Using Delphi API from Django-based website - django

I am a beginner in Django.
I have a Desktop application API (Delphi based app) in DLL format, and I am trying to build a webpage that interacts with this Desktop app. Is there any way to do that?
If the answer is No, how can I use the DLL API to interact with this app using Kivy or PyQT5 or any Python framework?
PS: I don't have any knowledge of Delphi.
I didn't try anything, I'm just wondering if my idea is doable.


Is there a way to programmatically update an app from the AppStore?

I am developing my own app using Objective-C and C++. I want my app to be able to download the updates for other apps downloaded from the AppStore.
Does someone know if this is possible?
I know how to find which apps have a newer version via the iTunes search API.

Do I have to use jquery mobile with phonegap to make a hybird app

I have developed a web app using html, css, jquery and django, and has made it compatible for the screen in mobile devices. But now I want to make it a hybrid app for android/ios and users can install it for extra features. Googled and found phonegap to be a perfect solution. On further searching for the tutorial, most of the tutorial are using jquery mobile for the purpose. My question is, do I need to use jquery mobile to develop a phonegap hybrid app?
No, its not needed, jQuery, without mobile version, its perfectly capable of working with Cordova (I have also made several professional projects with it).
The only limitation is with some touch events, like swipe or pinch to zoom, in what you are going to need another library, like hammerjs

How to Convert python Tkinter desktop App to Web App

I have wrote python(2.7) GUI desktop application using TKinter library and it is working fine. Now i want to convert it into web application. I have looked into pyjaco and pyjamas but not getting it done.
How can i convert it into Web App ?
Thanks in advance..
You will have to rewrite your app. There is simply no way to convert a tkinter application to run on the web. You could potentially use pyjs to convert some of the business logic, but the entire GUI will have to be rewritten.
You can use CloudTk.
CloudTk is based on WebSockit2me - a TCP to WebSocket gateway that uses a noVNC to display Tk applications in modern Web Browser.

EmbersJS: Tutorial on building an application from scratch using REST API

I'm quite new to EmberJS framework to build Web Applications. I'm currently struggling to understand the right way (using Models, Controllers, View and Routes) to build a full-fledged web application using a Java (Spring, Hibernate) based REST API.
My current task is to create a simple registration page using EmberJS and pass on the information to a back end server using the REST API.
Can anyone guide me on this from scratch or show me few links that would help me learn?
This video was helpful when I was learning how to build an ember app with a rails rest api. Yehuda is on the rails core team and one of the primary creators of ember.js so I think he's a pretty good source of information.

Django Projects as Desktop applications : how to?

How to make Django projects packaged as desktop applications?
I found some tutorials, but is there any solution as DjangoKit , for Linux and Windows?
List of related tutorials :
Deploying a Django app on the desktop
Django application as a stand-alone desktop application
This project started when I needed to
distribute a self contained user
installable Windows demo of a Django
Edit: Another alternative is Super Zippy, it takes a Python package and its pure Python dependencies and transforms them all into a single executable file.
You might want to look into Appcelerator's (link) Titanium Desktop for developing web apps on the desktop.
It's fully cross platform, Linux, Mac OSX, Windows.
It's supports running Python, Ruby, and JavaScript code in your application all concurrently interacting with one anther in one application. It's pretty sweet.
(Full disclosure, I'm the founder of ToDesktop. I think this is a helpful answer though)
If your Django app is already deployed as a web app then you can wrap the web app in Electron.
If the web app does not need to be distributed to users (i.e.. you don't need an installer or code signing) then Nativefier is great for that. It's free and open-source. I made a Nativefier guide here.
If you're distributing to users then you'll probably want an installer and code signing and auto-updates for Electron. ToDesktop will do all that for you without any coding or configuration.
There's a comparison of the two here.