There is a namespace of in clj-webdriver. But where to find out the clojure file, I can't find it in github of
The taxi api is being removed. Tag 0.7.2 still has the file.
I can't find it in github, but in the jar file I could find the taxi.clj
I am following this tutorial: and I have had a hard time dealing with the :require part of the ns macro. This tutorial shows how to parse HTML and pull out information from it with a library called enlive, and to use it, I first had to put
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
[enlive "1.1.6"]]
in my project.clj, and require the library in core.clj as the following:
(ns myproject.core
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])
I spent so much time finding out the name net.cgrand.enlive-html, since it was different from the package's name itself (which is just enlive), and I couldn't find it through any of the lein commands (I eventually found it out by googling).
How can I easily find out what name to require?
Practical approach
If your editor/IDE helps with auto-completion and
docs, that might be a first route.
Other than that, libraries usually have some read-me online, where they show off
what they do (what to require, how to use that).
Strict approach
If you really have nothing about a library, you will find the downloaded
library in you ~/.m2/repository directory. Note that deps without the naming
convention of "group/artifact" will just double on the artifact name, Next is
the version. So you can find your libraries JAR file here:
JAR files are just ZIP-Files. Inside the JAR file you will usually find the
source files of the library. The directory structure reflects the package
structure. E.g. one file there is net/cgrand/enlive_html.clj (note the use
of the _ instead of -, this is due to name munging for the JVM). You then
can require the file in your REPL and explore with doc or dir etc. Or you
open this file, to see the docs and source code in one chunk.
Usually I get this from the documentation / tutorial for the library. Check out the Quick Tutorial, which starts with the needed require.
Trying to execute a Flink job, compiled with Maven, in Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics and I get the following error:
"org.apache.flink.client.program.ProgramInvocationException: Neither a 'Main-Class', nor a 'program-class' entry was found in the jar file."
I have tried several ways of defining the main class in the pom.xml-file.
Right now it looks like this:
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
Here is the pom.xml (the code gets weird when I format it in the comment):
Here is the plugin:
I use "mvn package" to package.
Any ideas?
You don't show the entire plugin configuration, or the command that you use to build the JAR, or the contents of the manifest file (if any), so there are many possible causes.
However, my guess is that you're using an older version of the plugin, so that the documentation here (which you seem to be following) may not apply.
The easiest solution is to follow the documentation here, has an explicit mainClass entry. I can assure you that works; I've been using it for at least ten years.
Thank you I will look at that.
Here is the pom.xml (the code gets weird when I format it in the comment):
Here is the plugin:
I use "mvn package" to package.
Problem solved. No idea what was wrong. I created another identical KDA-app which used the exact same jar and now it works. Strange.
Is there a way to create a link to a repository's GitHub page in the repository's (or other Markdown file) without hardcoding the URL?
The use case I'm facing is the result of forking a repository in which the README includes [a link](, and which I'd rather not have to manually update to [a link](
My readme is (repo)/blob/master/
I'm not sure how robust this is, but this test worked for me:
test link: [testlink](../../)
Is that what you were asking for?
Relative links always works on and in every markdown file in your repo. I'm using them to document a personal project and I've never had an issue with that. Take a look at ( plenty of relative links in each part of the project. I'm documenting it with md files because I'm lazy and for a bare doc markdown files are qu
I am trying to setup proto-repl atom-editor package and apparently it needs a file user.clj to exist somewhere - which I guess is some leiningen's init file.
Where should I create this file?
Clojure will load the file user.clj from your class path if it is found. In a default leinengen project src/ will be on the class path, so if you create src/user.clj the contents of that file will be loaded in the context of the user namespace.
user is the default namespace for the clojure repl, but some leiningen projects override this. In order to access definitions in user.clj you will need to either pull user into scope (using require or use) or make sure that user is your starting namespace.
See the Proto REPL demo project for an example of how to setup user.clj You should also add a dependency on in the project.clj
I just pushed some changes to Proto REPL last night to improve this area but you'll still benefit from having one setup.
According to the proto-repl page, it might use some functions from user namespace when reloading code in REPL (reset function) but it shouldn't be required.
You might want to take a look at the proto-repl demo project to see the more advanced setup.
I'm trying out clojure on my second day and I don't understand almost anything yet. I am working with the Programming Clojure 2nd ed. and I am stuck with libraries.
I have Leiningen and have the REPL running. The book first tells the reader to run a simple
(require '
which works just fine (I get a nil). Then it wants to load a file called introduction.clj by running another simple
(require 'examples.introduction)
where I get an error message
FileNotFoundException Could not locate clojure/java/introduction__init.class
or clojure/java/introduction.clj on classpath: clojure.lang.RT.load (
I downloaded the introduction.clj file and looked where should I place it. The error and the book says the command will search in my classpath, but I have no idea where or what that is (after 1h of searching and reading I still don't get it, sorry). I ran a few commands and I had many classpaths listed (from which none contain a clojure/java/io.clj).
So I tried another approach - find the io.clj file on my disk and simply copy the file there and run it with a command
(require '
This doesn't seem to work either. By the way, the io.clj file I found was in "C:\Program Files\clojure\src\clj\clojure\java". I tried running several other .clj files from the java folder as well from the clojure folder, like javadoc.clj or inspector.clj and all seem to work just fine with the above mentioned command. Only the new file doesn't seem to load this way.
Any help appreciated :)
Clojure runs on the Java Virtual Machine, so you will need to learn a bit about PATH and CLASSPATH concepts:
Regarding the error message, the Clojure runtime is expecting to find introduction.clj in the directory clojure\java\example\introduction.clj (not where it really should be - see below).
The convention for Clojure namespaces is that the last component is the file name, while any previous components are parent directories. So
would have to be in the directory (relative to your source "root" or classpath)
(The lein REPL automatically adds your source root to the classpath).
Another concept you need to understand is where the "root" of your source code is located. For Leiningen (the build tool you are using) the default is either "src" or "src/main/clojure" - as documented in the Leiningen sample project file on GitHub).
Finally, if you get really stuck, it seems the complete project for the book is available on GitHub.
Looking at the project, I see that you should actually be placing the file under src\examples\introduction.clj
Are you reading the book "Programming Clojure"?
I have encountered the same problem. It ban be sovled as follows:
If you start clojure by java:
I work in windows, the clojure.jar is placed in D:\backup\clojure-1.5.1, and the source code of the book "Programming Clojure" is placed in D:\study\clojure\shcloj-code\code. You should first delete the user.clj file in folder D:\study\clojure\shcloj-code\code.
java -cp d:\backup\clojure-1.5.1\clojure-1.5.1.jar;d:\study\clojure\shcloj-code\code clojure.main -r
If you work in linux, replace the ";" with ":"
If you start clojure by lein
You should first cd to the D:\study\clojure\shcloj-code\code folder, and then
lein repl
You should also delete the user.clj file in folder D:\study\clojure\shcloj-code\code.