Automatic Link to GitHub Pages URL from - github-pages

Is there a way to create a link to a repository's GitHub page in the repository's (or other Markdown file) without hardcoding the URL?
The use case I'm facing is the result of forking a repository in which the README includes [a link](, and which I'd rather not have to manually update to [a link](

My readme is (repo)/blob/master/
I'm not sure how robust this is, but this test worked for me:
test link: [testlink](../../)
Is that what you were asking for?

Relative links always works on and in every markdown file in your repo. I'm using them to document a personal project and I've never had an issue with that. Take a look at ( plenty of relative links in each part of the project. I'm documenting it with md files because I'm lazy and for a bare doc markdown files are qu


How to harmonize github pages for project with http-server?

Github pages ( is an amazing tool for documenting your git hub project.
However, I am having a little trouble trying to use http-server ( to preview/debug my pages.
I'm trying to use the myproject/docs folder as my Github docs web page. My file structure looks something like "myproject/docs/pages/sometopic/somepage.html".
I can reference other pages in the project with something like "/myproject/pages/sometopic/somepage.html"
Note the leading "/" and the absence of the "docs" folder in the path.
If I try to use something like html-server to preview/debug my pages all of the links are broken as html-server does not strip out the "/docs" part of the url.
Is there a way I can configure either html-server and/or Github pages so that they use the same references?
I've tried using relative references (e.g. pages/sometopic/somepage.html and ../../../index.html but either Github pages and/or the frameworks I'm using do not consistently recognize them).
I can't use relative links because that seems to break jquery (version 1.11.3).
This was quite easily done by adding a logical link and then launching the http-server from the appropriate location relative to the logical link.
Link was created like this:
mklink /D fhir-to-omop ..\..\docs

Using AsConfigured and still be able to get UnitTest results in TFS

So I am running into an issue when I go to build my projects using tfs build controller using the Output location "AsConfigred" it will not detect my unit tests. Let me give a little info on my setup.
TFS 2013 Update 2, Default Process Template
Here is a few screenshots that can hopefully help fill in what I can't in typing. I am copying my build out to a file share on our network so that we can use other utilities use the output. I don't want to use "PerProject" or "SingleFolder" because they mess up the file structure we have configured (These both will run the tests). So i have the files copy to folder names "SingleOutputFolder" which is a child of the DropLocation. I would like to be able to run from the drop folder or run from the bin folder for each of my tests (I don't care which). However it doesn't seem to detect/run ANY of the tests. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you need any additional information.
I have tried using ***test*.dll, Install\SingleFolderOutput**.test.dll, and $(TF_BUILD_DROPLOCATION)\Install\SingleFolderOutput*test*.dll
But I am not sure what variables are available and understand where the scope of its execution is.
Given that you're using Build Output location set to AsConfigured you have to change the default values of the Test sources spec setting to allow build to find the test libraries in the bin folders. Here's an example.
If the full path to the unit test libraries is:
E:\Builds\7\<TFS Team Project>\<Build Definition>\src\<Unit Test Project>\bin\Release\*test*.dll
This question was asked on MSDN forums here.
MSDN Forums Suggested Workaround
The suggested workaround in the accepted answer (as of 8 a.m. on June 20) is to specify the full path to the test projects' binary folders: For example:
which really should have been shown as
However this approach is very brittle, for the following reasons:
Any new test projects you add to the solution will not be executed until you add them to the build definition's list of test sources:
It will break under any of the following circumstances:
the build definition is renamed
the working folder in build agent properties is modified
you have multiple build agents, and a different agent than the one you specified in {id} runs the build
Improved Workaround
My workaround mitigates the issues listed in #2 (can't do anything about #1).
In the path specified above, replace the initial part:
so you have
This works because the internal working directory is apparently the \binaries\ folder that is a sibling of the \src\ folder. Navigating up to the parent folder (whatever it is named, we don't care) and back in to \src\ before specifying the path to the test projects binaries does the trick.
Note: If you have multiple test projects, you add additional entries, separated with semicolons:
What I ended up doing was adding a post build event to copy all of the test.dll into the staging location folder in the specific build that is basically equivalent to where it would go on a SingleFolder build and do that on each test project.
if "$(TeamBuildOutDir)" == "" (
echo "Building Interactively not in TFS"
) else (
echo "Building in TFS"
xcopy "$(TargetDir)*.*" "$(TeamBuildBinaries)\" /Y /E /S
MSBUILD parameter in the build def that told it to basically drop in the folder that TFS looks for them.
Kept the default Test assembly file specification:
View this link for the information on the variable that I used and what relative path it exists at.
Another solution is to do the reverse.
Leave all of the files in the root so that all of the built in functionality works. There is more than just test execution in there. What about static code analysis, impact analysis..among others. You would have to do something custom for them all.
Instead use a pre-drop powershell script to create your Install arrangement from the root files.
If it is an application then you can use the _ApplicationFolder Nuget package to create an _PublishApplications folder same as you get for web applications.

Code reloading with leiningens checkouts feature

I am using a luminus web project and added a library that I am developing in parallel to it via the checkouts feature of leiningen.
Now, what I want is that the reloading of source files works too for the project that I refer to via the checkouts folder.
Is there way to do that? I have not succeeded so far changing the :reload-paths or wrap-reload options.
Ok, in the end it was pretty easy, however, finding that out, was not.
In core.clj there is this code:
(if (dev? args) (reload/wrap-reload app) app)
Simply change it to this one:
(if (dev? args) (reload/wrap-reload app
{:dirs ["src" "checkouts/subproject/src"]}) app)
You can add as many folders you want, all will get watched for source changes.

Can I create a cross-project source reference in redmine?

If you have two separate projects that is somehow connected. How can one make a reference to the source of the other project?
For referencing the source of your own project you use:
But since I want to refer to code in another project my thought was that I could write something like:
Anyone that knows if this is possible in some way? I have read but found no clues there.
Apparently this was implemented in Redmine 1.2.0 (released 2011-05-30). The syntax is exactly the one you suggested in the question, other_project:source:some/file, other_project being the project identifier.
It is possible in a couple of ways - although neither solution is particularly neat.
use an external html link to the other_project source code, where other-proj is the identifier for the other project.
"other project source":http://myserver:3000/projects/other-proj/repository/entry/file.txt
define the source path via the parent directories, so from the source directory of your current project go up 3 directory levels before navigating back down to the repository of your other project. Note the source link needs to be inside double quotes to work. This method at least keeps the source tag at the front of the link.
The Redmine Text Formatting page says the format is:
Even so, the selected answer works for my version of Redmine (1.4.2), but it may have been changed in later versions. This link format was added to that wiki page on 2012-08-27, after OP asked their question.

Excluding a single project file from an SVN repository

I have a django project that I have been working on as a solo developer, and have been using TortoiseSVN to keep the code managed in a repository on a work server. I work on this on a local installation of django etc.
There is now a second person who will be working on this project, and the possibility of working on some other PCs.
Now, there should, for the time being, only be one development version (branch?) of this project, but the configuration file ( will need to be different on each computer that is being used. I want to create one local version of this file on each PC which should not need to be changed again.
How can I set the repository (preferably within TortoiseSVN) to exclude this one file? E.g. the repository should not include When a checkout occurs, it should update all files in the local folder but not change/remove the local copy of When a commit occurs, should be ignored and not uploaded.
At the moment is overwritten/updated as per any other file in the project folder/repository.
Any nudges in the right direction would be useful - I'm new to SVN generally and would like to know if this is something that's going to need detailed understanding of branching or if there is a simpler way.
In TortoiseSVN, when you try to commit your files, in the file list dialog, right click the file and look for the Ignore option. You can ignore by complete filename or extension.
If the file is already in the repository, and you want to remove it from there and ignore it, you can simply right-click the file and in the TortoiseSVN menu look for the 'Delete and add to ignore list' option.
You'll be looking for the svn:ignore property, which tells subversion to not version files matching a pattern or patterns you specify.
There's some guidance on using it with TortoiseSVN at:
These should help:
I have a file in my project that every developer must change, but I don't want those local mods to ever be committed. How can I make 'svn commit' ignore the file?
Excluding Items from the Commit List
The typical solution is to do what bgever said and ignore the settings file itself, and then commit a file with example values, something like That file should only be updated when you add or remove settings. When deploying, you'd copy that to and edit the values.