The file is not an updated package - Sitecore - sitecore

When I installed package in Sitecore I am getting error "the file is not an updated package". The package "C:\InetPub\wwwroot..\Website\sitecore\admin\packages\File1..TDSMaster.Files.update" could not be loaded. The file is not an updated package. Can any one help?


Error trying to install latest nuget pkg Aspose.Cells

Trying to install the latest Aspose.Cells package in VS 2019. Had a buddy try the same thing, same error. Have a license. What am I missing?
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error The feed ' []' lists package 'Aspose.Cells.22.3.0' but multiple attempts to download the nupkg have failed. The feed is either invalid or required packages were removed while the current operation was in progress. Verify the package exists on the feed and try again.
Unable to find package 'Aspose.Cells.22.3.0'.
I tested your scenario/case. I created a new console application in VS.NET 2019. Then, I clicked on Tools|Nuget Package Manager|Manage Nuget Packages… option. Now I searched Aspose.Cells (v22.3.0) after clicking Browse link. I then installed the latest version and it works fine. I do not get any error during the import process as well.
The issue might be due to NuGet Package Manager configuration on your end. You may clear NuGet cache and give it a try in your VS.NET again.
PS. I am working as Support developer/ Evangelist at Aspose.

How to include header file for Chart.js after downloading it?

I've recently downloaded Chart.js by first installing node.js from
and then ran
npm install chart.js --save
on my command prompt from
I am ready to do some web development and have no clue how to include the Chart.js header file for an HTML program I plan to write. I am using a Windows 10 OS. How would I go about adding the header file (going to use atom for the text editor)? I don't see chart.js after doing "dir", only saw package-lock.json and package.json.

Unable to restore nuget packages on Sitecore8.2 build

I'm trying to setup a MVC 5 Sitecore 8.2(helix) project but not able to restore the Nuget packages.
This is the error I get when installing from command line
Restoring NuGet package Sitecore.Foundation.SitecoreExtensions.1.0.7.
WARNING: Unable to find version '1.0.7' of package 'Sitecore.Foundation.SitecoreExtensions'.
[14:11:41] Unable to find version '1.0.7' of package 'Sitecore.Foundation.SitecoreExtensions'.
Trying from Visual studio I get this
I have added the following package sources Nuget v2, Nuget v3, Sitecore v2, Sitecore v3
I upgraded my Node version to Node-v10.20.1-x64 and gulp version 6.14.4 but the error still occurs.
That package no longer exists on NuGet. It's from Habitat which is no longer maintained and probably never should have been released to NuGet in the first place. I would recommend adding the extensions that you are using into your own foundation project.

NuGet Package Manager not working in Visual Studio 2017 - for a.NET Core 1.1 web application

I just created a .NET Core Web Application in VS2017 and I wanted to be able to serve a single page application. In order to be able to do that I tried to install the nuget package Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles. But my NuGet installer failed and threw the following error
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'MyApp'.
Right click on the project=>Properties and set TargetFramework to .net core 2.0(less than or equal to the packages version you are using)
build the project and then install whatever you want from nuget.

Sitecore Package upload error

I am trying to install a Sitecore package from dev to staging environment, i have used package designer to create this package, but when i try to upload this package on the staging site it results in the following error:
The File exists.<br>
I have also tried uploading the package created using the Sitecore Rocks plugin which also results in the same error.
I am installing the package using installation wizard and uploading the package and i am not overwriting the existing files.
Kindly, help!
This error occurs if the windows temp has more than 65K files. When we cleared those files the issue got resolved.
Maybe there is package with the same name as your new package. Try to rename you package zip file and then upload.
make sure you are installing in the right environment
make sure the file doesnt not already exists (you can look it under the packages folder)
restart app pool and try again. Maybe overwrite the installation file.
there was a issue with sitecore on the staging environment(probably corrupted install). so we took a risk and installed it on live..! It works fine! Thank you all for the help. Much appreciated.