How to Convert python Tkinter desktop App to Web App - python-2.7

I have wrote python(2.7) GUI desktop application using TKinter library and it is working fine. Now i want to convert it into web application. I have looked into pyjaco and pyjamas but not getting it done.
How can i convert it into Web App ?
Thanks in advance..

You will have to rewrite your app. There is simply no way to convert a tkinter application to run on the web. You could potentially use pyjs to convert some of the business logic, but the entire GUI will have to be rewritten.

You can use CloudTk.
CloudTk is based on WebSockit2me - a TCP to WebSocket gateway that uses a noVNC to display Tk applications in modern Web Browser.


Using Delphi API from Django-based website

I am a beginner in Django.
I have a Desktop application API (Delphi based app) in DLL format, and I am trying to build a webpage that interacts with this Desktop app. Is there any way to do that?
If the answer is No, how can I use the DLL API to interact with this app using Kivy or PyQT5 or any Python framework?
PS: I don't have any knowledge of Delphi.
I didn't try anything, I'm just wondering if my idea is doable.

Two way communication between Chrome extention and win32 c++ application

I need advice about the best way to make an application (written in c++/mfc) communicate with an extension in chrome (I am also studying edge chromium)
As far as I understand, the native application that the extension can communicate with by using native host messaging is launched by chrome. As my win32 application is launched by the user and not by chrome, I need the native application to be a third component, launched by chrome.
What is the best way to let my win32 application communicate with my native app ? Making it a COM server is a good idea ?
I have searched on the other posts but they often talk about the native app talking to another app, not the other way.
Thank you

flask - How to detect a small screen?

What is the best practice to detect small screens with flask ? Is there an alternative of using a JS script doing the job and then communicating it via a route to flask ?
The server does not know anything about the window the browser is running in. You will need to use javascript.

Turning Django web app to a Desktop app

I am very comfortable with Django, and I was wondering about whether there is some way to convert a Django web app into a Desktop app (may be not 100%), so that I can distribute it to users, instead of learning a GUI framework.
Maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but if you really, really don't want to learn a GUI framework, in your place I'd consider packaging your Django web application with a small web server in the distributable package, with the Django app configured to run on localhost on the web server. Then I'd include a script that launches a browser pointing at the starting page of your Django app as the "executable".
If not configured properly this could be considered weak from a security point of view.

Run userscript within the IE web browser control in a MFC application

I am developing a C++ application using the Internet Explorer webcontrol. I would like to use some userscripts to modify the webpage.
Do you have ideas how I can achieve this?
You're looking for IHTMLWindow2::execScript().