Varnish chef cookbook director erb file - templates

How do I change the erb file to add first five nodes to director director1 and others to director2
My current erb file.
director director1 round-robin {
<%- if !(node['varnish']['backend_servers']).nil? -%>
<%- node['varnish']['backend_servers'].each do |server| -%>
{ .backend = <%= server[:hostname] %>; }
<%- end %>
<%- end %>


How to include a variable inside <% include > in a template ejs file?

I have a list of files in a folder that I need to serve inside the parent as a child template. I would like to do something like this:
<% var noScriptBody = 'message-scriptless.ejs' %>
<% include noScriptBody %>
or <%include <%= noScriptBody %>/message-scriptless' %> where <%= noScriptBody %> are the specific child template to include.
For example, I want to include <% include carousel/message-scriptless %> and <% include modal/message-scriptless %> where the path is variable ['carousel', 'modal', etc]
You can include dynamic template like this
for ex. your array passed is pathArray = ['carousel', 'modal', etc]
<% for (const path in pathArray) { %>
<%- include(path +'/message-scriptless.ejs') %>
<% } %>
Here, we iterate through the pathArray & include message-scriptless.ejs from each folder as shown in code above
Please correct me if I misunderstood your requirements
For an example, you can look at this code below: index.ejs
<!-- Only show text -->
<% var noScriptBody = 'message-scriptless' %>
<%= noScriptBody %>
<!-- Show template -->
<% var noScript = 'message-scriptless' %>
<%- include(noScript) -%>
<!-- Show template `message-scriptless` from `carousel` directory -->
<% var carouselMessageSciptLess= 'carousel/message-scriptless' %>
<%- include(carouselMessageSciptLess) -%>
Make sure in the same directory, you've a file message-scriptless.ejs.
Updated: For mapping your variable, you can use this code below:
<% arrayPath.forEach(function(path){
include(path + '/message-scriptless');
}) %>;
From code above, this is an example directory structure:
src > app.js
views > index.ejs
views > message-scriptless.ejs
views > carousel > message-scriptless.ejs
For more information about this ejs, you can read this documentation.
For an example, you can look at my codeSandbox:
I hope it can help you.

Rails: Conditional nested attributes in edit form

I have a model called Offer and another called PurchasinGroup
Offer has many PurchasingGroups
Offer accepts nested attributes for PurchasingGroups
While creating an offer you can add as many PurchasingGroups as you want.
PurchasingGroup has a boolean attribute called active.
while editing an Offer you can see all the created PurchasingGroups, however I want to let the user edit only the PurchasingGroups that are active, and do not display the inactive purchasing groups.
This is my edit action in offers_controller.rb:
def edit
#offer = Offer.find(params[:id])
And this is my form (only the part that matters):
<legend>Purchasing groups</legend>
<%= f.fields_for :purchasing_groups do |builder| %>
<%= render partial: 'purchasing_group_fields', locals: { f: builder } %>
<% end %>
In the edit form all the purchasing groups are being shown for edit, I want to show only those that are active I mean == true
How is the best way to do it?
<%= f.fields_for :purchasing_groups, #offer.purchasing_groups.where(active: true) do |builder| %>
<%= render partial: 'purchasing_group_fields', locals: { f: builder } %>
<% end %>
on the other hand, you can also add a association in your model
class Offer
has_many :active_purchasing_groups, class_name: "PurchasinGroup", -> { where(active:true) }
and then
<%= f.fields_for :active_purchasing_groups do |builder| %>
<%= render partial: 'purchasing_group_fields', locals: { f: builder } %>
<% end %>

Indicate that an uploaded file is present in edit form -- paperclip

In my current solution, I am able to put a checkbox in the edit form so that users can delete attachment. However, there is no indication for the user that a file has been uploaded, the name of that file, etc. so that he can decide whether to delete.
Right now the form look like this. The first material is an existing one, the next 3 are due to
def edit
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
3.times { }
As you can see, it's very hard to distinguish between them. Ideally, I want the first material file name to appear somehow.
<%= form_for #post, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| %>
<%= f.label :title %>
<%= f.text_field :title %>
<%= f.fields_for :materials, :html => { :multipart => true } do |materials_form| %>
<%= materials_form.label :asset %>
<%= materials_form.file_field :asset %>
<%= materials_form.label :_destroy, class: "checkbox inline" do %>
Remove attachment <%= materials_form.check_box :_destroy %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit "Submit", class: "btn btn-large" %>
<% end %>
Running paperclip's generator creates a migration to add 4 attributes on your model, as you can see here. These attributes are:
So, If you ran the generator this way: rails generate paperclip post_material asset, on your PostMaterial model, you will have these attributes:
Then, on your code you can do something like this:
if materials_form.object.asset.exists? #object represents the current post_material instance
#show a label with object.asset_file_name
#render materials_form.file_field :asset

Uploading a file without a form - Rails

Ruby 2.1
Rails 4.1
It should be pretty simple to upload a file without using any gems. I would include in a form something like this:
<% form_for #upload, :multipart => true do |f| %>
<%= f.file_field :uploaded_file %>
<%= f.submit "Upload file" %>
<% end %>
What I want to do is upload the file through a single menu action. How do I go about doing this?

Conditions in underscore.js templates

How can we check a condition in underscore and print accordingly?
Sample code.
<% if(status==1){ %>
<%= status %>
<% } %>
Is there a way to remove the overlapping %> and <%= ??
I am a php developer and the above code in php would be :
echo $status;
Is there a way to echo in underscore like "echo"?
yes, try with print();
<% if(status===1) {
} %>