CopyFile fails with error code 3 (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) - c++

So, before starting, I have been researching (not only on Stack Overflow) and I can't find a solution to my problem.
I am trying to copy a file to a certain place (and if possible, change its name at the same time I copy it) using Windows' CopyFile function.
I've created a sample program to show the error.
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Copy in progress" << endl;
bool X = CopyFile(L"test.txt", L"C:\\", 1); //NOT C: nor C:\\
if (!X){ cout << "FALLO AL COPIAR\n"; cout << "Error: "<<GetLastError();}
else{ cout << "COPIADO CORRECTO"; }
cin.get(); cin.get();
return 0;
GetLastError() returns 3 - which means ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND - but, believe me, I've checked every file (test.txt is in the same place as the built .exe, I'm running as admin...) and it still gives 3.
I can't manage to make it work. Notice the L"test" this is done because I use Visual Studio with certain character set settings, I've tried to change that config and use "test.txt" -> Still error 3.

You need to provide a filename:
bool X = CopyFile(L"test.txt", L"C:\\test.txt", 1);

You may check the function signature from the MSDN:
_In_ LPCTSTR lpExistingFileName,
_In_ LPCTSTR lpNewFileName,
_In_ BOOL bFailIfExists
I suppose, it requires not target directory (as e.g. cp command would), but the entire file name. Hint: make sure that all directories before the final file name are created when you call CopyFile.
Yet another hint: on POSIX systems, you have no similar routine (well, you have something similar on OS X, but it's OS-specific). However, here's what you can do (and this is how CopyFile actually works behind the scene):
Open two file handles via open for POSIX or CreateFile for Windows. One handle is opened for reading (source file) and the other one is opened for writing (destination file).
Read from the handle that you opened for reading into the temporary buffer (BUFSIZ buffer size is usually enough).
Write the data from the buffer into the handle opened for writing.
Repeat until there are bytes available into the readable handle.
This is how it generally works, though OS-specific routines may be tuned with some black magic (e.g. they can perform memory mapping, send file from one descriptor into the other without exiting from kernel mode, etc.).

CopyFile(L"test.txt", L"C:\\test.txt", 1);


Stopping an exe file from being run C++

I am creating an application to manage other applications or exe files on a user's computer, and stop them from accessing them at certain times (like ColdTurkey's application blocking feature).
The way I am trying to do this has not been working so far - I attempted to do this by opening the file dwShareMode set to 0 using the CreateFile function. This seems to work for files such as text files and does not allow the file to be opened, however this is not the case if I try and do this same approach on exe files, and the user is free to open the file.
I assume that exe files are not 'read' in the same way by Windows as a text file is read by notepad and that that means setting the dwShareMode to 0 does not affect it being opened, however I do not know what the difference between these are. Any help would be appreciated.
Code here (for the text file):
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
HANDLE test;
test = CreateFile("test.txt",
cout << "press enter to stop blocking application: ";
string b;
getline(cin, b);
cout << endl;
return 0;
Your code works fine for me to block execution of the file. You do need to specify OPEN_EXISTING instead of CREATE_NEW (because you're not trying to create a new file here).
Not a windows expert -- I'm used to Unix/Linux and use the Cygwin package so I can program "in Unix" on my Windows desktop -- but it looks to me like you need to set the lpSecurityAttributes parameter, the one that comes after dwShareMode.
I think the following page might be helpful:

Getting created, last accessed and last modified times from locked files in C++

I am currently trying to fix a bug on a legacy application code in which it uses basically GetFileTime function to retrieve file information through a HANDLE obtained by using CreateFileW function.
Problem arises when it attempts to work with files that are already opened by other processes like *.ldf and *.mdf files which are opened by SQL Server. An error is thrown when trying to get the file HANDLE.
As an alternative, I noticed that boost library is being used as a dependency in the project so I found the following code sample working:
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
using namespace boost::filesystem;
path filePath("path/to/the/file.ext");
std::cout << file_size(filePath) << "\n"; // Getting file size
std::cout << last_write_time(filePath) << "\n"; // Getting write/modified time
Using that piece of code we get the file size and the last write time. However, I still need the created and last accessed times. Any ideas how can I achieve it?
Boost FileSystem doesn't seem to support retrieving the creation/last accessed times for a file.
Under the circumstances, I'd probably use FindFirstFile (and FindClose) to get the information you want:
WIN32_FIND_DATA GetFileInfo(char const *path) {
h = FindFirstFile(path, &data);
return data;
This doesn't require opening the file, so it can retrieve data about a file, even if that file is currently open in another process.

Finding where a handle is open to

I'm messing around with handles / hooks, and have a question. Right now, I have a DLL that I inject into the process that I'm playing with. The DLL hooks the CloseHandle() function. When CloseHandle is called, I do the following:
int WINAPI DetourCloseHandle(HANDLE hObject)
OutputDebugStringA("CLOSE HADNLE");
char name[MAX_PATH];
GetFinalPathNameByHandle(hObject, name, MAX_PATH, FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED);
return oCloseHandle(hObject);
My goal in this is to figure out where the handle is open to, and if the handle is open to a certain process, then use the handle to read that processes memory. What gets printed out when CloseHandle is called is usually paths to random files that the application reads, but I also noticed random ASCII characters being printed at times, as the "Name" of where the handle is opened to. This can be seen here.
Sometimes I also notice paths to certain .exe files. This is not unusual, as the application that I'm injecting into does read / look at binary files. My question is, when I see the "name" returned from GetFinalPathNameByHandle as the path to an exe file, how do I know if the handle is opened to the binary file itself, or if the handle file is opened to the actual running process with that name.
I would also like some insight as to what the ASCII characters that are being printed are. Thanks!
For the random data print you pasted, it likely was because it is just uninitialized garbage in name array, you should always check GetFinalPathNameByHandle's return value before do something with name:
DWORD ret = GetFinalPathNameByHandle(hObject, name, MAX_PATH, FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED);
if (ret) {
} else {
// check GetLastError()
Also, note that GetFinalPathNameByHandle thake the string as TCHAR strings, and you are print it via OutputDebugStringA. So I would suggest either use the ANSI version GetFinalPathNameByHandleA, or use TCHAR name[MAX_PATH]; and print with OutputDebugString instead.

Multiple opening of temporary file only in same process

I have a question about FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY marked files.
First of all, here is what I want to do:
I have a DLL, that takes a Filename, and opens that file internally and reads from it. I do not know how this file is handled inside.
The file I want to give to that DLL will be created by my process. It must be a temporary file and its data must be held only in RAM and must not be accessed by other processes. So I use the Win32 function CreateFile() with the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY and the FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE. This so far works, fine.
I have a tes code where I test if the file can be accessed a second time, while still opened. Here it is:
ifstream ifs("TempFileWIN.txt", (ios::in | ios::trunc));
cout << "Success!" << endl;
else if(
cout << "Failed!" << endl;
I am using the fstream to test if the file could be opened with a stream. That code up there doesn't work. The output is "Failed!".
I know, that the file could be opened with the CreateFile a second time. I checked that out. But want to know if it is possible to open the file by an external DLL that works with (e.g.) a fstream.
I hope you can help me with this matter.
Best regards.
Maybe a better question is how I can lock a file to my process and ensure, that it can never be accessed by an other process (even if my process is killed). The file must be openable with C++ fstream object.
If I were you, I would keep the handle of the open file, and pass it to the DLL code, and not use the filename, since you're likely to run into access restrictions at some point if you try to access a temporary, delete-on-close file using 'normal' file access.
It is possible to use a Windows handle in a fstream object as described in this answer:

How to find the parent exe of a dll from inside the dll?

I need to do some stuff in a dll based on which process has loaded it. So being relatively new to windows programming I need help figuring out how to find the exe which loaded the current dll. So far I have been hard coding the exe file name, which is the dumbest thing to do :D
1) Some one suggested using GetModuleFileName() function. But this seems to crash my app.(I used 0 as the module handle). I am doing nothing fancy. I used the following syntax
EDIT: I understood from here that I cannot get the .exe name with this call as it returns only the dll name :(
2)Is it a good idea to do this in the DllMain ?? I know that DllMain is not the place to do complicated stuff. I also understand loader lock related issues.All I need is to find the name of the parent process.
I appreciate your time !
ADD: I tried to use GetProcessImageFileName after getting the parent process ID. I get an access violation error. When I tried to debug I noticed that the openProcess call leaves my result argument(image file path-LPTSTR) as a bad pointer.
Error code 87-INVALID PARAMETER is returned by the GetProcessImageFileName call.
But the current process id is a valid id.
Here is the code
LPTSTR fileName={0};
What Am I doing wrong??
I found out that I am trying to use openprocess on an idle process. (i.e) I forgot that my parent process could possibly be waiting idle for me since I sync it . So now I got the bad news that I cannot open an idle process using OpenProcess. How else can i get to look into the object of an Idle process?? (I know for sure its idle because I could not find it in the snapshot. I had to use enumerateprocess to locate its id; But i do use normal process enumeration from the snapshot to find the parent process id in the first place)
If you have declared your fileName variable as something like char fileName or char fileName[MAX_PATH], you may receive an error because your parameter is incorrect: you use the address of the variable (though, you don't specify whether it is a compile time error or runtime error, you say it crashes your app, so I go with Richard here, you've not allocated your variable).
I tried the following code, which works both from within a DLL (it gets the name of the executable, not the DLL module) or from within the executable itself.
(Note: code updated based on Remy's comments below, thanks)
WCHAR exePath[MAX_PATH + 1];
DWORD len = GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, exePath, MAX_PATH);
if (len > 0) {
<< L"Exe path"
<< (len == MAX_PATH) ? L" (truncated):" : L":"
<< exePath
<< endl;
} else {
<< L"Error getting exe path: "
<< GetLastError()
<< endl;
Note: if the buffer is not large enough, GetModuleFileName will truncate the result and return nSize.
More on handling filenames in Win32.
Refer the following link to know about the syntax and the detailed description about the GetModuleFileName()
Steps to do:
First get the full path of the executable file using the code:
TCHAR szEXEPath[2048];
char actualpath[2048];
GetModuleFileName ( NULL, szEXEPath, 2048 );
for(int j=0; szEXEPath[j]!=0; j++)
From the full path of the executable file, split the string to get only the executable name using the built in function str.find_last_of()
std::string str (actualpath);
std::size_t found = str.find_last_of("/\\");
std::cout<< str.substr(found+1) << '\n';
Now you can get only the executable file name.
I assume you are coding in C. You most likely have not allocated MAX_PATH + 1 characters for filename.