C++: will this disk seek take a very large performance hit? - c++

I am using the STL fstream utilities to read from a file. However, what I would like to do is is read a specified number of bytes and then seek back some bytes and read again from that position. So, it is sort of an overlapped read. In code, this would look as follows:
ifstream fileStream;
fileStream.open("file.txt", ios::in);
size_t read_num = 0;
size_t windows_size = 200;
while (read_num < total_num)
char buffer[1024];
size_t num_bytes_read = fileStream.read(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
read_num += num_bytes_read - 200;
This is the not the only way to solve my problem but will make multi-tasking a breeze (I have been looking at other data structures like circular buffers but that will make multitasking difficult). I was wondering if I can have your input on how much of a performance hit these seek operations might take when processing very large files. I will only ever use one thread to read the data from file.
The files contain large sequence of texts only characters from the set {A,D,C,G,F,T}. Would it also be advisable to open it as a binary file rather than in text mode as I am doing?
Because the file is large, I am also opening it in chucks with the chuck being set to a 32 MB block. Would this be too large to take advantage of any caching mechanism?

On POSIX systems (notably Linux, and probably MacOSX), the C++ streams are based on lower primitives (often, system calls) such as read(2) and write(2) and the implementation will buffer the data (in the standard C++ library, which would call read(2) on buffers of several kilobytes) and the kernel generally keeps recently accessed pages in its page cache. Hence, practically speaking, most not too big files (e.g. files of few hundred megabytes on a laptop with several gigabytes of RAM) are staying in RAM (once they have been read or written) for a while. See also sync(2).
As commented by Hans Passant, reading in the middle a textual file could be errorprone (in particular, because an UTF8 character may span on several bytes) if not done very carefully.
Notice that for a C (fopen) or C++ point of view, textual files and binary files differ notably on how they handle end of lines.
If performance matters a lot for you, you could use directly low level systems calls like read(2) and write(2) and lseek(2) but then be careful to use wide enough buffers (typically of several kilobytes, e.g. 4Kbytes to 512Kbytes, or even several megabytes). Don't forget to use the returned read or written byte count (some IO operations can be partial, or fail, etc...). Avoid if possible (for performance reasons) to repeatedly read(2) only a dozen of bytes. You could instead memory-map the file (or a segment of it) using mmap(2) (before mmap-ing, use stat(2) to get metadata information, notably file size). And you could give advices to the kernel using posix_fadvise(2) or (for file mapped into virtual memory) madvise(2). Performance details are heavily system dependent (file system, hardware -SSD and hard-disks are different!, system load).
At last, you should consider using some higher-level library on binary files such as indexed files à la GDBM or the sqlite library, or consider using real databases such as PostGreSQL, MonogDB etc.
Apparently, your files contain genomics information. Probably you don't care about end-of-line processing and could open them as binary streams (or directly as low-level Unix file descriptors). Perhaps there already exist free software libraries to parse them. Otherwise, you might consider a two-pass approach: a first pass is reading sequentially the entire file and remembering (in C++ containers like std::map) the interesting parts and their offsets. A second pass would use direct access. You might even have some preprocessor converting your genomics file into SQLITE or GDBM files, and have your application work on these. You probably should avoid opening these files as text (but just as binary file) because end-of-line processing is useless to you.
On a 64 bits system, if you handle only a few files (not thousands of them at once) of several dozens of gigabytes, memory mapping (with mmap) them should make sense, then use madvise (but on a 32 bits system, you won't be able to mmap the entire file).

Plasibly, yes. Whenever you seek, the cached file data for that file is (likely to be) discarded, causing extra overhead of, at least, a system call to fetch the data again.
Assuming the file isn't enormous, it MAY be a better choice to read the entire file into memory (or, if you don't need portability, use a memory mapped file, at which point caching of the file content is trivial - again assuming the entire file fits in (virtual) memory).
However, all this is implementation dependent, so measuring performance of each method would be essential - it's only possible to KNOW these things for a given system by measuring, it's not something you can read about and get precise information on the internet (not even here on SO), because there are a whole bunch of factors that affect the behaviour.


RAM consumption on opening a file

I have a Binary file of ~400MB which I want to convert to CSV format. The output CSV file will be ~1GB (according to my calculations).
I read the binary file and store it in an array of structures (required for other processing too), and when the user wants to export it to CSV, I am creating a file (or opening an existing file - depending on the user's choice), opening it using fopen and then writing to it using fwrite, line by line.
Coming to my question, this link from CPlusPlus.com says:
The returned stream is fully buffered by default if it is known to not
refer to an interactive device
My query is when I open this file, will it be loaded in RAM? Like when at the end, my file is of ~1GB, will it consume that much RAM or will it be just on the hard disk?
This code will run on Windows as well as Android.
FILE* streams buffering is a C feature and it is used to reduce system call overhead (i.e. do not call read() for each fgetc() which is expensive). Usually buffer is small - i.e. 512 bytes.
Page Cache or similiar mechanisms are different beasts -- they are used to reduce number of disks operations. Usually operating system uses free memory to cache previously read or written data to/from disk so subsequent operations will use RAM.
If there are shortage of free memory -- data is evicted from page cache.
It is operating system and file system and computer specific. And it might not matter that much. Read about page cache.
BTW, you might be interested by sqlite
From an application writer point of view, you should care more about virtual memory and address space of your process than about RAM. Physical RAM is managed by the operating system.
On Linux and Android, if you want to optimize that you might consider (later) using posix_fadvise(2) and perhaps madvise(2). I'm not sure it is worth the pain in your case (since a gigabyte file is not that much today).
I read the binary file and store it in an array of structures (required for other processing too), and when the user wants to export it to CSV
Reading per se doesn't use a lot of memory, like myaut says the buffer is small. The elephant in the room here is: do you you read up all the file and put all the data into structures? or do you start processing after one or few reads to get the minimum amount of data needed to do some processing? Doing the former will indeed use ~400MB or more memory, doing the later will use quite a lot less, that being said, it all depends on the amount of data needed to start processing, and maybe you need all the data loaded at once.

Which type of file access to use?

I'm building an io framework for a custom file format for windows only. The files are anywhere between 100MB and 100GB. The reads/writes come in sequences of few hundred KB to a couple MB in unpredictable locations. Read speed is most critical, though, cpu use might trump that since I hear fstream can put a real dent in it when working with SSDs.
Originally I was planning to use fstream but as I red a bit more into file IO, I discovered a bunch of other options. Since I have little experience with the topic, I'm torn as to which method to use. The options I've scoped out are fstream, FILE and mapped file.
In my research so far, all I've found is a lot of contradictory benchmark results depending on chunk sizes, buffer sizes and other bottlenecks i don't understand. It would be helpful if somebody could clarify the advantages/drawbacks between those options.
In this case the bottleneck is mainly your hardware and not the library you use, since the blocks you are reading are relatively big 200KB - 5MB (compared to the sector size) and sequential (all in one).
With hard disks (high seek time) it could have a sense to read more data than needed to optimize the caching. With SSDs I would not use big buffers but read only the exact required data since the seek time is not a big issue.
Memory Mapped files are convenient for complete random access to your data, especially in small chunks (even few bytes). But it takes more code to setup a memory mapped file. On 64 bit systems you may could map the whole file (virtually) and then let the OS caching system optimize the reads (multiple access to the same data). You can then return just the pointer to the required memory location without even the need to have temporary buffers or use memcpy. It would be very simple.
fstream gives you extra features compared to FILE which I think aren't much of use in your case.

Reading and writing binary files in Qt

I'm going to be working with binary files in a Qt project, and, being a little new to Qt, am not sure whether or not I should use a QVector<quint8> or a QByteArray to store the data. The files could be very small (< 1MiB) or very large (> 4GiB). The size is unknown until runtime.
I need to be able to have random seek and be able to process operations on every byte in the file. Would a memory mapped file be of any use here?
Thank you for any suggestions.
Loading whole large files in memory, be it QVector or QByteArray is probably not a good solution.
Assuming the files have some kind of structure, you should use QFile::seek to position yourself at the start of a "record" and use qint64 QIODevice::read ( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) to read one record at a time in a buffer of your choice.
QIODevice::write has an overload for QByteArray if that affects your decision. QDataStream may be worth looking at for larger data. At the end of the day it's really up to you as various containers would work.
I think basic file I/O using whatever buffer you prefer is probably all you need. Use objects like QFile, QDataStream, QByteArray, etc. You could read and process only parts of the file with circular buffers to save memory especially if dealing with audio, video, or something that lends itself to streams. If there is a known structure to the file like XML, CSV, etc that also makes partial reads and processing easier as you can go line by line or tag by tag.
Memory mapped files use virtual memory to achieve faster I/O by basically making a copy of a file on disk in a virtual memory segment which is then capable of being used by the application as if it was just process memory. Being able to treat a file as process memory allows you to do in place editing which is faster than having to seek to a position from the beginning of a file and faster than making OS dependent API calls and dealing with hard disk read/writes. There does tend to be a fair amount of overhead to memory mapped files and there are some possible limitations depending on how paging is implemented in your target platform or what architecture you're using. In Qt you would have to design your own objects to use memory mapped files and historically I believe linux systems support this functionality better than windows.

Speeding up file I/O: mmap() vs. read()

I have a Linux application that reads 150-200 files (4-10GB) in parallel. Each file is read in turn in small, variably sized blocks, typically less than 2K each.
I currently need to maintain over 200 MB/s read rate combined from the set of files. The disks handle this just fine. There is a projected requirement of over 1 GB/s (which is out of the disk's reach at the moment).
We have implemented two different read systems both make heavy use of posix_advise: first is a mmaped read in which we map the entirety of the data set and read on demand.
The second is a read()/seek() based system.
Both work well but only for the moderate cases, the read() method manages our overall file cache much better and can deal well with 100s of GB of files, but is badly rate limited, mmap is able to pre-cache data making the sustained data rate of over 200MB/s easy to maintain, but cannot deal with large total data set sizes.
So my question comes to these:
A: Can read() type file i/o be further optimized beyond the posix_advise calls on Linux, or having tuned the disk scheduler, VMM and posix_advise calls is that as good as we can expect?
B: Are there systematic ways for mmap to better deal with very large mapped data?
is a similar problem to what I am working and provided a good starting point on this problem, along with the discussions in mmap-vs-read.
Reads back to what? What is the final destination of this data?
Since it sounds like you are completely IO bound, mmap and read should make no difference. The interesting part is in how you get the data to your receiver.
Assuming you're putting this data to a pipe, I recommend you just dump the contents of each file in its entirety into the pipe. To do this using zero-copy, try the splice system call. You might also try copying the file manually, or forking an instance of cat or some other tool that can buffer heavily with the current file as stdin, and the pipe as stdout.
if (pid = fork()) {
waitpid(pid, ...);
} else {
dup2(dest, 1);
dup2(source, 0);
execlp("cat", "cat");
If your processing is file-agnostic, and doesn't require random access, you want to create a pipeline using the options outlined above. Your processing step should accept data from stdin, or a pipe.
To answer your more specific questions:
A: Can read() type file i/o be further optimized beyond the posix_advise calls on Linux, or having tuned the disk scheduler, VMM and posix_advise calls is that as good as we can expect?
That's as good as it gets with regard to telling the kernel what to do from userspace. The rest is up to you: buffering, threading etc. but it's dangerous and probably unproductive guess work. I'd just go with splicing the files into a pipe.
B: Are there systematic ways for mmap to better deal with very large mapped data?
Yes. The following options may give you awesome performance benefits (and may make mmap worth using over read, with testing):
Allocate the mapping using "huge pages."
This will reduce the paging overhead in the kernel, which is great if you will be mapping gigabyte sized files.
Do not reserve swap space for this mapping. When swap space is reserved, one has the guarantee that it is possible to modify the mapping. When swap space is not reserved one might get SIGSEGV upon a write if no physical memory is available.
This will prevent you running out of memory while keeping your implementation simple if you don't actually have enough physical memory + swap for the entire mapping.**
Populate (prefault) page tables for a mapping. For a file mapping, this causes read-ahead on the file. Later accesses to the mapping will not be blocked by page faults.
This may give you speed-ups with sufficient hardware resources, and if the prefetching is ordered, and lazy. I suspect this flag is redundant, the VFS likely does this better by default.
Perhaps using the readahead system call might help, if your program can predict in advance the file fragments it wants to read (but this is only a guess, I could be wrong).
And I think you should tune your application, and perhaps even your algorithms, to read data in chunk much bigger than a few kilobytes. Can't than be half a megabyte instead?
The problem here doesn't seem to be which api is used. It doesn't matter if you use mmap() or read(), the disc still has to seek to the specified point and read the data (although the os does help to optimize the access).
mmap() has advantages over read() if you read very small chunks (a couple of bytes) because you don't have call the os for every chunk, which becomes very slow.
I would also advise like Basile did to read more than 2kb consecutively so the disc doesn't have to seek that often.

Manipulating data in Memory instead of file

consider the function below:
int Func(char* filename);
int Func(FILE* filepointer);
these two do the same, reads alot of data from the given file (by name or pointer), analyze he result, and returns it.
I wanna call this function with lots of different data. Therefore I should write data into file, then pass the new filename to Func. but data is huge and reading and writing in hard is very slow. actually the analyze time is much less than I/O.
can I get rid of save/load data all the time by any means?
for example by making a FILE* pointer which points somewhere in Memory?
Update: obviously I don't have the source code of Func! It's a DLL call.
You could use memory-mapped file technique or something like boost::iostreams with custom memory sinks / sources.
Actually, the second variant is a lot more flexible, but sometimes all that flexi- and versatibility is simply not needed.
In many operating systems you can use an in-memory filesystem such as tmpfs -- and in Windows "temporary files" (opened with the appropriate flags, then rewound rather than closed) behave similarly (i.e., can stay in memory).
However, there isn't all that much to be gained there compared to writing (with lots of buffering) and reading (ditto) sequentially from an un-fragmented disk, for large files -- tmpfs's performance advantages are mostly for small files. If your performance is very bad, either the disk is horribly fragmented, or (perhaps more likely these days of self-adjusting filesystems) you're not using buffering appropriately (possibly just not buffering enough). (of course, both factors could be in play). Modern devices and filesystems can have awesome performance when just streaming huge buffers to and from memory, after all.
For a given amount of RAM devoted to buffering, you can get better performance (for what from app level look like huge numbers of tiny writes and reads) if that RAM is in userland in your app's address space (rather than under kernel control e.g. in a tmpfs), simply because you'll need fewer context switches -- and switches from user to kernel mode and back tend to dominate runtime when the only other ops performed are copies of small amounts of memory back and forth. When you use very large buffers in your app's stdio library, your "I/O" amounts to userland memory-memory copies within your address space with very rare "streaming" ops that actually transfers those buffers back and forth.