Qt 5.5 on fedora serialport module not found - c++

I'm using fedora 23.
Using QT Creator with Qt 5.5.0 installed
QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.5.0 in /usr/lib
When I type in "QT += serialport" Qt Creator throws the message "Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: serialport"
I thought serialport is included since version 5.1.
Kit setting in Qt Creator is set to qmake-qt5 with qt 5.5

yum install qt5-qtserialport-devel
solved the problem. Thanks to tux3 for the solution!


qwebengineview component doesn't present in my system

I have installed qt creator 3.5.1, QT version 5.5.1. I have found that my qt doesn't support qwebengineview. Could you explain why and how can I add this support?
It seems it could be fixed by installing libqt5webkit5-dev

QT: QTWebview is not working

My operating System: Windows 7 64bit
QT Version: QT Creator 4.2.0 based on QT 5.7.1(MSVC 2015, 32 bit)
The QWebview widget is not displayed in my mainwindow.ui file.
I already tried following steps:
-QT += webkitwidgets or QT+= webenginewidgets
-include <QTWebView> or include <QTWebEngineView>
After using the above commands i got this project error:
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webenginewidgets
I also tried to reinstall the QT Creator, but i still got the same problem, i cant use any web-related widgets(Webkit/WebEngineView, ...).
Thanks for your help.
Best regards.

Which Qt Creator is compatible with Qt4?

I am finding to install Qt4 instead of the latest Qt5.5.
This is due to forward compatibility issues with Qt5.5 and the Medical Interaction toolkit library MITK.
I have located the download archive of Qt. But, does anyone know which version of Qt Creator is compatible with Qt4?
There are two sides of compatibility here:
The range of Qt versions you can build Qt Creator with: That's at least Qt 5.0, and possibly higher.
Qt Creator 3.2.2 is the last version that could be built with Qt 4. From Qt Creator 3.3 onwards, only Qt 5 is supported.
The range of Qt versions that you can add to Qt Creator and its kits: That's at least Qt 4.0, possibly higher but 4.7 works for sure.
So, you should use the latest Qt Creator, and simply download and build Qt 4.8 that suits your needs, and then add it to Qt Creator.

Qt Creator not compiling Qt Examples for iOS

I'm trying to compile one QT Example included in QT creator for iOS device. The example is stocqt and I have getting the following trace when I try to build:
error: can't exec '/Applications/Xcode' (No such file or directory)
I'm compiling using the following environment:
Yosemite (10.10.3)
XCode 6.4
Qt Creator 3.5.1
Qt 5.4.2
Target: iPad with iOS 7.1.1
My PATH in system environment is the following:
Any idea about why Qt Creator is not getting my XCode path or what's going on with it?
Of course, the project is configured for iOS and is using clang.

Qtcreator.exe missing from Qt 4.7.3

Hi I have recently downloaded qt 4.7.3 for windows qt-win-opensource-4.7.3-vs2008.exe from this Link , I was using Qt Creator 3.0.1 based on Qt 5.2.1 (MSVC 2010, 32 bit) till now , but I need to build my project in Qt 4.7.3 ...the problem is I couldn't find the Qtcreator.exe in the downloaded folder , it contains all the libraries and everything except the.exe file .Is there any solution to get the Qtcreator.exe file for Qt 4.7.3 or is there any way to configure it with my Qt creator 3.0.1?
Qt 4.7.3 is quite old, back at this time it was shipped in the Nokia SDK along with the Qt version.
There is no reason why you can't add Qt 4.7.3 as a Qt version in your existing copy of Qt Creator 3.0.1 you should only need 1 copy of Qt Creator on your machine.
In QtCreator go to Tools->Options->Build&Run->Qt Versions
Click the add button and navigate to qmake for Qt 4.7.3
This should have created a kit for 4.7.3
You should now be able to go back to the projects tab for your project add the Qt 4.7.3 kit and build your project with 4.7.3