Regex - Match multi-line content between double curly brackets - regex

I am am trying to refactor some code and need to use regular expression to find a large number of strings. An example string is like:
{{ Form::text('twitter', Input::old('twitter'),
'class'=>'form-control ',
I have managed to use \{\{(.*\s*Form::.*\s*)\}\} to match strings when they're on a single line, but it fails to match multi-line strings such as the above.
Also, I'm using PHPStorm's regex find feature if that's of any help.
Any help is much appreciated.

You can use
See the regex demo
It is basically the same as \{\{(\s*Form::\w*\([\s\S]*?)}}, but it uses an unrolled logic and is thus much effecient.

Preparse the file and remove newlines.
or set the /s flag to the regex and see if that works, not sure if php supports it.


Notepad++ RegEX how do I append a character based on start of the character and before a character?

I would like to append _OLD to the end of each strings that starts with SR_ but before the symbol ' or without it
For example my text is the following:
When the 'SR_APPLE' rotten, we must discard it.
I would like the find and replace to do:
When the 'SR_APPLE_OLD' rotten, we must discard it.
I have tried (SR_*)+$.*(?='\s) based on what i Learned but no luck so far. Please help. Thx in Adv
For simple cases you should be able to use
Find: (\bSR_[\w]+)
Replace: $1_OLD
(\bSR_.+?)('|$) and $1_OLD$2 could also work if the text after SR_ is more complex
The lookbehind you're using is only matching the string if it ends with a ' so it won't find the text not in quotes.
regex101 is a useful tool for debugging expressions

Regex to remove a whole phrase from the match

I am trying to remove a whole phrase from my regex(PCRE) matches
if given the following strings
I want to write regex that will return:
Now I thought a good way to do this would be to match everything and then remove test:test2:test3:test4:test5:1.0 and "test:test2:test3:test4:test5:1.0" but I am struggling to do this
I tried the following
but this seems to just remove the first tests from each and thats all. Could anyone help on where I am going wrong or a better approach maybe?
I suggest searching for the following pattern:
and replacing with an empty string. See the regex demo and the regex graph:
The quotation marks on both ends are made optional with a ? (1 or 0 times) quantifier.

Using regex to replace all except specific string form

I'm looking to pull data from some code, to do that I thought I could use regex.
An example of the code I have is:
If IsNumeric(varCS) And IsNumeric(varGTV) And IsNumeric(varTV) Then
shtDst.Range("D6").Value = shtSrc.Cells(varCS, varGTV).Value
shtDst.Range("G104").Value = shtSrc.Cells(varCS, varTV).Value
I would like the result to be:
The regex I've tried is:
and replacing with:
However this results in just blank lines.
I've looked at lookahead and lookbehind but those seem to require a fixed length string.
I've been using Notepad++ plus various online regex test sites to verify my results.
Have a try with (don't make Range... optional):
Find what: ^(?:.*?Range\((.+?)\).*?|.+)$
Replace with: $1
This is working with the given example.
Try replacing [\S\s]*?("[^"]*?").* with $1\r\n (Example)

Notepad++ and delimiters: automatically replace ``string'' by \command{string}

Within Notepad++, I want to replace many instances of the type ``string'' by \command{string} where string can be any string of characters. I am fairly close to what I want to achieve with:
Find: (?<=``)(.*?)(?='')
Replace: \\command{\1}
There is still a problem. With the regex code above, instead of \command{string} I get ``\command{string}'' and I am not sure why the `` and '' are not removed?
It is because you are using lookaround assertions. Lookaround (zero-width) assertions only assert that a position can be matched and do not "consume" any characters on the string. You can use the below regular expression.
Find: ``([^']+)''
Replace: \\command{\1}
You need to wrap everything into a capture group and use that. NP++ seems to not support lookahead/behind, but you dont need that for this specific case anyway:
``([^']+)'' -> \\command{\1}
This will make sure it does not match two commands (longest match) in something like:
run ``ls -l'' or ``ls -a''

Regex : parsing a file location

I am trying to parse the file location using regex but I am getting extra characters when i use regex. The line that I am trying to parse is
A HREF="/MISO/getEQRFile;jsessionid=1JgnSTXhgvbpSYLVhp3h4ZpGltNpphxr1ncwlGnK3YXsh2phxKh9!794217179?entity=WEPM&nodeId=key0"></a></b></td>
I need the text between the quotes. Currently I am using
^.+?<A\s*?HREF\s*?=\W(.+?.+?>) but it gives me the value
match.Groups[1].Value: /MISO/getEQRFile;jsessionid=1JgnSTXhgvbpSYLVhp3h4ZpGltNpphxr1ncwlGnK3YXsh2phxKh9!794217179?entity=WEPM&nodeId=key0">
which is an extra "> in the end. I would appreciate if someone can help me out.
Your regex sure is strange... Note that you should use a proper HTML parser if you're trying to parse HTML.
What's wrong with your regex is that you have > inside the capture, so that it'll get anything up to >.
Try using a negated class:
Or if you have single and/or double quotes:
And use match.Groups[2].Value.
You can use a regex replace command and use:
replacing by the 3rd group (the filename itself)