Detect that "I'm running" in Qt GUI event thread - c++

I have this function to update some GUI stuff:
void SavedConnections::renderList()
// Do GUI stuff! Must run in Qt thread!!!
I need to ensure that this function isn't called from other threads. What I plan to do is to defer it into event loop and raise a warning:
void SavedConnections::renderList()
if(!this_thread_is_Qt_GUI_thread()) {
qDebug()<< "Warning: GUI operation attempted from non GUI thread!\n";
QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new UpdateGUIEvent());
// Do GUI stuff! Must run in Qt thread!!!
This pattern is also very convenient to make methods that are guaranteed to run asynchronously in GUI thread without any ugly syntax. I already asked similar question about Java's ExecutorService.

You can check if the current thread is the thread your object lives in:
if (QThread::currentThread() != this->thread()) {
// Called from different thread
Note that this might not be the main GUI-Thread! It is the thread this lives in (see QObject Thread affinity). If you don't change it using QObject::moveToThread, it is the thread the object was created in.
This is also what QCoreApplication::postEvent uses to determine into which thread the event should be posted. The targeted Thread must run a QEventLoop to respond to the event.
So checking for the main-GUI-Thread (qApp->thread()), but posting to this's thread might not work, if your object does not live in the main-GUI-Thread. However, if you do GUI stuff there, it should anyway live in the GUI-Thread


Emitting a Qt::signal from worker thread makes the UI update on main thread by default?

I am new to Qt. I have worker thread that is an std::thread. The worker thread function continuously fetches some some data in a loop. The size of the data is frequently updated on a Text element on a QML UI. I have a listener callback which is nothing but an std::function and it gets called from the thread's function. It sends me callbacks based on which I updated the Text element on QML. I update it using signal slot mechanism.
Following is the QML : Text element:
Text {
id: mytext
objectName: "mytextobject"
function slotUpdateData(someValue){
mytext = someValue
SignalUpdateData is connected with slotUpdateData which resides on QML side. Every time I get the data event callback from the std::thread, I emit SignalUpdateData which updates the QML Text element on UI.
void CallBackReceivedFromWorkerThread(float someValue) {
emit SignalUpdateData(someValue)
Following is how I have connected this C++ signal with the QML slot
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(SignalUpdateData(QVariant)), myTextItemQObject, SLOT(slotUpdateData(QVariant)));
And all of this works fine. No crashes, lock-ups, nothing.
As per my understanding, since the worker thread's function is triggering the callback, the execution control is on the worker thread when the callback is received. So when doing emit SignalUpdateData(someValue), we'er still on the worker thread. And as far as I know from my previous experience in android & java, we cannot update the UI from anywhere outside the main thread of the application.
So, How is this working ? Is emit SignalUpdateData(someValue) putting the call into the main UI thread's event loop ? Is Qt still making the UI change on main thread in spite of me calling for it from a worker thread ? If my approach is fine, then does it have performance implications ? What is the best recommendation to do this ?
I want to be very sure about this & not just lucky about making this to work. Should I use a Qt::Connection_enum as well for best approach ?
You're leveraging Qt the way it was meant to be! And you've run into it accidentally: that's a sign of a decent design - it "just works". Hooray for you, hooray for Qt :)
It's working because Qt has been designed specifically to make it work, and you're using the default automatic connection whose raison d'ĂȘtre is to help you out in this specific case. So you happen to be doing everything right: change nothing!
When you emit a signal, Qt acquires relevant source and destination object mutexes, and compares the receiving object's thread() to QThread::currentThread(). If they are identical, the slot/functor is called immediately: it happens in the body of the signal, so the slot is called before the signal returns. This is safe as the target object is used from its thread(), where it's safe.
If target->thread() != QThread::currentThread(), then a QMetaCallEvent is queued to the target object. The event contains the (equivalent of) slot method pointer and a copy of any parameters passed by the slot. The QObject::event implementation handles the event and executes the call. The target object thread's event loop is on the call stack, since its job is to deliver the queued events to the object.
The above is, in a nutshell the meaning of a Qt::AutoConnection. If you're using Qt::QueuedConnection, the 2nd case applies no matter what the threads are. If you're using Qt::DirectConnection, the 1st case applies no matter what.
My guess is that >95% of the uses of a non-automatic connection type in Qt-related questions on SO are unnecessary and stem from lack of understanding and resorting to what amounts to magic incantations.

How to quit the event loop of a worker QThread

I'm writing an application with a button to start/stop a worker thread (which implements QThread).
The worker thread keeps scheduling a job every few milliseconds.
To terminate the worker thread, I'm calling worker.quit() (worker.exit(0) doesn't work either) method from the GUI thread and waiting the finished signal to be fired.
The problem is that even though the finished signal is fired, the thread isn't terminated.
Here is a minimal example:
My interpretation of what happened was wrong: The worker thread was being terminated but the method iter was getting executed in the main thread as said by #sergey-tachenov and as confirmed from the logging generated with the code:
void run() {
std::cout <<"From worker thread: "<<QThread::currentThreadId() << std::endl;
void iter() {
std::cout <<"From thread: "<<QThread::currentThreadId() << std::endl;
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
std::cout <<"From main thread: "<<QThread::currentThreadId() << std::endl;
I switched to a different design which doesn't rely on QTimers. But I didn't submit it as an answer since the title of this question is "How to quit the event loop of a worker QThread".
The thread is terminated. Only your timer runs not in the thread you've started but in the main thread, that's why it isn't stopped. This is because it uses queued connections by default and the thread object lives in the thread in which it was created which is the main thread. To fix it:
Do not subclass QThread. It's usually a bad idea unless you want to actually extend QThread's functionality.
Create a separate worker object that inherits QObject.
Use moveToThread to move the worker object to the created thread. It will cause all its slots to fire actually in the thread. If you use default or queued connections, that is.
The QThread docs provide an excellent example on that (the first one).
Note that if you actually want to use data provided by the thread to update GUI, you'll have to somehow correctly publish that data to the GUI thread (possibly using emit and queued connections) instead of trying to update GUI directly from the thread. And if you want to access shared data, you probably need to guard it with a QMutex, not like you do with your shared counter.

QT - force an object to process incoming signals

I am wondering how to tell a QObject to process all signals and call the slots associated with them. Here's the concrete problem I am having, for a better description of the question:
My program consists of three Qthreads : Main, Communication and Input.
The communication thread handles communication via the network, the Input thread handles user input, and both have several signal-slot connections to the main thread. Whenever a network event occurs, or whenever the user inputs a commandline command, a signal from the respective thread is called, which then activates the appropriate connected slot in the main thread. The main thread's role is to process these events. My code looks as follows:
QApplication a(argc, argv);
CommObj co; //inherits from QThread
co.start(); //Starts the thread
InputObj io; //inherits from QThread
io.start(); //Starts the thread
MainObj u(&co,&io);
return a.exec();
Now, what I want to achieve is for the main thread to not reach the last line.
My intentions are to call a method run() within the constructor of MainObj which is going to do something along the lines of this:
void run ()
//process all signals..
However, I do not know how to implement the process all signals part. Any advice on how this could be done (including workarounds) would be very welcome.
This is completely unnecessary. a.exec() runs an event loop that will receive and process the events sent by other threads.
When a slot is invoked due to a signal being emitted in a different thread, Qt is posting a QMetaCallEvent to the receiver object. The QObject::event method is able to re-synthesize the slot call based on the data in the event.
Thus, you need to do nothing. a.exec() does what you want. Feel free to invoke it from MainObj's constructor, as qApp->exec() or as QEventLoop loop; loop.exec(), but that's rather bad design.
The real questions are:
Why do you need MainObj's constructor to spin an event loop?
What sort of "user input" are you processing in the io? You can't access any GUI objects from that thread.
Why are you deriving from QThread if you're using Qt's networking? You definitely don't want to do that - it won't work unless you spin an event loop, so you might as well just use a QThread without changes. Well, to be safe, you need just to make the thread destructible, so:
class Thread {
using QThread::run; // make it final
Thread(QObject * parent = 0) : QThread(parent) {}
~Thread() { requestInterruption(); quit(); wait(); }
Anyway, by not using standard QThread that spins an event loop, the communication will be one way. Nothing in such threads will be able to react to signals from other threads.
You need to rearchitect as follows:
Use the Thread class as above. It's safe to be destructed at any time.
Have worker objects that run asynchronously using signals/slots/timers.
Move constructed workers to their threads.
What you need is the processEvents function. For example, if you don't want the user to be able to interact with widgets, but you want the graphics to update, use
See the documentation for details.

Can I have multiple GUI threads in MFC?

I have a large MFC based application that includes some potentially very slow tasks in the main thread. This can give the appearance that the application has hung when it is actually working its way through a long task. From a usability point of view, I'd like to be giving the user some more feedback on progress, and have an option to abort the task in a clean manner. While hiving the long tasks off into separate threads would be a better long term solution, I'm thinking a pragmatic short term solution is create a new GUI thread encapsulated in its own object complete with dialog including progress bar and cancel button, used in a similar manner to a CWait object. The main thread monitors the cancel status via an IsCancelled method, and finishes via a throw when required.
Is this a reasonable approach, and if so is there some MFC code out there already that I can use, or should I roll my own? First sketch looks like this
class CProgressThread : public CWinThread
CProgressThread(int ProgressMax);
void SetProgress(int Progress);
BOOL IsCancelled();
CProgressDialog *theDialog;
void MySlowTask()
CProgressThread PT(MaxProgress);
{ // deep in the depths of my slow task
if (PT.IsCancelled())
throw new CUserHasHadEnough;
catch (CUserHasHadEnough *pUserHasHadEnough)
// Clean-up
As a rule, I tend to have one GUI thread and many worker threads, but this approach could possibly save me a bunch of refactoring and testing. Any serious potential pitfalls?
Short answer, Yes, you can have multiple GUI thread in MFC. But you can't access the GUI component directly other than the created thread. The reason is because the Win32 under the MFC stores the GUI handler per thread based. It means the handler in one thread isn't visible to another thread. If you jump to the CWinThread class source code, you can find a handler map attribute there.
Windows (MFC) doesn't has hard difference between the worker thread & GUI thread. Any thread can be changed to GUI thread once they create the message queue, which is created after the first call related to the message, such as GetMessage().
In your above code, if the progress bar is created in one thread and MySlowWork() is called in another thread. You can only use the CProgressThread attributes without touch the Win32 GUI related functions, such as close, setText, SetProgress... since they all need the GUI handler. If you do call those function, the error will be can't find the specified window since that handler isn't in the thread handler mapping.
If you do need change the GUI, you need send the message to that progress bar owner thread. Let that thread handles the message by itself (message handler) through the PostThreadMessage, refer to MSDN for detail.

Using Qt where worker thread creates new GUI elements

I will keep the code simple so that you guys can see what I'm trying to do ;)
I am aware of all of the locking issues, etc. I'm trying to figure out how signals and slots play with threads.
In main.cpp:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MyConsole c; // Subclasses QThread and implements run()
MyReceiver r(app); // We pass app to MyReceiver for later (see below)
QObject::connect(&c, SIGNAL(sendit()),
&r, SLOT(gotit()));
c.start(); // Start the worker thread
Assume that the signals and slots were properly set up in the header files (I've tested and they are). Now, here's the issue:
In MyReceiver.cpp:
void MyReceiver::gotit()
QLabel *label = new QLabel(0, "Hello"); // Some GUI element, any will do
app.setMainWidget(*label); // Some GUI action, any will do
The question is: Because the MyReceiver object was created in main(), which is on the main thread, does that mean that the slots (e.g., gotit()) will run on the main thread and are therefore safe for doing GUI stuff? Even in cases where the signal was raised from a different QThread (like MyConsole in this example)?
Is there a better way to allow worker threads to interact with the GUI (for example, Obj-C/Cocoa have a "send message on main thread" type of approach). What is "The Qt way" of doing this?
Thanks in advance!
By default (Qt::AutoConnection), slots will run in the thread the QObject was created in. So, no matter from what thread you emit the signal, the slot will be run always in the thread, the QObject "lives" in (if a Qt event loop is running in that thread, otherwise the event can't be delivered). Since the main thread will become the Qt GUI thread, this will work as expected. This is indeed the Qt way of interacting with the GUI.
See also: (look for thread affinity).
The "Qt way" to emit a signal from one thread and receive it in a different thread is to use a Queued connection
connect( obj, SIGNAL(foo()), other_obj, SLOT(bar()), Qt::QueuedConnection )
From the Qt documentation for Qt::QueuedConnection:
The slot is invoked when control returns to the event loop of the receiver's thread. The slot is executed in the receiver's thread.