WSO2 Carbon server - error when launching - wso2

I'm trying to run wso2 api manager from the source code. I downloaded carbon4kernel and the product-apim as stated on the site. The code builds successfully and imports into eclipse, but I can't launch the carbon server.
When I execute I get the following:
Error: Could not find or load main class org.wso2.carbon.launcher.Main
Even if I add the class to the classpath, it finds the Main class, but I get:
SEVERE {org.wso2.carbon.launcher.Main} - org/osgi/framework/launch/FrameworkFactory
This is using the C5 server (although the download seems to suggest carbon4) and apiman 1.9.1.
Its worth noting that the binary distribution works straight out of the box, but uses an older version of carbon (AXIS2-based), but the source code version uses OSGi.
Does anyone have this working, or point me to where its going wrong please?

We don't have any products released on top of C5. So basically at the moment you cannot build API Manager with C5.
About building and running C5, which did you try to run? I guess you tired with the one at distribution/kernel/carbon-home/bin/ If that is the case it won't work. What you need to do is, build the project from the root pom.xml and at distribution/kernel/target the built zip file. Unzip it and try the in the bin directory.
Alternatively, without building from source, you can download and try the C5 kernel binary from


Windows service not showing up

I have a windows service project that I inherited and need to migrate it to a new server. I have made changes to some code, and so I created a new setup project in VS 2017. I added the .exe of the service to the set up package, and rebuilt both the service and the setup projects. When I run the .msi it seems to complete installation but when I look in the Windows Services list it's not there. What am I missing?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The installer probably didn't run the installutil.exe program.
You can do this manually by dropping to a command prompt then navigating to the location that the installer put the .exe file. From there run this:
installutil.exe myservice.exe
where myservice is the exe file you generated.
For more information:
Also, you might need to add the installutil.exe path. It's part of the .net framework and will be found in that install directory.

How debug wso2 Emm version 2 java souce code?

I want to do some cutomization to the wso2 mdm-product source code (EMM version 2) :
Indeed, when i made some modification to the source code, i need at least 15 min to build the maven projet with eclipce IDE.
Is there other solution to build project directly on carbon server?
How can we debug project with eclipse IDE on carbon IDE?
Usually, it takes some amount of time to build the WSO2 product-mdm, in your case, 15 minutes looks perfectly normal. I'd recommend building the source code using the terminal as follows.
Navigate to the repository directory
cd [path-to-dir]/product-mdm
Perform a clean Maven Build
mvn clean install
If you're unclear about the building process of WSO2 EMM Repositories, the answer on below question might help you to understand the building order.
How to use and understand wso2 git repositories?
Remote debugging the project is easy.
Setup the Eclipse IDE for remote debugging as described in this link,
Debugging With Eclipse
Navigate to "[EMM_HOME]/bin/" folder and run the server in debug mode.
sh ./ -debug [specify-port-here]
eg: sh ./ -debug 5005
Once the server is up, you can start debugging.

wso2 carbon: how to hack the source and deploy the changes to a carbon server

I have the carbon source tree set up in eclipse - and have made some code changes.
Can I build just one component (e.g. org.wso2.carbon.feature.mgt.ui-4.1.0.jar) using maven / eclipse, and then deploy that to an existing carbon server?
I have tried dropping the built jar in the repository\deployment directory and restarting the server, but the changes don't appear to have been picked up.
Am I doing something wrong?
Place the jars at <CARBON_HOME>/repository/components/plugins. Also delete the relevant existing jars from repository/components/plugins

How to run WSO2 API Manager from source code

I am trying to run the WSO2 API Manager from source code.
I have installed orbit,kernel and platform of version 4.0.0
After installing the platform(mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dproduct=apimgt), what
is the next step to see the API Manger portal in browser
and play around it.
If you built everything successfully go into product/apimgt//modules/distribution/product/target in platform. then you will find the binary distribution as a zip file you can extract this to a place of your choice and run the linux) or wso2server.bat( windows) in the bin folder.

Team Build ignores MSBuild arguments

I have created a new team build definition. On every checkin, the build happens on a TFS server (another build controller). After the build completes, I want to publish the files. The MSBuild input arguments used are /p:DeployOnBuild=true;PublishProfile=QADeploy. QADeploy is the publishing profile created.
I expect the team build to succeed which happens. But the successful build does not publish or attempt to publish the files to the destination folder. Any ideas why, the publish via publish profile is not triggered?
Weird, but adding the Visual Studio Version resolved the problem:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=QADeploy /p:VisualStudioVersion=11.0
I had the same issue and was pulling my hair out. Check out this Similar Problem, it helped me.
I fixed it via copying both WEB and WEB APPLICATION web build targets from this path on a PC with VS installed into the matching path on the build server:
C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0
(path for VS 2012)
I am not sure if their suggestion of using the full installer for web deploy helps. I tried both suggestions at the same time and it worked there after.
Also it only works on a Web Project