Ember 2.0 get another router from router/controller - ember.js

Is there any way to call route action from another router/controller? Let's say I have two routes:
App.RouteOne = Ember.Object.extend({
actions: {
someCommonFunctionality: function() {
// ...
App.RouteTwo = Ember.Object.extend({
actions: {
// Here I want to call someCommonFunctionality function from RouteOne
Is this somehow possible? I have an AJAX get method that I do not want to repeat in RouteTwo as I have it already in RouteOne


How to get the Router instance in initializer

I have a use-case where I want to register routes dynamically in an initializer.
Because the application is a self-defining app I don't know the routes at development time.
Currently I created an instance-initializer:
import Ember from 'ember';
const myTempRouteList = ['home']; // this is retrieved from the backend
export function initialize(instance) {
let container = instance.container;
let router = container.lookup('router:main');
myTempRouteList.forEach(function (name) {
let routeName = name.dasherize();
router.map(function(){ // router.map is undefined here
this.resource(routeName, {path: routeName});
container.register(`route:${routeName}`, Ember.Route.extend({
}, this);
export default {
name: 'register-routes',
initialize: initialize
The problem is that the router instance is present but is has no method map. In the documentation it is described as a public method. Some other methods I checked are present, f.i. hasRoute.
It turns out I had to call the lookupFactory method instead of the lookup method on the container.
export function initialize(instance) {
let container = instance.container;
let router = container.lookupFactory('router:main');
For people who are working on latest ember with ember-cli (Ember > 2.0). This might be helpful
export function initialize(application) {
var routeNames = [];
var router = application.__container__.lookupFactory('router:main');
//if you want to have your custom routes on the highest level
if (routeNames.length > 0) {
router.map(function() {
var _this = this;
routeNames.forEach(function(item,index) {
//if you want to have your custom routes as a child of another parent route
if (routeNames.length > 0) {
router.map(function() {
this.route('parentRoute', {path:'/'}, function(){
var _this = this;
routeNames.forEach(function(item,index) {

How to run action in Ember Controller afterRender

I am new to ember framework. I just want to execute a function that is defined inside the actions hook after the rendering completes.
var Controller = Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
foo: function() {
Ember.run.schedule("afterRender",this,function() {
But the above code is not working.
I just want to know, is it possible to run foo() afterRender?
You could use init:
App.Controller = Ember.Controller.extend({
init: function () {
Ember.run.schedule("afterRender",this,function() {
actions: {
foo: function() {

Ember App Kit and testing model hook

In Ember App Kit, there are a number of testing examples that ship with the initial repo. One of those is a basic Route Unit test. This test is trivial, if the data is hard-coded in the model hook, like this:
test("#model", function(){
deepEqual(route.model(), ['red', 'yellow', 'blue']);
How do you use the isolated container to test the model hook if it returns a promise from ember-data?
Here's the test:
import Activities from 'appkit/routes/activities';
var route;
module("Unit - ActivitiesRoute", {
setup: function(){
var container = isolatedContainer([
route = container.lookup('route:activities');
test("#model", function(){
deepEqual(route.model(), ['activity', 'activity2', 'activity3']);
And the actual Route's model hook:
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return this.get('store').find('activity');
After implementing the different approaches below from kingpin2k. Here is a summary of the outcomes.
First approach: works great ... yet no promise.
Second approach: returns the promise object (appears to be resolved), but the array, and correct values are assigned to _detail property.
test("#model", function(){
deepEqual(route.model()['_detail'], ['activity', 'activity2', 'activity3']); //passes
I'd like for store creation to be taken care of within the module setup().
module("Unit - ActivitiesRoute", {
setup: function(){
var container = isolatedContainer([
route = container.lookup('route:activities');
var store = {
find: function(type){
return new Em.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve){
resolve(['activity', 'activity2', 'activity3']); // or made up model(s) here
route.set('store', store);
And the test:
test("#model", function(){
deepEqual(route.model(), ['activity', 'activity2', 'activity3']); // ???
Third approach:
module('Unit - ActivitiesRoute', {
setup: function() {
var container = isolatedContainer([
route = container.lookup('route:activities');
var store = {
find: function() {
var promise = new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve) {
Em.run.later(function() {
}, 10);
return Ember.ArrayProxy.extend(Ember.PromiseProxyMixin).create({
promise: promise
route.set('store', store);
And in the test, calling route.model() returns an empty object {} :
test("#model", function(){
deepEqual(route.model(), Activity.FIXTURES); // returns {}
It was also necessary to add asyncTest() instead of test() and to also call start() to prevent the test runner from hanging.
asyncTest('#model', function(){
equal(result, Activity.FIXTURES);
Simple approach, it's a unit test, so really you aren't testing the store, so setup a mock store and result.
route = container.lookup('route:activities');
var store = {
find: function(type){
equal(type, 'activity', 'type is activity');
return ['activity', 'activity2', 'activity3'];
route.set('store', store);
Even better you can also replicate the promise
route = container.lookup('route:activities');
var store = {
find: function(type){
equal(type, 'activity', 'type is activity');
return new Em.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve){
resolve(['activity', 'activity2', 'activity3']); // or made up model(s) here
route.set('store', store);
If you want to more closely replicate Ember Data you might use an ArrayProxy implementing the PromiseProxyMixin...
route = container.lookup('route:activities');
var store = {
find: function(type){
equal(type, 'activity', 'type is activity');
var promise = new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve){
resolve(['activity', 'activity2', 'activity3']);
}, 10);
return Ember.ArrayProxy.extend(Ember.PromiseProxyMixin).create({
promise: promise
route.set('store', store);
Using your last approach you should implement it like this
test("#model", function(){
deepEqual(result, Activity.FIXTURES); // returns {}
But, there is something tricky here, since it has an async response you'll want to wrap it in an Ember run loop
test("#model", function(){
deepEqual(result, Activity.FIXTURES); // returns {}

How to get a parent routes model from inside controller action?

Inside my route for "appointments" below I can reach up and get the model for the parent "day"
App.Router.map(function(match) {
this.resource("day", { path: "/day/:day" }, function() {
this.resource("appointments", { path: "/appointments" }, function() {
this.route("new", { path: "/:appointment_start/new" });
this.route("edit", { path: "/:appointment_id/edit" });
But when I'm deep inside the new or edit routes, how can I reach up (from within the actions handler) and grab the parent "day" model like I did in the route?
App.AppointmentsEditController = Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
updateAppointment: function(appointment) {
var day = this.get('??');
The final controller code now looks like this
App.AppointmentsEditController = Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: 'day',
actions: {
updateAppointment: function(appointment) {
var day = this.get('controllers.day');
Toran - sorry to add this as an extra answer, I can't comment yet - yes, it should work for free. You can access controllers.post from within the actions block like this:
var postController = this.get('controllers.post')
There is simple way to do it. In AppointmentsEditController add
needs: "day"
Then you can access to day controller via this.get('controllers.day').
I always use something like this:
App.CommentsControler = Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: "post",
postBinding: "controllers.post",
postName: function() {
return this.post.name;
Take a look of this article http://emberjs.com/guides/controllers/dependencies-between-controllers/
I hope this help :)

Same Ember.JS template for display/edit and creation

I am writing a CRUD application using Ember.JS:
A list of “actions” is displayed;
The user can click on one action to display it, or click on a button to create a new action.
I would like to use the same template for displaying/editing an existing model object and creating a new one.
Here is the router code I use.
App = Ember.Application.create();
App.Router.map(function() {
this.resource('actions', {path: "/actions"}, function() {
this.resource('action', {path: '/:action_id'});
this.route('new', {path: "/new"});
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
redirect: function() {
App.ActionsIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function () {
return App.Action.find();
App.ActionRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
events: {
submitSave: function () {
App.ActionsNewRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
renderTemplate: function () {
model: function() {
var action = this.get('store').createRecord(App.Action);
return action;
events: {
submitSave: function () {
The problem is that when I first display an action, and then come back to create a new one, it looks like the template is not using the newly created record, but use instead the one displayed previously.
My interpretation is that the controller and the template are not in sync.
How would you do that?
Maybe there is a simpler way to achieve this?
Here is a JSBin with the code: http://jsbin.com/owiwak/10/edit
By saying this.render('action'), you are not just telling it to use the action template, but also the ActionController, when in fact you want the action template, but with the ActionNewController.
You need to override that:
this.render('action', {
controller: 'actions.new'
Updated JS Bin.