TikiWiki user management - admin

How do I manage users of our tikiwiki?
The tiki process on the server is ran under my name. I am the user of the tikiwiki, but I am not sure I am an admin user.
Most likely not but question one is: How do I find that out?
(my Admin Menu is empty)
Some user contacted me saying her account is "Locked". It so happened that there is no one else to restore it, but me.
Can anyone help where to look? I only used my tikiwiki account to limited extent. Just wrote couple of articles. But never administered.

There is always a built in user in Tiki called "admin" and that is in a group called "Admins" which has permission to do everything, so it sounds like your user isn't in that group.
If the admin user was set up with a valid email account (and you know it and have access to it) then you can get the password reset and a link to make a new one will be emailed to that address. If you can access the installer or the database then there are various other options on how to recover the admin login here: https://doc.tiki.org/Lost+admin+password
Once you have done this and can administer the Tiki again you should add your usual user to the Admins group.
To unlock another user's account you will need to either access the user admin list (once you have admin login again) or if you can get to the database you should be able to clear the relevant field in the database directly using phpmyadmin or similar as a last resort (ask again if you need this much detail).


Sign up for membership in Django City, create admin authentication process

Currently, it is set to return to the first screen of the program when membership registration is completed in Django. However, since anyone can sign up and view information within the program, I want to make it possible to access the program's first page only after the administrator approves it when someone completes membership registration. As a result of Googling, only email verification was found, so I had to ask a question. There seems to be no admin authentication process provided by Django. Are there any similar examples or methods?
I want to make it possible to access the program's first page only after the administrator approves it when someone completes membership registration.
At first you can set the step for every registration level.
and to approve the user to authenticate the page, you can create and check status user profile.
Another way is using a django permission for an authenticated page.
you can do this, if the user completed a couple of registration and a step number, for example is 7, you can give needed permission to the user.

How to prevent staff users from editing/deleting superuser in django

I want to be able to allow certain staff users the rights to add other users and staff but what seems weird to me is that 1) a staff member can just change their own privileges to superuser or just make a new user and grant superuser privileges to them. 2) delete a superuser or revoke their superuser status
Some staff users should be able to modify/create/delete users but they should not be able to delete super users nor assign permissions to themselves or other users that they do not have the permission themselves.
This has always been logic I have incorporated into my user systems that I've written in PHP and I was just wondering if there was a way to change these settings in Django as I really like Python/Django (I'm just beginning to learn it) and can see myself migrating away from PHP. But part of the beauty for me lied in the admin panel and if that is something that cannot be changed, that's kind of cringe-worthy.
It reminds me of a restaurant POS system that I used to use when I was a GM. As the GM, I had powers that shift managers did not have. However, the shift managers could add a fingerprint to my profile (theirs) and then just log in as me and do anything they wanted to. I always felt this was a severe security breach and even took disciplinary action on an employee for doing this. It also allowed the shift managers to create new employees with titles that were above theirs which created the same problem as they could just create a new GM or Area Manager, login, do whatever they wanted, and see all kinds of things that they shouldn't (like their colleagues' salaries), and then hide (not delete) the user. (this is how he got caught)
If anyone has a fix or any ideas and suggestions, I'd love to hear them and keep learning this exciting new language. Thanks in advance!
Django admin is a basic CRUD system, it is not recommended to use in that way. Django views (your custom views) give you more power to control the process.
First of all, Django Permissions might be a good start point. Create Groups for user types and assign desired permissions for each group. Do not give permission for non-superusers to change group or permissions.
Second thing is using Django Signals to check data before saving it. For example, a pre_save signal for User creation can be used to check if is_superuser, is_staff values of the user are set by non-superuser. You can add added_by value to the user model and verify your checks using this value.
Also, using custom forms for Django admin is also possible and might be the simplest solution for it. Just make a custom form for creating and editing users and verify changes in the form directly before allowing the view to save anything. It is also possible to inform user that they don't have access for changes they made and also notify the management about the attempt.

Give specific permission per user when signing up

I am using allauth for registering users and I would like to give permissions to users automatically after they created a local account or using social login.
A good example would be only 1 user to be able to create posts and comments whilst the rest of the users to be able to only create comments.
Looking around I have seen that you can create Groups and through those you can give certain permissions, is this the right way to handle this? Or are there some better avenues worth exploring?
Many thanks.

How to activate users manually

Django 1.11.2
I'm building an intranet website. And I'd like to control myself whether users are active or not. In Django admin there is such a possibility. But "Active" attribute is set to True automatically when a newly registered user confirms his/her email.
In other words what I'd like to do:
1) Let users register and reset passwords.
2) Admin of the site assigns the new user to a group. Users with the minimum permissions can only view. Special permissions allow edit, delete etc. But the user must be unable even to view anything without approval by the admin.
Now I'm planning to organize can_view permission for every model. The two above conditions will be performed by assigning the user to a group.
Well, this seems to be rather cumbersome. That "Active" attribute in admin is much more elegant. But "Active" is automatically set to True when the user confirms his/her email.
Could you give me a piece of advice here?
While it's tempting, never use is_active to deny permissions. The flag is meant to be equivalent to "deleting a user". That also means the user cannot login (with default authentication backend). So it's not an authorization guard, but an authentication guard.
That said, if you don't grant permissions, users don't have them. So if you implement can_view and set it to guard the relevant models and views, then the user can log in, but cannot see anything you don't want them to (it's convenient for a user to see that she successfully logged in though :) ).
Follow-up question from comments
It's fine to use one global permission that is checked per view. When using class based views, I recommend extending LoginRequiredMixin, tuck a few other goodies in a IntranetCommonMixin and have each view combine it with one of the generic base views. See also my answer here.
The only reason you don't want to do it, is that it's tough to code exceptions on the rule, because the first "object" that says "yes", wins.

Updating admin account info with PHP using adminSDK

I have to sync account information across 3 different platforms. I wrote a password script that will update a users account information in LDAP, our Student Information System, and in gmail (for edu). I had no issues with older migration api, but that is going away in the coming months.
I wrote a new library to use oauth2 and the adminSDK to manage my user accounts. Im using a service account and specifying a superadmin account to preform account creations and password updates. This works perfectly fine with normal accounts. However, it seems that I cannot reset my own password (Im an admin).
So far the things that my library can do are: search, create, update, and delete NON-ADMIN accounts. Things that do not work: promote an account to admin, undelete an account, change admin account information (password for example).
Changing admin account info results in: "Not Authorized to access this resource/api" error.
Is there any way to get around this issue? If not, this severely cripples my ability to use the new API to manage my users. well, the admin users anyway. I need it to work for all users, even the hand full of administrators. I simply don'y see the point of a service account impersonating an admin, and then does not have all the proper rights to change account info on all accounts, especially when the previous API allowed it.
please advise.
I can also provide my library for anyone interested in using it.
I figured out my issue.
When I started this project, I created a google account for this project and assigned it superadmin role.
I was revisiting my project today and I was getting the same errors when trying to update admin accounts. I signed into the project's admin gmail account.... and accepted the terms...
now my library works perfectly. yay.