How to verify that Redshift are really DISK FULL? - amazon-web-services

Question from Redshift newbies: I copy data using AWS datapipeline but it FAILED and log said
"ERROR: Disk Full Detail:
----------------------------------------------- error: Disk Full code: 1016 context: node: 0 query: 2070045 location: fdisk_api.cpp:343
process: query0_49 [pid=15048] "
I'd like to know how could we check if Redshift is really disk full via CLI or web console, any comments or hints would be appreciated.

If you're using a single node and have SQL access to the cluster (e.g. via psql), you can run:
sum(capacity)/1024 as capacity_gbytes,
sum(used)/1024 as used_gbytes,
(sum(capacity) - sum(used))/1024 as free_gbytes
stv_partitions where part_begin=0;
This articles has more:

You can check that in CloudWatch console. In the left bar, you'll see bunch of AWS services under the 'Metrics' heading. Click on Redshift. In that, look for the 'PercentageDiskSpaceUsed' metric for the concerned cluster.
Also, do remember that this metric is separately available for each compute node.


Error Bigquery/dataflow "Could not resolve table in Data Catalog"

I'm having troubles with a job I've set up on dataflow.
Here is the context, I created a dataset on bigquery using the following path
In the properties I can see that the data location is "US"
Now I want to run a job on dataflow and I enter the following command into the google shell
gcloud dataflow sql query ' SELECT country, DATE_TRUNC(ORDERDATE , MONTH),
sum(sales) FROM bi-training-gcp.sales.sales_data group by 1,2 ' --job-name=dataflow-sql-sales-monthly --region=us-east1 --bigquery-dataset=sales --bigquery-table=monthly_sales
The query is accepted by the console and returns me a sort of acceptation message.
After that I go to the dataflow dashboard. I can see a new job as queued but after 5 minutes or so the job fails and I get the following error messages:
2021-09-29T18:06:00.795ZInvalid/unsupported arguments for SQL job launch: Invalid table specification in Data Catalog: Could not resolve table in Data Catalog: bi-training-gcp.sales.sales_data
Error 2021-09-29T18:10:31.592036462ZError occurred in the launcher
container: Template launch failed. See console logs.
My guess is that it cannot find my table. Maybe because I specified the wrong location/region, since my table is specified to be location in "US" I thought it would be on a US server (which is why I specified us-east1 as a region), but I tried all us regions with no success...
Does anybody know how I can solve this ?
Thank you
This error occurs if the Dataflow service account doesn't have access to the Data Catalog API. To resolve this issue, enable the Data Catalog API in the Google Cloud project that you're using to write and run queries. Alternately, assign the roles/datacatalog.

Log Buckets from Google

Is it possible to download a Log Storage (Log bucket) from Google Cloud Platform, specifically the one created by default? In case someone knows they can explain how to do it.
The possible solution for the question is you need to choose the required logs and then get the logs for the time period of 1 day to download them in JSON or CSV format.
Step1- From the logging console goto advanced filtering mode
Step2- To choose the log type use filtering query, for example
Step3- You can download them as JSON and CSV format
If you have a huge number of audit logs generated per day then above one will not work out. So, you need to export logs to Cloud storage and a big query for further analysis. Please note that cloud logging doesn’t charge to export logs but destination charges might apply.
Another option, you can use the following gcloud command to download the logs.
gcloud logging read "logName : projects/Your_Project/logs/" --project=Project_ID --freshness=1d >> test.txt

Where to find node logs in AWS EMR cluster?

I have pyspark program running on AWS EMR cluster.
Cluster config is like this - emr-5.31.0, hadoop 2.10.0, hive 2.3.7, hue 4.7.1, pig 0.17.0.
Program processes some files on hdfs file system but at some moment it is getting errors.
In amazon console - YARN applications - application_XXX (Spark) - executors - driver - stderr:
'could not obtain block ... file=
A little before this message there is 'Task 0 in stage 35 failed 4 times. aborting job'
If i go to amazon console - YARN applications - application_XXX (Spark) - stages - 35 - tasks - 0 - stdout - i dont see anything bad at first glance except a lot of 'GC (allocation Failure)' messages.
In its stderr - there is a WARN - 'Could not obtain block XXX, file= No live nodes contain current block Block locations: Dead nodes: . Throwing a BlockMissingException.
If i go to monitoring tab - node status - i see that one node became unhealthy at that time and thats it. Number of nodes also changed at 'live data nodes', 'MR total nodes', 'MR active nodes', MR lost nodes' charts.
As i understand, task cannot find file on hdfs because node it was hosted on became unhealthy.
My question is where i can find the reasons node became unhealthy. I wasnt able to find any other logs on amazon console. May be there are some node-local places where this reason is stored?
Hi I launched a EMR myself some time ago, dont remember about the logs. But consulting the docs here:
It states that they are stored on the machines (which I assume you have the keys), they are also stored on S3 by default. Not sure in which bucket they will be created.
Best Regards :)
On the Summary page for your EMR cluster there is a section named "Configuration details".
Below that, there is a label named "Log URI". It points to an S3 URI, but, there is also a small folder icon.
Click on that icon and you can browse to the logs on the nodes for your EMR cluster.
Actually, for amazon there are more logs accessible via s3 location - there are logs for node boot and configuration part, and logs from running services on node - hdfs and yarn, which i was looking for. Path looks like this - s3 location/cluster id/node/node id/applications - here i was able to find hdfs and yarn logs.

Errors importing large CSV file to DynamoDB using Lambda

I want to import a large csv file (around 1gb with 2.5m rows and 50 columns) into a DynamoDb, so have been following this blog from AWS.
However it seems I'm up against a timeout issue. I've got to ~600,000 rows ingested, and it falls over.
I think from reading the CloudWatch log that the timeout is occurring due to the boto3 read on the CSV file (it opens the entire file first, iterates through and batches up for writing)... I tried to reduce the file size (3 columns, 10,000 rows as a test), and I got a timeout after 2500 rows.
Any thoughts here?!
TIA :)
I really appreciate the suggestions (Chris & Jarmod). After trying and failing to break things programmatically into smaller chunks, I decided to look at the approach in general.
Through research I understood there were 4 options:
Lambda Function - as per the above this fails with a timeout.
AWS Pipeline - Doesn't have a template for importing CSV to DynamoDB
Manual Entry - of 2.5m items? no thanks! :)
Use an EC2 instance to load the data to RDS and use DMS to migrate to DynamoDB
The last option actually worked well. Here's what I did:
Create an RDS database (I used the db.t2.micro tier as it was free) and created a blank table.
Create an EC2 instance (free Linux tier) and:
On the EC2 instance: use SCP to upload the CSV file to the ec2 instance
On the EC2 instance: Firstly Sudo yum install MySQL to get the tools needed, then use mysqlimport with the --local option to import the CSV file to the rds MySQL database, which took literally seconds to complete.
At this point I also did some data cleansing to remove some white spaces and some character returns that had crept into the file, just using standard SQL queries.
Using DMS I created a replication instance, endpoints for the source (rds) and target (dynamodb) databases, and finally created a task to import.
The import took around 4hr 30m
After the import, I removed the EC2, RDS, and DMS objects (and associated IAM roles) to avoid any potential costs.
Fortunately, I had a flat structure to do this against, and it was only one table. I needed the cheap speed of the dynamodb, otherwise, I'd have stuck to the RDS (I almost did halfway through the process!!!)
Thanks for reading, and best of luck if you have the same issue in the future.

Amazon redshift query aborts automatically after 1 hour

I have around 500GB compressed data in amazon s3. I wanted to load this data to Amazon Redshift. For that, I have created an internal table in AWS Athena and I am trying to load data in the internal table of Amazon Redshift.
Loading of this big data into Amazon Redshift is taking more than an hour. The problem is when I fired a query to load data it gets aborted after 1hour. I tried it 2-3 times but it's getting aborted after 1 hour. I am using Aginity Tool to fire the query. Also, in Aginity tool it is showing that query is currently running and the loader is spinning.
More Details:
Redshift cluster has 12 nodes with 2TB space for each node and I used 1.7 TB space.
S3 files are not the same size. One of them is 250GB. Some of them in MB.
I am using the command
create table table_name as select * from athena_schema.table_name
it stops exactly after 1hr.
Note: I have set the current query timeout in Aginity to 90000 sec.
I know this is an old thread, but for anyone coming here because of the same issue, I've realised that, at least for my case, the problem was the Aginity client; so, it's not related with Redshift or its Workload Manager, but only with such third party client called Aginity. In summary, use a different client like SQL Workbench and run the COPY command from there.
Hope this helps!
Carlos C.
More information, about my environment:
Cluster TypeThe cluster's type: Multi Node
Cluster: ds2.xlarge
NodesThe cluster's type: 4
Cluster Version: 1.0.4852
Client Environment:
Aginity Workbench for Redshift
Version (build 05/11/17)
Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 (64-bit)
Connected to OpenVPN, via SSH Port tunneling.
The connection is not being dropped. This issue is only affecting the COPY command. The connection remains active.
copy tbl_XXXXXXX
from 's3://***************'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::***************:role/***************';
S3 Structure:
120 files of 6.2 GB each. 20 files of 874MB.
ERROR: 57014: Query (22381) cancelled on user's request
Start: ***************
End: ***************
Duration: 3,600.2420863
I'm not sure if following answer will solve your exact problem of timeout at exactly 1 Hr.
But, based on my experience, in case of Redshift loading data via Copy command is best and fast way. SO I feel that timeout issue shouldn't happen at all in your case.
The copy command in RedShift could load data from S3 or via SSH.
Simple copy
copy sales from 'emr://j-SAMPLE2B500FC/myoutput/part-*' iam_role
delimiter '\t' lzop;
e.g. Using Menifest
copy customer
from 's3://mybucket/cust.manifest'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/MyRedshiftRole'
PS: Even if you do it using Menifest and divide your data into Multiple files, it will be more faster as RedShift loads data in parallel.