regex to replace everything after period with nothing - regex

I want to remove everything comes after " . " with nothing using simple regex on notepad++ It seems to be really simple one. I tried with regex "..*$" but no luck.
Eg: 129.435456
I would like to replace everything after . and get just 129

Since dot is a regex character (match one character) you need to escape the first dot

Try without quotes in Notepad++ making sure you select "Regular expression" radio button in the bottom. Works great!


Notepad++ RegEX how do I append a character based on start of the character and before a character?

I would like to append _OLD to the end of each strings that starts with SR_ but before the symbol ' or without it
For example my text is the following:
When the 'SR_APPLE' rotten, we must discard it.
I would like the find and replace to do:
When the 'SR_APPLE_OLD' rotten, we must discard it.
I have tried (SR_*)+$.*(?='\s) based on what i Learned but no luck so far. Please help. Thx in Adv
For simple cases you should be able to use
Find: (\bSR_[\w]+)
Replace: $1_OLD
(\bSR_.+?)('|$) and $1_OLD$2 could also work if the text after SR_ is more complex
The lookbehind you're using is only matching the string if it ends with a ' so it won't find the text not in quotes.
regex101 is a useful tool for debugging expressions

What is the regexpression for fixed words and a variable

I am using sublime to search and replace text in a code.
This is what I want to find
pre + <anyvariable> + post
and then replace it like this
I don't know how to come up with regexp after finding "pre + "
Came up with something like this
/(\pre \+)(?=.*)/g
Try this:
This will give you everything in three capture groups, starting from the beginning of the line between the first and second +, and then everything following to the end of the line. If there's other content such as more +'s, then this probably won't work blanketly.
Without a computer, and not sure a out what you want, but if you search for:
pre \+ (.*?) \+ post
And replace with:
sanityze($1) (or \1 I never remember)
It should do what you want :-)
If you want to be able to have linebreaks, replace .* by (?:.|\n)

Regex replace text with < in Notepad++

I am having a hard time with replacing this text with something else .
This XML uses also next lines .
<Need type="money" amount="100"/>
I have tried it with this :
Non of them worked and 2 deleted the whole text :( .
Replace by:
Be sure that:
regular expression is checked.
. (dot) matches newline is checked.
Use this for extensive search and replace considering white space and new line.

Matching all occurrences of a html element attribute in notepad++ regex

I have a file which has hundreds of links like this:
Ex 1
Ex 2
Ex 3
So I want to remove all the elements
from all the lines. I went through the official Notepad++ regex wiki and have come up with this after several trials:
The problem with this is, it is selecting past the second double quote and stopping at the next occurring double quote. To illustrate, this will select the following content:
icon="data:image/png;base64,...jbvebich4sec9zgth1sfue1cdt...">EX 1</a> <a href="
If I modify the above regex to,
Then it is almost perfect, but it is also selecting the >:
The regex I am looking for would select like this:
I also tried the following, but it doesn't match anything at all
Just match anything but a quote, followed by a quote:
Just tested with notepad++ 6.2.2 and confirmed that this matches correctly as written.
Broken down:
This is fairly obvious, match the literal text icon=".
This means to match any character that is not a ". Adding the + after it means "one or more times."
Finally we match another literal ".
I am not a notepad++ user. so don't know how notepad++ plays with regex, but can you try to replace
icon=\"[^>]* to (empty string) ?
Try this solution:
This is I just check was working as you wanted it.
The way achieving your goal:
Find what: (icon.*")|.*?
Replace with: $1

Notepad++ Regular Expressions find&remove

Need some help in Notepad++
Example how it looks at the moment">rat.rar">ung.rar">add.rar
How I want it (just remove after ">....rar)
Its a list about 1000 lines. So help would be nice
Use the following expression:
"> # literal `"` followed by literal `>`
[^.]+ # any character that is not a `.`, repeated at least once
\. # literal `.` character
rar # literal string `rar`
Note: a couple of other answers pointed out that just ">.* will work. This is true, because Notepad++ doesn't appear to support multi-line regular expressions, even with [\s\S]+. Either way will work so it's personal preference. The regex I gave in this answer is very verbose and would reduce the likelihood of false positives. ">.*, on the other hand, is shorter.
In regexp mode , replace pattern ">.* with empty string.
Search for this and replace with nothing.
Your search string should be ">.+\.rar, and you can just blank out the replace box. This should do the job.
Also, check that you've got regex selected at the bottom of the replace box ;)
If you put this in find ".* and nothing in replace, that should do what you're looking for.
Remember to check that you've got regex selected at the bottom of the replace box.
Flick the "regular expression" radio button and then use this for your FIND:
Then just put empty space for your REPLACE and replace all.
Use -
Find What : (.*)">(.*)
Replace With : \1
And check Regular expression option at the bottom of the dialog.