Get list just of visitor posts / shared events etc - facebook-graph-api

We have a public Facebook page for our dance group. Friends and strangers will post to our Timeline (sharing events etc) – you can see them all under Visitor's Posts, which opens in a modal on the page.
I want to be able to pull all Visitor's posts with the graph api.
The Visitor's posts are not included in the basic {page-id}/feed request, so i cannot filter for them post-retrieval.
I have tried the {page-id}/tagged/ Edge, but for some reason this excludes certain posts.
Graph request with page ID 93039009689/tagged/
Compare to Visitors Posts feed here:
Any ideas?

Using the Graph Explorer with the User access token should not retrieve all visitors posts. Did you try with the Page access token? It worked for me.


How to post on a friends wall with GraphAPI?

I'm using GraphAPI for posting to a friend's wall but I'm unable to do it.
I'm trying the below link:
Can anyone help me how to post to your friend's wall?
As of february, you can't post content to a friend's wall using the API - see here:
Removing ability to post to friends walls via Graph API We will remove
the ability to post to a user's friends' walls via the Graph API.
Specifically, posts against [user_id]/feed where [user_id] is
different from the session user, or stream.publish calls where the
target_id user is different from the session user, will fail.
You can post links using the FB.ui function w/ the 'to' parameter set to a friend's id, however.
See the following change from 6th March 2013, posted on the list of completed changes in the Facebook Developers' Roadmap:
Removing ability to post to friends walls via Graph API
We will remove the ability to post to a user's friends' walls via the Graph API. Specifically, posts against [user_id]/feed where [user_id] is different from the session user, or stream.publish calls where the target_id user is different from the session user, will fail.
If you want to allow people to post to their friends' timelines, invoke the feed dialog. Stories that include friends via user mentions tagging or action tagging will show up on the friend’s timeline (assuming the friend approves the tag). For more info, see this blog post.

Montreal Canadiens Facebook Graph API returns no posts

I'm using the Graph API to return Facebook posts from all NHL teams. Every team returns the posts fine except for the Montreal Canadiens, which returns no posts. I verified that there are posts on their wall, and that the Facebook ID that I used is correct(see here)
I get back an empty JSON list when I try using this link for the Canadiens: access token)&limit=10
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
The posts on that page all have a custom privacy setting - you need to make sure you're attempting to access them using a User access token for a user that meets whatever restrictions they've applied.
App or page access tokens won't be able to see the posts, nor will user tokens for users who don't meet the restrictions

Facebook API - what kind of authentication is needed now to query a page's tagged posts?
I want to be able to get the tagged posts for a page (e.g. harvard). what kind of authentication do i need to have (access_token) or do in order to be able to get those posts? they are publicly available.
You answer lies in the link you posted (
In the connections section, it says "any valid access_token or user access_token":
The photos, videos, and posts in which the Page has been tagged.
any valid access_token or user access_token
a heterogeneous array of Photo, Video or Post objects.
So if this is incorrect, you can scroll to the bottom of the link and click the Report Bug link to report an error in the documentation.

How can I allow my users, who create pages on my website, to communicate back to those people who click the Facebook "Like" button on their pages?

OK, apologies for the verbose title. Let me give the background in a bit more detail.
My website allows my registered users to create new pages, each of which has its own unique URL. Each page has a Facebook "Like" button on it. I've already implemented Facebook Open Graph API meta tags so that the pages are proper open graph objects, and when some other visiting Facebook user "likes" the registered user's page, a post appears on that Facebook user's wall saying they have liked the page. The Facebook Like widget also displays the number of "likes" that page has received as normal. So far, so good.
What I want to do is allow my registered users to be able to communicate back to the Facebook users who have liked their page. The community of "likers" for a page is a potentially valuable social media resource to the registered user, if only they could communicate back.
I am aware of the "admin page" link you get beside the Like button, which can be used to post to these people, but that is not an option for my registered users as they have no privileges in relation to the Like button.
What I want to do, if possible, is setup a form to capture the registered user's message back to the Facebook users, and then my website sends the message on their behalf, without having to ask for any extra privileges from the Facebook users.
The following Facebook documentation pages seem to say this is possible, but having followed the Open Graph API documentation, I can't get it to work as described - and ("Publishing" subsection). I can get the access token correctly in the first request, and plug that into the second request to do the post, but that doesn't seem to do anything and doesn't return any error.
Since it doesn't work for me, I'm wondering if this is possible as described, or do I need to get some sort of extra permission to do this? I've seen reference to offline_access permission but as I'm new to this stuff I am not sure how it would fit in. If I have to get the Facebook users to grant permissions, this is not going to work as envisaged.
Any thoughts would be most helpful.
The short answer: No, You will never been able to post on someones wall as another user.
The long answer:
You could try to ask for offline access but then you are asking the user to hand over all their facebook data and give you access todo whatever you like their accound, so that is not likely to happend.
The next problem is that they have to be friends to be able to post on each others walls.
Thats why Pages was implemented, so that organisations could announce/talk with the people interested.
However if you have created the like button correctly and give the pages correct meta data, you are able to post to user who have liked it.
Scroll down to Publishing:
Just add a form for your user and let your system publish to the correct page, you probably will need a offline token from your own account or similar to use on the server.
Another more complex way could be to generate a facebook page for each page you have on your server.
When the user creates a page on your system a page is created on facebook but as your app as admin.
And when another user likes the page they like the facebook page, hence you have the possibility to post in that page and speak to the user who liked it. (whooa thats a mouthfull).

Multiple Facebook Likes - Have to link to 1 Facebook Page?

Ive made a website which you can 'like' and this is linked to the Facebook Page.
Is it possible to have individual blog posts 'liked'? If so, how could I still link these to the Facebook Page in some manor?
You can set up Like Buttons for individual blog posts as long as each post has a distinct URL (which should be the case).
You cannot simultaneously Like a blog post and a Facebook page. A Like exists between one user and one Facebook object:
If you want to increase your Facebook page Like count, you can either direct people to the page itself or add a Like Box to your blog.