How to extract value from a *CvScalar Output Array? - c++

Consider me a newbie at programming. I tried to search for an answer to this question before posting but no luck.
I am using CvAvgSdv function to calculate the Std Deviation and the Mean of the ROI of an image. For reference that is:
cvAvgSdv(LeftROI, LeftMean, LeftStdDev);
LeftMean & LeftStdDev are the output arrays in the form of *CvScalar but how do I display them/access the output value? I personally only need the Standard Deviation value as I am calculating the pixel variance in an image. So squaring the Standard Deviation should give me this.


The meaning of sigma_s and sigma_r in detailEnhance function on OpenCV

The detailEnhance function provided by openCV have parameters InputArray, OutputArray, sigma_s and sigma_r. What does sigma s and r mean and what is it used for?
Here is the source:
Thank you in advance.
sigma_s controls how much the image is smoothed - the larger its value, the more smoothed the image gets, but it's also slower to compute.
sigma_r is important if you want to preserve edges while smoothing the image. Small sigma_r results in only very similar colors to be averaged (i.e. smoothed), while colors that differ much will stay intact.
See also:

About generalized hough transform code

I was looking for an implementation of Generalized Hough Transform,and then I found this website,which showed me a complete implementation of GHT .
I can totally understand how the algorithm processes except this:
Vec2i referenceP = Vec2i(id_max[0]*rangeXY+(rangeXY+1)/2, id_max[1]*rangeXY+(rangeXY+1)/2);
which calculates the reference point of the object based on the maximum value of the hough space,then mutiplied by rangXY to get back to the corresponding position of origin image.(rangeXY is the dimensions in pixels of the squares in which the image is divided. )
I edited the code to
Vec2i referenceP = Vec2i(id_max[0]*rangeXY, id_max[1]*rangeXY);
and I got another reference point then show all edgePoints in the image,which apparently not fit the shape.
I just cannot figure out what the factor(rangeXY+1)/2means.
Is there anyone who has implemented this code or familiared with the rationale of GHT can tell me what the factor rangeXYmeans? Thanks~
I am familiar with the classic Hough Transform, though not with the generalised one. However, I believe you give enough information in your question for me to answer it without being familiar with the algorithm in question.
(rangeXY+1)/2 is simply integer division by 2 with rounding. For instance (4+1)/2 gives 2 while (5+1)/2 gives 3 (2.5 rounds up). Now, since rangeXY is the side of a square block of pixels and id_max is the position (index) of such a block, then id_max[dim]*rangeXY+(rangeXY+1)/2 gives the position of the central pixel in that block.
On the other hand, when you simplified the expression to id_max[dim]*rangeXY, you were getting the position of the top-left rather than the central pixel.

Deciphering a code [duplicate]

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Please explain as to what happens to an image when we use histeq function in MATLAB? A mathematical explanation would be really helpful.
Histogram equalization seeks to flatten your image histogram. Basically, it models the image as a probability density function (or in simpler terms, a histogram where you normalize each entry by the total number of pixels in the image) and tries to ensure that the probability for a pixel to take on a particular intensity is equiprobable (with equal probability).
The premise behind histogram equalization is for images that have poor contrast. Images that look like they're too dark, or if they're too washed out, or if they're too bright are good candidates for you to apply histogram equalization. If you plot the histogram, the spread of the pixels is limited to a very narrow range. By doing histogram equalization, the histogram will thus flatten and give you a better contrast image. The effect of this with the histogram is that it stretches the dynamic range of your histogram.
In terms of the mathematical definition, I won't bore you with the details and I would love to have some LaTeX to do it here, but it isn't supported. As such, I defer you to this link that explains it in more detail:
However, the final equation that you get for performing histogram equalization is essentially a 1-to-1 mapping. For each pixel in your image, you extract its intensity, then run it through this function. It then gives you an output intensity to be placed in your output image.
Supposing that p_i is the probability that you would encounter a pixel with intensity i in your image (take the histogram bin count for pixel intensity i and divide by the total number of pixels in your image). Given that you have L intensities in your image, the output intensity at this location given the intensity of i is dictated as:
g_i = floor( (L-1) * sum_{n=0}^{i} p_i )
You add up all of the probabilities from pixel intensity 0, then 1, then 2, all the way up to intensity i. This is familiarly known as the Cumulative Distribution Function.
MATLAB essentially performs histogram equalization using this approach. However, if you want to implement this yourself, it's actually pretty simple. Assume that you have an input image im that is of an unsigned 8-bit integer type.
function [out] = hist_eq(im, L)
if (~exist(L, 'var'))
L = 256;
h = imhist(im) / numel(im);
cdf = cumsum(h);
out = (L-1)*cdf(double(im)+1);
out = uint8(out);
This function takes in an image that is assumed to be unsigned 8-bit integer. You can optionally specify the number of levels for the output. Usually, L = 256 for an 8-bit image and so if you omit the second parameter, L would be assumed as such. The first line computes the probabilities. The next line computes the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF). The next two lines after compute input/output using histogram equalization, and then convert back to unsigned 8-bit integer. Note that the uint8 casting implicitly performs the floor operation for us. You'll need to take note that we have to add an offset of 1 when accessing the CDF. The reason why is because MATLAB starts indexing at 1, while the intensities in your image start at 0.
The MATLAB command histeq pretty much does the same thing, except that if you call histeq(im), it assumes that you have 32 intensities in your image. Therefore, you can override the histeq function by specifying an additional parameter that specifies how many intensity values are seen in the image just like what we did above. As such, you would do histeq(im, 256);. Calling this in MATLAB, and using the function I wrote above should give you identical results.
As a bit of an exercise, let's use an image that is part of the MATLAB distribution called pout.tif. Let's also show its histogram.
im = imread('pout.tif');
As you can see, the image has poor contrast because most of the intensity values fit in a narrow range. Histogram equalization will flatten the image and thus increase the contrast of the image. As such, try doing this:
out = histeq(im, 256); %//or you can use my function: out = hist_eq(im);
This is what we get:
As you can see the contrast is better. Darker pixels tend to move towards the darker end, while lighter pixels get pushed towards the lighter end. Successful result I think! Bear in mind that not all images will give you a good result when you try and do histogram equalization. Image processing is mostly a trial and error thing, and so you put a mishmash of different techniques together until you get a good result.
This should hopefully get you started. Good luck!

How to filter a single column mat with Gaussian in OpenCV

I have mat with only one column and 1600 rows. I want to filter it using a Gaussian.
I tried the following:
Mat AFilt=Mat(palm_contour.size(),1,CV_32F);
But I get the exact same values in AFilt (the filtered mat) and A. It looks like GaussianBlur has done nothing.
What's the problem here? How can I smooth a single-column mat with a Gaussian kernel?
I read about BaseColumnFilt, but haven't seen any usage examples so I'm not sure how to use them.
Any help given will be greatly appreciated as I don't have a clue.
I'm working with OpenCV 2.4.5 on windows 8 using Visual Studio 2012.
You have a single column but you are specifying the width of the gaussian to be big instead of specifying the height! OpenCV use row,col or x,y notation depending on the context. A general rule is whenever you use Point or Size, they behave like x,y and whenever the parameters are separate values they behave like row,col.
The kernel size should also be odd. If you specify the kernel size you can set sigma to zero to let OpenCV compute a suitable sigma value.
To conclude, this should work better:
The documentation og GaussianBlur says the kernel size must be odd, I would try using an odd size kernel and see if that makes any difference

How to scale a histogram so it sums to a specific value?

I have computed a histogram with cv::calcHist, and I want the histogram to sum to 100. In the old OpenCV API, you could use cvNormalizeHist(histogram, 100);. How do you do this in the new C++ API?
It looks like you want cv::normalize(), specifically the overload taking a MatND since that's what cv::calcHist() outputs.
how about cv::normalize?