I have written the following function in F# which, given two points, returns a function representing the line which passes throught the two points:
let getFunction (point1:float*float) (point2:float*float) =
let x1 = fst point1
let y1 = snd point1
let x2 = fst point2
let y2 = snd point2
let m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
let n = y1-x1*m
fun x -> m*x+n
I would like to unit test this function, but I haven't find how to do it, since I can't use a function in a equality assertion. I have thought about generating a secuence of random points and testing the application of the function against the expected result for each point, but I was wondering if there is a better way.
I would use a property-based testing approach (see http://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/pbt/ for an excellent introduction).
You presumably want to check that, for any inputs (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), that the resulting function satisfies the following properties:
f(x1) = y1
f(x2) = y2
f is linear
If the function satisifies these, it must be correct.
You can check the first two easily. For the final property, you can pick some random x values to test.
Repeat for a selection of inputs, and you're done. As Carsten mentions, FsCheck can be used to automate testing these properties using a large number of randomly generated test cases.
I am entirely new to F# I have this function that calculates the sum of the two different x and y points like this let vAdd (x1, y1) (x2, y2) : float * float = (x1 + x2, y1 + y2) and then I have another function that takes a list of the points and then uses vAdd to do the calculation. let vSum [(x1, y1); (x2, y2)] = vAdd (x1, y1) (x2, y2)
Now my question would be, how would I check and throw some error if the list given is empty? I tried with if ... then failwith "list is empty" but IsEmpty wasn't working. Another thing that I have looked at was pattern matching, but again, I don't know how it would work with my specific function. F# Check if a list is empty
Any help would be appreciated, and thanks in advance!
The most elegant approach is to use pattern matching, which lets you check that the list has exactly two elements and extract their values:
let vSum list =
match list with
| [(x1, y1); (x2, y2)] -> vAdd (x1, y1) (x2, y2)
| _ -> failwith "The list did not have two elements!"
You can slightly shorten this by using the function keyword, which is a shortcut for a function taking a variable and pattern matching on it:
let vSum = function
| [(x1, y1); (x2, y2)] -> vAdd (x1, y1) (x2, y2)
| _ -> failwith "The list did not have two elements!"
That said, if you always want to pass around two things, you should not be using a list, but use a tuple instead. You can have a tuple of tuples - that is fine - but if you know it is exactly two elements, then using a list is breaking the rule "make invalid states unrepresentable".
I'm working on Fortran 90. I need to calculate a recursion like xn = 6*(xn-1) + 7*(xn-2) where (xn-1) is the n-1 step and (xn-2) is the n-2 step. So if we set x1 = 2 and x0 = 1 we get x2 = 6*x1 + 7*x0 and so on for each n.
So I wrote
x0 = 1.
x1 = 2.
do i = 1,20
xn = 6.*x1 + 7.*x0
x1 = xn
x0 = x1
end do
but this code is replacing x0 and x1 for xn and I need to replace x1 for xn and x0 for x1 in each step. I'd tryed many things but I failed. Any idea how to do that?
Though the answer has already been added to this question, let me answer a more general question which is encountered more frequently. Consider the problem where the very next value in the iteration depends on n previous values. In the present case n = 2. The general strategy to solve this problem is to construct another 1-d array of size n and save all the initial values x(1),x(2),..,x(n) in this array. Then in each iteration we use these values to calculate the next value x(n+1) and update the array with x(1) by x(2), x(2) by x(3),...,x(n) by x(n+1) and again use these values to calculate the next value of x and so on. A particular example where such strategy must necessarily be used is the integration of time-delayed systems.
#parthian-shot has given the correct answer in the comment. But that leaves the question marked as unanswered, so I am repeating it here:
You are assigning the value of xn to x1, and then the value of x1 (which is now the same as xn) to x0. You just need to flip it around:
do i = 1,20
xn = 6.*x1 + 7.*x0
x0 = x1
x1 = xn
end do
How to compute the product of two polynomials ?
For example: x^3 + 3x^2 +0.2x and 2x^4 + 3
First I made a type
Type term = {coefficient:int; name:string; exponent:int};;
Type polynomials = term list;;
then I made a function calculate coefficient
let product l l' =
List.concat (List.map (fun e -> List.map (fun e' -> (e*e')) l'.coefficient)
This is where I get stuck. I guess I can use the same function for exponent as well,but the question is asking writing a polynomials function with one param, which means two polynomials will be in the same variable
Can someone help me out here
You seem to be saying that you're asked to write a function to multiply two polynomials, but the function is supposed to have just one parameter. This, indeed, doesn't make a lot of sense.
You can always use a tuple to bundle any number of values into a single value, but there's no reason to do this (that I can see), and it's not idiomatic for OCaml.
Here's a function with one parameter (a pair) that multiplies two ints:
# let multiply (a, b) = a * b;;
val multiply : int * int -> int = <fun>
# multiply (8, 7);;
- : int = 56
(As a separate comment, the code you give doesn't compile.)
I have one value that is a floating point percentage from 0-100, x, and another value that is a floating point from 0-1, y. As y gets closer to zero, it should reduce the value of x on a logarithmic curve.
So for example, say x = 28.0f and y = 0.8f. Since 0.8f isn't that far from 1.0f it should only reduce the value of x by a small amount, say bringing it down to x = 25.0f or something like that. As y gets closer to zero it should more and more drastically reduce the value of x. The only way I can think of doing this is with a logarithmic curve. I know what I want it to do, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to implement this in C++. What would this algorithm look like in C++?
It sounds like you want this:
new_x = x * ln((e - 1) * y + 1)
I'm assuming you have the natural log function ln and the constant e. The number multiplied by x is a logarithmic function of y which is 0 when y = 0 and 1 when y = 1.
Here's the logic behind that function (this is basically a math problem, not a programming problem). You want something that looks like the ln function, rising steeply at first and then leveling off. But you want it to start at (0, 0) and then pass through (1, 1), and ln starts at (1, 0) and passes through (e, 1). That suggests that before you do the ln, you do a simple linear shift that takes 0 to 1 and 1 to e: ((e - 1) * y + 1.
We can try with the following assumption: we need a function f(y) so that f(0)=0 and f(1)=1 which follows some logarithmic curve, may be something like f(y)=Alog(B+Cy), with A, B and C constants to be determined.
f(0)=0, so B=1
f(1)=1, so A=1/log(1+C)
So now, just need to find a C value so that f(0.8) is roughly equal to 25/28. A few experiment shows that C=4 is rather close. You can find closer if you want.
So one possibility would be: f(y) = log(1.0 + 4.0*y) / log(5.0)
Hey folks, I have the following piece of code from C++.
for (int i=0; i < nObstacles; i++)
int x,y;
bool bAlreadyExists;
do {
x = rand() % nGridWidth;
y = rand() % nGridHeight;
} while (HasObstacle(x, y));
SetObstacle(x, y, true);
I can translate it to F# directly with no problem.
let R = new System.Random()
for i=0 to nObstacles do
let mutable bGoodToGo = false;
let mutable x =0;
let mutable y = 0
while not bGoodToGo do
x <-R.Next(nWidth)
y <-R.Next(nHeight)
bGoodToGo <- IsEmptyAt x y
Of course this probably makes most of you cringe, since this is not the way F# was meant to be used. This code has some "unkosher" concepts for F#, such as do-while loops and mutable data.
But what I would be interested in seeing is a "proper" F# translation with immutable data, and some sort of do-while equivalent.
As a first step, you can take a look how to simplify the while loop inside the for loop. One option is to use Seq.initInfinite to generate a sequence that will give you any number of random X, Y coordinates. Then you can use Seq.find to find the first one that refers to an empty board field.
I also changed isEmpty to take a tuple (so that you can pass as argument to Seq.find using partial function application) and I changed some names to follow more standard F# style (you generally wouldn't use hungarian naming notation):
let isEmpty (x, y) = board.[x,y] = -1
let rnd = new System.Random()
for i = 0 to obstacleCount do
let x, y =
// Generate infinite sequence of random X Y coordinates
Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> rnd.Next(width), rnd.Next(height))
// Find first coordinate that refers to empty field
|> Seq.find isEmpty
// We still have mutation here
board.[x,y] <- Obstacle
I think this is quite elegant functional solution. It may be a bit slower than the imperative solution, but the point is that functional style makes it easier to write & change the implementation once you learn it (You can always use imperative style as optimization).
To avoid all mutable state, you'll need to generate locations for obstacles first and then initialize the array. For example, you could recursively add new coordinates to a set until it has the required length. Then you can generate array using Array2D.init:
let rec generateObstacles obstacles =
if Set.count obstacles = obstacleCount then obstacles
// Try generating new coordinate and add it to the set
// (if it is already included, this doesn't do anything)
|> Set.add (rnd.Next(width), rnd.Next(height))
|> generateObstacles
let obstacles = generateObstacles Set.empty
Array2D.init width height (fun x y ->
if obstacles.Contains(x, y) then Obstacle else Empty)
This isn't really shorter and it will be a bit slower, so I'd stick to the first solution. However, it is a nice exercise showing recursion and sets...
Here is my try:
Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> rnd.Next(width), rnd.Next(height))
|> Seq.filter (fun (x, y) -> IsEmptyAt x y)
|> Seq.distinct
|> Seq.take nObstacles
|> Seq.iter (fun (x, y) -> board.[x,y] <- Obstacle)
You can remove the Seq.filter if the board is empty at the beginning. Like in Tomas solution, it generates an infinite sequence of positions. Then, it removes bad and duplicated positions. Finally, it updates the board with the nObstacles first elements.