Updating admin account info with PHP using adminSDK - google-admin-sdk

I have to sync account information across 3 different platforms. I wrote a password script that will update a users account information in LDAP, our Student Information System, and in gmail (for edu). I had no issues with older migration api, but that is going away in the coming months.
I wrote a new library to use oauth2 and the adminSDK to manage my user accounts. Im using a service account and specifying a superadmin account to preform account creations and password updates. This works perfectly fine with normal accounts. However, it seems that I cannot reset my own password (Im an admin).
So far the things that my library can do are: search, create, update, and delete NON-ADMIN accounts. Things that do not work: promote an account to admin, undelete an account, change admin account information (password for example).
Changing admin account info results in: "Not Authorized to access this resource/api" error.
Is there any way to get around this issue? If not, this severely cripples my ability to use the new API to manage my users. well, the admin users anyway. I need it to work for all users, even the hand full of administrators. I simply don'y see the point of a service account impersonating an admin, and then does not have all the proper rights to change account info on all accounts, especially when the previous API allowed it.
please advise.
I can also provide my library for anyone interested in using it.

I figured out my issue.
When I started this project, I created a google account for this project and assigned it superadmin role.
I was revisiting my project today and I was getting the same errors when trying to update admin accounts. I signed into the project's admin gmail account.... and accepted the terms...
now my library works perfectly. yay.


Django Login form Using AD

I'm trying to create an App which has a log in page where user should be authenticated using azure AD. Basically the App has a log in form where user puts his id and password from ad and django should check with ad and allow him in or not. Later on ofc would like to add permission depending on AD group.
So far I searched a lot on the internet and found nothing. Could you guys help with some example or link to documentation what I could use.
First of all, I'd like to suggest that you don't do that.
What you are asking for is ROPC flow: https://joonasw.net/view/ropc-grant-flow-in-azure-ad.
Usage of this flow is not recommended unless this is for migrating a legacy application (which is the original purpose of ROPC).
It also won't work if the user has MFA, an expired password etc.
There is usually no reason why you'd want to handle user passwords when using a federated identity provider.

Give specific permission per user when signing up

I am using allauth for registering users and I would like to give permissions to users automatically after they created a local account or using social login.
A good example would be only 1 user to be able to create posts and comments whilst the rest of the users to be able to only create comments.
Looking around I have seen that you can create Groups and through those you can give certain permissions, is this the right way to handle this? Or are there some better avenues worth exploring?
Many thanks.

Transfer Google API Project ownership from an unreachable user

We're using Google Analytics API in our application and perform actions (read data) on behalf of our users (we get their tokens via OAuth2). We use a client id and client secret to authorize our Google API project (application).
The problem is that we're unable to reach this project in Google's developer console, because the user in our Google App account who created this project was deleted. Regardless, the Google API still works (we have the key and the client secret) but we're unable to reach it in the admin section in the browser, but we can't access it because the owner was deleted.
What are the options to recover access to this API project? Is it possible to transfer ownership of this project using Google API? It's running in production so we can't afford to generate a new API project.
Is it perhaps possible to generate a new API project by keeping all our users consents (they authorize their accounts using an authorization popup in our web app)?
EDIT: it's also possible the user still exists, but we don't know who's the owner. Is it possible to retrieve this info using the app's api key/secret?
How to find out who owns your credentials.
Authenticate your application the pop up window will appear. Click on the name of the application the little arrow and a drop down will apear with the email address of the developer who owns the project.
If you have lost access to this account i am not aware of any way of getting access back. However for the sake of curiosity i am going to contact someone at Google and find out if they have a procedure for account recovery or not. I will update this when i hear back.
If the account that has a credential was a gsuite user then we can transfer the project to the admin of the domain.
Have the admin of the GSuite contact me with information on the project, client id, email of the user who was deleted. We can then add the admin of the gSuite as the owner of the project.
From the question, this was likely a gsuite user because even after the account is deleted, the project was not deleted.

TikiWiki user management

How do I manage users of our tikiwiki?
The tiki process on the server is ran under my name. I am the user of the tikiwiki, but I am not sure I am an admin user.
Most likely not but question one is: How do I find that out?
(my Admin Menu is empty)
Some user contacted me saying her account is "Locked". It so happened that there is no one else to restore it, but me.
Can anyone help where to look? I only used my tikiwiki account to limited extent. Just wrote couple of articles. But never administered.
There is always a built in user in Tiki called "admin" and that is in a group called "Admins" which has permission to do everything, so it sounds like your user isn't in that group.
If the admin user was set up with a valid email account (and you know it and have access to it) then you can get the password reset and a link to make a new one will be emailed to that address. If you can access the installer or the database then there are various other options on how to recover the admin login here: https://doc.tiki.org/Lost+admin+password
Once you have done this and can administer the Tiki again you should add your usual user to the Admins group.
To unlock another user's account you will need to either access the user admin list (once you have admin login again) or if you can get to the database you should be able to clear the relevant field in the database directly using phpmyadmin or similar as a last resort (ask again if you need this much detail).

Django-Socialauth - How to associate multiple authentication providers to a single user account

Django-Social in its feature list claims that it supports associating multiple authentication providers to a single user account.
I can't seem to figure out how to use that feature.
When I try to login using a new authentication provider it automatically seems to be creating a new account for each provider.
Any ideas?
Take a look to django-social-auth, it's simpler and easier to setup than Django-Socialauth.
Multiple account association is supported but limited to logged in users to avoid the decision of which user instance must be removed.
it supports associating multiple authentication providers to a single user account
By looking at the code for models.py here, socialauth has a UserProfile for each provider, associating them to the User object which you use for basic authentication. So indeed, what it claims is true.
It can be done manually through admin once you have logged in with multiple accounts. Then the Socialauth models for the accounts can be adjusted to point at the User they are required too and multiple accounts can point to the same user.
But I have not had a good enough look to work out how to let users do this automatically for themselves. It does not work out of the box if you sign in to another account if while already signed into an existing account.