How do I install an open source django-application? - django

I want to install an existing django app, The code is at
I installed django and I understand how to create a new django project.
But how do you deploy an existing app? I know how this works in Rails or Symfony, but I don't really get the django concept here.
Where do I put the files? Which scripts do I run?
Thanks for the steps.

Why is this any different from deploying your own applications? Just put them somewhere in your PYTHONPATH and set up mod_wsgi or whatever to serve them.


Saleor comes with react by default. Can we have a 'basic' Saleor without frontend frameworks?

I wanted to use Saleor for a "single-type-product" e-commerce website. I installed Saleor yesterday but it has a huge requirements file, including react.js and many other frontend stuff. I don't want them. Is it possible to install Saleor without anything else? Or at least, with the least other requirements?
Yes, you can simply install the backend and expose the graphql api endpoint to consume data from you front-end. Or go regular django-style and use templated views. Simply clone the repo here, install, migrate and run the django server.
Yes. You can install saleor only the backend part.
To do so,
run git clone
after that,
create a docker-compose.yml file if you would like to run with docker-compose
otherwise you are good to go.

Deploy Django project with MSSQL DB in Local Server

I am new in Django and this will be my very FIRST Times web deploying. So I am trying to deploy my project to the local server and My project stack is Django with MSSQL so obviously I will need Window.
I was read the documentation and I think I will need WSGI and As the documentation say to deploy with gunicron or uWSGI but both are supported for Unix and not for window. So How can I start this one? This will be the first question.
I would like to know whether I am doing is correct or not.
Now I copy my project to the local server and when I try to run my project like python runserver it asks me to install Django and other but I thought this environment is working at well my computer and all of the needed application is already installed in the environment. So I still need to install all of my needed apps like Django to this environment again?
If u have any tutorial or can guide me to some useful site, I will be very very appreciated.
Anything u want to know further, Just let me know.

How to make a Django server portable?

My web server depends on nginx, django, and a lot of python dependencies. I'm wondering if there is a way to create a portable image/script that I can run in a new server and quickly get it up and running.
Is Docker relevant to this?
You should always use git to manage your code. With git you could get your django project in the other server quickly. But just that.
Also you have to migrate your database. Every DB engine have dump options for doing this.
Do not forget to move your static assests. Probably, you've all of them in one directory.
What about your nginx, database installation and configuration? Here is relevant Docker.
With all of this, you should migrate successfully.

Using wwwhisper for a Django app in Heroku

it is possible to use wwwhisper add-on for a Django app? In that case, where can I find any guide about how to configure it? I've already installed the add-on, but I don't know how to make it work.
wwwhisper author here. The add-on works only with Ruby and Node.js applications on Heroku.

Producing a WAR file from a django project with SQLite

I have a django project (a django module/app some other modules that are used from the django one) that uses SQLite. This project is for a University course and now I am asked to supply it in such a way so that it may be installed on some server in our faculty. I'm not the one who's going to install it, and I will not be contacted in case of failure, so I am looking for the easiest, simplest way to supply the project for installation.
I have come across django-jython which supposedly allows one to create WAR files from django projects. However, in the Database Backends section, it says:
Experimental. By now, use it only if you are working on improving it. Or if you are really adventurous.
My overall goal is to deliver this project and I would appreciate any helpful advice. In particular:
Is there another way to pack a django project into a WAR file that supports SQLite?
Is it safe to use SQLite with django-jython in spite of this warning? If so, then how?
Is there any other simple way to pack a django project so that it'll be a piece of cake to install?
If the above answers are "no", then what does it take to change the configuration of the project to use MySQL instead?
You should look into Fabric for easy deployment. I haven't used it myself, but I've heard good things.
I've also had good success quickly and easily setting up servers using Gunicorn with Nginx as a reverse-proxy.
As others have said, using virtualenv, with pip, can quickly
get all your dependencies installed via requirements.txt (from virtualenv).
Some of these blog posts may help:
Tools of the modern Python hacker - virtualenv, pip, fabric
Basic Django Deployment - virtualenv, pip, fabric, rsync
Easy Django Deployment - very quick nginx and gunicorn setup
As I reread your post I saw your last bullet point/question. Django is designed to be loosely coupled, meaning that there shouldn't (in most cases) be reasons that one app is dependant on sqlite vs mysql. If you don't need to save the data in the db, changing to MySQL is as easy as starting a mysql server on your machine, and changing the of your django project. This SO question may help