What is the best way to fin and use a template in cakephp 3 - templates

i'm new in cakephp and I have started with version 3. I want to build a beautifull app and because I'm not good in design, I would really like to use a free template or buy one that I can use within cakephp.
So, I would really appreciate all your propositions and ideas or best practises. The easy way will be the best because I don't have a lot of time with this project. Thank you in advance.

If you don't have a lot of time like you mentioned, the easiest way to go ahead and get started is to paste a lot of the code in your default.ctp layout inside of src/Template/Layout/default.ctp.
You'll notice there are some lines of PHP already in there that are relevant to fetching blocks of css, meta tags, and other bits of code that could potentially exist throughout your project.
Find the main layout of the theme your trying to use - the one that will be consistent across most of the pages. That's the one you'll use for default.ctp. Compare what's already in default.ctp and make the comparable adjustments around the HTML in that document while keeping the important lines of PHP there as well.
For other important pages like a login or registration page, just create a new document for those, like 'login.ctp', then inside the function that loads the page (maybe 'login' inside of UsersController'), change the default layout with this line of code:
$this->viewBuilder()->layout('login'); // without the .ctp ending
This way you can create one-off layouts that don't really match any other page.


Stackoverflow like tag system form for django?

What I am trying to create is a site for resources. Basically, you add resources such as books and videos via links. Now, with any resource site that caters to a variety of resources, you need to tag them in order to understand what kind of resource you are using.
For example, if you make notes on something like Chemistry or key points from a talk on lets say "Django", then these are text documents. Thus you would want them inside a TEXT TAG.
So, when you are making a form for this kind of thing, what form field would you use? For example, by knee-jerk approach is to simple make a text area field, and then separate the different tags via comma. Now, this can be prone to many problems, I'd just like to know what is the best approach to take to solving this problem? Basically, an easy way to validate the data input? Would forms.ChoiceField be the best approach to the problem or is there something else that is superior?
https://www.djangopackages.com/grids/g/tagging/ is your best bet, most specifically https://github.com/alex/django-taggit. If you want to run your own tagging system, take a look at the source code for some ideas.
EDIT: The easiest way to display this in a form would be to use a ModelMultipleChoiceField. This allows you to select multiple tags for a single resource, and handles server-side validation and conversion to the actual Tag instances. However, I think most people would agree this option looks hideous, and it is certainly not user-friendly if there is a large amount of possible tags.
If you're using jQUery, another option is to use Django_select2. This is what I have personally used in a similar situation, and it handles a large amount of possible tags very well. Django_select2 is a thin wrapper around jQuery's Select2 plugin, with a bit of added functionality (most notably the AutoView and AutoModelSelect2Field). This provides a hybrid between a text field and a select list, allowing you to search all tags and easily select multiple tags. See http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/ for examples of what you can achieve.

Dynamic Dashlet in Alfresco Share

As a user experience requirement, I need to create a dynamic dashlet.
According to what I need, a dynamic dashlet would be a special dashlet that can load inside "almost every content". I say almost every content because of course this kind of dashlet would have its own limits of course. At the same time, it would be nice that the dynamic dashlet has the ability of being maximized, what in fact would show the real content (for example, an Alfresco page).
Perhaps my question is ambiguous, but the intention to give the user the chance of check execute common functionality inside that special dashlet, this way the user doesn't have to leave the dashboard improving the user experience as a consequence.
Did anybody have had such requirement or similar before? Would that be possible to do?
I would like to know some tips and suggestions in order to find out the right approach.
Thanks in advance.
You could try re-using the webview Dashlet which can also show another page.
The only problem is that not every part which is visible in Share can be accessed via url. Sure the template gets build up by regions of *.ftl's but that doesn't mean you can 'just' view the *.ftl.
The only 'dynamic' thing I see is making a custom page template which shows one or couple of regions which are dynamically build by the url.
e.g. pointing to share/page/customPage?region1=documentlibrary should insert the documentlibrary template within that page and thus it can be shown within the iFrame of the webview Dashlet.
Actually the documentlibrary is a bad example, because there is already a portletMode available for Liferay. But hopefully you'll get my point.

Need help regarding design of Django urls and views

Apologies if this has been discussed before, have searched and searched but didn't find anything useful :)
But here goes.
We're currently in the process of rewriting a portion of our webapp. Our app is rather old and therefore suffers from some rather cowboy'ish approaches to programming, conventions and urls.
What we're looking for is a simple clean way to design our views and urls so that we can maintain both easier in the future.
The problem is; as of now our urls.py file for the main site is one big mess. a lot of urls that point to a unique view that only does one thin.
Ex. list_books/, edit_book/ etc.
when it comes to specific formats etc. we have something like list_books_json/
(these aren't the actual urls though, but just used to prove a point since the real urls are much worse)
What we want to do now is clean it up a bit. And we we're wondering what the best way to get around it would be??
What we have thought of so far(after reading a lot of things on the subject):
We've thought of designing our urls after the following pattern:
so the urls for the apps "staff" site for changing books in the app would be:
staff/books - to view all books (GET)
staff/books/ID - to view one books (GET)
staff/books/new - to create a new book (POST)
staff/books/ID/edit - to edit specific books (POST)
staff/books/ID/delete - to delete specific books (POST)
The thought was then to have only 1 view, views.staff_books() to handle all these actions when dealing with books through the "staff" part of the site.
so that staff_books() checks for ID or a certain "action" (edit, new, delete etc.)
The result would be fewer, but a lot larger views that have to handle all aspects of staff/books. Right now we have a ton of small views that handle only one thing.
Does this makes sense, can you see potential problems? How do you guys go about it??
One place where I think we're lost is in regards to formats.
Where would you put ex. the request for returning the response in json?
we're wondering "staff/books.json" or "staff/books/ID.json" etc. and then keeping all the json logic in the same "staff_books()" view.
So thats it basically. I'm sorry the question is a little "fluffy"... We basically need some examples or good design advice as to how to structure urls and views.
Kind Regards
As an extension (and solution) to your problem I would suggest to use the strategy pattern. Since you already have a structure and the only thing that differs is "how" it is supposed to be carried out, this pattern fits your problem perfectly. What I mean by that is the following:
Create a view which is your entry point to your application with functions named as your url-based functionality (edit, new, delete etc.). I.e where your url.py determines where to go from there.
Create classes which do your stuff based on your domains etc. Lets call them Book, Calendar etc for now.
Implement functionality of those classes, like edit, new, delete etc.
in your view then, determine what class to instantiate and call the corresponding function, e.g in View.edit() call domain.edit()
I think that should do it ^^
Hope it helps :D

Include a page in the template script in magnolia cms

How can I include a page from magnolia into a magnolia template script?
In the template script with I can access data from a specific page, but how can I load that page into the template?
Let's say I have 2 pages each with its own template. Page 1 contains in its tree page 2. I want to include in the template script of page 1, page 2, but doesn't work.
Thank you very much :)
What I actually want to do is include my header in all of my project's pages. But I don't want to put it as a paragraph, because if I ever want to change my header, I'll have to edit all the project's pages.
So what I try to do and I don't know if this is the correct approach is to create a page template for the header. This template won't include any , or css, it's just the code for the header.
The next thing I want to do is create a page in magnolia with that model to be the header.
Next I'd like to include the page I've just created in my main template model for the project, but I can't figure how to do that.
I am new to Magnolia cms and initially I tried creating my demo site using stk. The only problem was that I couldn't use jsp as a scripting language, or at least I couldn't find any solution on the internet. I don't really know freemarker, but that's not really a big problem. I'm really reluctant in using freemarker because maybe in the future in a more complex project I might need some features that freemarker doesn't support, but jsp does. I'd like to build my site using jsp if that's possible with magnolia.
I'm sorry for this long update, but if anyone has any suggestions on what a best practice could be and if I could implement what I want in jsp I would be really grateful.
Thanks again for you time :)
If you're using the STK then see this guide on content-reuse.
If not have a look at the cms tag-lib, especially the tags cms:loadPage and cms:setNode with which you can get a piece of content and set it as a JSP/JSTL variable and then render it using cms:includeTemplate.
A common scenario is to 'inherit' content from the parent page, the header is an excellent example of this. What you do is for an area you walk up the content hierarchy and render everything from the parent pages in their area with the same name. This way the header which you've only added to the top page is included in all its children.
Another option is to a have special page which simply holds things to be included in other pages. Like header, footer and banners that should go in the side pane of some pages.
Including a page within another page doesn't really work. Page 2 already has its own <html> tags, its own <script> tags, and its own CSS, so including it wholesale into another page just simply doesn't make sense.
You do, however, have a couple of options:
Use an iframe. This will allow you to include the entirety of Page 2 in a region of Page 1.
More recent versions of Magnolia will allow you to render an individual paragraph, which you could then include in another page. (For example, you can see a single paragraph from http://demopublic.magnolia-cms.com/demo-project/about/subsection-articles.html at http://demopublic.magnolia-cms.com/demo-project/about/subsection-articles/article/main/0.html.) This requires knowing a bit about the way the data is structured, but is a pretty useful way to be able to selectively extracts bits of a page.
You can use the Magnolia API in your model class to pull data from sub-pages, and then make it available to your view template. This is the approach the STK uses to build teasers that include content from the pages they reference, and is probably the most powerful and flexible approach, but it does require actually writing some Java code. (See http://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/templating/stk/templating.html and http://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/reference/templating.html for details of how to use this approach.)
(Added after question was edited) The footer functionality that's included with the STK does almost exactly this. You might be interested to take a look at that and see how it's implemented there.
Hope that helps a bit!

Django -- hide links from certain users

Is it possible, on a Django webapp, to hide certain links from those users who do not have the permission to click the link?
I bet there is a per-link way to check if the user has persmission to click the link, and then show the link (or not) based on that test. However, when there are a lot links spread across a whole bunch of web pages, that can be ridiculously tedious. Are there any ways to achieve this across the whole website with a setting or something?
write a template tag similar to spaceless that goes over its contents and removes all links that are not accessible. this would save you from having to touch each link manually.
It might be possible to write a custom template tag that would accept a link url, reverse it, introspect what permissions were required for the target view, and then conditionally display it.
You'd still have to touch every link in every template that you wanted to make fancy like that, and it would probably be an ugly beast. All in all, it's probably easier if you come up with a more centralized way to control access.