How to quit the event loop of a worker QThread - c++

I'm writing an application with a button to start/stop a worker thread (which implements QThread).
The worker thread keeps scheduling a job every few milliseconds.
To terminate the worker thread, I'm calling worker.quit() (worker.exit(0) doesn't work either) method from the GUI thread and waiting the finished signal to be fired.
The problem is that even though the finished signal is fired, the thread isn't terminated.
Here is a minimal example:
My interpretation of what happened was wrong: The worker thread was being terminated but the method iter was getting executed in the main thread as said by #sergey-tachenov and as confirmed from the logging generated with the code:
void run() {
std::cout <<"From worker thread: "<<QThread::currentThreadId() << std::endl;
void iter() {
std::cout <<"From thread: "<<QThread::currentThreadId() << std::endl;
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
std::cout <<"From main thread: "<<QThread::currentThreadId() << std::endl;
I switched to a different design which doesn't rely on QTimers. But I didn't submit it as an answer since the title of this question is "How to quit the event loop of a worker QThread".

The thread is terminated. Only your timer runs not in the thread you've started but in the main thread, that's why it isn't stopped. This is because it uses queued connections by default and the thread object lives in the thread in which it was created which is the main thread. To fix it:
Do not subclass QThread. It's usually a bad idea unless you want to actually extend QThread's functionality.
Create a separate worker object that inherits QObject.
Use moveToThread to move the worker object to the created thread. It will cause all its slots to fire actually in the thread. If you use default or queued connections, that is.
The QThread docs provide an excellent example on that (the first one).
Note that if you actually want to use data provided by the thread to update GUI, you'll have to somehow correctly publish that data to the GUI thread (possibly using emit and queued connections) instead of trying to update GUI directly from the thread. And if you want to access shared data, you probably need to guard it with a QMutex, not like you do with your shared counter.


Change affinity of an Object from a QThread to Main GUI Thread

I have a Qt GUI application which contains some classes and a main. For one of the computationally heavy writing operation i created a a QThreadas a class member. Something like this:
//class members
std::unique_ptr<QThread> m_savingThread;
std::unique_ptr<DiffClass> m_controller;
connect(this, &SomeClass::saveAll, m_controller.get(), &DiffClass::saveToAll, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_controller.get(), &DiffClass::done, m_savingThread.get(), &QThread::quit);
void SomeClass::saveToFile()
//Saving thread
qDebug() << "From main thread:" << QThread::currentThreadId();
emit saveAll(someString);
The above code works fine. But i need the m_controller object back to the main GUI thread once the saving operation is finished. I could find something similar
here. Briefly, it states that since QThread can only "push" the object into a thread, i need to push it again into the main thread from the current worker thread.
void DiffClass::saveToAll(someString)
qDebug() << "From worker thread:" << QThread::currentThreadId();
/*saving operation*/
moveToThread(QApplication::instance()->thread()); //Error QCoreApplication has no member thread()
emit done();
Is there a way to change the affinity of the object back to the main thread?
EDIT 1: My connect to saveToAll is a QueuedConnection.
First and foremost, why would you want to switch thread affinity back and forth? There doesn't seem to be a practical side to this.
Other than that, it should be possible to change it to another threat, the condition is that the object has no parent and the moveToThread() is invoked from the current affinity thread.
You can use QMetaObject::invokeMethod() with Qt::QueuedConnection specified from any thread to schedule a slot execution from the current affinity thread, which will change affinity from the right thread to whatever thread you pass as a parameter.
But seeing how you try to change it from inside the class, that should work as expected, as long as saveToAll() is invoked via the signal/slot mechanism (rather than directly from just about any thread).
//Error QCoreApplication has no member thread()
It most certainly does according to the documentation.

Detect that "I'm running" in Qt GUI event thread

I have this function to update some GUI stuff:
void SavedConnections::renderList()
// Do GUI stuff! Must run in Qt thread!!!
I need to ensure that this function isn't called from other threads. What I plan to do is to defer it into event loop and raise a warning:
void SavedConnections::renderList()
if(!this_thread_is_Qt_GUI_thread()) {
qDebug()<< "Warning: GUI operation attempted from non GUI thread!\n";
QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new UpdateGUIEvent());
// Do GUI stuff! Must run in Qt thread!!!
This pattern is also very convenient to make methods that are guaranteed to run asynchronously in GUI thread without any ugly syntax. I already asked similar question about Java's ExecutorService.
You can check if the current thread is the thread your object lives in:
if (QThread::currentThread() != this->thread()) {
// Called from different thread
Note that this might not be the main GUI-Thread! It is the thread this lives in (see QObject Thread affinity). If you don't change it using QObject::moveToThread, it is the thread the object was created in.
This is also what QCoreApplication::postEvent uses to determine into which thread the event should be posted. The targeted Thread must run a QEventLoop to respond to the event.
So checking for the main-GUI-Thread (qApp->thread()), but posting to this's thread might not work, if your object does not live in the main-GUI-Thread. However, if you do GUI stuff there, it should anyway live in the GUI-Thread

QTimer not firing in a thread

I have an Qt5 c++ app with 2 threads, thread A is started when the main program starts up. The start method of thread A runs successfully.
So far so good. Next, in the main program I send a signal to Thread A to start a QTimer, which it does - but that timer never expires!
Thread B handles tcp connections. When I initiate a telnet connection to my app, thread B fires up and suddenly I see my Qtimer from thread A expiring at normal intervals.
Why is the QTimer from thread A not expiring until thread B starts?
I suspect my threads are getting messed up. note the last section of code below products this:
thread of this: QThread(0x200fe00)
thread of timer: QThread(0x1fff470)
Which suggest my worker object (this), is in a different thread from my timer object. This timer thread address is actually the MAIN thread. Why? I'm confused.
In my main app I create and start my thread like this:
QThread * MyControllerThread = new QThread(this);
if (MyControllerThread) {
TheController *worker = new TheController(MyControllerThread);
if (worker) {
connect(MyControllerThread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(start()));
connect(MyControllerThread, SIGNAL(finished()), worker, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(MyControllerThread, SIGNAL(finished()), MyControllerThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
and in my main app I emit a signal to the new thread:
emit sig_startlocalpeer(Types::EActionLocalServiceStart); // Move the local peer to standby mode to start remote tests
which runs a slot in my thread (TheController object):
m_remotetestintervaltimer.start(REMOTETEST_TIMER_INTERVAL); // Wait between ticks
qDebug() << "thread of this: " << this->thread();
qDebug() << "thread of timer: " << m_remotetestintervaltimer.thread();
Well, it's not a Qt5 bug, it's more an inaccurate understanding of Qt's thread spirit.
In Qt, you have two ways to implement a thread which are using or not an even loop. Here is just a small visual example.
No event loop
do{ ... }while(...);
With an event loop
(Of course you can mix a do/while with an even loop but stay simple).
In QTimer's doc, you can read:
In multithreaded applications, you can use QTimer in any thread that
has an event loop. [...] Qt uses the timer's thread affinity to
determine which thread will emit the timeout() signal. Because of
this, you must start and stop the timer in its thread; it is not
possible to start a timer from another thread.
So I'm pretty sure you don't have a second event loop in your second thread and that's why you have the behaviour you described.
To give you some tips to be totally clear with thread using Qt, I suggest you to read:
QThread doc:
QTimer doc:
and a very good article about how QThread implementation is misunderstood by a lot of users:
You're doing it wrong:
I hope it will help ;)
The best answer seems to be a combination of RobbieE and Kuba:
You have to explicitly set the parent of the member variable in constructor. The parent-child feature is a Qt thing that exists among classes derived from QObject, it is not a feature of C++.
I never knew this - I assumed that when an object was created, its members variables automatically had their parent set to the object. Good to know!!

How can i create several thread in a queue with Qt?

How can I create threads in a queue with Qt that execute step by step (when one thread completed another thread started)?
Please give me a code example?
Look at QThreadPool.
However, as Frank pointed out, if you execute things after each other, there is no need for threads.
There is a "finished()" signal from the QThread object. In your thread manager thread (i.e. your main qwidget or qmainwindow), you could have a queue manager class that has a slot to which this signal is connected. The slot would initialize and execute the next thread in the queue when it receives the finished signal from the currently running thread.
This would prevent blocking in your manager thread and allow you to execute these thread objects from a queue as you describe.
Make sure that each time you respond to a finished signal, you connect the next thread's finished signal to your queue manager slot. You also want to make sure that you start the thread in your "add to queue" method if there are no other threads currently running.

Knowing when a QThread's event loop has started from another thread

in my program, I am subclassing QThread, and I implemented the virtual method run() like so:
void ManagerThread::run() {
// do a bunch of stuff,
// create some objects that should be handled by this thread
// connect a few signals/slots on the objects using QueuedConnection
this->exec(); // start event loop
Now, in another thread (let's call it MainThread), I start the ManagerThread and wait for its started() signal, after which I proceed to use the signals and slots that should be handled by ManagerThread. However, the started() signal is essentially emmitted right before run() is called, so depending on thread scheduling I lose some signals from MainThread, because the event loop hasn't started yet!
(EDIT: turns out that's not the problem, it's just the signals are not connected in time, but for the same reason)
I could emit a signal right before calling exec(), but that's also asking for trouble.
Is there any definitive/simple way of knowing that the event loop has started?
Alright, so it turns out the problem isn't exactly what I phrased. The fact that the event loop hasn't started isn't the problem, since signals should get queued up until it does start. The problem is, some of the signals would not get connected in time to be called- since the started() signal is emitted before run() is called.
The solution is to emit another custom signal after all the connections and right before exec. That way all signals/slots are ensured to be connected.
This is the solution to my problem, but not really an answer to the thread title. I have accepted the answer that does answer the title.
I have left all my code below for those curious, with the solution being, to wait for another signal in the instance() method.
Many of you are saying that I cannot lose signals, so here is my whole class implementation. I will simplify it to just the bare necessities.
Here is the interface to ManagerThread:
// singleton class
class ManagerThread: public QThread {
// trivial private constructor/destructor
static ManagerThread* instance();
// called from another thread
void doSomething(QString const& text);
// emitted by doSomething,
// connected to JobHandler whose affinity is this thread.
void requestSomething(QString const& text);
// reimplemented virtual functions of QThread
void run();
static QMutex s_creationMutex;
static ManagerThread* s_instance;
JobHandler* m_handler; // actually handles the requests
Some relevant implementations. Creating the singleton instance of the thread:
ManagerThread* ManagerThread::instance() {
QMutexLocker locker(&s_creationMutex);
if (!s_instance) {
// start socket manager thread, and wait for it to finish starting
s_instance = new ManagerThread();
// SignalWaiter essentially does what is outlined here:
SignalWaiter waiter(s_instance, SIGNAL(started()));
qDebug() << "Waiting for ManagerThread to start";
qDebug() << "Finished waiting for ManagerThread thread to start.";
return s_instance;
Reimplementation of run that sets up signals/slots and starts event loop:
void ManagerThread::run() {
// we are now in the ManagerThread thread, so create the handler
m_handler = new JobHandler();
// connect signals/slots
SIGNAL(requestSomething(QString const&)),
SLOT(handleSomething(QString const&)),
qDebug() << "Starting Event Loop in ManagerThread";
// SOLUTION: Emit signal here and wait for this one instead of started()
this->exec(); // start event loop
Function that delegates the handling to the correct thread. This is where
I emit the signal that is lost:
void ManagerThread::doSomething(QString const& text) {
qDebug() << "ManagerThread attempting to do something";
// if calling from another thread, have to emit signal
if (QThread::currentThread() != this) {
// I put this sleep here to demonstrate the problem
// If it is removed there is a large chance the event loop
// will not start up in time to handle the subsequent signal
} else {
// just call directly if we are already in the correct thread
Finally, here is the code from MainThread that will fail if the event loop doesn't start in time:
Assuming that the handler just prints out its text, here is what gets printed out on a successful run:
Waiting for ManagerThread to start
Finished waiting for ManagerThread thread to start.
Starting Event Loop in ManagerThread
ManagerThread attempting to do something
And here is what happens on an unsuccessful run:
Waiting for ManagerThread to start
Finished waiting for ManagerThread thread to start.
ManagerThread attempting to do something
Starting Event Loop in ManagerThread
Clearly the event loop started after the signal was emitted, and BLAM never prints.
There is a race condition here, that requires the knowledge of when the event loop starts,
in order to fix it.
Maybe I'm missing something, and the problem is something different...
Thanks so much if you actually read all that! Phew!
If you setup the connections right, you shouldn't be losing the signals. But if you really want to get a notice on the start of the thread's event loop, you can try QTimer::singleShot() in your run() right before calling exec(). It will be delivered when the event loop starts and only delivered once.
You could look at QSemaphore to signal between threads. Slots and signals are better for ui events and callbacks on the same thread.
Edit: Alternately you could combine QMutex with QWaitCondition if a semaphore is not applicable. More example code to see how you are using the ManagerThread in conjunction with the MainThread would be helpful.
This is a non-issue. Signals between threads are queued (more specifically, you need to set them up to be queued in the connect() call because direct connections between threads aren't safe).
You could create the signal/slots connections in the constructor of the ManagerThread. In that way, they are certainly connected even before run() is called.