Need help regarding design of Django urls and views - django

Apologies if this has been discussed before, have searched and searched but didn't find anything useful :)
But here goes.
We're currently in the process of rewriting a portion of our webapp. Our app is rather old and therefore suffers from some rather cowboy'ish approaches to programming, conventions and urls.
What we're looking for is a simple clean way to design our views and urls so that we can maintain both easier in the future.
The problem is; as of now our file for the main site is one big mess. a lot of urls that point to a unique view that only does one thin.
Ex. list_books/, edit_book/ etc.
when it comes to specific formats etc. we have something like list_books_json/
(these aren't the actual urls though, but just used to prove a point since the real urls are much worse)
What we want to do now is clean it up a bit. And we we're wondering what the best way to get around it would be??
What we have thought of so far(after reading a lot of things on the subject):
We've thought of designing our urls after the following pattern:
so the urls for the apps "staff" site for changing books in the app would be:
staff/books - to view all books (GET)
staff/books/ID - to view one books (GET)
staff/books/new - to create a new book (POST)
staff/books/ID/edit - to edit specific books (POST)
staff/books/ID/delete - to delete specific books (POST)
The thought was then to have only 1 view, views.staff_books() to handle all these actions when dealing with books through the "staff" part of the site.
so that staff_books() checks for ID or a certain "action" (edit, new, delete etc.)
The result would be fewer, but a lot larger views that have to handle all aspects of staff/books. Right now we have a ton of small views that handle only one thing.
Does this makes sense, can you see potential problems? How do you guys go about it??
One place where I think we're lost is in regards to formats.
Where would you put ex. the request for returning the response in json?
we're wondering "staff/books.json" or "staff/books/ID.json" etc. and then keeping all the json logic in the same "staff_books()" view.
So thats it basically. I'm sorry the question is a little "fluffy"... We basically need some examples or good design advice as to how to structure urls and views.
Kind Regards

As an extension (and solution) to your problem I would suggest to use the strategy pattern. Since you already have a structure and the only thing that differs is "how" it is supposed to be carried out, this pattern fits your problem perfectly. What I mean by that is the following:
Create a view which is your entry point to your application with functions named as your url-based functionality (edit, new, delete etc.). I.e where your determines where to go from there.
Create classes which do your stuff based on your domains etc. Lets call them Book, Calendar etc for now.
Implement functionality of those classes, like edit, new, delete etc.
in your view then, determine what class to instantiate and call the corresponding function, e.g in View.edit() call domain.edit()
I think that should do it ^^
Hope it helps :D


Django Master/Detail

I am designing a master/detail solution for my app. I have searched for ever in the django docs, also here and elsewhere I could, so I guess the answer is not that obvious, despite being an answer many people look for - not only in django, but in every language, I think.
Generally, in most cases, the master already exists: for example, the Django Docs illustrate the Book example, where we already have an Author and we want to add several Books for that Author.
In my case, the parent is not yet present on the database think of a purchase order, for instance.
I have thought to divide the process in two steps: the user would start to fill in the info for the master model (regular form) and then proceed to another view to add the lines (inline formset). But I don't think this is the best process at all - there are a lot of possible flaws in it.
I also thought about creating a temporary parent object in a different table and only having a definitive master when the children are finally created. But it still doesn't look clean.
Because of that, for my app it would be ideal to create the master object at the same time as the detail objects (lines) - again, like an order.
Is there a way where I can have the same view to manage both master and detail? Like this I would receive both in the same POST request and it would make a lot more sense, not to say it would be much cleaner.
Sorry if it's too long, and thank you in advance!
So I found out that in my case the process could actually be split in two phases.
For this I simply use the traditional model form and inline formset.
But! I also found out that there could be several answers to this:
We could get crazy and build some spaceship in AJAX that would get the job done, simply by sending a JSON object (in which the lines could be an array of objects)
Django also has its ways and it's possible to send multiple forms in the same request! (thank you #mousetail for the tip).
Of course, be there as it may, there are many ways to build a house, these are just the ones I found out.

Multiple reset passwords in django

I have a project which have a personal app, where the login takes place, and a question app which also includes a profile page. I have managed to reset pasword from the login page, but when I try to do the same in the question app (using different templates, because I do not want the same on these pages), it just goes directly to the login reset template.
I thought it would be enough to just add a new registration folder in the questions app, but it still goes searching in the personal app I think.
Is it possible to just fix this using the django auth views or do I have to create my own views for the questions app?
You will need to create separate views, as well as separate templates.
First, make sure that you understand the User model, and how authentication works in Django. The core docs have plenty of information on that.
Second, look at what you are trying to do and create a view specifically for the template you are creating. Make sure that view processes the data the way that you want to, and that it redirects where you want the user to be redirected to after making the update.
One question to ask yourself though, before you go through this trouble is "Do I really need to have two places to do this?"
Having more than one location to handle password resets is not likely to end up being what you actually want in the long run. I would personally keep all of the account manipulation views in one place so that you don't mess something up if you decide to change something in one place and forget in another.
Two principles that are important when developing any kind of site are KISS and DRY. KISS is just the traditional keep it simple.
DRY means don't repeat yourself.
Unless there is a NEED to have the code be in two different places, it is a bad idea. ESPECIALLY with account related things.

What is the best way to fin and use a template in cakephp 3

i'm new in cakephp and I have started with version 3. I want to build a beautifull app and because I'm not good in design, I would really like to use a free template or buy one that I can use within cakephp.
So, I would really appreciate all your propositions and ideas or best practises. The easy way will be the best because I don't have a lot of time with this project. Thank you in advance.
If you don't have a lot of time like you mentioned, the easiest way to go ahead and get started is to paste a lot of the code in your default.ctp layout inside of src/Template/Layout/default.ctp.
You'll notice there are some lines of PHP already in there that are relevant to fetching blocks of css, meta tags, and other bits of code that could potentially exist throughout your project.
Find the main layout of the theme your trying to use - the one that will be consistent across most of the pages. That's the one you'll use for default.ctp. Compare what's already in default.ctp and make the comparable adjustments around the HTML in that document while keeping the important lines of PHP there as well.
For other important pages like a login or registration page, just create a new document for those, like 'login.ctp', then inside the function that loads the page (maybe 'login' inside of UsersController'), change the default layout with this line of code:
$this->viewBuilder()->layout('login'); // without the .ctp ending
This way you can create one-off layouts that don't really match any other page.

Django and Generic Views

I've written an entire app pretty successfully in Django but I have this nagging question that I think I know the answer to but I just want to make sure.
One of the things I really liked about Django was the data model and the ability to not have to do "obvious" stuff. For example, we use the admin interface extensively in our app. The fact that I don't need to write an edit screen for every model and keep it up to date every time the model changes is really nice.
What I'm puzzled by is that I wanted to have one part of the app render "read-only" versions of the models. Essentially I want exactly what I have in the Admin interface but without editable widgets. Now I notice, from the Django code, that that admin interface actually goes through and substitutes the widgets to use the editable ones so I know that non-editable is certainly there.
But as far I can tell, there is no way to just say "render this object" and have Django do the "obvious" thing and render it just like it does for the admin interface but with non-editable fields. I find this hard to believe since it seems like a) this is easier than the admin stuff and b) I know the widgets are already there. But I've looked all over and even the Django examples seem to always create a template and spell out exactly what the page should look like.
Writing a template is probably a good idea in general but early on in development when things are changing it would be better to have something that just does something basic given the information available in the model.
Am I missing something? Sorry if this is a stupid question.
Could be that most non-toy sites want a custom layout/html anyway?
Or, are you looking for Databrowse?
I used something like this:
There are other similar things around if you google for 'django read-only admin' or similar.
Never underestimate how flexible the Django Admin is...

What's the best way to "embed" a page number in a URL?

I'm developing a blog application using Django. Currently, the URL /blog/ displays the front page of the blog (the first five posts). Visitors can then browse or "page through" the blog entries. This portion is mapped to /blog/browse/{page}/, where page, of course, is an integer that specifies which "page" of blog entries should be displayed.
It's occurred to me, though, that perhaps the "page number" should be an attribute of the querystring instead (e.g., /blog/browse/?page=2), since the content of the browse pages is not static (i.e., as soon as I add another post, /blog/browse/2/ will have different contents than it had before the post was added). This seems to be the way sites like Stack Overflow and Reddit do things. For example, when paging through questions on Stack Overflow, a "page" attribute is used; likewise, Reddit uses a "count" attribute.
Extending this thinking, I realize that I use the same template to render the contents of both /blog/ and /blog/browse/, so it might even make sense to just use a URL like /blog/?page=2 to page through the contents of the blog.
Any suggestions? Is there a "standard" way of doing this, or at least a "best practice" method to use?
For my money, the best general purpose approach to this issue is to use the django-pagination utility. It's incredibly easy to use and your URLs should have the format you desire.
I prefer to use the GET URL parameter, as in URL?pg=#. It's very common and provides a standard visual clue to users about what is going on. If, for instance, I want to bookmark one of those pages or make an external link, I know without thinking that I can drop the pg parameter to point at the "latest" front-page index. With an embedded #, this isn't as obvious... do I leave off the parameter? Do I always have to set it to 1? Is it a different base URL entirely? To me, having pagination through the GET parameter makes for a slightly more sensible URL, since there's an acceptable default if the parameter is omitted and the parameter doesn't affect the base URL.
Also, while I can't prove it, it gives me the warm fuzzy feeling that Google has a better chance at figuring out the nature of that page's content (i.e. that it is a paginated index into further data, and will potentially update frequently) versus a page # embedded inside the URL, which will be more opaque.
That said, I'd say this is 99% personal preference and I highly doubt there's any real functional difference, so go with whatever is easier for and fits in better with your current way of doing things.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that my opinion is Django specific... I have a few Django apps so I'm relatively familiar with the way they build their URLs, and I still use a "pg" GET parameter with those apps rather than embedding it in the URL directly.
It seems like there are two things going on. A static page, that won't change and can be used for permalinking, like an article, as well as a dynamic page that will update frequently. There is no reason you cannot use both. URL rewriting should allow this to work quite nicely. There's no reason to let the implementation control the interface, there is always at least one way to skin every cat.