How do I switch primary domains with the API? - google-admin-sdk

I found this:
But which is the intended method?
Thank you in advance.
Specify the required domain as the value against the customerdomain key in the body .


How to indicate end of path variable in postman

I am trying to test some requests with Postman to the Open Library Covers API and I cannot find a proper way to send my params.
According to the docs, the request should be something like this:$key/$value-$size.jpg
I am configuring my GET request as follows:
I can properly fill the key path variable but unfortunately :value-:size.jpg is recognized as one unique variable. How can I split it so that those are two variables :value and :size?
Thanks in advance.
I have not yet found a solution but a possible alternative.
If I configure the request as:{{key}}/{{value}}-{{size}}.jpg
I can then use the Pre-req to define the following assignments:
pm.variables.set('key', 'isbn');
pm.variables.set('value', '0385472579');
pm.variables.set('size', 'S');
This is not exactly what I was looking for, but it works.

django-rest-swagger==2.1.1 query parameter

i have an api(web service) in django like this:
that in swagger i want to input query parameter named branch but don't work this(all of my Apis have same problem!!).
before, i use older version of swagger and for enter query parameters use like --param_name syntax, but now in django-rest-swagger==2.1.1 don't work this syntax.
can anyone help me?
Perhaps i should use get_customizations in OpenAPIRenderer class?
Thanks in advance.
For adding query parameters to swagger please, go through this post

Get /me and /friends in same query possible? facebook-graph-api

Is it possible to combine /me and /friends queries into one?
I tried /?ids=me,friends but obv it didn't work, any other way?
You can use me?fields=id,name,friends

redirecting apache to a different module

i currently have an apache module which when invoked performs a number of operations one of which is to modify a URL in the form of a string. I would subsequently like to redirect to this URL. Unfortunately there is not much documentation available to help me accomplish this, can someone who has done similar please advise?
thanks in advance
You can use the apr_table_add function with headers_out, that holds the response headers.
apr_table_add(r->headers_out, "Location", your_url);

Post a new note specifying privacy

I'm trying to post a note using Facebook Graph API.
I would like to restrict the note visibility to myself only.
Therefore I am passing the following param: privacy={'value':'SELF'}
Unfortunately it is still created with the EVERYONE privacy.
Do you know if there is a way to specify privacy when creating a note?
As far as I can tell from the documentation, "privacy" doesn't exist as a field for notes, so I don't believe it's possible. Here's the reference: