How to run action in Ember Controller afterRender - ember.js

I am new to ember framework. I just want to execute a function that is defined inside the actions hook after the rendering completes.
var Controller = Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
foo: function() {
});"afterRender",this,function() {
But the above code is not working.
I just want to know, is it possible to run foo() afterRender?

You could use init:
App.Controller = Ember.Controller.extend({
init: function () {
this._super();"afterRender",this,function() {
actions: {
foo: function() {


Ember 2.0 get another router from router/controller

Is there any way to call route action from another router/controller? Let's say I have two routes:
App.RouteOne = Ember.Object.extend({
actions: {
someCommonFunctionality: function() {
// ...
App.RouteTwo = Ember.Object.extend({
actions: {
// Here I want to call someCommonFunctionality function from RouteOne
Is this somehow possible? I have an AJAX get method that I do not want to repeat in RouteTwo as I have it already in RouteOne

How to call ember actions synchronously

I want execute couple of ember actions synchronously, what is the right way to do this. For example
this.send('openModal','login'); // run when `closeModal` is totally executed
or how to call action in route without using send
export default Ember.Route.extend({
openModal: function () {
//how to execute like this.closeModal(); without .send
... logic...
closeModal: function () {
... logic...
Perhaps you could move the action logic to other functions on the route i.e.
export default Ember.Route.extend({
openModal: function() {
closeModal: function() {
openModal: function () {
this.closeModal(); // Ensure other modals are closed.
closeModal: function () {

Ember, mixin to detect click outside of view/component

I'm writing a Mixin to handle when user clicks outside of a view/component.
This is the mixin:
App.ClickElsewhereMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
onClickElsewhere: Ember.K,
didRender: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
return $(document).on('click', this.get('onClickElsewhere'));
willDestroyElement: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
$(document).off('click', this.get('onClickElsewhere'));
I use it in my component:
onClickElsewhere: function() {
But when I run it, I get:
TypeError: this.send is not a function
How can I keep the this context?
just to make it easier for the reader, here the working Mixin:
App.ClickElsewhereMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
onClickElsewhere: Ember.K,
setupListener: Ember.on('didRender', function() {
// Set an event that will be fired when user clicks outside of the component/view
return $(document).on('click', $.proxy(this.get('onClickElsewhere'), this));
removeListener: Ember.on('willDestroyElement', function() {
// Clean the previously defined event to keep events stack clean
return $(document).off('click', $.proxy(this.get('onClickElsewhere'), this));
The current answer doesn't check whether the click was actually outside of the element – a click on the component will also trigger the callback.
Here's an updated version:
export default Ember.Mixin.create({
onOutsideClick: Ember.K,
handleOutsideClick: function(event) {
let $element = this.$();
let $target = $(;
if (!$target.closest($element).length) {
setupOutsideClickListener: Ember.on('didInsertElement', function() {
let clickHandler = this.get('handleOutsideClick').bind(this);
return Ember.$(document).on('click', clickHandler);
removeOutsideClickListener: Ember.on('willDestroyElement', function() {
let clickHandler = this.get('handleOutsideClick').bind(this);
return Ember.$(document).off('click', clickHandler);
Greg answer have a mistake, that makes removing the clickHandler event not working. Which means that your clickevent will fire even if you destroy the component.
Here is proper version
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Mixin.create({
onOutsideClick: Ember.K,
handleOutsideClick: function(event) {
let $element = this.$();
let $target = $(;
if (!$target.closest($element).length) {
setupOutsideClickListener: Ember.on('didInsertElement', function() {
let clickHandler = this.get('handleOutsideClick').bind(this);
return Ember.$(document).on('click', clickHandler);
removeOutsideClickListener: Ember.on('willDestroyElement', function() {
let clickHandler = this.get('handleOutsideClick').bind(this);
return Ember.$(document).off('click',, clickHandler));
The ember way of doing it is This takes care of binding and the run loop.
App.ClickElsewhereMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
onClickElsewhere: Ember.K,
setupListener: Ember.on('didRender', function() {
this.set('clickHandler',, this.onClickElsewhere));
removeListener: Ember.on('willDestroyElement', function() {
Ember.$(document).off('click', this.get('clickHandler'));
You have two options:
Use a closure
Use bind
App.ClickElsewhereMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
onClickElsewhere: Ember.K,
didRender: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
return $(document).on('click', function(this){ return this.get('onClickElsewhere'); }(this));
willDestroyElement: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
$(document).off('click', function(this){ return this.get('onClickElsewhere'); }(this));
App.ClickElsewhereMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
onClickElsewhere: Ember.K,
didRender: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
return $(document).on('click', this.get('onClickElsewhere').bind(this));
willDestroyElement: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
$(document).off('click', this.get('onClickElsewhere').bind(this));
However, not all browsers support bind yet.
Also, I think you need to use sendAction instead of send in the component (
jQuery.proxy uses call/apply underneath the covers. See this post for a discussion of call/apply vs bind.
You can use the lib ember-click-outside. Worked for me.

How can a controller or route send an action to itself

Given the following code, how can the route call it's doSomething action?
export default Ember.Route.extend({
setupController: function(controller, model) {
// call the doSomething action
actions: {
doSomething: function() { ... }
You can use Transition object which is passed do beforeModel/model/afterModel hook.
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
doSomething() {
beforeModel(transition) {
model(params, transition) {
afterModel(model, transition) {
Working demo.

In Ember pre4's router, how do you trigger a route event from within another route?

I have code such as that shown below, and I'm just wondering how I can trigger another event within the route's events. Thoughts?
App.MyRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
events: {
eventOne: function() {
// do something
eventTwo: function() {
// how do I call eventOne() here?
You can just call events.eventOne() using this as the context:
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
events: {
eventOne: function() {
console.log('You got me!');
eventTwo: function() {;