Dynamic format in aspose.cells generated excel - aspose

Is it possible to create a conditional format or something like that where the format is depending on the value of the cell?
For example when there is "#000000" as cell value, the background color of the cell should be black.
It is possible to have a condition on the cell value but I did not find any example where the format is dynamic. And it is no Option to create a format for each possible hex-color =)

Yes it is possible to add such a conditional formatting dynamically using Aspose.Cells. Please add your desired conditional formatting using the Worksheet.ConditionalFormattings collection. It will be better if you create your conditional formatting using Microsoft Excel and then load your workbook using Aspose.Cells and observe the properties of your conditional formatting object by exploring Worksheet.ConditionalFormattings collection and then create the same conditional formatting object through code. If you find any difficulty, then please feel free to post in Aspose.Cells forum on Aspose Website.
Please also see this article for your help in working with conditional formatting.
Note: I am working as Developer Evangelist at Aspose


Automatic page break inside table cells in Latex

I've a question about long tables in Latex.
How is it possible to automatically break text content inside a long table cell.
I read lot of articles and examples and tried it (e.g. longtable)
But I still can not believe that there should be no solution for this. Currently I am using the Apache FOP processor to generate PDF documents via XSLT. Here, the tables are wrapped within a cell.
Apache FOP example
Have someone the same problem and have a solution?
Thank you, Frank

How to display multi level headers in Aspose cells Java in MS Excel?

Please let me know if Aspose Cells Java API provides a way for doing this?
Please see the attached pic as below : enter link description here
Aspose.Cells for Java can do it but it cannot do it automatically. You will have to write a code for it. Please see this image.
Here the first header has merged cells, Aspose.Cells can merge cells but to merge them, you will have to write the code by yourself.
But if you remove the first header then second header which consists of single cells and its data, which also consists of single cells can be imported to worksheet automatically without writing any code by user via Cells.importData() method.
Note: I am working as Developer Evangelist at Aspose

SAS to Export File with Conditional Formatting

Is it possible using SAS to export an Microsoft Excel formatted file that uses Excel's built in conditional formatting? I know I can use Proc Report computational sets to change formats, and I can use the ExcelXP tagset to control colors, but I need to use Excel's built in Conditional formatting, not just setting the format in SAS.
If you use a pre-formatted excel sheet you can export to it and it will maintain the conditional formatting. Proc export or the macro here is useful http://sascommunity.org/mwiki/images/f/f4/1793-2014.sas
Or if you need some sort of dynamic control could write a VB script that then gets called via DDE but also way too complicated IMO.
Short of Reeza's suggestion (ie. actually using excel to do the conditional formatting) there is no supported way to do this.
We had to do this for our web-based reporting, and we ended up writing our own conditional formatter (in jQuery). It applies excel-like conditional formatting because despite our best efforts we couldn't figure out exactly how the excel conditional formatting algorithm works (it has some quirks). I don't think anyone would ever notice the difference though.
I've entered this as a suggestion in the SAS software ballot. I'll edit this post and share the link if the idea gets 'approved'.
EDIT : You can vote here . Voting will require a login to the SAS website.

copy specific columns from notepad++ to excel sheet

Can I use macros in notepad++ to select specific columns and paste these columns into specific cells in excel sheet automatically. If possible how?
Please help on this or any other suggestions may help in routine tasks with a lot of copy and pasted to be run automatically
EDIT: Added info on automation tools.
You don't need macros. Notepad++ has column mode which allows you to select text columns and copy it on clipboard which you then can paste in Excel. See here for a little video about how to do this: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/features/column-mode-editing.html
If you want to automate this process then you need automation tool that will record your keystrokes/mouse and other activities and replay whenever you need it. Below are some of the tools that does that and may fit your need:

How to Show C++ Results in Excel

I am trying to create C++ code that allows User Input in selecting a variety of fields, then it will calculate many different angles and show the users the results, as well as a graph.
However, it has been suggested to us by our lecturer that it may be a good idea to write the code to these calculations etc in C++, then input the results into Excel.
Does anyone have any idea how to do this? Literally looking for a way for the user to fill in the required values on C++ and then to be AUTOMATICALLY taken to the excel file to show the results in the table and graph format.
If this is not possible, is there a way to display the results in the table and graph format through C++?
Thanks very much in advance
Excel provides COM interface which you can use from your C++ application.
This can be done in the way described in this article:
This link might also be useful:
I think the second link would be better for you as its more of a step by step guide which should help you to workout the answer.
Use COM Automation to automate excel.
The best way to do this is to use the vole library by Matthew Wilson at
Take a look at the examples. I do not think there is an example for excel, but there is one for microsoft word at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/COM/VOLE_word.aspx
I have used vole in the past, and it makes it a whole lot easier