Scipy package not installing using pip - python-2.7

I am not able to install scipy on my machine with python 2.7
pip install scipy
It always comes up with the following error
numpy.distutils.system_info.NotFoundError: no lapack/blas resources found

Just as the message says, You need functioning blas/lapack, which you need to install separately. How to do that depends on the operating system you're on.


Not able to download Scipy package for Python

I initially downloaded Python, later I installed pip and when I started downloading numpy, pandas all where installed correctly but I have problem in downloading the scipy, below I have attached my screenshot of the error appeared on my cmd.
I had the same problem, solved it by installing it from the binaries that you can find here just download the .whl file and execute pip install file.whl
Install numpy+mkl before installing scipy.

Dysfunctioning of pip in installing python packages on Windows

I am trying to install a Python module - pyproj- using the Python package installer - pip. Since I use a version of Python 2.7.10, which comes bundled with ArcGIS 10.4.1, it is already preloaded with pip, as all versions 2.7.9 onwards are. To install the module, I opened the Command Prompt in the directory of the module and typed
pip install pyproj-
to get the error, which I have written below:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pyproj- (from versions:) No matching distribution found for pyproj-
Since ArcGIS 10.4 comes bundled with Python 2.7.10, it is pre-installed with pip. Pip is a recursive acronym that stands for "pip installs packages" and is a package management system that is used to install software packages written in Python, which is pre-installed in Python version 2.7.9+. Therefore, to install pyproj, make sure that %PYTHON_HOME%\Scripts\ and C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.4 are added in the Path of Environmental Variables in System Properties. After that, run Command Prompt as an administrator and type pip install pyproj to install pyproj.

how avoid Anaconda to hijack pip

I have 2 versions of Python installed on my PC (Windows 7, 64Bit).
Python 2.7 Version installed with Anaconda
Python 3.6 Version installed directly from (the "regular IDLE")
Now, i would like to install the necessary packages on the 3.6 using pip, but anaconda keeps on hijacking the command.
For example, on typing in the cmd window:
pip install numpy
and i get:
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in
Which is the case for python2.7, but i was trying to install it for version 3.6 installed without Anaconda.
I tried re-installing pip hoping it would erase the hijacking by Anaconda2 ... failed.
I am contemplating to remove Anaconda2 altogether although i risk that in windows, removing a programme does not necessaraly remove the dependencies.
Any lead please ?
I think what you are looking for is pip3 install pip3 and you should be able install packages for python3
It should come as standard with python3 installation setup.
First check if it is there with
where pip3
For any further issues check this post
You don't need to uninstall anaconda2. Both python versions can co-exist and libraries different managed by different package installers pip for python 2 and pip3 for python 3 respectively.
Hope this answers your question.
Install it with pip3, because you want it for python 3:
pip3 install numpy

installing pygame over anaconda

I am trying to install pygame over anaconda. My OS is windows 7 64 bit and I downloaded the following files:
I get this error after "pip install pygame":
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pygame (from versions: ) Some externally hosted files were ignored as access to them may be unreliable (use --allow-external
What am I missing?
This worked for me when installing pygame with anaconda. I believe that if you go into the terminal on anaconda and type
Pip install pygame
It installs the latest version of pygame into your environment

installing numpy&scipy on centos 6.4

I am working in a virtual environment and I am having trouble installing numpy and scipy. It is my understanding that I have to full install numpy before going to scipy, but I am having trouble installing numpy.
I usedpip install numpy and that installed numpy into my python2.7/site-packages/numpy directory, however, I am trying to run python install --user as stated here numpy build and I keep getting the error "this is the wrong file to run". I do not know where to go from here....and I still need to install scipy
numpy and scipy come pre-compiled with CentOS, just type:
sudo yum install numpy scipy
it is always harder to install from source code.