Get Dependent Header Files from C++ Source File - c++

How do you get all dependent header files from a source file in CMake?
My question is based on this : Listing header files in Visual Studio C++ project generated by cmake
In that question, the answer is to list all the header files to the target. One of the comment says that it is possible to get all the C++ dependent header files from the source file because CMake does know about it.


Visual Studio 2017 C++ include for all

Good day. I got some C++ project from GitHub. Originaly it buils using automake (there're and files). I'm trying to make C++ in VS2017 based on it. Source project has over 600 source files, and problem is what there's no any "include" directive in source files, and I have over 5000 compile errors. Is there any way to declare some kind of "global include for all source files" in project without modifying original souce files or create any "special" file with all required includes, which will be included automaticaly in source files on compiling?

cannot open the header file in C++

I'm doing my assignment that need to using the #include function
but I found that after I define the header file, I cannot open the header file in the main.cpp
and I also didn't find any xxx.h file in the project file
here is the situation
The reason of search.h can open is I found that in external dependencies file, there is a search.h, but the search.h I want to open is not the search.h in external dependencies file
You don't have header files in your project. Create the header files xxx.h in the project directory. So the compiler will be able to locate them.
If the person who gave you the project has provided you the header files along with the project requirements then, just copy and paste the xxx.h files into the project directory. This would solve your problem.
To learn more about the header file. Click on the below tutorial link
Header Files
How to add header files in Visual Studio 2010 - Youtube
It looks like you don't have any header files included in your project. Visual Studio is attempting to find the header files in the header directory of your project but it cannot find any. Save your header files into separate files and add them to your header directory in the project. Then you should not have any problem.

Including c++ header files in Xcode without adding the compile source

I'm working to create my own c++ library. I've noticed that I have to add my source file to Compile Sources under Build Phases in Xcode if I include the header file. Obviously, I don't have to go find every Boost or Curl file that I use when including one of those header files.
Currently, my "library" consists of a few header file and source files in the same folder. I have added the path to find the header files to header search paths.
What's the difference between what I'm writing and the standard libraries that only need header file references?

C++ Including Visual Studio header files in Qt project. <xstring> include error

I have found a library to generate barcodes (libbarpp). I would like to use this library in my Qt project.
Doing a svn checkout of the source: reveals a nice VS example in the src folder. I opened the project in VS and found the included header files. I have included these header files in my Qt project, however i encountered a problem when several of the files required a system header file
#include <xstring>
In VS i can see the this file is located in (on my system):
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\xstring
However the files does not have any extension and i don't really know what to do with it.
Do i need to include something in my Qt project file in order to use this VS file?
I tried including
CONFIG += stl
to my Qt project file, but with no luck.
Any help or comments is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I'm using Qt 5.2.1 with MinGW compiler
xstring is a Microsoft specific header that contains implementation of std::basic_string and some related specializations.
It shouldn't be included directly in the first place and unless the code you are talking about is using something implementation specific from that file you should be fine replacing it with just:
#include <string>

Creating a C++ visual studio project based on existing files

I've never worked with C++ or C. I'm trying to create a Visual studio project based on existing files which can be found here: example1.cpp together with the resources. As you can see this is example code of a book for OpenGl. I have opengl and glut present on my computer and they work ( tested it).
Based on the files mentioned above a created an empty C++ project in visual studio 2012 (i also have other versions installed if you can provide a solution in 2010 or so). I included the header files & the source file. Though I still get the following in my IDE:
with errors such as:
cannot open source file "Angle.h"
( Though the file is present in the project)
Can anyone tell me how I get these files to compile and run ?
Make sure that the file angel.h it's in the same path that the .cpp file.
Header files need to be in same directory with source files in order to use #include with quotes.
#include "header.h"
In other words Angel.h must be in same directory with example1.cpp.
However,you can add spesicific paths to your project from Project Settings>VC++ Directories and include header files which exists in those paths using
#include <header.h>