointer to the first element in the array, which is still the case here.
But you do need to figure out what to do when no_Trans reaches the actual allocated trans_size. That's going to be your homework assignment.
What you probably want to do, though, is to change this to an array of Transaction * objects, and also dynamically allocate each Transaction when it's added to the array. That will require additional work.

(This answer requires no extra knowledge, and needs only a little bit change of your code)
Things get weird in the constructor:
no_Trans = 1;
trans = new Transaction[no_Trans];
People usually leave some space for future elements to add:
max_Trans = 100;
no_Trans = 0;
trans = new Transaction[max_Trans];
And in add()
if (no_Trans >= max_Trans) { // no more space?
// make a new array that is as twice big as the old one
max_Trans = 2 * max_Trans;
Transaction new_trans = new Transaction[max_Trans];
// copy elements to the new array
for (int i = 0; i < no_Trans; i++)
new_trans[i] = trans[i];
// delete the old one and start to use the new one
delete[] trans;
trans = new_trans;
trans[no_Trans] = t;
Of course max_Trans can also be 1, and make it grow as 1, 2, 3, 4... But that requires new on each add operation, which is inefficient.


Exception thrown at 0x0037A5C2 project.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0xDDDDDDDD at the end of the program

I have encountered this runtime exception at the very end of the program by simply creating an instance of the specified class, so I presume the issue lies with either the constructor, copy constructor, copy assignment operator or destructor. I have read up on and followed the rule of three to the extent of my limited cpp knowledge.
#include "Header.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string command = "CREATE TABLE table_name IF NOT EXISTS ((column_1_name,type,default_value), (column_2_name,type,default_value))";
string columns[20] = { "column_1_name,type,default_value", "column_1_name,type,default_value" };
string commandData[9] = { "table_name", "IF NOT EXISTS" };
CommCREATETABLE comm(command, columns, commandData, 2, 2);
Relevant code from Header.h
string fullCommand = "";
string* columns = nullptr;
string* commandData = nullptr;
string tableName = "";
int nrOfColumns = 0;
int nrOfElements = 0;
bool valid = false;
CommCREATETABLE(string command, string* columns, string* commandData, int nrOfRows, int nrOfElements) {
this->valid = checkInput(this->commandData, this->columns);
Copy constructor, copy assignment operator, destructor:
this->valid = comm.valid;
if (this->columns != nullptr) {
delete[] this->columns;
if (this->commandData != nullptr) {
delete[] this->commandData;
CommCREATETABLE& operator=(const CommCREATETABLE& comm) {
this->valid = checkInput(this->commandData, this->columns);
return *this;
The only setters that deal with dynamic memory allocation are the following:
void setColumns(const string* columns) {
if (this->nrOfColumns >= 0) {
this->columns = new string[this->nrOfColumns];
memcpy(this->columns, columns, this->nrOfColumns * sizeof(string));
else throw EmptyCommandException();
void setCommandData(const string* commandData) {
if (this->nrOfElements >= 0) {
this->commandData = new string[this->nrOfElements];
memcpy(this->commandData, commandData, this->nrOfElements * sizeof(string));
else throw EmptyCommandException();
At a quick glance I would say the issue is in your setColumns and setCommandData functions. (I might of course be wrong, I did not try to run the code you presented nor the changes I made -- so there might also be a typo somewhere.)
There you use memcpy to copy the strings into your class. However, internally a C++ string holds a pointer to the actual string, so using memcpy actually only copies that pointer. As a result, once the original string gets deleted, the pointer you copied into your class is no longer valid (as the memory has already been freed). As a result, once your class also gets deleted it attempts to delete memory that has already been freed. That is probably where your error comes from.
In fact, if you added lines to your program where you tried to manipulate your class (after the original input strings have already been deleted), the problem would present itself even sooner, as you would be accessing memory that has already been freed. This would lead to undefined behaviour, which typically ends with a crash at some point.
A quick fix would be to change the way you copy the data, by using = for each string (in that way copying the actual strings into a new location in memory, rather than copying the pointer).
void setColumns(const string* columns) {
if (this->nrOfColumns > 0) { // Creating an array of size 0 is also not a good idea.
this->columns = new string[this->nrOfColumns];
for (int i = 0; i < nrOfColumns; i++) { // You don't need this everywhere.
this->columns[i] = columns[i];
// I don't think naming things the exact same way is good practice.
else throw EmptyCommandException();
void setCommandData(const string* commandData) {
if (this->nrOfElements > 0) { // Creating an array of size 0 is also not a good idea.
this->commandData = new string[this->nrOfElements];
for (int i = 0; i < nrOfElements; i++) { // You don't need this everywhere.
this->commandData[i] = commandData[i];
// I don't think naming things the exact same way is good practice.
else throw EmptyCommandException();
Alternatively, if you want to avoid making copies you should look into move, but I would suggest against this for the time being, if you are still learning. You'll get there soon enough.

I am stuck with copying a class given an address, I am segfaulting

I have struggled with it for a while but I really can't get it, I am just getting segfaults. I am trying to copy a class, the function I am writing to copy is also below. Crossed out are combinations that I have tried in vain, it's time to call for help
class Scene
{ private:
int max;
int* x_row, *y_col; // maximum and min coordinates of each image
void Scene::_copy(const Scene &source)
max = source.max;
x_row = new int[source.x_row];
y_col = new int[source.y_col];
image_layers = new Image*[source.max];
for(int i = 0; i < source.max; i++)
if(source.image_layers[i] != NULL)
//image_layers[i] = new Image(*(source.image_layers[i]));
// image_layers[i] = new Image;
//*image_layers[i] = *source.image_layers[i];
// image_layers[i] = source.image_layers[i];
image_layers[i] = NULL;
x_row[i] = source.x_row[i];
y_col[i] = source.y_col[i];
I forgot to say that this function is called as " scene(*set) "
The segfault happens here or because of this:
x_row = new int[source.x_row];
y_col = new int[source.y_col];
On the right hand side, you use the address source.x_row as an array size. This is a very large number that most likely will cause the allocation to fail.
You need to keep a member for holding the size or better yet use a std::vector<int> object instead.
Copying C arrays are done faster with memcpy. With C++ vectors, you can just assign one to the other:
x_row = source.x_row
Nothing to do with the question, but this function should be named operator=, will make using the class easier by assigning one instance to another:
Scene & Scene::operator=(const Scene &source)
// copy elements
return *this;
x_row = new int[source.x_row];
y_col = new int[source.y_col];
Are you sure about above code?
source.x_row is pointer

A class array inside of a class - issues with dynamic arrays (c++)

My homework is that I have to make a class (register) which contains 3 class arrays (birds, mammals, reptiles) which are in the animal class. Animal is the friend of Register. I will only show the birds part, to keep it simple.
The register class looks like:
class Register
Bird* birds;
unsigned int birdSize;
The constructor of register:
this->birds = new Bird[0];
this->birdSize = NULL;
Now I have a function in register that adds one element to the birds array, the input is cin.
void Register::add()
if (birdSize == 0)
birds = new Bird[0];
Bird* temp = new Bird[0];
this->birds = temp;
Bird* temp = new Bird[birdSize+1];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<=birdSize; i++)
temp[i] = this->birds[i];
birds = new Bird[birdSize+1];
birds = temp;
temp[0].add() has the cin, it works properly. When I run the program, the user has to add 2 birds to the array. The problem occurs when reaching the part under 'else', so the second element of the array. The program surely reaches "temp[birdSize+1].add();" while running, then the "xyz.exe has stopped working" window pops up and it says in the details " Fault Module Name: StackHash_7e8e" so I'm sure something is wrong with the memory allocation, but the problem is that when I try to find the problematic line in debug mode, everything works fine.
Well, not everything. The program has a print() function, it prints out everything in Register. The second element of the array is the same as the first.
I have no clue what to do. I read many forum posts, read a cpp book, watched online tutorials, but I can't find the solution for this problem. Please help.
Array index starts from 0. So in else part you are writing
Bird* temp = new Bird[birdSize+1]; // size =birdSize +1;
So valid index range will be 0 -> birdSize, not birdSize+1.
The problem is
you are using birdSize+1th index. It should be
There are other bugs in your code:
for (unsigned int i=0; i<=birdSize; i++) // should be i<birdSize
temp[i] = this->birds[i];
There are other bad coding in your program:
this->birds = new Bird[0]; // should be this->birds=NULL
this->birdSize = NULL; // should be this->birdSize = 0
And obviously if your homework does not demand it, you should not use arrays in this way. For variable size container, use vector, list.... Array is only when the size is fixed.

std::copy objects read from file to a vector of pointers

Here is this class I've written that has 2 variables, and the way objects will be created is going to be trough a file
class CData {
int m_iTimeID;
double m_dData;
friend istream& operator>>(istream& IS, CData* Obj){
Obj = new CData();
IS >> Obj->m_iTimeID >> Obj->m_dData;
return IS;
It is supposed to be a pointer (I believe)
Now there is another class with a variable a vector of pointers of the first class
class CCalc3SigmaControl {
vector<CData*> m_vectorData;
And a constructor that is reading data from a file (this is where my problem accures)
CCalc3SigmaControl(const char* filename){
ifstream FP(filename);
istream_iterator<CData*> begin_itt (FP);
istream_iterator<CData*> end_source ;
copy(begin_itt,end_source ,back_inserter(m_vectorData));
I am tasked with using the copy algorithm in this part!
Now, all of this compiles and the program runs, but when it gets to a part that I try to get data from the vector (say like this m_vectorData[i]->getData(); ) it returns an error that it cant get the data "Access violation reading location 0xCCCCCCD4." and that in m_dData and ID it is "unable to read memory".
Now I set some breakpoints at the copy and the overloaded >> . The operator gets the data from the file, but when the program gets in the copy my begin_itt points to no values and it assigns nothing to the vector (just pushes backs an empty objects or something i GUESS).
And I need this copy to work!
void calcSigmas(){
sigmaUp=0; //a private of CCalc3SigmaControl
sigmaDown=0; //also
double Mean = 0;
double n = m_vectorData.size();
for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
Mean = Mean + m_vectorData[i]->getData();
sigmaUp = Mean + 3 * sqrt (abs((Mean * (1 - Mean))/n));
sigmaDown = Mean - 3 * sqrt (abs((Mean * (1 - Mean))/n));
(getData func in CData:
double getData() const { //GET DATA
return m_dData;}
There. In my main function I have:
void main(){
CCalc3SigmaControl A("Danni.txt");
And when it tries to calculate them it gets the error.
This is pretty much it. And I've overloaded the << in ccalc so that I can cout the data in the main.

Dynamic array of objects

I'm aware that I could use something called std::vector, but I'm afraid it's not possible because of the course restrictions.
I need to make a dynamic extensible array of objects. The array should grow and grow when new objects need to be stored.
Here is the class that the array belongs to:
class TransactionList
Transaction *trans;
int amountTransactions;
Transaction newTrans;
void read( istream &is );
void write( ostream &os );
void add( Transaction & newTrans );
double totalExpenses();
double hasPaid( string namnet );
double isDebted( string namnet );
//PersonList FixPersons();
The method "void add ( Transaction & newTrans )" is the one I need. And yes, I seriously have to do it pointer-style.
So far this method is totally incomplete and just not even close to functional. I've tried several different ways, but end up with a runtime error or just bollocks result.
void TransactionList::add(Transaction & newTrans)
Transaction* tempArrPtr;
trans = new Transaction[amountTransactions]
trans[amountTransactions - 1] = newTrans;
What I want the method to do is to build an array of of Transaction-objects and grow in size while it gets more objects.
I hope I've written about my problem clearly and wish someone could give me a good answer.
I tried Googling, but I'm still stuck - otherwise I wouldn't have bothered asking :p
Also if someone could give some pointers about copy constructors, I'd be very thankful. In our course material they pretty much didn't even show what a copy constructor should look like. Just like "You need copy constuctors for deep copying, good luck!"
You should add a maxTransactions variable, which would indicate the allocated length of your trans* array, and initialize both ammountTransactions and maxTransactions with 0.
Your array would automatically double its size when we reach the limits of trans
void TransactionList::add(Transaction & newTrans)
if(amountTransactions == maxTransactions){ //we've reached the capacity of trans
//allocate a new array
Transaction* nuTrans = new Transaction[maxTransactions*2+1];
//copy the old values of trans into nuTrans
memcpy(nuTrans, trans, sizeof(Transaction)*maxTransactions);
//deallocate the old trans array
delete []trans;
//set trans to point at your newly allocated array
trans = nuTrans;
//update maxTransactions
maxTransactions = maxTransactions*2+1;
trans[amountTransactions] = newTrans;
PS. I wrote it directly here, I didn't check it if it compiles as a whole or didn't debug the code. But I present it as an idea you could follow
Edit: Working example #
When you add an object and the array is too small you need to create a new one with the correct or larger size, copy the data, delete the old one and replace it with your new one.
Copy constructors are just like ordinary constructors only that they take an object of the same type. Do remember take care of your pointers properly when doing this.
TransactionList(const TransactionList & o);
Now I finally managed to solve this puzzle. Turns out I wasn't paying enough attention to the fact that my Transaction-objects themselves held a dynamic array, so I finally came up with the idea of making an assign function to copy the objects. Thought I'd share my solution just in case any one has to tackle the same problem with the same limited set of tools.
This is how it ended up looking like:
void TransactionList::add(Transaction & newTrans)
cout << "Adding a transaction-object to the array. amountTransactions = " << amountTransactions << endl;
//Allocate a new array
Transaction* tempTrans = new Transaction[amountTransactions];
//Copy the objects with the assign-function
for (int i = 0; i < amountTransactions - 1; i++)
//Delete the old one
delete[] trans;
//Set trans to point at the new one
trans = tempTrans;
//Add the newcomer object
trans[amountTransactions - 1].assign(newTrans);
And the assign-function looks as follows:
void Transaction::assign(const Transaction & t)
date =;
type = t.type;
name =;
amount = t.amount;
amountFriends = t.amountFriends;
cout << "Hello assign " << amountFriends << endl;
delete [] friends;
if (amountFriends > 0)
friends = new string[amountFriends];
for (int i = 0; i < amountFriends; i++)
friends[i] = t.friends[i];
friends = NULL;
I based my final solution on matyas' answer, so I owe you one buddy! :)
Thanks also to Alexandre C. for good read!
I'm not counting out the possibility there might be some error in the code, but at least it compiles, runs and produces correct result. Feel free to point out if you find something that's not right.