How do I run a unit test against the production database? - django

How do I run a unit test against the production database instead of the test database?
I have a bug that's seems to occur on my production server but not on my development computer.
I don't care if the database gets trashed.

Is it feasible to make a copy the database, or part of the database that causes the problem? If you keep a backup server, you might be able to copy the data from there instead (make sure you have another backup, in case you messed the backup database).
Basically, you don't want to mess with live data and you don't want to be left with no backup in case you mess something up (and you will!).

Use dumpdata > mydata.json to get a copy of the data from your database.
Go to your local machine, copy mydata.json to a subdirectory of your app called fixtures e.g. myapp/fixtures/mydata.json and do: syncdb # Set up an empty database loaddata mydata.json
Your local database will be populated with data and you can test away.

Make a copy the database... It's really a good practices!!
Just execute the test, instead call commit, call rollback at the end of.

The first thing to try should be manually executing the test code on the shell, on the production server.
python shell
If that doesn't work, you may need to dump the production data, copy it locally and use it as a fixture for the testcase you are using.
If there is a way to ask django to use the standard database without creating a new one, I think rather than creating a fixture, you can do a sqldump which will generally be a much smaller file.

Short answer: you don't.
Long answer: you don't, you make a copy of the production database and run it there

If you really don't care about trashing the db, then Marco's answer of rolling back the transaction is my preferred choice as well. You could also try NdbUnit but I personally don't think the extra baggage it brings is worth the gains.
How do you test the test db now? By test db do you mean SQLite?

I have both a full-on-slow-django-test-db suite and a crazy-fast-runs-against-production test suite built from a common test module. I use the production suite for sanity checking my changes during development and as a commit validation step on my development machine. The django suite module looks like this:
import django.test
import my_test_module
class MyTests(django.test.TestCase):
def test_XXX(self):
The production test suite module uses bare unittest and looks like this:
import unittest
import my_test_module
class MyTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_XXX(self):
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(MyTests)
The test module looks like this:
def XXX(testcase):
testcase.assertEquals('foo', 'bar')
I run the bare unittest version like this, so my tests in either case have the django ORM available to them:
% python shell < run_unit_tests
where run_unit_tests consists of:
The production module needs a slightly different setUp() and tearDown() from the django version, and you can put any required table cleaning in there. I also use the django test client in the common test module by mimicking the test client class:
class FakeDict(dict):
class that wraps dict and provides a getlist member
used by the django view request unpacking code, used when
passing in a FakeRequest (see below), only needed for those
api entrypoints that have list parameters
def getlist(self, name):
return [x for x in self.get(name)]
class FakeRequest(object):
an object mimicing the django request object passed in to views
so we can test the api entrypoints from the developer unit test
user = get_test_user()
Here's an example of a test module function that tests via the client:
def XXX(testcase):
if getattr(testcase, 'client', None) is None:
req_dict = FakeDict()
req_dict = {}
req_dict['param'] = 'value'
if getattr(testcase, 'client', None) is None:
fake_req = FakeRequest()
fake_req.POST = req_dict
resp = view_function_to_test(fake_req)
resp ='/path/to/function_to_test/', req_dict)
I've found this structure works really well, and the super-speedy production version of the suite is a major time-saver.

If you database supports template databases, use the production database as a template database. Ensure that you Django database user has sufficient permissions.
If you are using PostgreSQL, you can easily do this specifying the name of your production database as POSTGIS_TEMPLATE(and use the PostGIS backend).


How to override database settings in Django tests?

I'm on Django 1.8 (using pytest) and I have the following configuration:
A default and a readonly database managed by a MasterSlaveRouter that directs DB calls to one connection or the other depending on whether they're read or write operations.
In my development environment, both entries in the settings.DATABASES dictionary have the same setup (they just use a different connection, but the database is the same).
In my test environment, however, there's only a default database.
I have a post_save signal fired whenever a model Foo is saved.
I have an atomic operation (decorated with #transaction.atomic) that modifies a Foo instance and calls .save() on it twice. Since no custom using parameter is passed to the decorator, the transaction is only active on the default database.
The post_save callback creates a Bar record with a OneToOneField pointing to Foo, but only after checking whether a Bar record with this foo_id already exists (in order to avoid IntegrityError). This check is done by performing this query:
already_exists = Bar.filter(foo=instance).exists()
This is ok the first time the post_save callback is called. A Bar record is created and everything works fine. The second time, however, even though such a Bar instance was just created in the previous Foo save, since filtering is a read operation, it is performed using the readonly connection, and therefore already_exists ends up containing the value False and the creation of a new record is triggered, which eventually throws an IntegrityError because when the create operation is performed on the default connection, there is already a record with that foo_id.
I tried copying the DATABASES dictionary from dev_settings to test_settings, but this broke many tests. I then read about the override_settings decorator and thought it would be perfect for my situation. For my surprise, however, it didn't work. It seems that at some point, when the application is initiated, the DATABASES dictionary (the one only with default from the test_settings) is cached and then even though I change setting.DATABASES, the new value is simply not accessed anymore.
How can I properly override the database configuration for one specific test?
Hum... well if you are using only pytest, I think you'll need to cleanup your databases after tests.
Now, to override django settings, it's good to :
from django.test import override_settings
def test_foo():
You should try the pytest-django:
pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db
def test_foo():
When you run your tests, you can set the create-db param, to force py.test create a new database or if you want to reuse your db, you can set the reuse-db, like:
$ py.test --create-db
$ py.test --reuse-db
Oficial docs

How can I know if the connection to an existing database Neo4j has been successful?

I am newbie in python / django. Using neo4django library and an existing Neo4j database I would like to connect to it and test if the connection is successful. How can I achieve this behavior?
You don't 'connect' to a database anymore. This is the Frameworks job. You just define the parameters and start writing Models.
Those Models are your entities with fields which can be used like a variable. In other words: your models are your definition of the Database tables.
You can test against http://host:7474/db/data/ if it returns a 200, Ok.
I don't know much about neo4django, but you can test if a database is accessible with py2neo, the general purpose Python driver (
One simple way is to ask the server for its version:
from py2neo import Graph
from py2neo.packages.httpstream import SocketError
# adjust as necessary
graph = Graph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")
except SocketError:
print('No connection to database.')

Is it dangerous to use dynamic database TEST_NAME in Django?

We are a small team of developers working on an application using the PostgreSQL database backend. Each of us has a separate working directory and virtualenv, but we share the same PostgreSQL database server, even Jenkins is on the same machine.
So I am trying to figure out a way to allow us to run tests on the same project in parallel without running into a database name collision. Furthermore, sometimes a Jenkins build would fail mid-way and the test database doesn't get dropped in the end, such that subsequent Jenkins build could get confused by the existing database and fail automatically.
What I've decided to try is this:
import os
from datetime import datetime
'default': {
# the usual lines ...
TEST_NAME: '{user}_{epoch_ts}_awesome_app'.format(
user=os.environ.get('USER', os.environ['LOGNAME']),
# This gives the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch
epoch_ts=int((datetime.utcnow() - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds())
# etc
So the test database name at each test run most probably will be unique, using the username and the timestamp. This way Jenkins can even run builds in parallel, I think.
It seems to work so far. But could it be dangerous? I'm guessing we're safe as long as we don't try to import the project settings module directly and only use django.conf.settings because that should be singleton-like and evaluated only once, right?
I'm doing something similar and have not run into any issue. The usual precautions should be followed:
Don't access settings directly.
Don't cause the values in settings to be evaluated in a module's top level. See the doc for details. For instance, don't do this:
from django.conf import settings
# This is bad because settings might still be in the process of being
# configured at this stage.
blah = settings.BLAH
def some_view():
# This is okay because by the time views are called by Django,
# the settings are supposed to be all configured.
blah = settings.BLAH
Don't do anything that accesses the database in a module's top level. The doc warns:
If your code attempts to access the database when its modules are compiled, this will occur before the test database is set up, with potentially unexpected results. For example, if you have a database query in module-level code and a real database exists, production data could pollute your tests. It is a bad idea to have such import-time database queries in your code anyway - rewrite your code so that it doesn’t do this.
Instead of the time, you could use the Jenkins executor number (available in the environment); that would be unique enough and you wouldn't have to worry about it changing.
As a bonus, you could then use --keepdb to avoid rebuilding the database from scratch each time... On the downside, failed and corrupted databases would have to be dropped separately (perhaps the can print out the database name that it's using, to facilitate manual dropping).

Running tests with unmanaged tables in django

My django app works with tables that are not managed and have the following defined in my model like so:
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'mytable'
When I run a simple test that imports the person, I get the following:
(person)bob#sh ~/person/dapi $ > python test
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
DatabaseError: (1060, "Duplicate column name 'db_Om_no'")
The is pretty simple like so:
from person.models import Person
from django.test import TestCase
import pdb
class EmailSendTests(TestCase):
def test_send_email(self):
person = Person.objects.all()[0]
I did read in django docs where it says "For tests involving models with managed=False, it’s up to you to ensure the correct tables are created as part of the test setup.". So I understand that my problem is that I did not create the appropriate tables. So am I supposed to create a copy of the tables in the test_person db that the test framework created?
Everytime I run the tests, the test_person db gets destroyed (I think) and re-setup, so how am I supposed to create a copy of the tables in test_person. Am I thinking about this right?
I saw this question on SO and added the ManagedModelTestRunner() in Though ManagedModelTestRunner() does get run (confirmed through inserting pbd.set_trace()), I still get the Duplicate column name error. I do not get errors when I do python syncdb (though this may not mean much since the tables are already created - will try removing the table and rerunning syncdb to see if I can get any clues).
I had the same issue, where I had an unmanaged legacy database that also had a custom database name set in the models meta property.
Running tests with a managed model test runner, as you linked to, solved half my problem, but I still had the problem of Django not knowing about the custom_db name:
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: relation "custom_db" does not exist
The issue was that ./ makemigrations still creates definitions of all models, managed or not, and includes your custom db names in the definition, which seems to blow up tests. By installing:
pip install django-test-without-migrations==0.2
and running tests like this:
./ test --nomigrations
I was able to write tests against my unmanaged model without getting any errors.

don't load 'initial_data.json' fixture when testing

I'm testing a django app not written by myself, which uses two fixtures: initial_data.json and testing.json. Both fixtures files contain conflicting data (throwing an integrity error).
For testing, I've specified TestCase.fixtures = ['testing.json'], but initial_data.json is loaded too.
How can I avoid loading initial_data.json (not renaming it) in the testcase?
Quoting from Django Website:
If you create a fixture named
initial_data.[xml/yaml/json], that
fixture will be loaded every time you
run syncdb. This is extremely
convenient, but be careful: remember
that the data will be refreshed every
time you run syncdb. So don't use
initial_data for data you'll want to
So I guess there's no way to say "okay, don't load initial data just this once". Perhaps you could write a short bash script that would rename the file. Otherwise you'd have to dig into the Django code.
More info here:
You might want to think about whether initial_data.json is something your app actually needs. It's not hard to "manually" load your production data with ./ loaddata production.json after running a syncdb (how often do you run syncdb in production, anyway?), and it would make loading your testing fixture much easier.
If you want to have tables with no initial data, this code will help you:
from django.core import management
class FooTest(TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
management.call_command('flush', interactive=False, load_initial_data=False)
this will remove your data and syncdb again without loading initial data.