How can I know if the connection to an existing database Neo4j has been successful? - django

I am newbie in python / django. Using neo4django library and an existing Neo4j database I would like to connect to it and test if the connection is successful. How can I achieve this behavior?

You don't 'connect' to a database anymore. This is the Frameworks job. You just define the parameters and start writing Models.
Those Models are your entities with fields which can be used like a variable. In other words: your models are your definition of the Database tables.

You can test against http://host:7474/db/data/ if it returns a 200, Ok.

I don't know much about neo4django, but you can test if a database is accessible with py2neo, the general purpose Python driver (
One simple way is to ask the server for its version:
from py2neo import Graph
from py2neo.packages.httpstream import SocketError
# adjust as necessary
graph = Graph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")
except SocketError:
print('No connection to database.')


Utilizing Apache Calcite without connecting to DB

I am trying to generate SQL query from relational algebra in Calcite without connecting to the database
I saw an example at Calcite website where a JDBC adapter uses the DB connection for the first time and all subsequent calls get data from cache. What I am looking for is not connecting to the DB at all, just do a translation from relational to SQL.
Any hint is much appreciated.
An example available in this notebook. I've included the relevant code below. You will need to create a schema instance for this to work. In this case, I've just used one of Calcite's test schemas.
import org.apache.calcite.jdbc.CalciteSchema;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelWriter;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.externalize.RelWriterImpl;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.JoinRelType;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.SchemaPlus;
import org.apache.calcite.test.CalciteAssert;
SchemaPlus rootSchema = CalciteSchema.createRootSchema(true).plus();
FrameworkConfig config = Frameworks.newConfigBuilder()
CalciteAssert.addSchema(rootSchema, CalciteAssert.SchemaSpec.HR))
RelBuilder builder = RelBuilder.create(config);
RelNode opTree = builder.scan("emps")
.join(JoinRelType.INNER, "deptno")
.filter(builder.equals(builder.field("empid"), builder.literal(100)))
The other step of converting to SQL is fairly straightforward by constructing an instance of RelToSqlConverter and calling it's visit method on the RelNode object.
You can use the new Quidem tests to run which would be much easier

In Django how can I influence the connection process to the DB?

What is the best method to change the way how django connects to the DB (i.e. MySQL)?
For instance what should I do if I needed django to connect to the db via ssh tunnel, whose settings may change dynamically? (I'm planning to use sshtunnel)
I understand I should sub-class the django.db.backends.mysql.base.DatabaseWrapper and probably super()/modify the get_new_connection(self, conn_params)? (see the example below)
But then how would I submit this custom class in the settings, as it seems that the settings expect path to the module, rather than the class?
Something among the lines:
class myDatabaseWrapper(DatabaseWrapper):
"""Oversimplified example."""
def get_new_connection(self, conn_params):
with open('path/to/json.js', 'rt') as file:
my_conn_params = json.load(file)
return super().get_new_connection(my_conn_params)

Multi-tenant Django applications using Mongoengine

I want to build a multi tenant architecture for a SAAS system. We are using Django as our backend and mongoengine as our main database and gunicorn as our web-server.
Our clients are a few big companies, so the number of databases pre-allocating space shouldn't be a problem.
The first approach we took was to write a middleware to determine the source of the request to properly connect to a mongoengine database. Here is the code:
class MongoConnectionMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
if request.user.is_authenticated():
And the mongo_connect method:
def mongo_connect(establishment):
db_name = 'db_client_%d' %
This will register the "default" alias as the db_name for every mongoengine request.
But it seems that when many concurrent users from different companies are making requests, each one sets the default db_name to it's own name.
As an example:
Company A makes a request and connects to database A. While A is making it's work company B connects to database B. This makes A also connect to B's database in the process, so A fails to find some ids.
¿Is there a way to isolate the connection to the mongo database per request to avoid this problem?
Unfortunately MongoEngine seems to be designed around a very basic use case of a single primary connection and multiple auxiliary connections.
To get around the default connection logic, I define the first connection I come across as the default, I also add it as a named connection. I then add any subsequent connection as named connections only.
You can use the with_db decorator to switch from one connection to another, but it's a contextmanager call, which means as soon as you leave the with statement, it will revert. It also still requires a default connection.
You might be able to put it inside a function and then yield inside the with to prevent it reverting immediately, I'm not sure if this is valid.
You could use a wrapper of some kind, either a function, class or a custom QuerySet, that checks the current django/flask session and switches the db to the appropriate connection.
I'm not sure if a QuerySet can do this, but it would probably be the nicest way if it can.
I included some code in this issue here where I change the database connection for my models.
def switch(model, db):
model._meta['db_alias'] = db
# must set _collection to none so it is re-evaluated
model._collection = None
return model
MyDocument = switch(MyDocument, 'db-alias')
You'll also want to take a look at the code that mongoengine uses to switch dbs.
Beware that mongo engine likes to cache things, so changing a few variables here and there doesn't always cause an effect. It's full of surprises like this.
I should also add, that the 'connect' call won't pick up value changes. So calling connect with new parameters wont take effect unless its a new alias. Even the disconnect function (which isn't exposed publically) doesn't let you do this as the models will cache the connection. I mention this in some of the issues linked above and also here:

Django Celery Database for Models on Producer and Worker

I want to develop an application which uses Django as Fronted and Celery to do background stuff.
Now, sometimes Celery workers on different machines need database access to my django frontend machine (two different servers).
They need to know some realtime stuff and to run the django-app with
python celeryd
they need access to a database with all models available.
Do I have to access my MySQL database through direct connection? Thus I have to allow user "my-django-app" access not only from localhost on my frontend machine but from my other worker server ips?
Is this the "right" way, or I'm missing something? Just thought it isn't really safe (without ssl), but maybe that's just the way it has to be.
Thanks for your responses!
They will need access to the database. That access will be through a database backend, which can be one that ships with Django or one from a third party.
One thing I've done in my Django site's is load database access info from a file in /etc. This way the access setup (database host, port, username, password) can be different for each machine, and sensitive info like the password isn't in my project's repository. You might want to restrict access to the workers in a similar manner, by making them connect with a different username.
You could also pass in the database connection information, or even just a key or path to a configuration file, via environment variables, and handle it in
For example, here's how I pull in my database configuration file:
g = {}
dbSetup = {}
execfile(os.environ['DB_CONFIG'], g, dbSetup)
if 'databases' in dbSetup:
DATABASES = dbSetup['databases']
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
# ...
Needless to say, you need to make sure that the file in DB_CONFIG is not accessible to any user besides the db admins and Django itself. The default case should refer Django to a developer's own test database. There may also be a better solution using the ast module instead of execfile, but I haven't researched it yet.
Another thing I do is use separate users for DB admin tasks vs. everything else. In my, I added the following preamble:
# Find a database configuration, if there is one, and set it in the environment.
adminDBConfFile = '/etc/django/'
dbConfFile = '/etc/django/'
import sys
import os
def goodFile(path):
return os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.R_OK)
if len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] in ["syncdb", "dbshell", "migrate"] \
and goodFile(adminDBConfFile):
os.environ['DB_CONFIG'] = adminDBConfFile
elif goodFile(dbConfFile):
os.environ['DB_CONFIG'] = dbConfFile
Where the config in /etc/django/ is for a user with access to only the Django database with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, and /etc/django/ is for a user with these permissions plus CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER, and LOCK TABLES. (The migrate command is from South.) This gives me some protection from Django code messing with my schema at runtime, and it limits the damage an SQL injection attack can cause (though you should still check and filter all user input).
This isn't a solution to your exact problem, but it might give you some ideas for ways to smarten up Django's database access setup for your purposes.

How do I run a unit test against the production database?

How do I run a unit test against the production database instead of the test database?
I have a bug that's seems to occur on my production server but not on my development computer.
I don't care if the database gets trashed.
Is it feasible to make a copy the database, or part of the database that causes the problem? If you keep a backup server, you might be able to copy the data from there instead (make sure you have another backup, in case you messed the backup database).
Basically, you don't want to mess with live data and you don't want to be left with no backup in case you mess something up (and you will!).
Use dumpdata > mydata.json to get a copy of the data from your database.
Go to your local machine, copy mydata.json to a subdirectory of your app called fixtures e.g. myapp/fixtures/mydata.json and do: syncdb # Set up an empty database loaddata mydata.json
Your local database will be populated with data and you can test away.
Make a copy the database... It's really a good practices!!
Just execute the test, instead call commit, call rollback at the end of.
The first thing to try should be manually executing the test code on the shell, on the production server.
python shell
If that doesn't work, you may need to dump the production data, copy it locally and use it as a fixture for the testcase you are using.
If there is a way to ask django to use the standard database without creating a new one, I think rather than creating a fixture, you can do a sqldump which will generally be a much smaller file.
Short answer: you don't.
Long answer: you don't, you make a copy of the production database and run it there
If you really don't care about trashing the db, then Marco's answer of rolling back the transaction is my preferred choice as well. You could also try NdbUnit but I personally don't think the extra baggage it brings is worth the gains.
How do you test the test db now? By test db do you mean SQLite?
I have both a full-on-slow-django-test-db suite and a crazy-fast-runs-against-production test suite built from a common test module. I use the production suite for sanity checking my changes during development and as a commit validation step on my development machine. The django suite module looks like this:
import django.test
import my_test_module
class MyTests(django.test.TestCase):
def test_XXX(self):
The production test suite module uses bare unittest and looks like this:
import unittest
import my_test_module
class MyTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_XXX(self):
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(MyTests)
The test module looks like this:
def XXX(testcase):
testcase.assertEquals('foo', 'bar')
I run the bare unittest version like this, so my tests in either case have the django ORM available to them:
% python shell < run_unit_tests
where run_unit_tests consists of:
The production module needs a slightly different setUp() and tearDown() from the django version, and you can put any required table cleaning in there. I also use the django test client in the common test module by mimicking the test client class:
class FakeDict(dict):
class that wraps dict and provides a getlist member
used by the django view request unpacking code, used when
passing in a FakeRequest (see below), only needed for those
api entrypoints that have list parameters
def getlist(self, name):
return [x for x in self.get(name)]
class FakeRequest(object):
an object mimicing the django request object passed in to views
so we can test the api entrypoints from the developer unit test
user = get_test_user()
Here's an example of a test module function that tests via the client:
def XXX(testcase):
if getattr(testcase, 'client', None) is None:
req_dict = FakeDict()
req_dict = {}
req_dict['param'] = 'value'
if getattr(testcase, 'client', None) is None:
fake_req = FakeRequest()
fake_req.POST = req_dict
resp = view_function_to_test(fake_req)
resp ='/path/to/function_to_test/', req_dict)
I've found this structure works really well, and the super-speedy production version of the suite is a major time-saver.
If you database supports template databases, use the production database as a template database. Ensure that you Django database user has sufficient permissions.
If you are using PostgreSQL, you can easily do this specifying the name of your production database as POSTGIS_TEMPLATE(and use the PostGIS backend).