Pthread_create for threading client send and receive functions - c++

I am writing a chat application in C++ and have working client and server classes. I am now trying to get my client to be able to read and write from/to the server in parallel. I know that I must create two threads, one for reading and one for writing. What I do not know is what I should use for a start routine for these threads. I have looked at all the man pages and cannot seem to fully understand. Can someone shed light on this subject and possibly help me out? Let me know if I missed any important details.

Your start routine should be a top-level function that you create which accepts a void pointer for an argument and returns a void pointer. For example:
void *trivial_start_routine(void *client_ptr)
client_class *my_client = (client_class*) client_ptr;
while(my_client->working()) {
try {
} catch(exception all_exceptions) {
// Be sure to catch every exception.
// Pthreads cannot handle a C++ exception
// unwinding the stack.
According to the Linux man page for pthread_exit:
Performing a return from the start function of any thread other than
the main thread results in an implicit call to pthread_exit(),
the function's return value as the thread's exit status.
Then, to start the thread, you do something like this:
pthread_t start_reader_thread(client_class *my_client) {
pthread_t thread;
int status;
status = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, trivial_start_routine, my_client);
if(status != 0) {
// status is an error number. See the man page for pthread_create.
} else {
return thread;


Recovering from error in Qt

I'm implementing a system that uses 3 threads (one is GUI, one is TCP client for data acquisition and one analysis thread for calculations).
I'm having a hard time handling an exception for either one. The case that I'm trying to solve now is what happens if some calculation goes wrong, and I need to 'freeze' the system. The problem is that in some scenarios, I have data waiting in the analysis thread's event loop. How can I clear this queue safely, without handling all the events (as I said, something went wrong so I don't want any more calculations done).
Is there a way to clear an event loop for a specific thread? When can I delete the objects safely?
You question is somewhat low on details, but I assume you're using a QThread and embedding a QEventLoop in it?
You can call QEventLoop::exit(-1), which is thread safe.
The value passed to exit is the exit status, and will be the value returned from QEventLoop::exec(). I've chosen -1, which is typically used to denote an error condition.
You can then check the return code from exec(), and act accordingly.
class AnalysisThread : public QThread
void run() override
int res = _loop.exec();
if (res == -1)
// delete objects
void exit()
QEventLoop _loop;
Elsewhere, in your exception handler
// ...
catch(const CalculationError& e)

how to handle code that never executes

I have some code that looks like this and I'm unsure how to handle the part which will never get executed since a part of this code runs in infinite loop while waiting for connections and when I terminate the program, it exits from there only.
// do some stuff....
while(1) {
int newFD =
accept(sockFD, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &client_addr_size);
if(newFD == -1) {
std::cerr << "Error while Accepting on socket" << std::endl;
if(!fork()) {
close(sockFD); // close child's sockfd - not needed here
// lalala do stuff send message here
close(newFD); // finally close its newFD - message sent, no use
return 0;
close(newFD); // close parent's newFD - no use here
// now execution never reaches here
close(sockFD); // so how to handle this?
freeaddrinfo(res); // and this?
return 0;
You can, and probably should add a exit handler if your code is to be used by other people or you yourself just want it cleaner. In your exit handler you can toggle a flag that makes the while() loop terminate. The following code will work 100% fine for this use case and is reliable and cross platform, but if you want to do more complicated things you should use proper thread safe OS specific functions or something like Boost or C++11
First declare two global variables, make them volatile so the compiler will always force us to read or write its actually memory value. If you we do not declare it volatile then it is possible the compiler can put its value in a register which will make this not work. With volatile set it will read the memory location on every loop and work correctly, even with multiple threads.
volatile bool bRunning=true;
volatile bool bFinished=false;
and instead of your while(1) {} loop, change it to this
In your exit handler simply set bRunning=false;
void ExitHandler()
while(bFinished==false) { Sleep(1); }
You didn't specify an operating system but it looks like you are Linux based, to set a handler on Linux you need this.
void ExitHandler(int s)
int main()
struct sigaction sigIntHandler;
sigIntHandler.sa_handler = ExitHandler;
sigIntHandler.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction(SIGINT, &sigIntHandler, NULL);
And on Windows when you are a console app its the following.
BOOL WINAPI ConsoleHandler(DWORD CEvent)
switch (CEvent)
bRunning = false;
while (bFinished == false) Sleep(1);
return TRUE;
int main()
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleHandler, TRUE);
Notice the need to test and wait for bFinished here. If you don't do this on Windows your app may not have enough time to shutdown as the exit handler is called by a separate OS specific thread. On Linux this is not necessary and you need to exit from your handler for your main thread to continue.
Another thing to note is by default Windows only gives you ~5 seconds to shut down before it terminates you. This is unfortunate in many cases and if more time is needed you will need to change the registry setting (bad idea) or implement a service which has better hooks into such things. For your simple case it will be fine.
For these things, the OS will take care of properly releasing the resources on shutdown. However, more generally, you still need to make sure that allocated resources don't pile up during program execution, even if they are reclaimed by the OS automatically, because such a resource leak will still influence behaviour and performance of your program.
Now, concerning the resources at hand, there's no reason not to treat them like all resources in C++. The accepted rule is to bind them to an object that will release them in their destructor, see also the RAII idiom. That way, even if at some later stage someone added a break statement the code would still behave correctly.
BTW: The more serious problem I see here is the lack of proper error handling in general.

How do you pause a thread?

Hello i'm trying to pause a thread, but for some reason it keeps crashing the game.
here is what i got
void Test(){
SuspendThread((PVOID)0x83593C24);//0x83593C24 The offset from the game
Basically i'm trying to pause than call Add Int than resume it
You need to use the thread handle that was returned when you created the thread. See documentation for CreateThread; SuspendThread; and ResumeThread.
In particular, from the documentation for CreateThread:
If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the new thread. If the function fails, the return value is NULL.
HANDLE thread_handle = CreateThread(/*args*/); // hold on to this value (and check for failure)
if (thread_handle == NULL)
// handle creation error
DWORD suspend_retval = SuspendThread(thread_handle);
if (suspend_retval == static_cast<DWORD>(-1))
// handle suspend error
Scr_AddInt(1); // original work
DWORD resume_retval = ResumeThread(thread_handle);
if (resume_retval == static_cast<DWORD>(-1))
// handle resume error
It may be worthwhile to create a wrapper class that encapsulates thread creation, suspension, resumption, and termination. This class can perform all error checking internally, and throw an exception when appropriate.

notify thread about changes in variable (signals?)

I have main() and thread in the same program.
there is a variable named "status", that can get several values
I need that when the variable changes, to notify the thread (the thread cnat wait for the status variable, it is already doing fluent task) .
is there an easy way to do so? similar to interrupts? how about signals?
the function inside the main:
int main()
char *status;
while (1)
switch (status)
case: status1 ...notify the thread
case: status2 ...notify the thread
case: status3 ...notify the thread
if someone could give me an example it will be great!
Since you're already using the pthread library you can use conditional variables to tell the thread that there is data ready for processing. Take a look at this StackOverflow question for more information.
I understand that you do not want to wait indefinitely for this notification, however C++ only implements cooperative scheduling. You cannot just pause a thread, fiddle with its memory, and resume it.
Therefore, the first thing you have to understand is that the thread which has to process the signal/action you want to send must be willing to do so; which in other words means must explicitly check for the signal at some point.
There are multiple ways for a thread to check for a signal:
condition variable: they require waiting for the signal (which might be undesirable) but that wait can be bounded by a duration
action queue (aka channel): you create a queue of signals/actions and every so often the target thread checks for something to do; if there is nothing it just goes on doing whatever it has to do, if there is something you have to decide whether it should do everything or only process the N firsts. Beware of overflowing the queue.
just check the status variable directly every so often, it does not tell you how many times it changed (unless it keeps an history: but then we are back to the queue), but it allows you to amend your ways.
Given your requirements, I would think that the queue is probably the best idea among those three.
Might be this example helpful for you.
DWORD sampleThread( LPVOID argument );
int main()
bool defValue = false;
bool* status = &defValue;
CreateThread(NULL, 0, sampleThread, status, 0,NULL);
defValue = true; //trigger thread
// ...
return 0;
DWORD sampleThread( LPVOID argument )
bool* syncPtr = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(argument);
while (1)
if (false == *syncPtr)
// do something
else (true = *syncPtr)
//do somthing else

c++ winapi threads

These days I'm trying to learn more things about threads in windows. I thought about making this practical application:
Let's say there are several threads started when a button "Start" is pressed. Assume these threads are intensive (they keep running / have always something to work on).
This app would also have a "Stop" button. When this button is pressed all the threads should close in a nice way: free resources and abandon work and return the state they were before the "Start" button was pressed.
Another request of the app is that the functions runned by the threads shouldn't contain any instruction checking if the "Stop" button was pressed. The function running in the thread shouldn't care about the stop button.
Language: C++
OS: Windows
WrapperFunc(function, param)
// what to write here ?
// if i write this:
// i cannot stop the function from executing
How should I construct the wrapper function so that I can stop the thread properly?
( without using TerminateThread or some other functions )
What if the programmer allocates some memory dynamically? How can I free it before closing
the thread?( note that when I press "Stop button" the thread is still processing data)
I though about overloading the new operator or just imposing the usage of a predefined
function to be used when allocating memory dynamically. This, however, means
that the programmer who uses this api is constrained and it's not what I want.
Thank you
Edit: Skeleton to describe the functionality I'd like to achieve.
struct wrapper_data
void* (*function)(LPVOID);
LPVOID *params;
this function should make sure that the threads stop properly
( free memory allocated dynamically etc )
void* WrapperFunc(LPVOID *arg)
wrapper_data *data = (wrapper_data*) arg;
// what to write here ?
// if i write this:
// i cannot stop the function from executing
delete data;
// will have exactly the same arguments as CreateThread
MyCreateThread(..., function, params, ...)
// this should create a thread that runs the wrapper function
wrapper_data *data = new wrapper_data;
data->function = function;
data->params = params;
CreateThread(..., WrapperFunc, (LPVOID) wrapper_data, ...);
thread_function(LPVOID *data)
//do stuff
// as you can see I want it to be completely invisible
// to the programmer who uses this
MyCreateThread(..., thread_function, (LPVOID) params,...);
One solution is to have some kind of signal that tells the threads to stop working. Often this can be a global boolean variable that is normally false but when set to true it tells the threads to stop. As for the cleaning up, do it when the threads main loop is done before returning from the thread.
I.e. something like this:
volatile bool gStopThreads = false; // Defaults to false, threads should not stop
void thread_function()
while (!gStopThreads)
// Do some stuff
// All processing done, clean up after my self here
As for the cleaning up bit, if you keep the data inside a struct or a class, you can forcibly kill them from outside the threads and just either delete the instances if you allocated them dynamically or let the system handle it if created e.g. on the stack or as global objects. Of course, all data your thread allocates (including files, sockets etc.) must be placed in this structure or class.
A way of keeping the stopping functionality in the wrapper, is to have the actual main loop in the wrapper, together with the check for the stop-signal. Then in the main loop just call a doStuff-like function that does the actual processing. However, if it contains operations that might take time, you end up with the first problem again.
See my answer to this similar question:
How do I guarantee fast shutdown of my win32 app?
Basically, you can use QueueUserAPC to queue a proc which throws an exception. The exception should bubble all the way up to a 'catch' in your thread proc.
As long as any libraries you're using are reasonably exception-aware and use RAII, this works remarkably well. I haven't successfully got this working with boost::threads however, as it's doesn't put suspended threads into an alertable wait state, so QueueUserAPC can't wake them.
If you don't want the "programmer" of the function that the thread will execute deal with the "stop" event, make the thread execute a function of "you" that deals with the "stop" event and when that event isn't signaled executes the "programmer" function...
In other words the "while(!event)" will be in a function that calls the "job" function.
Code Sample.
typedef void (*JobFunction)(LPVOID params); // The prototype of the function to execute inside the thread
struct structFunctionParams
int iCounter;
iCounter = 0;
struct structJobParams
bool bStop;
JobFunction pFunction;
LPVOID pFunctionParams;
bStop = false;
pFunction = NULL;
pFunctionParams = NULL;
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProcessJob(IN LPVOID pParams)
structJobParams* pJobParams = (structJobParams*)pParams;
// Execute the "programmer" function
return 0;
void ThreadFunction(LPVOID pParams)
// Do Something....
((structFunctionParams*)pParams)->iCounter ++;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
structFunctionParams stFunctionParams;
structJobParams stJobParams;
stJobParams.pFunction = &ThreadFunction;
stJobParams.pFunctionParams = &stFunctionParams;
DWORD dwIdThread = 0;
HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(
(LPVOID) &stJobParams, 0, &dwIdThread);
// Give it 5 seconds to work
stJobParams.bStop = true; // Signal to Stop
WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE); // Wait to finish