How to run WSO2 API Manager from source code - wso2

I am trying to run the WSO2 API Manager from source code.
I have installed orbit,kernel and platform of version 4.0.0
After installing the platform(mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dproduct=apimgt), what
is the next step to see the API Manger portal in browser
and play around it.

If you built everything successfully go into product/apimgt//modules/distribution/product/target in platform. then you will find the binary distribution as a zip file you can extract this to a place of your choice and run the linux) or wso2server.bat( windows) in the bin folder.


How to download and run Wso2 API Manager for linux ubuntu?

I easily download binary wso2 api manger 3.2.0 and run it in windows. but for linux ubuntu it dose not work when run
but when excute ./ , it throws following exception : Caused by: /opt/wso2/wso2am-3.2.0/repository\conf\advanced\qpid-config.xml (No such file or directory
what is wrong? and should I download installer for linux?
when download wso2am-linux-installer-x64-3.2.0.rpm and install it works.but binary that I downloaded not work.
Follow the below steps to run APIM v320 in linux.
Go to and download the APIM v320.
Make sure you download the pack specified in the binary section.
Unzip the downloaded pack.
Go to wso2am-3.2.0/bin
Execute ./
Finally I managed to understand the problem. I unziped the wso2 in windows and then transfer to linux that caused this problem that should unzip into linux server.

WSO2 IS - "The system cannot find the path specified" when trying to start server

I set the path "JAVA_HOME" and installed WSO2 IS 5.6.0 x64 on Windows 2016 Server. After the installation, I try to start the server via "wso2server.bat", but I get the message "The system cannot find the path specified. The batch file cannot be found". After doing this operation, when I looked into the folder where the server was installed, I noticed that all files are deleted.
Am I doing something wrong? How to correctly run WSO2 Identity Server?
Thank you for pointing this issue with WSO2 Windows Product Installers. The issue is resolved and updated product installers are now available in WSO2 website.
You can download WSO2 IS 5.6.0 x64 Windows Installer from here. Then install WSO2 IS 5.6.0 on your machine using downloaded '.msi' file. After installation, start the server by clicking on the shortcut that build by the installer. You can find WSO2 IS 5.6.0 shortcut in following location.
Start Menu -> All apps -> WSO2
or you can search "Identity Server 5.6.0" in Windows search and click on the shortcut. This will start the WSO2 Identity Server on your machine.
For new WSO2 Products Installers you do not need to set JAVA_HOME separately. It contain jdk1.8.0_192 and if JAVA_HOME is not set, it will automatically set JAVA_HOME to jdk1.8.0_192 and start the WSO2 Product.
This blog could be a help for you to understand the installation progress.
For me the problem was solved with not downloading the windows x64 installer but rather the binary
wso2is 5.6.0 binary.
After downloading you just open bin directory and run the wso2server.bat file.
If you need to make it windows service use the NSSM

WSO2 Carbon server - error when launching

I'm trying to run wso2 api manager from the source code. I downloaded carbon4kernel and the product-apim as stated on the site. The code builds successfully and imports into eclipse, but I can't launch the carbon server.
When I execute I get the following:
Error: Could not find or load main class org.wso2.carbon.launcher.Main
Even if I add the class to the classpath, it finds the Main class, but I get:
SEVERE {org.wso2.carbon.launcher.Main} - org/osgi/framework/launch/FrameworkFactory
This is using the C5 server (although the download seems to suggest carbon4) and apiman 1.9.1.
Its worth noting that the binary distribution works straight out of the box, but uses an older version of carbon (AXIS2-based), but the source code version uses OSGi.
Does anyone have this working, or point me to where its going wrong please?
We don't have any products released on top of C5. So basically at the moment you cannot build API Manager with C5.
About building and running C5, which did you try to run? I guess you tired with the one at distribution/kernel/carbon-home/bin/ If that is the case it won't work. What you need to do is, build the project from the root pom.xml and at distribution/kernel/target the built zip file. Unzip it and try the in the bin directory.
Alternatively, without building from source, you can download and try the C5 kernel binary from

GhostScript in Azure

I'm in the process of moving some on-premise app to Azure and struggling with once aspect - GhostScript. We use GhostScript to convert PDF's to multi page TIFF's. At present this is deployed in an Azure VM, but it seems like a WebApp and WebJob would be a better fit - from a management point of view. In all of my testing I've been unable to get a job to run the GhostScript exe.
Has anyone been able to run GhostScript or any third party exe in a WebJob?
I have tried packaging the GhostScript exe, lib and dll into a ZIP file and then unzip to Path.GetTempPath() and then using a new System.Diagnostics.Process to run the exe with the required parameters - this didn't work - the process refused to start with an exit code of -1073741819.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
We got it to work here:
Converting PDFs to Multipage Tiff files Using Azure WebJobs. The key was putting the Ghostscript assemblies in the root of the project and setting "Copy always". This is what allows them to be pushed to the Azure server, and to end up in the correct place, when you publish the project.
Also, we needed to download the file to be processed by Ghostscript to the local Azure WebJob temp directory. This is discovered by using the following code:

How to install wso2 BAM

I downloaded zip file in wso2 and i extracted the file as /home/Downloads/jacksphere/LatestVersion/wso2bam-2.3.0/bin and run at server side,but it is not showing some errors,is there any pre requisites to install the product any one help us and explain the procedure how to run the bam server..
The only pre-requisite required for running WSO2 BAM is JDK1.6 or higher. For further information please checkout the documentation WSO2 BAM Documentation
If you have downloaded the zip file then you can simply extract it and start the server by moving to bin directory and executing the command ./ (in Linux) or wso2server.bat (in Windows).
You also need to install JDK 1.6 or 1.7. Apache Ant and Curl will also be required to run samples.
If you are working with Windows you need to install Cygwin.
You can further refer to the BAM documents in [1] about installing the product.