std::copy objects read from file to a vector of pointers - c++

Here is this class I've written that has 2 variables, and the way objects will be created is going to be trough a file
class CData {
int m_iTimeID;
double m_dData;
friend istream& operator>>(istream& IS, CData* Obj){
Obj = new CData();
IS >> Obj->m_iTimeID >> Obj->m_dData;
return IS;
It is supposed to be a pointer (I believe)
Now there is another class with a variable a vector of pointers of the first class
class CCalc3SigmaControl {
vector<CData*> m_vectorData;
And a constructor that is reading data from a file (this is where my problem accures)
CCalc3SigmaControl(const char* filename){
ifstream FP(filename);
istream_iterator<CData*> begin_itt (FP);
istream_iterator<CData*> end_source ;
copy(begin_itt,end_source ,back_inserter(m_vectorData));
I am tasked with using the copy algorithm in this part!
Now, all of this compiles and the program runs, but when it gets to a part that I try to get data from the vector (say like this m_vectorData[i]->getData(); ) it returns an error that it cant get the data "Access violation reading location 0xCCCCCCD4." and that in m_dData and ID it is "unable to read memory".
Now I set some breakpoints at the copy and the overloaded >> . The operator gets the data from the file, but when the program gets in the copy my begin_itt points to no values and it assigns nothing to the vector (just pushes backs an empty objects or something i GUESS).
And I need this copy to work!
void calcSigmas(){
sigmaUp=0; //a private of CCalc3SigmaControl
sigmaDown=0; //also
double Mean = 0;
double n = m_vectorData.size();
for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
Mean = Mean + m_vectorData[i]->getData();
sigmaUp = Mean + 3 * sqrt (abs((Mean * (1 - Mean))/n));
sigmaDown = Mean - 3 * sqrt (abs((Mean * (1 - Mean))/n));
(getData func in CData:
double getData() const { //GET DATA
return m_dData;}
There. In my main function I have:
void main(){
CCalc3SigmaControl A("Danni.txt");
And when it tries to calculate them it gets the error.
This is pretty much it. And I've overloaded the << in ccalc so that I can cout the data in the main.


Dynamically changing the size of an array and reading in values. (w/o vectors)

Hello I am having the following difficulty,
I am trying to read in a table of doubles (1 entry per line) and store it in an array, while dynamically changing this array's size (for each line/entry). This is for a school assignment and it forbids the use of vectors(would be much easier...). The main idea that I had is to have a main array which stores the value, then store the previous values and the next one into a new array and do this iteratively. Currently, the problem that I am having is that only the last value of the table is being stored. I am aware, that somehow I need to be passing the data by refference to the global function and that the pointers that I am working with become null ater they exit the following iteration of the while. However, since the exact length of the data is unknown, this seems impossible since intializing an array in the main() is impossible (exact length not known). Any help would be appreciated.
Code posted below.
EDIT: after consideration of the two comments I made the following changes to the code, however I am not sure, whether they will behave appropriately. I added a new function called add_new_datapoint, that should globally change the values of the pointer/length and this is done by passing the values by refference. Called in the problematic else statement as add_new_datapoint(data_ptr, data_len, new_dp). Also, I am not sure that reallocating new memory to the pointer variable, will not result in a memory leak. In essence (after I reallocate data_ptr is the memory that was 'being pointed to' released or do I have to delete it and then re-inialise it in the . In such case, can I refference the pointer 'data_ptr' again in the next iteration of the loop?
I think it will be easier to simplify your posted code than trying to find all the places where you could have errors.
If you expect to see only double values in your file, you can simplify the code for reading data from the file to:
while ( data_file >> new_data_pt )
// Use new_data_pt
If you expect that there might be values other than doubles, then you can use:
while ( getline(data_file, line) )
std::istringstream str(line);
while ( str >> new_data_pt )
// Use new_data_pt
but then you have to understand the code will not read any more values from a line after it encounters an error. If your line contains
10.2 K 25.4
the code will read 10.2, encounter an error at K, and will not process 25.4.
The code to process new_data_pt is that it needs to be stored in a dynamically allocated array. I would suggest putting that in a function.
double* add_point(double* data_ptr, int data_len, double new_data_pt)
Call that function as:
data_ptr = add_point(data_ptr, data_len, new_data_pt);
Assuming the first while loop, the contents of main become:
int main()
std::fstream data_file{ "millikan2.dat" };
// It is possible that the file has nothing in it.
// In that case, data_len needs to be zero.
int data_len{ 0 };
// There is no need to allocate memory when there is nothing in the file.
// Allocate memory only when data_len is greater than zero.
double* data_ptr = nullptr;
double new_data_pt;
if (!data_file.good()) {
std::cerr << "Cannot open file";
return 1;
while ( data_file >> new_data_pt )
data_ptr = add_point(data_ptr, data_len, new_data_pt);
// No need of this.
// The file will be closed when the function returns.
// data_file.close();
add_point can be implemented as:
double* add_point(double* data_ptr, int data_len, double new_data_pt)
double* new_data_ptr = new double[data_len];
// This works even when data_ptr is nullptr.
// When data_ptr is null_ptr, (data_len - 1) is zero. Hence,
// the call to std::copy becomes a noop.
std::copy(data_ptr, data_ptr + (data_len - 1); new_data_ptr);
// Deallocate old memory.
if ( data_ptr != nullptr )
delete [] data_ptr;
new_data_ptr[data_len-1] = new_data_pt;
return new_data_ptr;
The code to track the number of bad points is a lot more complex. Unless you are required to do it, I would advise to ignore it.
You already got an excellent answer but I figured it may be helpful to point out a few mistakes in your code, so you can understand why it won't work.
In the second else scope you declare data_ptr again, even though it is visible from the outer scope. (delete[] doesn't delete the pointer itself, it just deallocates the memory the pointer points to.)
else {
double* data_temp { new double[data_len] };
std::copy(data_ptr, data_ptr + data_len - 2, data_temp);
*(data_temp + data_len - 1) = new_data_pt;
delete[] data_ptr;
double* data_ptr{ new double[data_len] }; // <- Right here
//for (int j{1}; j < data_len; j++) *(data_ptr + j) = *(data_temp + j);
std::cout << std::endl;
Instead you could just write data_ptr = new double[data_len]. However, that alone won't make this work.
All of your data disappears because on every iteration you create a new array, pointed to by data_temp and copy the data there, and on the next iteration you set data_temp to point to a new array again. This means that on every iteration you lose all data from previous iterations. This also causes a memory leak, since you allocate more memory every time you hit this line:
double* data_temp { new double[data_len] };
but you don't call delete[] data_temp afterwards.
I hope this helps to understand why it doesn't work.

Building a dynamically allocated array of class Objects

First off, if this problem seems incredibly easy to you, I want to in advance apologize but I am only a beginner.
I have been stuck now for about a week with this problem and it is getting ridiculous since it shouldn't be that hard, even for a complete beginner like me.
I am writing a program which reads a bunch of information regarding receipts from a text file, like name, sum, date etc. and then prints it out to the screen. Simple enough, right? Well I started with using static arrays in my two classes Transaction and TransactionsList and it was working fine, I was printing the contents of the file to the screen just fine one line after the other.
Now I need to do this using dynamic arrays.
Each line in the text file contains a date, type, name, sum, number of friends and name of those friends which should be read an stored as a Transaction class object inside the dynamic array trans. This is what I am having trouble understanding no matter how much theory and googling I do on the subject. Where should I use an overloaded assigment operator, where a copy constructor and how do I call them properly? I have read up on these concepts but I can't use them in my program still. These are questions just flying around in my head right now.
I have changed the arrays friends and trans to be declared as pointers which I understand is correct. I then want to allocate memory for the arrays with "new", but here I am starting to get unsure just where I allocate with new, inside the contructors of their classes or inside the functions where they are needed?
I realize vectors is the answer to alot of these problems but I should tell you that I have not gotten into vectors yet, so I am trying to solve this problem without vectors. I realize this may be be a bit backwards, but I should be able to build my dynamically allocated array of objects and print it out without vectors I think. I have heard they are more practical but for now I have to understand this assignment without the concept of vectors.
I have read up on difference between shallow copies and deep copies as well and I get the theory, but I just can't implement it somehow. (I am probably retarded I know).
This is what I have got so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
class Transaction
string date;
string type;
string name;
double sum;
int nr_friends;
string *friends;
Transaction &operator = ( const Transaction &t );
string get_name();
int get_no_friends();
double get_sum();
bool readOneTrans( istream &is );
void writeOneTrans( ostream &os );
class TransactionsList
Transaction *trans;
int no_Trans;
void read( istream & is );
void print( ostream & os );
void add( Transaction & t );
int main()
ifstream inFile("test.txt");
Transaction t;
TransactionsList tl;
// t.readOneTrans(inFile); // reading just one line works fine (when uncommented)
// t.writeOneTrans(cout); // printing works too just fine
//; // here I want to read all contents of file
//tl.print(cout); // and here print out them to the screen
return 0;
date = "000000";
type = "transp";
name = "default";
sum = 0.0;
nr_friends = 0;
friends = NULL;
delete [] friends;
Transaction &Transaction::operator = ( const Transaction &t )
if ( this != &t )
delete[] friends;
date =;
type = t.type;
name =;
sum = t.sum;
nr_friends = t.nr_friends;
friends = new string[nr_friends];
for ( int i = 0; i < nr_friends; i++ )
friends[i] = t.friends[i];
return *this;
string Transaction::get_name()
return name;
double Transaction::get_sum()
return sum;
int Transaction::get_no_friends()
return nr_friends;
bool Transaction::readOneTrans( istream &is )
is >> date >> type >> name >> sum >> nr_friends;
friends = new string[nr_friends];
for (int i = 0; i < nr_friends; i++)
is >> friends[i];
return is;
return !is.eof();
void Transaction::writeOneTrans( ostream &os )
os << left << setw(10) << date <<
setw(10) << type << setw(10) << name
<< setw(10) << sum << setw(10)
<< nr_friends;
for (int i = 0; i < nr_friends; i++)
os << left << setw(8) << friends[i];
os << endl;
no_Trans = 1;
trans = new Transaction[no_Trans];
delete [] trans;
void TransactionsList::read( istream & is )
Transaction t;
while ( t.readOneTrans( is ))
add( t );
void TransactionsList::print( ostream & os )
Transaction t;
for (int i = 0; i < no_Trans; i++)
t = trans[i];
t.writeOneTrans( os );
if (os == cout)
os << "\nNumber of transactions: " << no_Trans << endl;
void TransactionsList::add( Transaction & t )
// each time I read a line from the file it is passed in as object t here
// here I want to add this object t to the dynamic array trans somehow
// and keep building the array with a new class object every time
// Probably by overloading assignment operator somehow but how?
trans[no_Trans] = t;
// i have no idea what to put here to make it work...
So as you can see, what I want to do is continually build up the dynamic array trans with different objects of the class Transaction, each instance representing a different line in the text file I am reading from so that I can print out all the lines in the file to the screen in the end.
The output lines should look like this:
011216 food John 300 2 Nathan Julia
To do this now dynamically, I realize I must copy the contents of object t that is passed in in the method "add" and add it to the array trans and somehow without losing the data of the earlier t:s which are representing the previous text lines. This was easy for me to do while the arrays where static ones, as I just assigned the next element in the array trans to be equal to the current object t (inside the add function). This is how my add function looked with static arrays:
void TransactionsList::add( Transaction & t )
trans[no_Trans] = t;
Obviously this doesn't work when you are working with dynamically allocated memory. I read some theory on this and I understand one cannot change the size of the array while it is running so the array actually has to be deleted and then allocated as a larger array and copy over the old contents using a deep copy, which doesn't just copy the memory address for the dynamic array but makes a new array with the olds content.
As you can see, I have read alot of theory but don't really understand it...
Can anyone help? I would be immensely thankful as I have not learned anything in a week and this is really killing me right now. I need to make progress now!
Some hints about the container:
Don't use using namespace std; (why?)
An unsigned integral size in c++ is usually represented as std::size_t from <cstddef>.
Get familiar with rule of three / rule of three/four/five.
A quite useful idiom that is usually applied to such classes is: 'Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII)'.
Bottom line:
When managing resources we usually need to have
a destructor
a copy constructor
a move constructor
a copy assignment operator
a move assignment operator
Resource aquisition should only happen in the constructor.
Functions such as add should not perform seperate resource acquisition but create a temporary of appropriate size and swap/move contents.
The issue of constructing a dynamically-allocated array is completely separate from the issue of constructing the objects themselves.
class TransactionList {
Transaction *trans;
size_t trans_size;
size_t no_Trans;
TransactionList(size_t initial_size)
: trans(new Transaction[initial_size]),
delete[] trans;
// ...
That's it. There's nothing different about your existing add() method. It still works exactly the same way, because of the fact that an array is really just a pointer to the first element in the array, which is still the case here.
But you do need to figure out what to do when no_Trans reaches the actual allocated trans_size. That's going to be your homework assignment.
What you probably want to do, though, is to change this to an array of Transaction * objects, and also dynamically allocate each Transaction when it's added to the array. That will require additional work.
(This answer requires no extra knowledge, and needs only a little bit change of your code)
Things get weird in the constructor:
no_Trans = 1;
trans = new Transaction[no_Trans];
People usually leave some space for future elements to add:
max_Trans = 100;
no_Trans = 0;
trans = new Transaction[max_Trans];
And in add()
if (no_Trans >= max_Trans) { // no more space?
// make a new array that is as twice big as the old one
max_Trans = 2 * max_Trans;
Transaction new_trans = new Transaction[max_Trans];
// copy elements to the new array
for (int i = 0; i < no_Trans; i++)
new_trans[i] = trans[i];
// delete the old one and start to use the new one
delete[] trans;
trans = new_trans;
trans[no_Trans] = t;
Of course max_Trans can also be 1, and make it grow as 1, 2, 3, 4... But that requires new on each add operation, which is inefficient.

Declaring array in different scope in c++

I'm trying to declare array of objects of length specified in the file. Then i want to fill this array array with data from the same file.
Let's assume my file looks like that:
3 - length of the array
1 2
3 4
5 6
Here's my code
while ( getline (myfile,line) ){
istringstream ss(line);
ss >> numOfObjects;
Object * array[numOfObjects];
if((i>=i) && (i<=1+numOfObjects)){
Object * o=new Object();
ss >> x >> y;
location l;
When i try to run my code it's says that array was not declared in this scope. Is there anything I can do? I know it will work if I declare array outside of while loop but I need it has to be of exact length as specified in file.
Sorry if it is a silly question i'm just a beginner
You could declare it outside and dynamically allocate memory using new after.
Object * array = nullptr;
if (...)
array = new Object[numOfObjects];
delete [] array;
As pointed out, you should consider using a vector, which automatically manage their memory
Read the number of things outside the loop, not as a special case inside it.
if (getline(myfile,line))
istringstream number(line);
number >> numOfObjects;
Object * array[numOfObjects];
while (i < numOfObjects && getline (myfile,line))
// ...

adding an array of class objects into one master class object

for a project I had to create a class that had variables for feet and inches, and had a method to add these variables together from object 1 and object 2, then object 3, 4, and so on.
CDistance CDistance::add(const CDistance& yourDist) const
CDistance total;
total.feet += yourDist.feet;
total.inches += yourDist.inches;
/*if (total.inches > 12)
total.feet += (total.inches / 12);
total.inches = total.inches % 12;
return total;
that's the method I have for adding, and here is a function in the main source file, where I process each class
void printAndAdd(const CDistance distList[], int size)
CDistance new_total;
new_total = distList[0].add(distList[1].add(distList[2].add(distList[3].add(distList[4]))));
And here is the method I use to print out the data on screen
void CDistance::printDist() const
cout << "Feet: " << this->feet << "\n\n";
cout << "Inches: " << this->inches << "\n\n";
I thought about using a for loop, for that 2nd line, but I'm having a bit of a problem. Whenever I print the data out, it's 0. As if the add function isn't working, which I'm not quite sure I even understand what I did. From what I think I'm doing, it's creating a new obejct, adding the variables from the referenced to object to the created object, that commented out section is a section I just took out for now and will add later, and then it returns the object. When I call the function in my main source file it would set the object new_total equal to the sum of object 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Am I close, or way off to what's actually happening? I should also explain that I've only been programming for about a year, it's really intriguing to me, but naturally difficult at times, and I'm still trying to grasp my hands around the idea of classes in c++.
The problem is that you never use the instance variables when adding. Instead you always start from a freshly minted object. Try this:
CDistance CDistance::add(const CDistance& yourDist) const
CDistance total(*this);
total.feet += yourDist.feet;
total.inches += yourDist.inches;
this->feet += yourDist.feet;
this->inches += yourDist.inches;
return total;
I've done some playing with your code and it looks like this line should is incorrect:
CDistance total;
The value of total is never initialized and is therefore always going to be whatever your default constructor has defined it to be (probably 0/0). Thus, the result of that call will always end up whatever was passed to the input. I think you meant to do this:
CDistance total = *this;
That will copy the current values for feet an inches into the temp and then the following lines will add the input. Passing through the chain of calls like you do should now concatenate the additions as expected.

Seg Fault resulting from push_back call on vector (threads linux)

So what I'm trying to do is write a program that creates a series of child threads that take the arguments using the pthread_create method and uses the parameter passed in to do more manipulation and so on. The parameter I'm trying to pass in is a vector argument called reduce_args_. this is the header information for the struct ReduceVector.
typedef vector<string> StringVector;
// a data structure to maintain info for the reduce task
struct ReduceArg
ReduceArg (void); // constructor
~ReduceArg (void); // destructor
pthread_t tid; // thread id of the reduce thread
StringVector files_to_reduce; // set of files for reduce task
// more typedefs
typedef vector<ReduceArg *> ReduceVector;
now the issues comes when I call push_back here:
for(int i = 0; i < num_reduce_threads_ ; i++){
int count = 0;
for(ShuffleSet::iterator it = shuffle_set_.begin(); it!=shuffle_set_.end(); ++it){
string line = *it;
string space = " ";
string file = line.substr(0, line.find(space)) + ".txt";
if (count < num_reduce_threads_){
cout << reduce_args_[i+1];
(reduce_args_[i+1] -> files_to_reduce)[count] = file;
//(reduce_args_[i+1] -> files_to_reduce).push_back(file);
//cout << ((reduce_args_.back())->files_to_reduce).back()<< endl;
both of those push_back methods cause a seg fault. the shuffle set is just a set and is outputting strings. and as noted in the .h file, the files_to_reduce is a string vector. So what I'm trying to do is access the files_to_reduce and push_back a string onto it, but each time I get a seg fault. The reduce_args_ obj is declared as below:
ReduceArg* plhold;
((reduce_args_.back()) -> files_to_reduce).push_back("hello");
for (int i = 0; i < this->num_reduce_threads_; ++i) {
// create a placeholder reduce argument and store it in our vector
thanks for the help!!
ReduceArg* plhold;
Unless you've hidden some important code, you're pushing an uninitialised pointer, so the next line will cause chaos.
Possibly you meant this?
ReduceArg* plhold(new ReduceArg);
..but I suspect you haven't properly thought about the object lifetimes and ownership of the object whose address you are storing in the vector.
In general, avoid pointers unless you know exactly what you're doing, and why. The code as posted doesn't need them, and I would recommend you just use something like this:
typedef vector<ReduceArg> ReduceVector;
for (int i = 0; i < num_reduce_threads_; ++i) {
// create a placeholder reduce argument and store it in our vector